View Full Version : NL2/3 turn str8 on paired board

12.01.12, 15:26
NL2/3 FULL RING (9 players)
SB, older asian lady - has been in table for 10minutes, haven't seen much action from her.
PreFlop: limping fest

Flop: ($24) 6 :heart: 4 :heart: 6 :spade:
every1 checks

Turn: ($24) 5 :club:
SB bets $20, Hero ???

Kaitseme k2tt ja t6stame $60 peale??

12.01.12, 15:55
No ikka, ma tahaks küll poti hakata ehitama :).

12.01.12, 15:56
mina call-calliks/ call-betiks older asian lady vastu kes ise sisse betib.

13.01.12, 02:30
raise või laasi plaan, väga vahet pole imo. Ise mängin mõlematmoodi sellistes kohtades.

14.01.12, 05:59
l2heb huvitavamaks..
NL2/3 FULL RING (9 players)
HERO BB 2 :club: 3 :spade:
BU regular, seems to be a good and tricky player, is more than capable of making moves.
SB, older asian lady - has been in table for 10minutes, haven't seen much action from her.
PreFlop: limping fest

Flop: ($24) 6 :heart: 4 :heart: 6 :spade:
every1 checks

Turn: ($24) 5 :club:
SB bets $20, Hero calls, BU calls

River: ($84) K :spade:
SB bets $40, Hero Calls, BU raises to $140, SB folds, HERO ???

BU would probably bet his FD's on flop, so we can take busted flush out of his range.
Wouldn't he raise on turn if he has straight??, so only made hand that makes sense playing like this would be 64, 66, 46.
Can we put him on such a tight range though??? My hand is totally underrepresented, so he might be making a move aswell.
After SB folded, and I was in tank, he commented that my range is so weak and I can't be calling his raise there.
Though I don't think he would float two people on turn with air, just to make a move on river, would he?

If my maths is correct, MIGHT BE WAY OFF :D , then hero has to be ahead 25% to BE with a call???
pot: 84+40+40+140=$304

$100 to call.
3:1 odds, 1/4 25%

14.01.12, 12:05
suht puke koht, said speechi nii et ma foldiks.