View Full Version : Sandy sng+scoop stake Pokerstarsis

12.03.12, 11:02
bankroll 600 taala.
Kasutaja SandySandals mängib ainult $3.5 18man ja 27man sitandgosid ning igapühapäevaseid $11 The Bigger ja Sunday Storm turniire. Pokerstarsi screenname Sandy5andals. Limiidis tõusmised vastavalt kokkuleppele, kajastatakse ka siin teemas, samuti kirjutab Sandy igal esmasp bankrolli seisu ja kiire update. Kasum jaotub 50:50, pooleks läheb ka esimese deposiidi boonus mis stake ajal vabaneb. Stellarid ja FPPd jäävad Sandyle. Diili kestvus esialgu vähemalt kuu aega või 2k mängu täitumiseni, kuid loodetavasti kauem. Edu laudades!

12.03.12, 14:27
Tegin kerge soojenduse ära, et saaks täna ka juba miskit raporteerida.
8 mängu ja roll $616.77

12.03.12, 20:07
Not my business aga 600$ sickest overkill roll pole 3.50$ mängudesse stakemisel?

Ei väida, et tegemist on mingi potensiaalse lüpsiteemaga aga kui ma stakeks siis ikka suht min. summaga mida läheb vaja. 600 taalaga võiks vabalt juba NL50 HU-d lasta või siis up to 5R MTT-sid ja ega kui variance näkku lööb siis add on teha pole mingi probleem ju.

12.03.12, 20:44
see kui tüki haaval juurde kannad ei toimi. olen seda kunagi ühe staketava peal proovinud ja lõpuks oli seis -1k+ :) alustasime 300$ pealt:) nii et kui vähegi võimalust on siis mängijale on psüholoogiliselt oluline et oleks soliidse vareuga BR. hea otsus kaido.

12.03.12, 20:52
No see on jah mõtlemises kinni endal. Mõlemat pidi oled samamoodi augus ikka.

gl anyway

12.03.12, 23:59
see kui tüki haaval juurde kannad ei toimi. olen seda kunagi ühe staketava peal proovinud ja lõpuks oli seis -1k+ :) alustasime 300$ pealt:) nii et kui vähegi võimalust on siis mängijale on psüholoogiliselt oluline et oleks soliidse vareuga BR. hea otsus kaido.Sita mindsetiga staketav siis, kes nii väiksest asjast üle ei suuda olla ja oma mängu häirida laseb :p

13.03.12, 00:31
Not my business aga 600$ sickest overkill roll pole 3.50$ mängudesse stakemisel?

Ei väida, et tegemist on mingi potensiaalse lüpsiteemaga aga kui ma stakeks siis ikka suht min. summaga mida läheb vaja. 600 taalaga võiks vabalt juba NL50 HU-d lasta või siis up to 5R MTT-sid ja ega kui variance näkku lööb siis add on teha pole mingi probleem ju.

Rääkides rolli teemal, et seda piiri väga raske tõmmata, mis on safe ja mis mitte. Pigem austan neid kes küsivad 2x rohkem, kui vähem. Endal oli eelmine kuu selline nädal, kus käisin ligi -$2k (mängisin 2-11 kõikvõimalikke MTTsi). Õnneks mudugi tuli nädal kokkuvõttes +1.5k aga sellesmõttes mida suurem roll seda parem mindsetile.

13.03.12, 11:48
Sita mindsetiga staketav siis, kes nii väiksest asjast üle ei suuda olla ja oma mängu häirida laseb :p
Aitäh, Codecci:)

Esmaspäeva kohta tundusid eile mängud head. Täna hommikul tuli esimene 27-mani võit.. Volüümi veel vähe, kuid annan endast parima.

13.03.12, 12:56
Olen alati konservatiivset br managementi pooldanud (seda eriti vähemstaažikamate mängijate puhul). Arvestades, et plaanis oli pühapäeviti korraga ca 10 sng kõrvale võtta ka sunday storm ja the bigger ning otsustasime ka micromillionsi non-turbo holdem evente proovida, siis ei ole sickest overkill imo:P

13.03.12, 13:39
Hakkan siia huvitavamaid käsi ka postitama.

Tänane huvitav thin value riveril:

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t25 - 6 players - View hand 1681263 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1681263)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Golova38 (BB): t11732 M = 15.64
Wild*Nekro (UTG): t3743 M = 4.99
Brajdich (MP): t5438 M = 7.25
Hero (CO): t7703 M = 10.27
Disaden (BTN): t3742 M = 4.99
AndyNguyen88 (SB): t8142 M = 10.86

Pre Flop: (t750) Hero is CO with 5 :spade: K :heart:
2 folds, Hero raises to t800, 2 folds, Golova38 calls t400

Flop: (t1950) 7 :heart: 6 :spade: K :spade: (2 players)
Golova38 checks, Hero bets t994, Golova38 calls t994

Turn: (t3938) 5 :club: (2 players)
Golova38 checks, Hero checks

River: (t3938) 6 :club: (2 players)
Golova38 checks, Hero bets t800, Golova38 calls t800

Final Pot: t5538
Golova38 mucks Q :diamond: Q :club:
Hero shows 5 :spade: K :heart: (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
Hero wins t5538

13.03.12, 13:50
ei tea nendest sng-dest suurt midagi, aga miks sa turni ei beti?

13.03.12, 13:50
Üks spewy ja kõrvalseisja jaoks no fold equity riveri bluffraise, kuid olin üpris kindel et saan foldima:P

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t25 - 6 players - View hand 1681267 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1681267)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: t13807 M = 18.41
BTN: t3818 M = 5.09
SB: t5913 M = 7.88
Hero (BB): t4136 M = 5.51
UTG: t4067 M = 5.42
MP: t8759 M = 11.68

Pre Flop: (t750) Hero is BB with 2 :diamond: 5 :diamond:
UTG calls t400, MP calls t400, 2 folds, SB calls t200, Hero checks

Flop: (t1750) 8 :diamond: Q :heart: 3 :diamond: (4 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG checks, MP checks

Turn: (t1750) 5 :spade: (4 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t892, UTG folds, MP calls t892, SB folds

River: (t3534) 6 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets t1600, Hero raises to t2819 all in, MP folds

13.03.12, 13:54
ei tea nendest sng-dest suurt midagi, aga miks sa turni ei beti?
Hea küsimus, mõned drawd tulid kohale ning tahtsin poti väiksena hoida, sest riveris võib palju halbu kaarte tulla, mis tegelikult ka tuli, kuid bet for value kindlalt jah:P

13.03.12, 14:06
tõmbasin lõunase sessi lõpuks ühe 27-mani ka kotti. roll $659.3 HEM paneb ikka pange ja jällegi minu kasuks. näitab ainult 17 mängu, +$87.31 ja roi 146.7% :D

13.03.12, 14:17
Hea küsimus, mõned drawd tulid kohale ning tahtsin poti väiksena hoida, sest riveris võib palju halbu kaarte tulla, mis tegelikult ka tuli, kuid bet for value kindlalt jah:P
Mõned drawd? Ainus käsi on 89. Ligi pooled riverid kas 1) counterfeitivad su 2pr, 2) toovad 4straighti boardile, 3) flush tuleb kohale. Turni järgi checkimine on rahapõletamine.

13.03.12, 17:08
ma checkiks flopi järgi pigem ise.

13.03.12, 17:29
Nõus mõlema eelkõnelejaga, iseasi kas 20bb stackiga üldse mõtet avada K5o CO-lt

15.03.12, 16:51
27-manid üldse täna ei sujunud, finaallaudades kaotasin kaks korralikku stacki KK vs AJ ja KK vs A6. Kaks 18-mani suutsin võita. Ja ühes HUs jäin 2. kerge tilt tuli vastase vastu peale, flopil küttis kogu aeg otsa (sama vastu kaotasin ka KK vs A6o pre flushi vastu :( )
Päeval mängud natuke raskemad kui õhtuti ja hommikuti. Roll $678.91. Olenemata kehvast runnist siiski ok pluss. Täna proovisin 12-tableda, suht kenasti sain hakkama. Küll aga kui mängud short-handed muutuvad, siis enam ei kannata, st et peab lühikesi sesse tegema ei saa laudu juurde võtta jooksvalt..
Põnevaim hand täna:
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100.00/t200.00 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1685005 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1685005)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: t6621.00 33.10 BBs
UTG: t1827.00 9.13 BBs
Hero (MP): t5923.00 29.61 BBs
CO: t5400.00 27 BBs
BTN: t1907.00 9.54 BBs
SB: t5322.00 26.61 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is MP with 5 :heart: 5 :diamond:
1 fold, Hero raises to t440, 3 folds, BB calls t240

Flop: (t980) 8 :spade: Q :spade: Q :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (t980) 7 :spade: (2 players)
BB bets t613.00, Hero calls t613

River: (t2206) 9 :club: (2 players)
BB bets t1113.00, Hero raises to t4845, BB folds


15.03.12, 17:22
Viimane käsi spew imo ja kõik tänavad oleks saanud paremini mängida.
Flop: Peale BB checki oleks bettinud törts eesmärgiga pot seal samas maha võtta, see on super flop c-bettimiseks imo ja kui siukses kohas jätab keegi beti panemata siis peaks peale checki ise panema ja maha võtma, sest suure tõenäosusega tal pole seal siis midagi.
Turn: As played fold.
River:Epic spew, kõik read, flushid, kolmikud callivad sind seal stakes maha, joppas lihtsalt seekord.

15.03.12, 17:29
Jep, hea analüüs. Postitangi halvasti mängitud potte:p

15.03.12, 17:32
Yeah lihtsalt see play võib toimida aga kuskil kõrgemal lihtsalt kus on targemad mängijad.
Madalamal ma läheksin tuimalt value peale välja ja HS pokkerist meeldejäänud trikke ei teeks :).

15.03.12, 20:10
Micromillions event nr 3 siis hetkel 15k peal stack, 200bb peaaegu. Võtsin mõned sngd ka kõrvale, nendes pole hetkel hästi läinud:(

15.03.12, 21:45
sngd läbi, viimase 27-mani võitsin ära, rohkem HU ei jõudnud, kuid rahades rohkelt. Bankroll $711.72, arvestasin sinna sisse micromillionsi buyini, mis hetkel veel käib. Sng-de volüüm hetkel ülilahja, kuid kvaliteet suht ok, va mõni üksik spew, mis töötas :D
Micromillionsi 3. evendil sain stacki kohe üles 20k peale, nüüd olen nittinud niisama ja kaotasin AK vs TT veidi. stack 19k, pmst average.

E: Micromillionsi event3-lt lendasin AKs vs ATs, kuid ise tõmbasin enne rahades ka kokku korra :) natuke üle mincashi tuli, aga abiks ikka! Boonusest vabanes ka $10 viimase turnaga. Roll $728.31

17.03.12, 18:30
Tegin täna just for fun micromillions 75FPP event 23 satikat
event 22 proovin ka, sngsid vaatan ka kõrvale kui igavaks kisub.

17.03.12, 21:10
Jälle üks huvitavalt mängitud pot event 22-lt

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t330 Blinds + t50 - 9 players - View hand 1689532 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1689532)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Fe$$ (MP2): t12558 M = 12.81
GhOtIII (CO): t14696 M = 15.00
Dadonov (BTN): t25307 M = 25.82
sourceful (SB): t13836 M = 14.12
KingOfThe$ea (BB): t380 M = 0.39
Hero (UTG): t24504 M = 25.00
bartjefoxx (UTG+1): t5773 M = 5.89
Denmark (UTG+2): t30467 M = 31.09
elmoner29 (MP1): t10907 M = 11.13

Pre Flop: (t980) Hero is UTG with 9 :spade: 9 :club:
Hero raises to t880, bartjefoxx calls t880, 4 folds, Dadonov calls t880, sourceful calls t680, 1 fold

Flop: (t4300) 7 :club: J :spade: 8 :heart: (4 players)
sourceful checks, Hero bets t1111, bartjefoxx folds, Dadonov calls t1111, sourceful folds

Turn: (t6522) T :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t4444, Dadonov calls t4444

River: (t15410) Q :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t5555, Dadonov calls t5555

Final Pot: t26520
Dadonov mucks 8 :club: T :club:
Hero shows 9 :spade: 9 :club: (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Hero wins t24420
Hero wins t2100

Flopi lead muidugi suht kohutav, aga mida arvate riveri sizingust?

17.03.12, 21:44
Shootoutil sisuliselt duubel selle handiga, flopi float oli suht standard

Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds + t10 - 5 players - View hand 1689597 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1689597)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN): t6006 M = 30.03
useyouallday (SB): t10980 M = 54.90
hansi1516543 (BB): t6969 M = 34.84
MiltoSappa (UTG): t7437 M = 37.19
Claude_WS (CO): t8608 M = 43.04

Pre Flop: (t200) Hero is BTN with J :diamond: A :heart:
MiltoSappa raises to t350, 1 fold, Hero calls t350, 2 folds

Flop: (t900) 4 :heart: 9 :club: 2 :spade: (2 players)
MiltoSappa bets t684, Hero calls t684

Turn: (t2268) A :club: (2 players)
MiltoSappa checks, Hero bets t1156, MiltoSappa calls t1156

River: (t4580) 7 :diamond: (2 players)
MiltoSappa checks, Hero bets t2335, MiltoSappa calls t2335

Final Pot: t9250
Hero shows J :diamond: A :heart: (a pair of Aces)
MiltoSappa mucks Q :club: Q :diamond:
Hero wins t9250

Kohe järgmise käega sama vastase vastu kaotasin AK vs TT pre 6k poti

17.03.12, 21:56
MiltoSappa foorumlane, vabandused :)

17.03.12, 22:00
MiltoSappa foorumlane, vabandused :)

Jah, FreakyJason siin foorumis, või siis callinstation :)

17.03.12, 22:02
Fakk NP

17.03.12, 22:52
Event 22 100k stäkk

17.03.12, 23:21
Hetkel mängin väsinud peaga ja kohati kahtlased liigutused, aga 22-l olen sees veel :) 120k 2k/4k avg 94k aga vahepeal oli 160k pot, kus panin vastase turnil open-enderiga all-in ja callis mu teise paariga maha :( sealt jäi mulle 135k alles

17.03.12, 23:46
Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2500/t5000 Blinds + t625 - 9 players - View hand 1689715 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1689715)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

sarge01-02 (UTG): t59169 M = 4.51
jpa_25 (UTG+1): t134534 M = 10.25
L@sVeg@sFFM (UTG+2): t195449 M = 14.89
bj11noble (MP1): t14108 M = 1.07
klainutzu (MP2): t230252 M = 17.54
craig198950 (CO): t105955 M = 8.07
Shinsu82 (BTN): t38081 M = 2.90
Hero (SB): t83121 M = 6.33
franzi59 (BB): t173300 M = 13.20

Pre Flop: (t13125) Hero is SB with T :diamond: T :heart:
sarge01-02 raises to t58544 all in, 4 folds, craig198950 raises to t105330 all in, 3 folds

Flop: (t130213) T :club: A :diamond: K :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t130213) 9 :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t130213) 8 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t130213
sarge01-02 shows A :spade: J :club: (a pair of Aces)
craig198950 shows K :club: A :club: (two pair, Aces and Kings)
craig198950 wins t130213

too tight?

17.03.12, 23:48
Ei ole tight, UTG all in ees+teine vend omakorda raiseb veel üle. Oled seal taga või flip at best. results oriented käsi.

17.03.12, 23:49
Kuivasin pikalt ja lõpuks

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3500/t7000 Blinds + t875 - 8 players - View hand 1689728 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1689728)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

j.t.sabotage (CO): t149052 M = 8.52
L@sVeg@sFFM (BTN): t128159 M = 7.32
bj11noble (SB): t74614 M = 4.26
BEN_ NIT 88 (BB): t433676 M = 24.78
craig198950 (UTG): t453421 M = 25.91
Shinsu82 (UTG+1): t335989 M = 19.20
Hero (MP1): t63621 M = 3.64
franzi59 (MP2): t104419 M = 5.97

Pre Flop: (t17500) Hero is MP1 with A :club: T :spade:
2 folds, Hero raises to t62746 all in, 2 folds, L@sVeg@sFFM raises to t127284 all in, 2 folds

Flop: (t142992) 8 :club: 4 :club: 7 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t142992) 4 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t142992) K :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t142992
L@sVeg@sFFM shows K :spade: Q :spade: (two pair, Kings and Fours)
Hero shows A :club: T :spade: (a pair of Fours)
L@sVeg@sFFM wins t142992

511/16499 $49.49

Shootoutis jäin enda esimeses lauas 3. aga ma ei mänginud üldse hästi seda...

18.03.12, 00:22
Roll $808.04, sain 18-mani ja 27-mani võidu ka kätte täna, kuid mänge jällegi vähe. Täna oli esimene mängupäev kui jooksin kindlalt üle EV.

19.03.12, 15:50
Viimased mängupäevad on täiesti kohutavad olnud, täna aeti lõpuks ikka totally tilti, kui pre stackiti random kaartidega, kaotasin AA, KK, kõik pre 58s ja 78s jne vastu..väga inetu. Lõpuks micromillionsil ei suutnud tiltis peaga AK maha panna.

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25.00/t50.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1692161 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1692161)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

meshesh00 (UTG): t7579.00 151.58 BBs
RGRGINDIA (UTG+1): t8549.00 170.98 BBs
CAESAR2512 (UTG+2): t3011.00 60.22 BBs
nasir99 (MP1): t4251.00 85.02 BBs
lorazepam936 (MP2): t5909.00 118.18 BBs
pessoto (CO): t5451.00 109.02 BBs
Hero (BTN): t5913.00 118.26 BBs
mr.Yacuk (SB): t5588.00 111.76 BBs
iamisafish (BB): t4239.00 84.78 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN with A :diamond: K :club:
meshesh00 raises to t112, 1 fold, CAESAR2512 raises to t300, 3 folds, Hero calls t300, 1 fold, iamisafish raises to t4239, 1 fold, CAESAR2512 calls t2711 all in, Hero calls t3939

Flop: (t11626) Q :club: 4 :club: 4 :diamond: (3 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t11626) 6 :spade: (3 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t11626) 8 :club: (3 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t11626
CAESAR2512 shows A :spade: J :club:
Hero shows A :diamond: K :club:
iamisafish shows K :spade: K :diamond:
iamisafish wins t9170.00

Täna veel kaks sngd alles, üritan rahulikult lõpuni mängida ja rohkem täna ei tee ja homme teen kindlalt pausi. roll $752

19.03.12, 17:29
Jõudsin siiski viimases 27-manis HU, kaks key handi:

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600.00/t1200.00 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1692626 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1692626)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

the fizzpop (BB): t11047.00 9.21 BBs
Hero (BTN/SB): t29453.00 24.54 BBs

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is BTN/SB with K :heart: K :spade:
Hero raises to t2400, the fizzpop raises to t10972, Hero calls t8572

Flop: (t21944) 6 :club: 5 :heart: Q :club: (2 players)

Turn: (t21944) 3 :diamond: (2 players)

River: (t21944) A :spade: (2 players)

Final Pot: t21944
the fizzpop shows 6 :diamond: A :heart:
Hero shows K :heart: K :spade:
the fizzpop wins t22094.00
(Rake: t-150)

Ja lõpuhand

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600.00/t1200.00 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1692629 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1692629)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

the fizzpop (BTN/SB): t27018.00 22.52 BBs
Hero (BB): t13482.00 11.23 BBs

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is BB with A :diamond: 7 :diamond:
the fizzpop calls t600, Hero raises to t13407, the fizzpop calls t12207

Flop: (t26814) Q :club: K :diamond: Q :spade: (2 players)

Turn: (t26814) J :heart: (2 players)

River: (t26814) 8 :heart: (2 players)

Final Pot: t26814
the fizzpop shows K :heart: 4 :heart:
Hero shows A :diamond: 7 :diamond:
the fizzpop wins t26964.00
(Rake: t-150)

Võtab kenasti mu tänase runni kokku, muidu igavad handid, midagi põnevat täna ei olnudki... kahju et fishid alati võidavad:)

25.03.12, 20:18
Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1701744 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1701744)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Turcooooo (CO): t7213 90.16 BBs
AmithrandirA (BTN): t5260 65.75 BBs
omahabfish (SB): t3779 47.24 BBs
Hero (BB): t7463 93.29 BBs
ROBBBBBBY (UTG): t2172 27.15 BBs
zeputo79 (UTG+1): t6813 85.16 BBs
Devil_DuckDK (UTG+2): t4149 51.86 BBs
Stripedman (MP1): t2815 35.19 BBs
AeriaGloris (MP2): t6809 85.11 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BB with K :diamond: K :club:
ROBBBBBBY raises to t200, 3 folds, AeriaGloris calls t200, Turcooooo raises to t1120, 2 folds, Hero raises to t7463 all in, ROBBBBBBY calls t1972 all in, 1 fold, Turcooooo calls t6093 all in

Flop: (t16838) 7 :diamond: 2 :club: 4 :club: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t16838) 5 :heart: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t16838) A :diamond: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: t16838
Turcooooo shows Q :diamond: Q :club: (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows K :diamond: K :club: (a pair of Kings)
ROBBBBBBY shows A :club: T :club: (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins t10082
ROBBBBBBY wins t6756

UTG nuppe tegi hakkas kergelt jahe juba:D

28.03.12, 09:37
Viimased nädal aega on kohutav run olnud, millest tulenevalt olen vähe mänginud. Täna chekkisin üle pika aja bankrolli, eeldasin et busto on lähedal juba, kuid siiski õnneks õrn pluss +$45 Lisan omalt poolt pokernewsi $5k freerollid ka diili raamesse:)

04.04.12, 21:28
Hetkel kerge puhkus, run on olnud kohutav, uuest nädalast uue hooga (loe:volüümiga), bankroll $620.35.

08.04.12, 19:38
sngd täna breakeven, jooks on endine. Stormil kohe alguses triplisse.

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1719556 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719556)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t4240 212 BBs
guncam (BTN): t4880 244 BBs
poelie87 (SB): t4980 249 BBs
captain59 (BB): t5000 250 BBs
primkiller (UTG): t5000 250 BBs
wazzo82 (UTG+1): t5000 250 BBs
Anti4 (UTG+2): t6020 301 BBs
Gunner1207 (MP1): t5000 250 BBs
mastersaab (MP2): t4880 244 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is CO with Q :club: K :diamond:
primkiller raises to t40, 4 folds, Hero raises to t120, 2 folds, captain59 calls t100, primkiller calls t80

Flop: (t370) Q :diamond: Q :spade: 4 :heart: (3 players)
captain59 bets t140, primkiller calls t140, Hero calls t140

Turn: (t790) 9 :spade: (3 players)
captain59 bets t580, primkiller calls t580, Hero calls t580

River: (t2530) K :heart: (3 players)
captain59 checks, primkiller bets t4160 all in, Hero calls t3400 all in, captain59 calls t4160 all in

Final Pot: t14250
Hero shows Q :club: K :diamond: (a full house, Queens full of Kings)
captain59 shows 9 :club: 9 :heart: (a full house, Nines full of Queens)
primkiller shows T :diamond: Q :heart: (three of a kind, Queens)
captain59 wins t1520
Hero wins t12730

08.04.12, 19:56
Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1719571 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719571)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG+2): t14213 236.88 BBs
guncam (MP1): t4060 67.67 BBs
Waynechuk (MP2): t10230 170.50 BBs
PEHTO (CO): t4811 80.18 BBs
Joe610226 (BTN): t4910 81.83 BBs
wazzo82 (SB): t6780 113 BBs
Anti4 (BB): t4540 75.67 BBs
Gunner1207 (UTG): t4910 81.83 BBs
mastersaab (UTG+1): t5576 92.93 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is UTG+2 with K :spade: K :diamond:
2 folds, Hero raises to t149, guncam calls t149, Waynechuk calls t149, PEHTO raises to t4811 all in, 3 folds, Hero raises to t9473, 2 folds

Flop: (t10010) 9 :spade: 4 :diamond: 7 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t10010) 3 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t10010) T :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t10010
Hero shows K :spade: K :diamond: (a pair of Kings)
PEHTO shows A :spade: Q :heart: (high card Ace)
Hero wins t10010

AA pidas ka shorti vastu enne, unes nägin eile et võitsin suure fieldiga MTT ära, please, one time :rolleyes:

08.04.12, 19:59
Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1719571 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719571)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG+2): t14213 236.88 BBs
guncam (MP1): t4060 67.67 BBs
Waynechuk (MP2): t10230 170.50 BBs
PEHTO (CO): t4811 80.18 BBs
Joe610226 (BTN): t4910 81.83 BBs
wazzo82 (SB): t6780 113 BBs
Anti4 (BB): t4540 75.67 BBs
Gunner1207 (UTG): t4910 81.83 BBs
mastersaab (UTG+1): t5576 92.93 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is UTG+2 with K :spade: K :diamond:
2 folds, Hero raises to t149, guncam calls t149, Waynechuk calls t149, PEHTO raises to t4811 all in, 3 folds, Hero raises to t9473, 2 folds

Flop: (t10010) 9 :spade: 4 :diamond: 7 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t10010) 3 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t10010) T :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t10010
Hero shows K :spade: K :diamond: (a pair of Kings)
PEHTO shows A :spade: Q :heart: (high card Ace)
Hero wins t10010

AA pidas ka shorti vastu enne, unes nägin eile et võitsin suure fieldiga MTT ära, please, one time :rolleyes:

confirmed kotis jubai kui unes ka nägid.

08.04.12, 20:07
Ulme hiiter peal

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1719579 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719579)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

HotMomma78 (CO): t3600 60 BBs
Hero (BTN): t19412 323.53 BBs
mikadimike (SB): t10136 168.93 BBs
Heidi16 (BB): t6200 103.33 BBs
gissavem556 (UTG): t5100 85 BBs
morrisondk (UTG+1): t3530 58.83 BBs
irek001 (UTG+2): t5330 88.83 BBs
Hpoker82 (MP1): t11335 188.92 BBs
h31n0 (MP2): t6390 106.50 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is BTN with K :heart: K :diamond:
gissavem556 raises to t180, 3 folds, h31n0 raises to t720, 1 fold, Hero raises to t19412 all in, 3 folds, h31n0 calls t5670 all in

Flop: (t13050) 7 :spade: A :diamond: 8 :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t13050) 8 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t13050) 4 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t13050
Hero shows K :heart: K :diamond: (two pair, Kings and Eights)
h31n0 shows J :spade: J :diamond: (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
Hero wins t13050

08.04.12, 20:32
Haiged dongid koos

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20/t40 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1719595 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719595)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

maradonamiri (BTN): t2803 70.08 BBs
KingArtur071 (SB): t2665 66.62 BBs
djsantos36 (BB): t5095 127.38 BBs
dispare (UTG): t3259 81.47 BBs
Hero (UTG+1): t3600 90 BBs
LV-MARIO-LV (UTG+2): t3648 91.20 BBs
GloRyKeepah (MP1): t2855 71.38 BBs
gc99kl (MP2): t3035 75.88 BBs
Mienso (CO): t3160 79 BBs

Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is UTG+1 with Q :club: A :heart:
1 fold, Hero raises to t99, 3 folds, Mienso raises to t3160 all in, maradonamiri calls t2803 all in, 3 folds

Flop: (t5765) 7 :club: T :spade: 5 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t5765) 3 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t5765) J :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t5765
maradonamiri shows K :diamond: J :spade: (a pair of Jacks)
Mienso shows K :club: 4 :club: (high card King)
maradonamiri wins t5765

08.04.12, 20:51
Lihevõtete ajal ei ole ka mune :frown:

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t20 - 9 players - View hand 1719618 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719618)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

HotMomma78 (UTG): t9221 M = 19.21
Hero (UTG+1): t24368 M = 50.77
mikadimike (UTG+2): t12155 M = 25.32
Heidi16 (MP1): t4663 M = 9.71
boopboopbdoo (MP2): t14180 M = 29.54
morrisondk (CO): t5215 M = 10.86
AE_Sp00ner (BTN): t6753 M = 14.07
Hpoker82 (SB): t4006 M = 8.35
220282 (BB): t9207 M = 19.18

Pre Flop: (t480) Hero is UTG+1 with T :spade: T :diamond:
HotMomma78 raises to t400, Hero raises to t1200, mikadimike raises to t2000, 6 folds, HotMomma78 raises to t9201 all in, 1 fold, mikadimike calls t7201

Flop: (t20082) T :club: 2 :diamond: 2 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t20082) 2 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t20082) 7 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t20082
HotMomma78 shows K :diamond: K :club: (a full house, Deuces full of Kings)
mikadimike shows Q :heart: Q :spade: (a full house, Deuces full of Queens)
HotMomma78 wins t20082

08.04.12, 20:54
Same sh*t, same day.

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds + t5 - 9 players - View hand 1719624 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719624)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

maradonamiri (BB): t6081 M = 45.04
lassewins (UTG): t3000 M = 22.22
djsantos36 (UTG+1): t3475 M = 25.74
dispare (UTG+2): t4734 M = 35.07
Hero (MP1): t2642 M = 19.57
LV-MARIO-LV (MP2): t2673 M = 19.80
GloRyKeepah (CO): t2460 M = 18.22
gc99kl (BTN): t7645 M = 56.63
Tigra50 (SB): t3410 M = 25.26

Pre Flop: (t135) Hero is MP1 with J :club: J :heart:
3 folds, Hero raises to t149, LV-MARIO-LV calls t149, 2 folds, Tigra50 calls t119, 1 fold

Flop: (t552) 6 :diamond: 4 :spade: 4 :club: (3 players)
Tigra50 bets t180, Hero raises to t873, LV-MARIO-LV folds, Tigra50 raises to t3256 all in, Hero calls t1615 all in

Turn: (t5528) 9 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t5528) K :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t5528
Hero shows J :club: J :heart: (two pair, Jacks and Fours)
Tigra50 shows 9 :spade: 9 :club: (a full house, Nines full of Fours)
Tigra50 wins t5528

08.04.12, 22:33
Foorumist otsene kasu, missclickisin mullis ;)

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t160 - 9 players - View hand 1719742 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1719742)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

POKERBUMM13 (BB): t19935 M = 5.19
Hero (UTG): t15954 M = 4.15
limbismal (UTG+1): t47515 M = 12.37
ingypop (UTG+2): t8455 M = 2.20
Like2PlayYou (MP1): t54750 M = 14.26
morrisondk (MP2): t28510 M = 7.42
04sagtdanke (CO): t27788 M = 7.24
Neon379 (BTN): t14516 M = 3.78
220282 (SB): t10156 M = 2.64

Pre Flop: (t3840) Hero is UTG with T :diamond: Q :heart:
Hero raises to t3200, 8 folds

Final Pot: t5440
Hero mucks T :diamond: Q :heart:
Hero wins t5440

08.04.12, 22:48
kuivasin ära, lõpuks A7o vs 67o 5bb, haigeks turboks läks ära ja täiesti kuiv jooks, mincash. Roll $622.81

09.04.12, 20:30
Mingi komöödia toimub täna laudades, ei mäleta üldse et täna midagi võitnud oleks:frown:

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 5 players - View hand 1721046 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1721046)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

NatanMK (BTN): t2628 13.14 BBs
Uygur-AAA (SB): t3951 19.75 BBs
Hero (BB): t6739 33.70 BBs
thestrongerm (UTG): t6574 32.87 BBs
ontt22 (CO): t3845 19.23 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is BB with K :club: K :diamond:
2 folds, NatanMK raises to t2628 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t2428

Flop: (t5356) A :spade: 8 :spade: T :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t5356) 9 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t5356) 4 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t5356
NatanMK shows 9 :club: A :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Nines)
Hero shows K :club: K :diamond: (a pair of Kings)
NatanMK wins t5356

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 5 players - View hand 1721047 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1721047)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

NatanMK (BTN): t5056 25.28 BBs
Uygur-AAA (SB): t3651 18.25 BBs
Hero (BB): t4311 21.55 BBs
thestrongerm (UTG): t6574 32.87 BBs
ontt22 (CO): t4145 20.73 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is BB with A :diamond: 7 :heart:
3 folds, Uygur-AAA raises to t3651 all in, Hero calls t3451

Flop: (t7302) K :club: 4 :spade: 2 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t7302) 7 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t7302) K :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t7302
Uygur-AAA shows 8 :spade: J :spade: (a flush, King high)
Hero shows A :diamond: 7 :heart: (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
Uygur-AAA wins t7302


Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 5 players - View hand 1721051 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1721051)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

NatanMK (CO): t4256 21.28 BBs
Uygur-AAA (BTN): t7302 36.51 BBs
Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida (SB): t2620 13.10 BBs
thestrongerm (BB): t5414 27.07 BBs
ontt22 (UTG): t4145 20.73 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida is SB with K :spade: Q :diamond:
3 folds, Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida raises to t444, thestrongerm raises to t5414 all in, Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida calls t2176 all in

Flop: (t5240) Q :club: J :spade: J :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t5240) 7 :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t5240) Q :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t5240
Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida shows K :spade: Q :diamond: (a full house, Queens full of Jacks)
thestrongerm shows K :diamond: J :diamond: (a full house, Jacks full of Queens)
Viskanlaptopivastuseinakuisedaturniirieivõida wins t5240

09.04.12, 20:36
Mingi komöödia toimub täna laudades

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 5 players - View hand 1721047 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1721047)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

NatanMK (BTN): t5056 25.28 BBs
Uygur-AAA (SB): t3651 18.25 BBs
Hero (BB): t4311 21.55 BBs
thestrongerm (UTG): t6574 32.87 BBs
ontt22 (CO): t4145 20.73 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is BB with A :diamond: 7 :heart:
3 folds, Uygur-AAA raises to t3651 all in, Hero calls t3451

Flop: (t7302) K :club: 4 :spade: 2 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t7302) 7 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t7302) K :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t7302
Uygur-AAA shows 8 :spade: J :spade: (a flush, King high)
Hero shows A :diamond: 7 :heart: (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
Uygur-AAA wins t7302


tegu miski uue formaadiga, et callitakse 18 vs 21 blindi endal A7o?
sul kiire kuskile?

09.04.12, 21:14
Selle tüübi vastu oli suht snap. Kui tead, et oled ees sa foldid? Väga laia rangega panevad SB sisse nii suurelt, see pole kunagi tugev imo. A7o on muidugi suht bottom range mul seal.. Keegi foldib veel? Rahadesse olime just jõudnud...

edit: võis olla, et polnud rahades ka, vaid 10 oli alles, stacksize järgi vähemalt. Anyways, ma arvan et ma calliks ikka...

09.04.12, 21:15
lool, epic;)
Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t50 - 6 players - View hand 1721076 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1721076)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

nicollero (CO): t2397 M = 2.00
pjotter788 (BTN): t8631 M = 7.19
Uygur-AAA (SB): t9084 M = 7.57
thestrongerm (BB): t4933 M = 4.11
Hero (UTG): t10333 M = 8.61
ontt22 (MP): t5122 M = 4.27

Pre Flop: (t1200) Hero is UTG with A :diamond: T :heart:
Hero raises to t1332, 1 fold, nicollero calls t1332, 3 folds

Flop: (t3864) T :club: 9 :spade: T :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t1970, nicollero calls t1015 all in

Turn: (t5894) 7 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t5894) T :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t5894
nicollero shows A :heart: A :club: (a full house, Tens full of Aces)
Hero shows A :diamond: T :heart: (four of a kind, Tens)
Hero wins t5894

16.04.12, 01:12
Breakeven nühkimine. the biggeri viimane käsi:

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600.00/t1200.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1728835 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1728835)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: t34192.00 28.49 BBs
MP1: t25303.00 21.09 BBs
Hero (MP2): t18326.00 15.27 BBs
CO: t14271.00 11.89 BBs
BTN: t36389.00 30.32 BBs
SB: t23634.00 19.70 BBs
BB: t6120.00 5.10 BBs
UTG: t22361.00 18.63 BBs
UTG+1: t36949.00 30.79 BBs

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is MP2 with Q :diamond: Q :spade:
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t3000, 2 folds, Hero raises to t18176, 4 folds, UTG+1 calls t15176

Flop: (t38152) T :heart: 2 :diamond: 5 :spade: (2 players)

Turn: (t38152) K :diamond: (2 players)

River: (t38152) J :club: (2 players)

Final Pot: t38152
Hero shows Q :diamond: Q :spade:
UTG+1 shows A :diamond: Q :heart:
UTG+1 wins t39502.00
(Rake: t-1350)

20.04.12, 20:07
Täna kaks 27-man HUd, kus ühes kaotasin 7-3 ja teises flipi. Roll $618.54

26.04.12, 01:08
Kiire update, roll $629.1, 27-mannides on variatsioon tohutult suurem ja need toodavad ainult miinust, õnneks 18-manid toodavad plussi. Esmaspäeval üritan saada sharkscopest väljavõtte, et ülevaadet saada. Volüüm kahjuks kõige võimsam ei ole olnud, kuid tegime Ecuadoriga ühe coachingsessi, millest tunnen et oli palju abi!

26.04.12, 20:21
Täna proovisin 20 lauaga korraga sessi alguses ja tundub, et mu halast oli kasu, tulid ka 27-mannides solid kohad. Roll $660.54

30.04.12, 01:44
Täna megasess mis algas kahe AA pre allini kaotusega lõppes väga hästi, esimene sess, kus jooksin ülihästi, lõpuks-lõpuks:p

Roll $751.54

03.05.12, 01:10
Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t50 - 3 players - View hand 1751824 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1751824)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

kirr3 (SB): t15233 M = 11.28
Hero (BB): t7503 M = 5.56
Gecko345 (BTN): t17764 M = 13.16

Pre Flop: (t1350) Hero is BB with K :club: A :heart:
1 fold, kirr3 raises to t6400, Hero raises to t7453 all in, kirr3 calls t1053

Flop: (t15056) 7 :spade: J :diamond: 9 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t15056) 6 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t15056) 7 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t15056
kirr3 shows A :club: J :heart: (two pair, Jacks and Sevens)
Hero shows K :club: A :heart: (a pair of Sevens)
kirr3 wins t15056

sellepärast mulle 27-manid ei meeldigi, seal kus reaalselt määratakse roi ja kasum ära, seal tihti palju ebaõnne ja mängutuju kadunud:frown:

03.05.12, 20:57
kuco oli nii lahke ja tegi sharkscope päringu


04.05.12, 01:22
Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t50 - 4 players - View hand 1753208 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1753208)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Rex_Sergio (BTN): t8660 M = 7.87
TheDogster21 (SB): t12356 M = 11.23
Hero (BB): t15906 M = 14.46
podger505 (CO): t3578 M = 3.25

Pre Flop: (t1100) Hero is BB with K :heart: A :club:
podger505 raises to t3528 all in, Rex_Sergio raises to t8610 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t8010

Flop: (t21248) 8 :diamond: 8 :spade: T :heart: (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t21248) 6 :heart: (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t21248) 2 :heart: (3 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t21248
Rex_Sergio shows Q :heart: A :heart: (a flush, Ace high)
Hero shows K :heart: A :club: (a pair of Eights)
podger505 shows Q :spade: J :heart: (a pair of Eights)
Rex_Sergio wins t10164
Rex_Sergio wins t11084

Jätan vist 27-manid ära ja keskendun ainult 18-mannidele, see on liiga haige lihtsalt. Finaallauas on alati stackid nii haigelt võrdselt väiksed et peab kätt ootama ja selline mäng mulle ei sobi 8=) Hakkan ka SCOOP low $27 eventidele ja low mainile satelliitturniire mängima. Ecu loodetavasti confirmib siin ka siis :)

04.05.12, 02:36
Kätt ootama? Pead just sellist game flowd ära kasutama, aga see selleks.. 18 manides kindlasti natuke väiksem variatsioon, aga bubble ja raha kohtade mäng ikka sama.

05.05.12, 12:34
Mida seal ära kasutada, kui kõik ca 10bb ja kari venkusid tahavad shorthanded sind toorelt ownida. Raske on nii stabiilselt häid tulemusi teha, kisub variatsioonirikkaks sel moel...

05.05.12, 15:10
Game flow - kui venkud ootavad oma kaarte jne, siis sina pushid/varastad jne.. Kui laud on tight oled sina loose ja vice versa.

Üldiselt fishe loomulikult ei kasuta nii ära, aga kaotavad rexid, BE rexid ja kergelt võitvad rexid on abusitavad väga kergelt bubble mängus ja raha mängus.

06.05.12, 10:10
Täna siis scoopid, plaan on 6-maxis kohe laua kapteniks saada:cool:

06.05.12, 14:10
Scoopi satikad kõik ikaldunud täna, shortina pole nendes ükski flipp veel minu poole tulnud. Üks on alles veel avg stackiga. Sng-des kohutav jooks olnud mitmeid sesse järjest, sõnadega seda ei suuda kirjeldada:frown:

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 4 players - View hand 1755263 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755263)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bruninhoo87 (CO): t4736 M = 11.84
QuangPhuoc86 (BTN): t8653 M = 21.63
Hero (SB): t6011 M = 15.03
.f4b1an.84 (BB): t7600 M = 19

Pre Flop: (t400) Hero is SB with Q :club: Q :heart:
2 folds, Hero raises to t444, .f4b1an.84 calls t244

Flop: (t988) 9 :club: 4 :club: 5 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t750, .f4b1an.84 calls t750

Turn: (t2488) J :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t4792 all in, .f4b1an.84 calls t4792

River: (t12072) A :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t12072
Hero shows Q :club: Q :heart: (a pair of Queens)
.f4b1an.84 shows A :heart: J :club: (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
.f4b1an.84 wins t12072

Tüüpiline mulliolukord

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50.00/t100.00 Blinds - 5 players - View hand 1755267 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755267)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Howard Raj (CO): t7287.00 72.87 BBs
jopi44 (BTN): t3051.00 30.51 BBs
acerrrrrrrrr (SB): t3117.00 31.17 BBs
Hero (BB): t1812.00 18.12 BBs
Der Bizzler (UTG): t1963.00 19.63 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is BB with A :diamond: A :heart:
2 folds, jopi44 raises to t500, 1 fold, Hero raises to t1812, jopi44 calls t1312

Flop: (t3674) 3 :club: 6 :heart: 9 :heart: (2 players)

Turn: (t3674) 2 :spade: (2 players)

River: (t3674) Q :club: (2 players)

Final Pot: t3674
jopi44 shows 9 :club: 9 :diamond:
Hero shows A :diamond: A :heart:
jopi44 wins t3674.00

Bring it on fishes


06.05.12, 14:31
Kreatiivne liin aggro vastu Scoopi satikal:p

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 8 players - View hand 1755296 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755296)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

LofftiB (BTN): t16821 84.11 BBs
OmaEscher (SB): t2415 12.07 BBs
u_connection (BB): t2413 12.06 BBs
Goldjunge01 (UTG): t10492 52.46 BBs
Blue3916 (UTG+1): t2937 14.69 BBs
Vincelot20 (MP1): t2202 11.01 BBs
Hero (MP2): t3983 19.91 BBs
chrille1887 (CO): t4102 20.51 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is MP2 with A :diamond: 8 :diamond:
3 folds, Hero raises to t444, 1 fold, LofftiB calls t444, 2 folds

Flop: (t1188) J :club: 7 :club: A :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, LofftiB bets t1200, Hero raises to t3539 all in, LofftiB folds

Final Pot: t3588
Hero mucks A :diamond: 8 :diamond:
Hero wins t3588

06.05.12, 16:30
Ai kahju, teise suht kindla ticketi donkasin kogenematusest ära, ei meeldi satikad:frown:

06.05.12, 16:42
Kõik on legit ja kui satikalt ticketit ei saa, siis osta lowdele otse sisse. Shoti kergelt:p 18-mannide roi on mega:) keep going

06.05.12, 17:11
Great, panin hide peale, et lauakaaslased ei näeks et lasen odavaid sngsid kõrvale. Username: sandy5andals, kui keegi otsida tahab turniiri lobbyst..

06.05.12, 17:38
Huvitav pot huvitava vastase vastu

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1755373 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755373)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (MP): t9585 119.81 BBs
temka99 (CO): t8743 109.29 BBs
AssassinCore (BTN): t10421 130.26 BBs
Pavel2727 (SB): t6444 80.55 BBs
Luckkozak (BB): t9872 123.40 BBs
Villager89 (UTG): t10229 127.86 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is MP with Q :club: Q :heart:
1 fold, Hero raises to t199, 2 folds, Pavel2727 calls t159, 1 fold

Flop: (t478) 5 :club: 9 :spade: 2 :spade: (2 players)
Pavel2727 checks, Hero bets t244, Pavel2727 raises to t640, Hero calls t396

Turn: (t1758) 9 :club: (2 players)
Pavel2727 bets t879, Hero calls t879

River: (t3516) 6 :club: (2 players)
Pavel2727 bets t1520, Hero calls t1520

Final Pot: t6556
Hero shows Q :club: Q :heart: (two pair, Queens and Nines)
Pavel2727 shows 5 :spade: A :heart: (two pair, Nines and Fives)
Hero wins t6556

06.05.12, 17:55
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds + t10 - 6 players - View hand 1755392 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755392)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): t12819 M = 61.04
temka99 (UTG): t12887 M = 61.37
AssassinCore (MP): t9242 M = 44.01
ent75 (CO): t10242 M = 48.77
Luckkozak (BTN): t3662 M = 17.44
Villager89 (SB): t16442 M = 78.30

Pre Flop: (t210) Hero is BB with 6 :spade: 6 :diamond:
1 fold, AssassinCore calls t100, 2 folds, Villager89 raises to t300, Hero calls t200, AssassinCore calls t200

Flop: (t960) 4 :heart: J :heart: 6 :club: (3 players)
Villager89 bets t500, Hero raises to t1333, AssassinCore folds, Villager89 calls t833

Turn: (t3626) 3 :club: (2 players)
Villager89 checks, Hero bets t1849, Villager89 calls t1849

River: (t7324) 4 :club: (2 players)
Villager89 checks, Hero bets t3735, Villager89 calls t3735

Final Pot: t14794
Hero shows 6 :spade: 6 :diamond: (a full house, Sixes full of Fours)
Villager89 mucks K :diamond: J :spade:
Hero wins t14794

algstack duublis seega nüüd:p

06.05.12, 18:19
Trap worked!

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds + t15 - 6 players - View hand 1755409 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755409)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (MP): t19017 M = 70.43
temka99 (CO): t7850 M = 29.07
AssassinCore (BTN): t9241 M = 34.23
ent75 (SB): t9348 M = 34.62
Luckkozak (BB): t11133 M = 41.23
Villager89 (UTG): t8705 M = 32.24

Pre Flop: (t270) Hero is MP with T :heart: Q :spade:
1 fold, Hero raises to t266, 3 folds, Luckkozak calls t146

Flop: (t682) Q :diamond: A :spade: 5 :heart: (2 players)
Luckkozak checks, Hero checks

Turn: (t682) 8 :club: (2 players)
Luckkozak bets t477, Hero calls t477

River: (t1636) 6 :spade: (2 players)
Luckkozak bets t1145, Hero calls t1145

Final Pot: t3926
Hero shows T :heart: Q :spade: (a pair of Queens)
Luckkozak shows 7 :heart: K :heart: (high card Ace)
Hero wins t3926

06.05.12, 19:18
Mingi superuser lauas paremal kohe mul vist, iga kord paneb 4betAI ja kunagi alla ei anna ja alati röövib blindi. lõpuks saan AK, 3betin, instafold, siis mõne aja pärast AA, avan utg, annab blindi ära, lõpuks ma bb 99 ta sb openfold:biggrin: stack kõigub 25k ja 28k vahel @ 150/300 scoop event1-Low

06.05.12, 19:24
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds + t40 - 6 players - View hand 1755465 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755465)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): t26605 M = 38.56
SELLIH (MP): t21055 M = 30.51
AssassinCore (CO): t13913 M = 20.16
ent75 (BTN): t13812 M = 20.02
SEEEDx (SB): t14455 M = 20.95
Villager89 (BB): t8804 M = 12.76

Pre Flop: (t690) Hero is UTG with A :club: K :spade:
Hero raises to t666, 2 folds, ent75 calls t666, 2 folds

Flop: (t2022) 2 :diamond: 8 :club: 5 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets t1031, ent75 calls t1031

Turn: (t4084) 8 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, ent75 bets t1200, Hero calls t1200

River: (t6484) A :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t3306, ent75 calls t3306

Final Pot: t13096
Hero shows A :club: K :spade: (two pair, Aces and Eights)
ent75 mucks Q :club: A :spade:
Hero wins t13096

06.05.12, 19:35
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds + t40 - 6 players - View hand 1755469 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755469)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (MP): t35560 M = 51.54
SELLIH (CO): t9861 M = 14.29
AssassinCore (BTN): t11390 M = 16.51
ent75 (SB): t7566 M = 10.97
SEEEDx (BB): t17879 M = 25.91
Villager89 (UTG): t16388 M = 23.75

Pre Flop: (t690) Hero is MP with A :spade: J :heart:
Villager89 raises to t600, Hero raises to t1444, SELLIH raises to t9821 all in, 5 folds

Final Pot: t4178
SELLIH wins t4178

Mõtlesin päris kaua, võis vabalt lightimalt sisse vajutada, sest ma seda rexi 3bettisin iga ring:biggrin: aga eks ma ilmselt oma 3-outeri otsas ikka olin. 35k @ 200/400

06.05.12, 19:43
Ei midagi üllatavat, regularil regulari flipiõnn

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 6 players - View hand 1755473 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755473)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): t33676 M = 37.42
SELLIH (MP): t14767 M = 16.41
AssassinCore (CO): t5962 M = 6.62
ent75 (BTN): t6276 M = 6.97
SEEEDx (SB): t20665 M = 22.96
Villager89 (BB): t17298 M = 19.22

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is UTG with K :diamond: A :diamond:
Hero raises to t888, 4 folds, Villager89 raises to t1988, Hero raises to t4444, Villager89 raises to t17248 all in, Hero calls t12804

Flop: (t34996) 9 :spade: T :spade: 6 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t34996) 3 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t34996) 5 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t34996
Hero shows K :diamond: A :diamond: (high card Ace)
Villager89 shows Q :spade: Q :diamond: (a pair of Queens)
Villager89 wins t34996

06.05.12, 19:45
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 6 players - View hand 1755474 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755474)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN): t15678 M = 17.42
SELLIH (SB): t14217 M = 15.80
AssassinCore (BB): t5812 M = 6.46
ent75 (UTG): t6126 M = 6.81
SEEEDx (MP): t21415 M = 23.79
Villager89 (CO): t35396 M = 39.33

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is BTN with K :spade: A :club:
1 fold, SEEEDx raises to t950, Villager89 raises to t2125, Hero raises to t15628 all in, 3 folds, Villager89 calls t13503

Flop: (t33106) J :club: J :spade: 4 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t33106) 7 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t33106) 3 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t33106
Hero shows K :spade: A :club: (a pair of Jacks)
Villager89 shows K :heart: K :diamond: (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
Villager89 wins t33106

2 handi ja out, GG, lol

06.05.12, 20:11
Kas liiga loose shove pole?

07.05.12, 02:38
Kas liiga loose shove pole?
6-handed ja 40bb stack.. see oleks ka 80bb'ga seal küllaltki standard stackoff koht.

07.05.12, 12:09
Eriti selle vastase vastu, sest ta sisuliselt 3bettis iga kord ja üritas lauast üle sõita...

10.05.12, 22:23
Just saabus lauda...
Poker Stars $20+$5+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds + t15 - 9 players - View hand 1759540 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1759540)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Dart Serg (BB): t4635 M = 14.71
Renato76 (UTG): t47632 M = 151.21
Jurnon (UTG+1): t12503 M = 39.69
Hero (UTG+2): t5819 M = 18.47
MUGHIK (MP1): t4329 M = 13.74
Chrischi91 (MP2): t11650 M = 36.98
jakc55 (CO): t16734 M = 53.12
Hirnschnell (BTN): t12843 M = 40.77
AssPoker91 (SB): t5694 M = 18.08

Pre Flop: (t315) Hero is UTG+2 with Q :club: K :diamond:
2 folds, Hero raises to t266, 4 folds, AssPoker91 raises to t412, 1 fold, Hero calls t146

Flop: (t1079) 5 :heart: J :heart: Q :spade: (2 players)
AssPoker91 bets t700, Hero calls t700

Turn: (t2479) 2 :diamond: (2 players)
AssPoker91 bets t4567 all in, Hero ?

11.05.12, 02:08
Tasumise aeg on käes, fish!

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds + t25 - 4 players - View hand 1759819 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1759819)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Walnootje_NL (SB): t9691 M = 17.62
Hero (BB): t2886 M = 5.25
cucomannnnnn (CO): t10149 M = 18.45
EDUCANALLA (BTN): t4274 M = 7.77

Pre Flop: (t550) Hero is BB with Q :club: 9 :heart:
2 folds, Walnootje_NL calls t150, Hero raises to t2861 all in, Walnootje_NL calls t2561

Flop: (t5822) 5 :club: 8 :diamond: 4 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t5822) 7 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t5822) 6 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t5822
Walnootje_NL shows A :diamond: A :heart: (a straight, Four to Eight)
Hero shows Q :club: 9 :heart: (a straight, Five to Nine)
Hero wins t5822

11.05.12, 02:25
kaks 18-mani täna kotis ca 5 lauasest sessist.

tahtsid mõlemad tulla, aga SCOOPi failimine kripeldab kergelt veel, janunen võidu järele:biggrin:

12.05.12, 15:46
Iga hand shoves pre HU

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200.00/t400.00 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1760779 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1760779)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): t14188.00 35.47 BBs
anulluna (BB): t12812.00 32.03 BBs

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is BTN/SB with A :spade: 9 :heart:
Hero raises to t888, anulluna raises to t12787, Hero calls t11899

Flop: (t25574) 7 :diamond: 4 :diamond: Q :club: (2 players)

Turn: (t25574) 6 :club: (2 players)

River: (t25574) K :spade: (2 players)

Final Pot: t25574
Hero shows A :spade: 9 :heart:
anulluna shows 8 :spade: K :diamond:
anulluna wins t25624.00
(Rake: t-50)

AA vs AK ei tule HU, gooosh

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300.00/t600.00 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1760781 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1760781)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MACETIS (BTN/SB): t20484.00 34.14 BBs
Hero (BB): t6516.00 10.86 BBs

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is BB with A :spade: A :heart:
MACETIS raises to t1200, Hero raises to t6466, MACETIS calls t5266

Flop: (t12932) T :diamond: 6 :club: J :club: (2 players)

Turn: (t12932) Q :club: (2 players)

River: (t12932) 2 :heart: (2 players)

Final Pot: t12932
MACETIS shows K :diamond: A :diamond:
Hero shows A :spade: A :heart:
MACETIS wins t13032.00
(Rake: t-100)

Jube tilt oli vahepeal peal, aga päev lõppes solid +$80 ja 162% roi. Küll ainult 13 turniiri, kuid mida vähem volüümi annan, seda uskumatud tulemused tulevad. Scoopil cashinud ei ole, roll $762.9. See on ca 50BI up:)

13.05.12, 21:43
Why raise 73o?

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t25 - 5 players - View hand 1762202 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762202)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t12054 M = 16.63
tommyalco (BTN): t2658 M = 3.67
theocharis17 (SB): t1408 M = 1.94
VMSlevin (BB): t8846 M = 12.20
rewrew2 (UTG): t2034 M = 2.81

Pre Flop: (t725) Hero is CO with 3 :spade: 7 :club:
1 fold, Hero raises to t888, 1 fold, theocharis17 calls t688, 1 fold

Flop: (t2301) 9 :diamond: K :diamond: 8 :club: (2 players)
theocharis17 checks, Hero bets t1173, theocharis17 folds

Final Pot: t2301
Hero mucks 3 :spade: 7 :club:
Hero wins t2301

13.05.12, 23:00
Why raise 73o?

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t25 - 5 players - View hand 1762202 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762202)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t12054 M = 16.63
tommyalco (BTN): t2658 M = 3.67
theocharis17 (SB): t1408 M = 1.94
VMSlevin (BB): t8846 M = 12.20
rewrew2 (UTG): t2034 M = 2.81

Pre Flop: (t725) Hero is CO with 3 :spade: 7 :club:
1 fold, Hero raises to t888, 1 fold, theocharis17 calls t688, 1 fold

Flop: (t2301) 9 :diamond: K :diamond: 8 :club: (2 players)
theocharis17 checks, Hero bets t1173, theocharis17 folds

Final Pot: t2301
Hero mucks 3 :spade: 7 :club:
Hero wins t2301

Power of CB :)

13.05.12, 23:49
Jep nice, vastasel jäi ca 500 taha 2.5k pot:)

Scoop 21-L veel sees, hetk tagasi oli veel average stack, siis juhtus nii

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 9 players - View hand 1762373 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762373)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

pollico_25 (CO): t8180 M = 5.35
Rodney2008 (BTN): t60312 M = 39.42
zsozsoo (SB): t8859 M = 5.79
Jamdamn (BB): t10336 M = 6.76
Donal_Duck22 (UTG): t24003 M = 15.69
Hero (UTG+1): t23123 M = 15.11
kmen84 (UTG+2): t9838 M = 6.43
1szuwar1 (MP1): t61745 M = 40.36
jullibaby (MP2): t25215 M = 16.48

Pre Flop: (t1530) Hero is UTG+1 with Q :spade: A :diamond:
1 fold, Hero raises to t1332, 2 folds, jullibaby calls t1332, pollico_25 raises to t8110 all in, 3 folds, Hero raises to t23053 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t19082) 9 :diamond: J :heart: 5 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t19082) K :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t19082) 9 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t19082
pollico_25 shows 8 :club: 8 :spade: (two pair, Nines and Eights)
Hero shows Q :spade: A :diamond: (a pair of Nines)
pollico_25 wins t19082

Pole ametlikult scoopidel ühtegi flippi veel võtnud:(

13.05.12, 23:51
BOOM! esimene flipp

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 8 players - View hand 1762376 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762376)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

pollico_25 (UTG): t18872 M = 12.93
Rodney2008 (UTG+1): t86192 M = 59.04
zsozsoo (MP1): t8279 M = 5.67
chupoptero (MP2): t59502 M = 40.75
Donal_Duck22 (CO): t22823 M = 15.63
Hero (BTN): t12933 M = 8.86
1szuwar1 (SB): t39265 M = 26.89
jullibaby (BB): t43247 M = 29.62

Pre Flop: (t1460) Hero is BTN with J :heart: J :diamond:
pollico_25 raises to t1320, 2 folds, chupoptero calls t1320, 1 fold, Hero raises to t12863 all in, 2 folds, pollico_25 raises to t18802 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t28506) T :heart: Q :diamond: 6 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t28506) 5 :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t28506) Q :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t28506
pollico_25 shows K :spade: A :diamond: (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows J :heart: J :diamond: (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
Hero wins t28506

14.05.12, 00:06
aiai, häbi-häbi, suckisin 60k poti välja riverisse:biggrin:

14.05.12, 00:08
Panin ta konkreetselt risti ässa peale, kuid mitte made flushi peale, bad read...

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 9 players - View hand 1762397 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762397)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

pollico_25 (UTG): t8988 M = 5.87
Rodney2008 (UTG+1): t92338 M = 60.35
Endruket (UTG+2): t26153 M = 17.09
chupoptero (MP1): t56337 M = 36.82
Donal_Duck22 (MP2): t25401 M = 16.60
Hero (CO): t29313 M = 19.16
oo00uch!! (BTN): t33726 M = 22.04
1szuwar1 (SB): t36473 M = 23.84
jullibaby (BB): t41787 M = 27.31

Pre Flop: (t1530) Hero is CO with 4 :diamond: 7 :diamond:
5 folds, Hero raises to t1332, 1 fold, 1szuwar1 calls t1032, jullibaby calls t732

Flop: (t4626) 4 :club: 3 :club: 9 :club: (3 players)
1szuwar1 bets t2400, jullibaby folds, Hero calls t2400

Turn: (t9426) 4 :heart: (2 players)
1szuwar1 bets t6300, Hero raises to t25511 all in, 1szuwar1 calls t19211

River: (t60448) 7 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t60448
Hero shows 4 :diamond: 7 :diamond: (a full house, Fours full of Sevens)
1szuwar1 shows T :club: A :club: (a flush, Ace high)
Hero wins t60448

14.05.12, 00:10
That's how the pros do it;)

14.05.12, 00:20
Tahab tulla!

14.05.12, 00:23
Nagu ikka...raske nagu foldida ka...

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t350/t700 Blinds + t85 - 9 players - View hand 1762409 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762409)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

fenster2009 (BB): t15890 M = 8.75
14082011 (UTG): t42761 M = 23.56
jpvr (UTG+1): t38983 M = 21.48
Wise_Owl1989 (UTG+2): t50749 M = 27.96
cabefrancou (MP1): t24548 M = 13.53
Sghango (MP2): t45870 M = 25.27
JoeyCrabb (CO): t66566 M = 36.68
Hero (BTN): t43757 M = 24.11
shinbunshi (SB): t20352 M = 11.21

Pre Flop: (t1815) Hero is BTN with T :club: T :heart:
6 folds, Hero raises to t1554, 1 fold, fenster2009 calls t854

Flop: (t4223) 6 :club: 6 :heart: 9 :spade: (2 players)
fenster2009 checks, Hero bets t2153, fenster2009 calls t2153

Turn: (t8529) 7 :diamond: (2 players)
fenster2009 bets t4900, Hero raises to t18830, fenster2009 calls t7198 all in

River: (t32725) J :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t32725
fenster2009 shows 6 :diamond: 5 :diamond: (three of a kind, Sixes)
Hero shows T :club: T :heart: (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
fenster2009 wins t32725

14.05.12, 00:49
Otsustasin et ei jää nittima mingit mincashi

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t125 - 9 players - View hand 1762453 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762453)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

fenster2009 (CO): t29630 M = 11.29
14082011 (BTN): t39762 M = 15.15
jpvr (SB): t50252 M = 19.14
Wise_Owl1989 (BB): t36656 M = 13.96
cabefrancou (UTG): t24695 M = 9.41
kinkel99 (UTG+1): t71166 M = 27.11
JoeyCrabb (UTG+2): t140241 M = 53.43
Hero (MP1): t18449 M = 7.03
AmsterdamV88 (MP2): t12462 M = 4.75

Pre Flop: (t2625) Hero is MP1 with 6 :club: K :club:
3 folds, Hero raises to t2220, 4 folds, Wise_Owl1989 calls t1220

Flop: (t6065) 2 :diamond: 8 :heart: Q :heart: (2 players)
Wise_Owl1989 checks, Hero bets t3093, Wise_Owl1989 calls t3093

Turn: (t12251) 5 :diamond: (2 players)
Wise_Owl1989 checks, Hero checks

River: (t12251) K :heart: (2 players)
Wise_Owl1989 bets t4410, Hero calls t4410

Final Pot: t21071
Wise_Owl1989 shows 5 :spade: A :heart: (a pair of Fives)
Hero shows 6 :club: K :club: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins t21071

14.05.12, 01:39
Süda jättis mitu lööki vahele kui call tuli;)

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t200 - 9 players - View hand 1762502 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762502)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

fenster2009 (BB): t47325 M = 11.27
14082011 (UTG): t30375 M = 7.23
jpvr (UTG+1): t44730 M = 10.65
Wise_Owl1989 (UTG+2): t44456 M = 10.58
Leonard0777 (MP1): t71251 M = 16.96
kinkel99 (MP2): t129929 M = 30.94
JoeyCrabb (CO): t95904 M = 22.83
Hero (BTN): t36025 M = 8.58
bestboy1986 (SB): t34064 M = 8.11

Pre Flop: (t4200) Hero is BTN with K :spade: A :heart:
1 fold, jpvr raises to t3275, Wise_Owl1989 calls t3275, 3 folds, Hero raises to t35825 all in, 3 folds, Wise_Owl1989 calls t32550

Flop: (t79125) 5 :club: K :club: 4 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t79125) 7 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t79125) 9 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t79125
Wise_Owl1989 shows 8 :spade: 8 :diamond: (a pair of Eights)
Hero shows K :spade: A :heart: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins t79125

14.05.12, 02:12
1st cash, super happy, let the lagging begin!

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1000/t2000 Blinds + t250 - 9 players - View hand 1762530 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762530)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

fenster2009 (UTG+1): t55275 M = 10.53
14082011 (UTG+2): t22000 M = 4.19
jpvr (MP1): t40167 M = 7.65
Wise_Owl1989 (MP2): t8131 M = 1.55
Leonard0777 (CO): t63751 M = 12.14
kinkel99 (BTN): t150894 M = 28.74
JoeyCrabb (SB): t84104 M = 16.02
Hero (BB): t75123 M = 14.31
bestboy1986 (UTG): t34614 M = 6.59

Pre Flop: (t5250) Hero is BB with 6 :diamond: 8 :diamond:
3 folds, jpvr raises to t4000, 2 folds, kinkel99 calls t4000, 1 fold, Hero calls t2000

Flop: (t15250) 5 :club: 4 :diamond: Q :spade: (3 players)
Hero checks, jpvr bets t5880, kinkel99 folds, Hero raises to t12222, jpvr folds

Final Pot: t27010
Hero mucks 6 :diamond: 8 :diamond:
Hero wins t27010

14.05.12, 02:21
See vastane on hetkel parim mängija lauas:)

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t325 - 9 players - View hand 1762540 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762540)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

fenster2009 (BTN): t78214 M = 11.72
dudu2508 (SB): t114098 M = 17.09
jpvr (BB): t30231 M = 4.53
Wise_Owl1989 (UTG): t49011 M = 7.34
Leonard0777 (UTG+1): t56477 M = 8.46
kinkel99 (UTG+2): t109458 M = 16.40
JoeyCrabb (MP1): t75679 M = 11.34
Hero (MP2): t96853 M = 14.51
duduvilas (CO): t52571 M = 7.88

Pre Flop: (t6675) Hero is MP2 with K :diamond: K :spade:
2 folds, kinkel99 raises to t5000, 1 fold, Hero raises to t12222, 4 folds, kinkel99 calls t7222

Flop: (t31119) 3 :diamond: 7 :spade: A :diamond: (2 players)
kinkel99 checks, Hero bets t16666, kinkel99 folds

Final Pot: t31119
Hero mucks K :diamond: K :spade:
Hero wins t31119

14.05.12, 02:37
Otsustasin mitte stackidele mängida siin, tundus jube kahtlane:P

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t325 - 9 players - View hand 1762552 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762552)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (SB): t96880 M = 14.51
Obelix26 (BB): t55312 M = 8.29
moumaife84 (UTG): t73770 M = 11.05
kexas1984 (UTG+1): t166467 M = 24.94
Hustlaaaaaa (UTG+2): t84244 M = 12.62
Spowi07 (MP1): t194817 M = 29.19
noyevona (MP2): t98815 M = 14.80
Hero (CO): t114125 M = 17.10
tisuwheel (BTN): t22836 M = 3.42

Pre Flop: (t6675) Hero is CO with A :club: K :diamond:
1 fold, kexas1984 raises to t5000, Hustlaaaaaa raises to t12400, 2 folds, Hero calls t12400, 3 folds, kexas1984 calls t7400

Flop: (t43875) 9 :club: 5 :diamond: 5 :club: (3 players)
kexas1984 checks, Hustlaaaaaa bets t16233, Hero folds, kexas1984 folds

Final Pot: t43875
Hustlaaaaaa wins t43875

14.05.12, 02:38

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1500/t3000 Blinds + t375 - 9 players - View hand 1762551 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762551)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (BB): t87730 M = 11.14
Obelix26 (UTG): t48662 M = 6.18
moumaife84 (UTG+1): t61370 M = 7.79
kexas1984 (UTG+2): t160417 M = 20.37
Hustlaaaaaa (MP1): t104691 M = 13.29
Spowi07 (MP2): t230747 M = 29.30
noyevona (CO): t83915 M = 10.66
Hero (BTN): t107360 M = 13.63
tisuwheel (SB): t22374 M = 2.84

Pre Flop: (t7875) Hero is BTN with K :heart: K :spade:
2 folds, kexas1984 raises to t7500, Hustlaaaaaa calls t7500, 2 folds, Hero raises to t23333, 2 folds, kexas1984 raises to t42000, 1 fold, Hero raises to t106985 all in, kexas1984 calls t64985

Flop: (t229345) 7 :club: 4 :heart: T :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t229345) 6 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t229345) J :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t229345
kexas1984 shows A :heart: K :diamond: (high card Ace)
Hero shows K :heart: K :spade: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins t229345

14.05.12, 02:40
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1500/t3000 Blinds + t375 - 9 players - View hand 1762556 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762556)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (MP1): t75355 M = 9.57
Obelix26 (MP2): t56162 M = 7.13
moumaife84 (CO): t54995 M = 6.98
kexas1984 (BTN): t62807 M = 7.98
Hustlaaaaaa (SB): t92316 M = 11.72
Spowi07 (BB): t228872 M = 29.06
noyevona (UTG): t82040 M = 10.42
Hero (UTG+1): t208471 M = 26.47
tisuwheel (UTG+2): t46248 M = 5.87

Pre Flop: (t7875) Hero is UTG+1 with K :spade: K :heart:
noyevona raises to t7500, Hero raises to t18888, 7 folds, noyevona calls t11388

Flop: (t45651) 2 :diamond: 5 :heart: J :diamond: (2 players)
noyevona bets t62777 all in, Hero calls t62777

Turn: (t171205) 6 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t171205) 4 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t171205
noyevona shows A :heart: K :diamond: (high card Ace)
Hero shows K :spade: K :heart: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins t171205

14.05.12, 02:40
Pole olemas:cool:

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1500/t3000 Blinds + t375 - 8 players - View hand 1762558 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762558)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (UTG+1): t74980 M = 10.00
Obelix26 (MP1): t55787 M = 7.44
moumaife84 (MP2): t54620 M = 7.28
kexas1984 (CO): t62432 M = 8.32
Hustlaaaaaa (BTN): t90441 M = 12.06
Spowi07 (SB): t225497 M = 30.07
Hero (BB): t297636 M = 39.68
tisuwheel (UTG): t45873 M = 6.12

Pre Flop: (t7500) Hero is BB with 4 :heart: 2 :diamond:
1 fold, JamesBold057 calls t3000, 4 folds, Spowi07 calls t1500, Hero checks

Flop: (t12000) 4 :club: 2 :spade: 4 :spade: (3 players)
Spowi07 checks, Hero checks, JamesBold057 checks

Turn: (t12000) 2 :club: (3 players)
Spowi07 checks, Hero bets t9120, JamesBold057 folds, Spowi07 folds

Final Pot: t12000
Hero mucks 4 :heart: 2 :diamond:
Hero wins t12000

14.05.12, 02:58
huh, 6.5h mänginud juba, uskumatu kuidas aeg lendab, 2xavg peal istun hetkel ja 1/10 olemasolevast bankrollist teenitud juba:)

14.05.12, 03:00
ma checkiks turni ka. lase hittida või bluffida neil või teha hero-call K või A higha riveril. nii kuival limbitud potis ei saa neil midagi olla, eriti kui sa blockid terve boardi, mis anyway läheks suure actioni korral splitti.

14.05.12, 03:09
ok, pean meeles

14.05.12, 03:16
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2500/t5000 Blinds + t625 - 9 players - View hand 1762577 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762577)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (BTN): t17295 M = 1.32
Femii (SB): t48791 M = 3.72
pharma09 (BB): t89901 M = 6.85
tupacmn (UTG): t137348 M = 10.46
Hustlaaaaaa (UTG+1): t314220 M = 23.94
Spowi07 (UTG+2): t318525 M = 24.27
schwepeta (MP1): t112684 M = 8.59
Hero (MP2): t288951 M = 22.02
fonseca84 (CO): t132383 M = 10.09

Pre Flop: (t13125) Hero is MP2 with A :heart: Q :spade:
4 folds, Hero raises to t11100, 2 folds, Femii raises to t48166 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t37066

Flop: (t106957) 7 :heart: T :heart: 3 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t106957) 5 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t106957) J :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t106957
Femii shows A :spade: K :club: (high card Ace)
Hero shows A :heart: Q :spade: (high card Ace - lower kicker)
Femii wins t106957

14.05.12, 03:19
Kogu aeg laksas otsa kõigile, ei tea tglt, kas foldimisruumi oli tal enam...

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2500/t5000 Blinds + t625 - 9 players - View hand 1762578 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762578)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (MP1): t38965 M = 2.97
Femii (MP2): t105707 M = 8.05
pharma09 (CO): t80526 M = 6.14
tupacmn (BTN): t127973 M = 9.75
Hustlaaaaaa (SB): t296925 M = 22.62
Spowi07 (BB): t306650 M = 23.36
schwepeta (UTG): t110809 M = 8.44
Hero (UTG+1): t262035 M = 19.96
fonseca84 (UTG+2): t130508 M = 9.94

Pre Flop: (t13125) Hero is UTG+1 with 6 :heart: 6 :club:
1 fold, Hero raises to t11100, 4 folds, tupacmn raises to t22888, 2 folds, Hero raises to t261410 all in, tupacmn calls t104460 all in

Flop: (t267821) 7 :club: 2 :heart: 7 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t267821) A :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t267821) A :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t267821
tupacmn shows T :spade: T :club: (two pair, Aces and Tens)
Hero shows 6 :heart: 6 :club: (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
tupacmn wins t267821

14.05.12, 03:27
sama donk, gg

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3000/t6000 Blinds + t750 - 8 players - View hand 1762584 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1762584)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

JamesBold057 (CO): t25215 M = 1.68
Femii (BTN): t120832 M = 8.06
tupacmn (SB): t239808 M = 15.99
Hustlaaaaaa (BB): t297215 M = 19.81
Spowi07 (UTG): t331430 M = 22.10
schwepeta (UTG+1): t210403 M = 14.03
Hero (MP1): t117437 M = 7.83
fonseca84 (MP2): t117758 M = 7.85

Pre Flop: (t15000) Hero is MP1 with A :heart: K :club:
2 folds, Hero raises to t13320, 3 folds, tupacmn raises to t29888, 1 fold, Hero raises to t116687 all in, tupacmn calls t86799

Flop: (t245374) 4 :spade: Q :diamond: J :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t245374) A :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t245374) 6 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t245374
tupacmn shows J :club: A :club: (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
Hero shows A :heart: K :club: (a pair of Aces)
tupacmn wins t245374

1149/24185 $114.87

16.05.12, 00:20
Sngdest no cash täna, ise ka ei usu, päris korralikke backdoor asju täna tõmmatud, paha hakkab lihtsalt, tahaks quittida...

20.05.12, 12:42
Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769247 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769247)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Dr.SerJo (SB): t2235 22.35 BBs
Hero (BB): t1182 11.82 BBs
lacrima2010 (UTG): t2570 25.70 BBs
Alex fin333 (MP): t3225 32.25 BBs
greenreptile (CO): t1906 19.06 BBs
Donato599 (BTN): t3427 34.27 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is BB with Q :club: A :diamond:
1 fold, Alex fin333 calls t100, 3 folds, Hero raises to t1182 all in, Alex fin333 calls t1082

Flop: (t2414) 5 :spade: J :spade: 8 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t2414) T :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t2414) 8 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t2414
Hero shows Q :club: A :diamond: (a pair of Eights)
Alex fin333 shows Q :heart: T :heart: (two pair, Tens and Eights)
Alex fin333 wins t2414

20.05.12, 12:43
Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769248 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769248)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

robertjkiss (BTN): t3944 131.47 BBs
loklad (SB): t1545 51.50 BBs
belldibell (BB): t2624 87.47 BBs
Hero (UTG): t1311 43.70 BBs
RIP-Tilt23 (MP): t760 25.33 BBs
lewanai137 (CO): t1126 37.53 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is UTG with K :spade: K :club:
Hero raises to t74, RIP-Tilt23 raises to t480, 4 folds, Hero raises to t1170, RIP-Tilt23 calls t280 all in

Flop: (t1565) 5 :diamond: 5 :spade: 2 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t1565) T :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t1565) Q :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t1565
Hero shows K :spade: K :club: (two pair, Kings and Fives)
RIP-Tilt23 shows Q :heart: Q :diamond: (a full house, Queens full of Fives)
RIP-Tilt23 wins t1565

20.05.12, 13:30
This is how I roll:p

Poker Stars $3.11+$0.39 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1769318 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769318)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t1350 6.75 BBs
smaga M (BTN): t4140 20.70 BBs
MaLaHN (SB): t2196 10.98 BBs
ilia19892401 (BB): t4753 23.77 BBs
**VilZ**12 (UTG): t3569 17.84 BBs
RentnerII (UTG+1): t4574 22.87 BBs
robeiniesta0 (UTG+2): t2571 12.86 BBs
FMBLima (MP1): t1360 6.80 BBs
KIKEDRS78 (MP2): t2487 12.44 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is CO with A :heart: A :spade:
1 fold, RentnerII calls t200, 3 folds, Hero raises to t1350 all in, 1 fold, MaLaHN raises to t2196 all in, 2 folds

Flop: (t3100) 9 :diamond: 2 :spade: K :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t3100) Q :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t3100) 8 :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t3100
Hero shows A :heart: A :spade: (a pair of Aces)
MaLaHN shows 8 :heart: 8 :diamond: (three of a kind, Eights)
MaLaHN wins t3100


20.05.12, 13:59
Suht rasked spotid Scoopi maini satikal olnud

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t25 - 9 players - View hand 1769332 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769332)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: t6127 M = 10.21
MP1: t16884 M = 28.14
MP2: t14375 M = 23.96
CO: t3636 M = 6.06
Hero (BTN): t12228 M = 20.38
SB: t4180 M = 6.97
BB: t13135 M = 21.89
UTG: t5699 M = 9.50
UTG+1: t7016 M = 11.69

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is BTN with A :club: T :diamond:
6 folds, Hero raises to t555, SB raises to t4155 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t3600

Flop: (t8785) 7 :spade: 2 :spade: 7 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t8785) 6 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t8785) A :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t8785
Hero shows A :club: T :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
SB shows 3 :heart: K :diamond: (a pair of Sevens)
Hero wins t8785

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100.00/t200.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1769335 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769335)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: t4251.00 21.25 BBs
BTN: t3308.00 16.54 BBs
SB: t6998.00 34.99 BBs
BB: t11001.00 55.01 BBs
UTG: t5842.00 29.21 BBs
UTG+1: t11576.00 57.88 BBs
UTG+2: t5973.00 29.86 BBs
MP1: t6311.00 31.55 BBs
Hero (MP2): t8220.00 41.10 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is MP2 with 7 :diamond: 7 :spade:
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t400, UTG+2 calls t400, 1 fold, Hero calls t400, 1 fold, BTN calls t400, 1 fold, BB calls t200

Flop: (t2100) 4 :diamond: 3 :spade: 9 :heart: (5 players)
BB checks, UTG+1 checks, UTG+2 checks, Hero checks, BTN bets t2908.00, BB folds, UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 folds, Hero calls t2908

Turn: (t7916) K :club: (2 players)

River: (t7916) 2 :spade: (2 players)

Final Pot: t7916
BTN shows 2 :club: 5 :club:
Hero shows 7 :diamond: 7 :spade:
Hero wins t7916.00

20.05.12, 14:46
Eestlase vastu, ei oska midagi muud ka teha 20bb

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 9 players - View hand 1769356 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769356)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

PickPrushnik (MP2): t18582 M = 17.70
TomBrownlee (CO): t12642 M = 12.04
Vascão porra (BTN): t17581 M = 16.74
ALESQA^^ (SB): t7927 M = 7.55
Hero (BB): t8383 M = 7.98
adelek07 (UTG): t4290 M = 4.09
dan3l666 (UTG+1): t11514 M = 10.97
nir-h111 (UTG+2): t5849 M = 5.57
Flasch62 (MP1): t2727 M = 2.60

Pre Flop: (t1050) Hero is BB with J :spade: J :diamond:
1 fold, dan3l666 raises to t1200, 6 folds, Hero raises to t8333 all in, dan3l666 calls t7133

Flop: (t17316) J :club: 2 :spade: 9 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t17316) 7 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t17316) T :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t17316
Hero shows J :spade: J :diamond: (three of a kind, Jacks)
dan3l666 shows K :club: K :spade: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins t17316

20.05.12, 15:20
Päev otsa top range sisse jooksnud, kohutav, OOP flativad ja hitivad seti alati;)

Poker Stars $15.00+$1.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 8 players - View hand 1769385 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769385)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

DodgyEnd (UTG): t47 0.23 BBs
areyounutz (UTG+1): t9016 45.08 BBs
Hero (MP1): t5229 26.14 BBs
THEhem666 (MP2): t9214 46.07 BBs
mer760 (CO): t12956 64.78 BBs
jonna102 (BTN): t4210 21.05 BBs
Ivanesz (SB): t9678 48.39 BBs
Winyoo (BB): t4018 20.09 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is MP1 with 9 :spade: 7 :spade:
2 folds, Hero raises to t444, 3 folds, Ivanesz calls t344, 1 fold

Flop: (t1088) 6 :spade: 4 :spade: 5 :diamond: (2 players)
Ivanesz checks, Hero bets t554, Ivanesz raises to t1630, Hero raises to t4785 all in, Ivanesz calls t3155

Turn: (t10658) 9 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t10658) J :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t10658
Hero shows 9 :spade: 7 :spade: (a pair of Nines)
Ivanesz shows 6 :diamond: 6 :heart: (three of a kind, Sixes)
Ivanesz wins t10658

20.05.12, 15:35
Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t100 - 9 players - View hand 1769396 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769396)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

gandist (UTG+1): t27711 M = 11.55
dimdoc1974 (UTG+2): t14868 M = 6.20
Hero (MP1): t13132 M = 5.47
bajsbengt (MP2): t11608 M = 4.84
aeronautix (CO): t17457 M = 7.27
__znaq__ (BTN): t36430 M = 15.18
kapaka89 (SB): t11752 M = 4.90
AR_Favorit (BB): t44692 M = 18.62
Stubbie32 (UTG): t26028 M = 10.85

Pre Flop: (t2400) Hero is MP1 with T :diamond: T :spade:
3 folds, Hero raises to t13032 all in, 2 folds, __znaq__ calls t13032, 2 folds

Flop: (t28464) 5 :spade: Q :diamond: 5 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t28464) A :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t28464) 7 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t28464
Hero shows T :diamond: T :spade: (two pair, Tens and Fives)
__znaq__ shows J :club: J :heart: (two pair, Jacks and Fives)
__znaq__ wins t28464

20.05.12, 17:47
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769475 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769475)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bashov (BTN): t10847 180.78 BBs
serracabos (SB): t7542 125.70 BBs
Hero (BB): t10000 166.67 BBs
easywballs (UTG): t10150 169.17 BBs
Womble68 (MP): t9724 162.07 BBs
Gait Rigter (CO): t10000 166.67 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is BB with 5 :diamond: 7 :diamond:
3 folds, Bashov raises to t150, 1 fold, Hero raises to t420, Bashov calls t270

Flop: (t870) 5 :spade: A :club: 2 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t480, Bashov raises to t1345, Hero calls t865

Turn: (t3560) J :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, Bashov bets t2145, Hero calls t2145

River: (t7850) 7 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, Bashov checks

Final Pot: t7850
Bashov mucks 9 :spade: 8 :heart:
Hero shows 5 :diamond: 7 :diamond: (two pair, Sevens and Fives)
Hero wins t7850

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30/t60 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769477 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769477)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bashov (BTN): t6847 114.12 BBs
serracabos (SB): t7632 127.20 BBs
Hero (BB): t14000 233.33 BBs
easywballs (UTG): t10150 169.17 BBs
Womble68 (MP): t9634 160.57 BBs
Gait Rigter (CO): t10000 166.67 BBs

Pre Flop: (t90) Hero is BB with 4 :club: 4 :heart:
2 folds, Gait Rigter raises to t120, 1 fold, serracabos raises to t322, Hero calls t262, Gait Rigter calls t202

Flop: (t966) 4 :diamond: 2 :spade: 3 :heart: (3 players)
serracabos bets t655, Hero calls t655, Gait Rigter folds

Turn: (t2276) K :heart: (2 players)
serracabos bets t1022, Hero calls t1022

River: (t4320) 8 :club: (2 players)
serracabos checks, Hero bets t2640, serracabos calls t2640

Final Pot: t9600
serracabos mucks Q :club: Q :heart:
Hero shows 4 :club: 4 :heart: (three of a kind, Fours)
Hero wins t9600

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769479 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769479)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bashov (MP): t6518 81.47 BBs
serracabos (CO): t3904 48.80 BBs
Hero (BTN): t19439 242.99 BBs
easywballs (SB): t9459 118.24 BBs
Womble68 (BB): t9125 114.06 BBs
Gait Rigter (UTG): t9818 122.72 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BTN with K :heart: A :diamond:
1 fold, Bashov raises to t200, 1 fold, Hero raises to t560, 2 folds, Bashov raises to t1280, Hero raises to t13840, 1 fold

Final Pot: t2680
Hero mucks K :heart: A :diamond:
Hero wins t2680

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769481 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769481)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bashov (UTG): t5318 66.47 BBs
mrdrbaboni (MP): t10120 126.50 BBs
Hero (CO): t17214 215.18 BBs
easywballs (BTN): t9579 119.74 BBs
Womble68 (SB): t8246 103.08 BBs
Gait Rigter (BB): t9898 123.72 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is CO with 8 :heart: 8 :spade:
2 folds, Hero raises to t199, easywballs calls t199, 1 fold, Gait Rigter calls t119

Flop: (t637) 7 :club: 5 :heart: Q :diamond: (3 players)
Gait Rigter checks, Hero bets t400, easywballs calls t400, Gait Rigter folds

Turn: (t1437) 8 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t1120, easywballs calls t1120

River: (t3677) 4 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets t1440, easywballs calls t1440

Final Pot: t6557
Hero shows 8 :heart: 8 :spade: (three of a kind, Eights)
easywballs mucks A :diamond: Q :heart:
Hero wins t6557

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769482 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769482)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Bashov (MP): t5438 67.97 BBs
mrdrbaboni (CO): t10000 125 BBs
Hero (BTN): t20492 256.15 BBs
easywballs (SB): t6340 79.25 BBs
Womble68 (BB): t8206 102.58 BBs
Gait Rigter (UTG): t9899 123.74 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BTN with 9 :heart: 9 :spade:
1 fold, Bashov raises to t200, 1 fold, Hero raises to t560, 2 folds, Bashov raises to t1360, Hero raises to t13200, Bashov calls t4078 all in

Flop: (t10996) 2 :spade: A :club: 4 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t10996) 6 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t10996) 9 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t10996
Bashov shows A :spade: T :spade: (a pair of Aces)
Hero shows 9 :heart: 9 :spade: (three of a kind, Nines)
Hero wins t10996

20.05.12, 18:36
Esimene mõte oli fold, aga siis tuli reaalsustaju tagasi::)

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds + t20 - 6 players - View hand 1769536 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769536)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

uppercutter (CO): t8463 M = 24.53
O.S.W.L.L. (BTN): t9510 M = 27.57
Hero (SB): t31406 M = 91.03
fabstoff_10 (BB): t7390 M = 21.42
vm1124 (UTG): t10000 M = 28.99
Gait Rigter (MP): t36546 M = 105.93

Pre Flop: (t345) Hero is SB with K :club: Q :club:
1 fold, Gait Rigter calls t150, 1 fold, O.S.W.L.L. calls t150, Hero calls t75, fabstoff_10 checks

Flop: (t720) 9 :club: Q :spade: 2 :diamond: (4 players)
Hero bets t547, fabstoff_10 calls t547, Gait Rigter folds, O.S.W.L.L. folds

Turn: (t1814) 3 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets t1200, fabstoff_10 raises to t6673 all in, Hero calls t5473

River: (t15160) 3 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t15160
Hero shows K :club: Q :club: (two pair, Queens and Threes)
fabstoff_10 shows Q :heart: T :club: (two pair, Queens and Threes - lower kicker)
Hero wins t15160

20.05.12, 20:13
Kohutav, kui hea heater halbadel mängijatel on, olen mitu korda maha callinud parema käega ja ta riverdanud, tilti ajab:frown:

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 6 players - View hand 1769677 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769677)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (BTN): t37814 M = 28.65
$YOUNES$1983 (SB): t14999 M = 11.36
Hero (BB): t28343 M = 21.47
MaeniU (UTG): t20123 M = 15.24
nicopee (MP): t6561 M = 4.97
Gait Rigter (CO): t29711 M = 22.51

Pre Flop: (t1320) Hero is BB with J :spade: A :heart:
2 folds, Gait Rigter raises to t1200, 2 folds, Hero calls t600

Flop: (t3120) 7 :heart: K :spade: 7 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, Gait Rigter bets t2500, Hero calls t2500

Turn: (t8120) 3 :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, Gait Rigter checks

River: (t8120) 9 :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, Gait Rigter checks

Final Pot: t8120
Hero shows J :spade: A :heart: (a pair of Sevens)
Gait Rigter shows 9 :diamond: A :club: (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
Gait Rigter wins t8120

20.05.12, 20:19
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125.00/t250.00 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769687 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769687)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (MP): t39732.00 158.93 BBs
Leff Tuz (CO): t6160.00 24.64 BBs
Hero (BTN): t43098.00 172.39 BBs
facinho (SB): t5044.00 20.18 BBs
vm1124 (BB): t13220.00 52.88 BBs
Gait Rigter (UTG): t40961.00 163.84 BBs

Pre Flop: (t375) Hero is BTN with J :heart: T :heart:
Gait Rigter raises to t500, 2 folds, Hero calls t500, 2 folds

Flop: (t1375) J :diamond: 6 :club: 2 :spade: (2 players)
Gait Rigter bets t1250.00, Hero calls t1250

Turn: (t3875) 7 :spade: (2 players)
Gait Rigter bets t2250.00, Hero calls t2250

River: (t8375) K :diamond: (2 players)
Gait Rigter bets t4250.00, Hero calls t4250

Final Pot: t16875
Hero mucks J :heart: T :heart:
Gait Rigter shows K :heart: 6 :heart:
Gait Rigter wins t17055.00
(Rake: t-180)

20.05.12, 20:37
3-way flip one time, ei:(

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t350/t700 Blinds + t85 - 6 players - View hand 1769708 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769708)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (UTG): t46744 M = 29.96
$YOUNES$1983 (MP): t14309 M = 9.17
Hero (CO): t19475 M = 12.48
Pittkin (BTN): t49199 M = 31.54
Cissoco (SB): t97169 M = 62.29
Gait Rigter (BB): t59455 M = 38.11

Pre Flop: (t1560) Hero is CO with 8 :heart: 8 :spade:
1 fold, $YOUNES$1983 raises to t2800, Hero raises to t19390 all in, 2 folds, Gait Rigter raises to t59370 all in, $YOUNES$1983 calls t11424 all in

Flop: (t53864) T :club: 5 :diamond: K :diamond: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t53864) 4 :spade: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t53864) 5 :spade: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: t53864
$YOUNES$1983 shows A :diamond: K :heart: (two pair, Kings and Fives)
Hero shows 8 :heart: 8 :spade: (two pair, Eights and Fives)
Gait Rigter shows 7 :diamond: 7 :heart: (two pair, Sevens and Fives)
Hero wins t10332
$YOUNES$1983 wins t43532

20.05.12, 20:47
Revenge is sweet

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 6 players - View hand 1769724 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769724)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (CO): t62418 M = 34.68
$YOUNES$1983 (BTN): t37127 M = 20.63
Hero (SB): t14573 M = 8.10
Pittkin (BB): t55079 M = 30.60
Cissoco (UTG): t97559 M = 54.20
Gait Rigter (MP): t19595 M = 10.89

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is SB with 6 :spade: 6 :diamond:
1 fold, Gait Rigter raises to t1600, 2 folds, Hero raises to t14473 all in, 1 fold, Gait Rigter calls t12873

Flop: (t30346) K :heart: J :spade: A :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t30346) K :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t30346) K :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t30346
Hero shows 6 :spade: 6 :diamond: (a full house, Kings full of Sixes)
Gait Rigter shows 5 :club: 5 :heart: (a full house, Kings full of Fives)
Hero wins t30346

20.05.12, 20:54
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 6 players - View hand 1769738 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769738)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (CO): t61018 M = 33.90
$YOUNES$1983 (BTN): t34527 M = 19.18
Hero (SB): t25994 M = 14.44
Pittkin (BB): t55955 M = 31.09
Cissoco (UTG): t179324 M = 99.62
fan-fan04 (MP): t36530 M = 20.29

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is SB with A :spade: T :club:
4 folds, Hero raises to t1776, Pittkin calls t976

Flop: (t4152) 6 :spade: 3 :heart: 5 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, Pittkin bets t2400, Hero calls t2400

Turn: (t8952) 9 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, Pittkin checks

River: (t8952) 8 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, Pittkin bets t5600, Hero calls t5600

Final Pot: t20152
Hero shows A :spade: T :club: (high card Ace)
Pittkin shows Q :diamond: J :diamond: (high card Queen)
Hero wins t20152

20.05.12, 21:13
Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t125 - 6 players - View hand 1769756 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769756)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

RuckaRucka (BB): t33942 M = 15.09
$YOUNES$1983 (UTG): t66152 M = 29.40
Hero (MP): t33569 M = 14.92
Pittkin (CO): t40529 M = 18.01
Cissoco (BTN): t178688 M = 79.42
fan-fan04 (SB): t40468 M = 17.99

Pre Flop: (t2250) Hero is MP with A :diamond: 4 :diamond:
1 fold, Hero raises to t2220, 1 fold, Cissoco calls t2220, fan-fan04 calls t1720, RuckaRucka calls t1220

Flop: (t9630) K :spade: K :diamond: A :heart: (4 players)
fan-fan04 checks, RuckaRucka checks, Hero checks, Cissoco checks

Turn: (t9630) 7 :diamond: (4 players)
fan-fan04 checks, RuckaRucka bets t4000, Hero calls t4000, Cissoco folds, fan-fan04 folds

River: (t17630) 5 :heart: (2 players)
RuckaRucka checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: t17630
RuckaRucka shows 4 :heart: J :spade: (a pair of Kings)
Hero shows A :diamond: 4 :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Kings)
Hero wins t17630

20.05.12, 21:53
50 mängijat oli mulli lõhkemiseni ja kõik lauas teadsid et ma ootan cashi pikisilmi ja restealisid kogu aeg mu vastu, siis otsustasin kindla peale minna ja neti välja lülitada kolmeks minutiks;);)
Hello $52.09:)

20.05.12, 22:06
pretty pretty loose:P

Poker Stars $25+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t200 - 5 players - View hand 1769823 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769823)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

$YOUNES$1983 (CO): t86877 M = 25.55
Hero (BTN): t40000 M = 11.76
Pittkin (SB): t130595 M = 38.41
Cissoco (BB): t137743 M = 40.51
fan-fan04 (UTG): t93614 M = 27.53

Pre Flop: (t3400) Hero is BTN with T :club: 8 :club:
2 folds, Hero raises to t3552, Pittkin raises to t8000, 1 fold, Hero calls t4448

Flop: (t18600) A :heart: T :spade: T :diamond: (2 players)
Pittkin bets t14400, Hero calls t14400

Turn: (t47400) 9 :club: (2 players)
Pittkin bets t23700, Hero calls t17400 all in

River: (t82200) Q :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t82200
Hero shows T :club: 8 :club: (three of a kind, Tens)
Pittkin shows K :diamond: A :club: (two pair, Aces and Tens)
Hero wins t82200

20.05.12, 22:29
Leidis ikka blindist kuningad mingi, gg. $57.30

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250.00/t2500.00 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1769866 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1769866)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Teiwaz87 (CO): t95168.00 38.07 BBs
$YOUNES$1983 (BTN): t88538.00 35.42 BBs
Hero (SB): t56917.00 22.77 BBs
Bodemann (BB): t97943.00 39.18 BBs
Cissoco (UTG): t115299.00 46.12 BBs
fan-fan04 (MP): t169147.00 67.66 BBs

Pre Flop: (t3750) Hero is SB with 8 :diamond: 8 :spade:
1 fold, fan-fan04 raises to t5000, 2 folds, Hero raises to t56592, Bodemann calls t54092, fan-fan04 calls t51592

Flop: (t169776) A :spade: T :heart: Q :heart: (3 players)
Bodemann checks, fan-fan04 checks

Turn: (t169776) A :club: (3 players)
Bodemann checks, fan-fan04 checks

River: (t169776) 4 :diamond: (3 players)
Bodemann checks, fan-fan04 checks

Final Pot: t169776
Hero shows 8 :diamond: 8 :spade:
Bodemann shows K :diamond: K :club:
fan-fan04 mucks 3 :spade: 3 :club:
Bodemann wins t171726.00
(Rake: t-1950)

24.05.12, 13:29
Lõpetasime stake ära, peaks olema solid pluss, sandy lubas updateda õhtul...

24.05.12, 18:43
Lõpuks bankroll $726.92. +$126.92
Fakt on see et MTTdega failisin, korralikku hitti ei tulnud MTTdest. Scoopilt tuli üks $100+ cash, kuid see oli ka maksimum, mida suutsin. Õnneks boonused aitasid stake kenasti plusspoolele. Sng-d olid kenasti biiditavad, tulemus selline:

Vahepeal oli sng seis üpris hea, kuid lõpp hakkas ära vajuma:

Aitäh usalduse eest, panin raha teele, over & out.

24.05.12, 18:57