View Full Version : HUSNG.com uued videod | Ask a Mental Game Pro: Jared Tendler

PokkeriProde Nuhk
23.01.12, 23:00
I'm pleased to announce that Jared Tendler will be answering user questions here this week.


- You can ask questions for the next 7 days.

- Make sure your question is clear and to the point for both Jared and other users to understand.

- You can type out questions or you can video blog them and upload them to youtube (please, keep it under 2 minutes if you choose this option). Just post the youtube link and I will embed it for you directly into this thread.

- Jared will begin answering questions via video in 7 days and the answers were be posted in this thread.

About Jared

Jared Tendler is a poker coach specializing in the mental side of the game. His book, The Mental Game of Poker, is considered the top resource in this section of the game and his private coaching feedback is consistently stellar.

read more (http://www.husng.com/content/ask-mental-game-pro-jared-tendler)

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