View Full Version : nl200 KJ

24.03.09, 23:16
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 76100 (http://www.thehandconverter.com/hands/76100)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.thehandconverter.com)

MP1: $200.00
MP2: $113.45
CO: $200.00
BTN: $200.00
SB: $51.75
Hero (BB): $220.00
UTG: $43.35
UTG+1: $409.80
UTG+2: $129.85

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with J :heart: K :spade:
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $2, 1 fold, MP1 calls $2, 3 folds, SB calls $1, Hero raises to $12, 1 fold, MP1 calls $10, 1 fold

Flop: ($28.00) 6 :club: J :club: 6 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $16, MP1 raises to $42, Hero calls $26

Turn: ($112.00) 7 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checks

River: ($112.00) 2 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checks

14/11/2/31 500 kätt

24.03.09, 23:22
Ma ei oska sinu küsimusele vastata.

25.03.09, 07:43
6 tema range'i vast ei sobi. Ja J tal ka ilmselt pole. Pakuks, et ta rireisis keskmise pocketiga, et teada, kus on.

25.03.09, 10:17
Ise pakuks 88-TT