View Full Version : Ametlik MicroMillions II, 12-22 juuli.

Leheküljed : [1] 2

10.07.12, 16:03
Aeg on jälle käes, et halada ja bragida ning vbl isegi mõni hitt koju tuua.

On veel rahvast kes sellest osa võtab? Ise olen välja vaadanud 60~ turniiri millest osa võtan.

Nutame ja naerame koos siis siin.

10.07.12, 17:33
Million million alõõhh ross :D

Ilmselt mõnda ikka näpin :D

10.07.12, 17:48
Need kõik ju nii jubedad laulupeod, et ei näe eriti valuet ;(

10.07.12, 19:59
Mida sa selle alla mõtled?

10.07.12, 20:03
Ranka mõtles arvatavasti seda, et MM igal turnal mustmiljon osalejat ja märkimisväärse võidu nimel pead metsikust fieldist läbi murdma.

10.07.12, 20:09
Seda ma arvasingi.
Aga kui on valida kas mängida igaõhtuseid GTD turniire kus palju häid mängijaid või siis taoliseid promo GTDsid siis laseks igakell enne viimaseid ju.
Fieldi pehmus kaalub kindlasti üles selle, et mitu inimest osaleb või mitte. Kui olete suurte fieldidega taolised turnasid mänginud siis teate, et neid langeb nagu ei tea mida nagunii.

10.07.12, 20:11
Esimesel MMil see aasta plaanisin sitaks mängida, aga ei viitsinud sõna otseses mõttes ühtegi mängida ja nüüd tahaks meeletult mängida, aga töö segab, nvl lasen kindlasti, ehk siis reede-pühap õhtu saab grindida.Äkki tuleb 1 time ära :D

10.07.12, 20:13
Ise teen ka spets selle jaoks depo ja proovin võimalikult paljudest eventidest osa võtta.

10.07.12, 20:26
suur field palju kalu-fl-s siiski suht kopsakad auhinnad
Lihtsalt vaja sellist mammutturniiride lucky veidi

10.07.12, 22:54
meh, ei viitsi neid väga teha. või noh, eestis pole ka samal ajal :D

10.07.12, 23:08
Tore ikka, et mikromeestele selline turniiridesari on tehtud. Üritan ka võimalikult paljudest osa võtta. Kui ühte lauda satume, sis öelge ikka tere ka.

11.07.12, 22:05
Main Eventi ainult arvatavasti

11.07.12, 22:51
Hakkan 20$ starsi rolliga gämblima!

12.07.12, 14:20
Bring it on! Bring it on! Esimene event rsk. Ballz and chips and fishes

12.07.12, 14:23
42k osalejat atm, top 100 paid :D

12.07.12, 14:25
Too ez!

12.07.12, 14:28
Menestystä kaikille!!!

12.07.12, 16:50
Helvetty no tegin ca 20 double rebuyd ja ei midagi ei oska flipata ega flopata p.s läksin nii tilti,et sng mida kõrvalt pelasin donkasin ka bustoks... Krt ammu pole tilti läind a 10c oli hea võimalus. Vaadates leaderboardi Russia eesotsas nuhajvõinahuj nemad ju parimad suckerid of all.

12.07.12, 17:04
8701, läksin oma JT-ga natuke ülemeelikuks ning villainil oli AA teist korda järjest. Mental breakdown täielik, out... Katsume hittida teistel eventidel, aga ei tea... peale seda biiti pole elu enam endine.

12.07.12, 17:25
Luusercs ka lammutab team pro acombraga yhes lauas! :D


12.07.12, 17:26
Sa miski kollaste kasettidega telekamänguga mängid PokerStarsis või tõesti kuvar miski 8bitine w?

12.07.12, 17:31
Sa miski kollaste kasettidega telekamänguga mängid PokerStarsis või tõesti kuvar miski 8bitine w?

Kle jah lykkasin just IMAGE creator kassette sisse ja masin uuem 16/32 bit RAM

12.07.12, 17:39
mängus ca 1,8b chipsi-huvitav kas see chipside rekord? Hu-sse saab mõni mees minna miljardi stakiga

12.07.12, 18:12
Kuna villain 3bettis üsna jõudsalt, siis mõtlesin et kavaldan üle ta :D, sellist monstrumit aga ei oodanud. Event 2-l
Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t20 - 9 players - View hand 1820744 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1820744)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: t13717 M = 28.58
BB: t2515 M = 5.24
UTG: t1925 M = 4.01
UTG+1: t8747 M = 18.22
UTG+2: t3065 M = 6.39
MP1: t9158 M = 19.08
MP2: t1885 M = 3.93
Hero (CO): t10698 M = 22.29
BTN: t6000 M = 12.50

Pre Flop: (t480) Hero is CO with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
5 folds, Hero raises to t450, 1 fold, SB raises to t1111, 1 fold, Hero calls t661

Flop: (t2602) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets t1951, Hero raises to t6829, SB raises to t12586 all in, Hero calls t2738 all in

Turn: (t21736) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t21736) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t21736
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Aces)
Hero shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Nines and Eights)
Hero wins t21736

12.07.12, 18:16
Irw mängid niimoodi ja paned sellise käe siia üles :)

12.07.12, 18:19
Event 01-l jäi kohaks 555/56k

12.07.12, 18:25
Esimene turniir lubas, 1 rebuy(olukorda ei mäleta) muidu kaarte lubas, monsterid kaotasin kõik, ja kukkusin kusagil 9000ndal kohal, need 5 min lvlid ikka nii rasked biitida. Nüüd teisel turniiril AK vs AK vs 97 allin pf ja 4 ristit ning 97 võitis, next AK vs A7 pf allin ja 7 river. Siis KK flop 925, nupud sisse K5 ja turn 5. Muidu jah peale scoopil sick põrumist on sellel turniiriseerial ootused ülal.

12.07.12, 18:29
Irw mängid niimoodi ja paned sellise käe siia üles :)
Equitit nagu muda ja seda isegi siis kui olen ainult AA vastu.
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

990 games 0.000 secs 198,000 games/sec

Board: 8d 5h Ts

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 23.232% 23.23% 00.00% 230 0.00 { 9h8c }
Hand 1: 76.768% 76.77% 00.00% 760 0.00 { AdAh }


Event 3
Cuz i ball like a pro
Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1820814 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1820814)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: t6643 132.86 BBs
MP: t7672 153.44 BBs
CO: t2613 52.26 BBs
BTN: t4520 90.40 BBs
Hero (SB): t5559 111.18 BBs
BB: t7993 159.86 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is SB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, MP raises to t150, 2 folds, Hero calls t125, 1 fold

Flop: (t350) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t300, MP calls t300

Turn: (t950) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t712, MP calls t712

River: (t2374) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t1899, MP calls t1899

Final Pot: t6172
MP mucks 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Sevens)
Hero wins t6172

12.07.12, 19:55
fanjeera69 eurovisioonil deep

12.07.12, 20:12
viska id

12.07.12, 20:21
kena duubel härrale, 3/35 173.99 locked up


No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Franky Perez (164,000k) 46bb
UTG+1 Vitalikzav (2,475k) 1bb
MP1 fanjeera69 (55,245k) 15bb
MP2 Matze_Jacks (21,555k) 6bb
CO 1989Cadillac (19,064k) 5bb
BTN Cajamar SP (69,405k) 19bb
SB Stephikas1er (57,984k) 16bb
BB lorenzzo1983 (42,064k) 12bb

Blinds: 1,800k/3,600k Ante 360k

Pre-Flop: (8,280k, 8 players)
2 folds, fanjeera69 raises to 7,200k, 1 fold, Stephikas1er says "ty", 2 folds, Stephikas1er goes all-in 57,624k, 1 fold, fanjeera69 goes all-in 47,685k

Flop: 7:spade: 8:club: A:diamond: (116,250k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 6:club: (116,250k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 4:spade: (116,250k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 116,250k
Stephikas1er shows a pair of Nines
9:heart: 9:spade:
fanjeera69 shows a pair of Queens
Q:club: Q:heart:

fanjeera69 wins 116,250k (net +61,005k)

Stephikas1er collects 2,739k (net -55,245k)

12.07.12, 20:22
tyyp esimene atm

12.07.12, 20:22
Veidi veel

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG NEoZloY (67,104k) 17bb
UTG+1 Beckersen81 (49,775k) 12bb
MP1 el_rey1238 (83,692k) 21bb
MP2 Zet-King (30,986k) 8bb
MP3 Patayanhday (53,172k) 13bb
CO Silvicu_17 (33,238k) 8bb
BTN doboredy (21,752k) 5bb
SB RUSLAN67904 (35,614k) 9bb
BB fanjeera69 (115,530k) 29bb

Blinds: 2,000k/4,000k Ante 400k

Pre-Flop: (9,600k, 9 players)
1 fold, Beckersen81 goes all-in 49,375k, 6 folds, fanjeera69 calls 45,375k

Flop: Q:club: A:diamond: K:spade: (104,349k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 3:club: (104,349k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: A:club: (104,349k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 104,349k
fanjeera69 shows a full house, Aces full of Queens
Q:diamond: A:heart:
Beckersen81 shows two pair, Aces and Fours
4:club: 4:diamond:

fanjeera69 wins 104,349k (net +54,575k)

Beckersen81 lost 49,775k

12.07.12, 20:28
Läheb vist lappama aga peab survet hoidma kui liider!

12.07.12, 20:36
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Silvicu_17 (40,076k) 8bb
UTG+1 doboredy (30,603k) 6bb
MP1 fanjeera69 (139,469k) 28bb
MP2 NEoZloY (19,714k) 4bb
CO jiZYo (79,152k) 16bb
BTN el_rey1238 (20,429k) 4bb
SB Zet-King (114,422k) 23bb
BB snakeman221 (27,801k) 6bb

Blinds: 2,500k/5,000k Ante 500k

Pre-Flop: (11,500k, 8 players)
Silvicu_17 goes all-in 39,576k, 1 fold, fanjeera69 goes all-in 138,969k, 5 folds

Flop: 10:heart: 5:club: 5:diamond: (90,653k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: J:spade: (90,653k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 4:spade: (90,653k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 90,653k
fanjeera69 shows a pair of Fives
K:club: A:club:
Silvicu_17 shows two pair, Eights and Fives
8:spade: 8:heart:

Silvicu_17 wins 90,653k (net +50,576k)

fanjeera69 collects 99,392k (net -40,076k)


12.07.12, 20:38
Nii "haigete" blindidega turniiri pole vist varem olnud?

12.07.12, 20:42
Event-2 21.93 :biggrin:

12.07.12, 20:44
No Limit Holdem Tournament
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG tupirikus (26,300k) 4bb
UTG+1 fanjeera69 (87,392k) 15bb
CO cvbond (99,690k) 17bb
BTN YaiDum999 (189,577k) 32bb
SB mystina2360 (82,858k) 14bb
BB Sandrera (74,747k) 12bb

Blinds: 3,000k/6,000k Ante 600k

Pre-Flop: (12,600k, 6 players)
tupirikus goes all-in 25,700k, fanjeera69 goes all-in 86,792k, 4 folds

Flop: 2:heart: 8:heart: 5:spade: (64,001k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 6:spade: (64,001k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: J:club: (64,001k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 64,001k
tupirikus shows high card Ace
9:heart: A:diamond:
fanjeera69 shows a pair of Sevens
7:spade: 7:diamond:

fanjeera69 wins 125,093k (net +37,700k)

tupirikus lost 26,300k

12.07.12, 20:48
võimatu railida, kui mõni brass lauas on, kohvimaapojad lihtsalt spämmivad24/7 vamoooooo amigo los santos blablabla, gtfo bitches

12.07.12, 20:52
meanwhile @ tables

No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Sandrera (45,347k) 6bb
UTG+1 fanjeera69 (154,193k) 19bb
MP1 cvbond (86,290k) 11bb
MP2 YaiDum999 (250,177k) 31bb
CO mystina2360 (49,858k) 6bb
BTN cittadipace (96,208k) 12bb
SB Cajamar SP (225,076k) 28bb
BB ramzes1975 (96,957k) 12bb

Blinds: 4,000k/8,000k Ante 800k

Pre-Flop: (18,400k, 8 players)
Sandrera goes all-in 44,547k, fanjeera69 goes all-in 153,393k, 6 folds

Flop: 4:heart: 6:heart: 3:heart: (107,494k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: J:heart: (107,494k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 7:spade: (107,494k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 107,494k
Sandrera shows high card Queen
Q:spade: 9:spade:
fanjeera69 shows a flush, Jack high
9:heart: 9:diamond:

fanjeera69 wins 216,340k (net +62,147k)

Sandrera lost 45,347k

12.07.12, 21:03
Võta need brasiillased välja, siis saab rahulikult railida:)

Jõhker andmine käib btw

12.07.12, 21:08
No Limit Holdem Tournament
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG mystina2360 (38,416k) 4bb
UTG+1 Cajamar SP (291,041k) 29bb
CO ramzes1975 (270,029k) 27bb
BTN fanjeera69 (185,640k) 19bb
SB cvbond (28,990k) 3bb
BB YaiDum999 (78,205k) 8bb

Blinds: 5,000k/10,000k Ante 1,000k

Pre-Flop: (21,000k, 6 players)
mystina2360 goes all-in 37,416k, 2 folds, fanjeera69 raises to 64,831k, 2 folds

Flop: J:spade: A:club: 7:heart: (95,831k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: A:heart: (95,831k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: J:heart: (95,831k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 95,831k
fanjeera69 shows a full house, Aces full of Jacks
A:diamond: K:diamond:
mystina2360 shows two pair, Aces and Queens
Q:club: Q:heart:

fanjeera69 wins 123,247k (net +57,416k)

mystina2360 lost 38,416k

12.07.12, 21:17
in b4 asdfgh thread, et 1.8bil heater läks 0.1$ turniirile.

12.07.12, 21:20
No Limit Holdem Tournament
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Patayanhday (141,311k) 9bb
UTG+1 Franky Perez (454,133k) 30bb
MP1 NEoZloY (163,557k) 11bb
MP2 Cajamar SP (272,250k) 18bb
CO fanjeera69 (217,650k) 15bb
BTN Horys (101,453k) 7bb
SB cittadipace (96,586k) 6bb
BB ramzes1975 (295,310k) 20bb

Blinds: 7,500k/15,000k Ante 1,500k

Pre-Flop: (34,500k, 8 players)
1 fold, Franky Perez raises to 30,000k, 2 folds, fanjeera69 goes all-in 216,150k, 1 fold, cittadipace goes all-in 87,586k, 1 fold, Franky Perez folds

Flop: Q:spade: J:club: 5:club: (247,171k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 2:club: (247,171k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 6:spade: (247,171k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 247,171k
fanjeera69 shows a pair of Tens
10:spade: 10:diamond:
cittadipace shows three of a kind, Queens
Q:club: Q:diamond:

cittadipace wins 247,171k (net +150,586k)

fanjeera69 collects 121,064k (net -96,586k)
Franky Perez lost 31,500k

kaotas btnilt shorti utg üle shovedes (2-3 blindi vist oli) KTs vs A2s ka

12.07.12, 21:21
Normaalne Fanjeera69 lõpulauas, loodan et hitib ära turna :)

12.07.12, 21:23
Best skill ever või on veel mõni eestlane, kes läbi 50k+ fieldi on finaallauda jõudnud?

12.07.12, 21:25
gg, KQs vs 99 bvb ja abi ei tulnud, 1.3k payday

12.07.12, 21:27
Best skill ever või on veel mõni eestlane, kes läbi 50k+ fieldi on finaallauda jõudnud?


12.07.12, 22:41
See 4s event on küll ebanormaalselt deep ju:biggrin:

12.07.12, 22:47
Päris naljakas on jah mängida 1000bb deep, esimestel 4000bb.
Eestlane kah kolmas praegu.

12.07.12, 23:12
Aga jah, minnakse broke QQ vs 99 300bb deep preflop.

13.07.12, 12:07
4.40 double chance mingi neljas käsi vist AA, stack sisse pre QT vastu , flop KJ9, gg. 8.80 plo teine käsi AAxxss stack sisse migni 6betitud pre, vastas TT9A (wtf mingi 250bb deep) laud 99xxx ja gg. mulle vist sellest micromillionsist aitab.

13.07.12, 13:05
4.40 double chance mingi neljas käsi vist AA, stack sisse pre QT vastu , flop KJ9, gg. 8.80 plo teine käsi AAxxss stack sisse migni 6betitud pre, vastas TT9A (wtf mingi 250bb deep) laud 99xxx ja gg. mulle vist sellest micromillionsist aitab.

ise lendasin 5.50 MM06 KK vs AA ok cashisin omahas sain AAQ4 A4mast vs idikas 241010 GG

13.07.12, 13:10
peaks ka vic otsa ikka lahti tegema donkfestill

13.07.12, 13:48
See 4s event on küll ebanormaalselt deep ju:biggrin:

Kurat ma hindasin ka seda täiesti valesti, kella nelja paiku öösel oli see viimane turna mul lahti ja hull uni oli peal. Ei viitsinud enam sealt laulupeost läbi sõuda ja läksin magama, foldisin rahadeni ära.

13.07.12, 13:52
zzzz, tahtsin täna algust teha oma MMiga, aga tuleb hoopis pinalisse tõmmata end ning jääb homse peale, oh well, FT päev varem või hiljem, #teamcare :D

13.07.12, 16:47
Event 10
Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3500/t7000 Blinds + t700 - 9 players - View hand 1821850 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1821850)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG+2): t51719 M = 3.08
MP1: t88063 M = 5.24
MP2: t288285 M = 17.16
CO: t26884 M = 1.60
BTN: t41600 M = 2.48
SB: t158530 M = 9.44
BB: t165320 M = 9.84
UTG: t188917 M = 11.25
UTG+1: t127840 M = 7.61

Pre Flop: (t16800) Hero is UTG+2 with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to t51019 all in, MP1 calls t51019, 5 folds

Flop: (t118838) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t118838) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t118838) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t118838
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
MP1 shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Sixes)
Hero wins t118838

13.07.12, 17:24
FML so close .

13.07.12, 17:41
Best luck ever või on veel mõni eestlane, kes läbi 50k+ fieldi on finaallauda jõudnud?


13.07.12, 17:42
Event 10, regasin mingi 10 minta enne rega lõppu, mõtlesin et võtan addoni ära ja hakkan lammutama, suht kaugele jõudsin isegi.

1290koht ja 18doltsi

Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20000/t40000 Blinds + t4000 - 8 players -
UTG+1: t593004 M = 6.45
MP1: t842636 M = 9.16
MP2: t889906 M = 9.67
Hero (CO): t324844 M = 3.53
BTN: t188128 M = 2.04
SB: t130719 M = 1.42
BB: t273560 M = 2.97
UTG: t96140 M = 1.04

Pre Flop: (t92000) Hero is CO with A :heart: K :heart:
UTG raises to t92140 all in, 3 folds, Hero raises to t320844 all in, 3 folds

Flop: (t276280) 7 :heart: A :diamond: J :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t276280) 8 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t276280) 9 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t276280
Hero shows A :heart: K :heart: (a pair of Aces)
UTG shows J :spade: J :club: (three of a kind, Jacks)
UTG wins t276280

Kohe järgmine käsi vist

Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20000/t40000 Blinds + t4000 - 9 players -

UTG+1: t589004 M = 6.14
UTG+2: t838636 M = 8.74
MP1: t885906 M = 9.23
Hero (MP2): t228704 M = 2.38
CO: t184128 M = 1.92
BTN: t106719 M = 1.11
SB: t229560 M = 2.39
BB: t276280 M = 2.88
UTG: t793560 M = 8.27

Pre Flop: (t96000) Hero is MP2 with 9 :spade: 9 :heart:
UTG raises to t100000, 1 fold, UTG+2 calls t100000, 1 fold, Hero raises to t224704 all in, 4 folds, UTG calls t124704, UTG+2 raises to t834636 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t770112) T :spade: T :diamond: 5 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t770112) Q :club: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t770112) 7 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t770112
UTG+2 shows J :diamond: J :club: (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
Hero shows 9 :spade: 9 :heart: (two pair, Tens and Nines)

Kokku läks 2 doltsi, buyin ja addon. :P

g ja g

13.07.12, 17:44
Event 10
Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30000/t60000 Blinds + t6000 - 8 players - View hand 1821905 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1821905)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): t105042 M = 0.76
UTG: t373076 M = 2.70
UTG+1: t210985 M = 1.53
MP1: t250560 M = 1.82
MP2: t477538 M = 3.46
CO: t435786 M = 3.16
BTN: t379902 M = 2.75
SB: t852701 M = 6.18

Pre Flop: (t138000) Hero is BB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
6 folds, SB raises to t180000, Hero calls t39042 all in

Flop: (t246084) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t246084) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t246084) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t246084
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (high card Ace)
SB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
SB wins t246084

enne seda sai päevapool alanud plo eventil ka rahadesse, rikas veel pole tho

13.07.12, 20:23
Event 8 35 out of 8,3k. Keerasin ise sitta, 20bb stackiga busto kui blindid olid 60k.

13.07.12, 23:25
Event 12, Enamvähem mõistlik käik tundus, olgugi, et see suur stack oli veidi problemaatiliste loose stattidega.
Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t500 - 9 players - View hand 1822612 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1822612)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t77896 M = 9.44
BTN: t50040 M = 6.07
SB: t211604 M = 25.65
BB: t36421 M = 4.41
UTG: t62878 M = 7.62
UTG+1: t143539 M = 17.40
UTG+2: t50479 M = 6.12
MP1: t20050 M = 2.43
MP2: t124258 M = 15.06

Pre Flop: (t8250) Hero is CO with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
3 folds, MP1 raises to t19550 all in, 1 fold, Hero raises to t77396 all in, 1 fold, SB calls t76146, 1 fold

Flop: (t181342) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t181342) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t181342) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t181342
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (high card Ace)
SB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Sevens)
MP1 shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (high card King)
SB wins t115692
SB wins t65650

13.07.12, 23:45
Njaa min cashisin ka tänasel 3.3$ Ante up! turniiril. Suht sitt lõpp oli...
Keegi võiks mu selle turniiri kätele pilgu peale visata ja nõu anda, oleksin väga tänulik. Käsi oli alla 200 veidi. Kui õigesti mäletan!

14.07.12, 01:00
Oli nüüd vaja seda HORSET puutuda.Homme tööpäev ja jõudsin alles rahadesse.

14.07.12, 01:08
Oli nüüd vaja seda HORSET puutuda.Homme tööpäev ja jõudsin alles rahadesse.

Võidad ära ja ei pea homme tööle minemagi :P :D
Edu lauas!!!

14.07.12, 01:53
Event 14

mbn, tyyp callis enne J10oga hea hunniku sisse, viimane käsi mis ootasin vastaselt

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75.00/t150.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1822705 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1822705)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: t37557.00 250.38 BBs
MP1: t24323.00 162.15 BBs
MP2: t24597.00 163.98 BBs
CO: t15264.00 101.76 BBs
BTN: t22071.00 147.14 BBs
SB: t33761.00 225.07 BBs
BB: t19030.00 126.87 BBs
Hero (UTG): t39068.00 260.45 BBs
UTG+1: t11296.00 75.31 BBs

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is UTG with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to t450, UTG+1 calls t450, 5 folds, SB raises to t1050, 1 fold, Hero raises to t3750, 1 fold, SB raises to t8700, Hero raises to t39048, SB calls t25061 all in

Flop: (t68122) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t68122) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t68122) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t68122
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero wins t68262.00

14.07.12, 03:19
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 3.3 Tournament, 300/600 Blinds 70 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

SB (t16228)
BB (t19613)
UTG (t9450)
UTG+1 (t13342)
MP1 (t37330)
MP2 (t12723)
MP3 (t42901)
Hero (CO) (t33441)
Button (t21715)

Hero's M: 21.86

Preflop: Hero is CO with Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t600, 3 folds, Hero bets t1444, 3 folds, UTG+1 calls t844

Flop: (t4418) 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, Qhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, 8http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t1666, UTG+1 calls t1666

Turn: (t7750) 3http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

River: (t7750) Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t3600, UTG+1 calls t3600

Total pot: t14950

UTG+1 had 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (one pair, fours).
Hero had Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif (high card, Ace).
Outcome: UTG+1 won t14950

14.07.12, 03:38
3ril 3x average hetkel tuleb ikkagi pikk öö

14.07.12, 03:43
GL kivisaba ;)

14.07.12, 03:44
retardelt värdja 4beti tegin muidugi, kui seda saab üldse selleks kutsuda.

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200.00/t400.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1822774 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1822774)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+1: t20437.00 51.09 BBs
UTG+2: t23020.00 57.55 BBs
MP1: t37424.00 93.56 BBs
Hero (MP2): t65325.00 163.31 BBs
CO: t85231.00 213.08 BBs
BTN: t13271.00 33.18 BBs
SB: t28822.00 72.06 BBs
BB: t14190.00 35.48 BBs
UTG: t48163.00 120.41 BBs

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is MP2 with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
4 folds, Hero raises to t1000, 3 folds, BB raises to t2800, Hero raises to t5200, BB calls t2400

Flop: (t10600) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets t8940.00, Hero calls t8940

Turn: (t28480) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)

River: (t28480) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t28480
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BB wins t28930.00

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500.00/t1000.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1822775 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1822775)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: t189823.00 189.82 BBs
BB: t81055.00 81.06 BBs
UTG: t24523.00 24.52 BBs
Hero (UTG+1): t48526.00 48.53 BBs
UTG+2: t99424.00 99.42 BBs
MP1: t12517.00 12.52 BBs
MP2: t36605.00 36.60 BBs
CO: t20316.00 20.32 BBs
BTN: t70509.00 70.51 BBs

Pre Flop: (t1500) Hero is UTG+1 with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG raises to t24398, Hero raises to t48401, 7 folds

Flop: (t50296) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

Turn: (t50296) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

River: (t50296) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t50296
UTG shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG wins t51421.00

14.07.12, 03:48
back in the game yo

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600.00/t1200.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1822779 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1822779)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP1: t177456.00 147.88 BBs
MP2: t61138.00 50.95 BBs
CO: t7907.00 6.59 BBs
Hero (BTN): t44731.00 37.28 BBs
SB: t92974.00 77.48 BBs
BB: t34184.00 28.49 BBs
UTG: t55672.00 46.39 BBs
UTG+1: t21816.00 18.18 BBs
UTG+2: t95327.00 79.44 BBs

Pre Flop: (t1800) Hero is BTN with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
6 folds, Hero raises to t2400, SB raises to t10800, 1 fold, Hero raises to t44581, SB calls t33781

Flop: (t90362) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)

Turn: (t90362) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)

River: (t90362) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t90362
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero wins t91712.00

14.07.12, 03:57
ahnus ajab upakile rsk

14.07.12, 04:32
NH bro! :)

14.07.12, 04:59
ahnus ajab upakile rsk
päris huvitav lähenemine(mulle meeldib ka shove). Majad maxavad riveris ilusti välja
micros ka mõni mastid ja Jx mees äkki..krt seda teab

14.07.12, 05:08
pani k high flushi maha ja näitas :(

14.07.12, 05:09
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 3.3 Tournament, 2000/4000 Blinds 500 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

BB (t84764)
UTG (t28315)
UTG+1 (t81868)
MP1 (t131056)
MP2 (t47661)
Hero (MP3) (t241117)
CO (t154996)
Button (t39255)
SB (t56339)

Hero's M: 22.96

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 3http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t4000, 2 folds, Hero bets t10000, CO calls t10000, 3 folds, UTG+1 calls t6000

Flop: (t40500) Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif, 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (3 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t16000, CO calls t16000, 1 fold

Turn: (t72500) 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t32000, CO calls t32000

River: (t136500) 10http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t182617 (All-In), CO calls t96496 (All-In)

Total pot: t329492

Hero had 3http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (three of a kind, sixes).
CO had 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (two pair, sixes and fours).
Outcome: Hero won t329492

heros gonna herocall i guess

14.07.12, 09:19
63ga isoda tundub jõhker leak....

14.07.12, 12:25
11 13 juuli 11:30 MicroMillions-011: $11 NL Hold'em [6-Max] $75,000

17.koht ja 743.16dol

14.07.12, 14:44
Mul 4maxi asemel HU, sest 2 venda on sit oudis.

14.07.12, 15:42
Mängin üle mitme-mitme kuu üleüldse esimest neti-turniiri.
Tegin extra PSi kasutaja ja deposin. Lasen ka seda 4max turniiri. GLGLGL

14.07.12, 15:51
ojah tegin ak lemmikturnat 4max.ja out. Kui ikka midagi flopile pihta ei saa siis pole hyperagrode vastu mdiagi teha

14.07.12, 16:34
ojah tegin ka lemmikturnat 4max.ja out. Kui ikka midagi flopile pihta ei saa siis pole hyperagrode vastu mdiagi teha

pretty much this

14.07.12, 17:11
Minu turniiride strateegia ei kannata mingit kriitikat, küll aga sujub üle mitmete kuude esimene turniir täitsa lõbusalt. 3x av ja gogoogoo

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 4.4 Tournament, 250/500 Blinds 60 Ante (4 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

Hero (BB) (t44645)
UTG (t14070)
Button (t10395)
SB (t49617)

Hero's M: 45.10

Preflop: Hero is BB with A:spade:, A:club:
1 fold, Button bets t1500, SB raises to t4500, Hero raises to t10000, 1 fold, SB calls t5500

Flop: (t21740) 2:club:, 3:heart:, 10:club: (2 players)
SB bets t17000, Hero raises to t34585 (All-In), SB calls t17585

Turn: (t90910) A:heart: (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: (t90910) 9:club: (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: t90910

SB had K:diamond:, K:heart: (one pair, Kings).
Hero had A:spade:, A:club: (three of a kind, Aces).
Outcome: Hero won t90910

14.07.12, 18:30
Event 20
9484-s seekord
Tegin natuke lightima calli, mingi 20bb kandis olin vist ja olin teda lightimalt shovemas näinud, obv tõmbas ära
Poker Stars $2.02+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t160 - 9 players - View hand 1823330 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823330)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+1: t59662 M = 15.54
UTG+2: t11340 M = 2.95
MP1: t15120 M = 3.94
MP2: t39230 M = 10.22
CO: t8540 M = 2.22
BTN: t3000 M = 0.78
SB: t11180 M = 2.91
Hero (BB): t36820 M = 9.59
UTG: t54340 M = 14.15

Pre Flop: (t3840) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
3 folds, MP1 raises to t14960 all in, 4 folds, Hero calls t13360

Flop: (t32160) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t32160) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t32160) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t32160
MP1 shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Jacks)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Aces)
MP1 wins t32160

Ülejärgmine käsi tõmmati kott pähe

Poker Stars $2.02+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t160 - 9 players - View hand 1823333 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823333)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: t59342 M = 15.45
UTG: t14860 M = 3.87
UTG+1: t32000 M = 8.33
UTG+2: t38910 M = 10.13
MP1: t8220 M = 2.14
MP2: t2680 M = 0.70
CO: t10060 M = 2.62
Hero (BTN): t20740 M = 5.40
SB: t52420 M = 13.65

Pre Flop: (t3840) Hero is BTN with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG calls t1600, 5 folds, Hero raises to t20580 all in, SB raises to t52260 all in, 2 folds

Flop: (t45800) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t45800) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t45800) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t45800
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Nines)
SB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a straight flush, Five to Nine)
SB wins t45800

14.07.12, 18:51
Event 19 jäin mingi 400 ja 20$ kopikatega mõnituseks
Sai mingiaeg top10s ka olla ja kus siis hakati biitima mind
Esimese turniiri kohta fun

14.07.12, 19:05
ahnus ajab upakile rsk

vahel toimib ka
event 22 teine käsi

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10.00/t20.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1823384 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823384)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: t5000.00 250 BBs
BTN: t4990.00 249.50 BBs
SB: t4980.00 249 BBs
BB: t5030.00 251.50 BBs
UTG: t5000.00 250 BBs
UTG+1: t5000.00 250 BBs
UTG+2: t5000.00 250 BBs
Hero (MP1): t5000.00 250 BBs
MP2: t5000.00 250 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is MP1 with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to t60, 2 folds, BTN calls t60, SB calls t50, BB calls t40

Flop: (t240) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (4 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets t220.00, BTN folds, SB folds, BB raises to t440, Hero calls t220

Turn: (t1120) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: (t1120) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets t120.00, Hero raises to t4500, BB calls t4380

Final Pot: t10120
BB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins t10120.00

Beat: Tal jäi mingi 1BB alles peale kätt ja jäin bountyst ilma.

14.07.12, 19:07
Event 20 out

Poker Stars, $2.02 Buy-in (2,500/5,000 blinds, 500 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
Poker Tools (http://www.holdemmanager.com/) Powered By Holdem Manager (http://www.holdemmanager.com/) - The Ultimate Poker Software (http://www.holdemmanager.com/) Suite.

Hero (MP3): 54,171 (10.8 bb)
CO: 23,400 (4.7 bb)
BTN: 44,450 (8.9 bb)
SB: 71,834 (14.4 bb)
BB: 59,980 (12 bb)
UTG+1: 107,740 (21.5 bb)
UTG+2: 96,700 (19.3 bb)
MP1: 168,992 (33.8 bb)
MP2: 142,138 (28.4 bb)

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A:club: T:diamond:
3 folds, MP2 raises to 10,000, Hero raises to 53,671 and is all-in, 4 folds, MP2 calls 43,671

Flop: (119,342) 6:heart: K:spade: A:spade: (2 players, 1 is all-in)
Turn: (119,342) 3:heart: (2 players, 1 is all-in)
River: (119,342) 8:heart: (2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: 119,342 pot
Final Board: 6:heart: K:spade: A:spade: 3:heart: 8:heart:
Hero showed A:club: T:diamond: and lost (-54,171 net)
MP2 showed Q:heart: T:heart: and won 119,342 (65,171 net)

14.07.12, 19:26
Esimene bounty

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20.00/t40.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1823399 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823399)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: t6745.00 168.62 BBs
MP1: t6724.00 168.10 BBs
MP2: t3608.00 90.20 BBs
CO: t785.00 19.62 BBs
BTN: t4993.00 124.83 BBs
SB: t3520.00 88 BBs
BB: t3035.00 75.88 BBs
Hero (UTG): t10370.00 259.25 BBs
UTG+1: t10330.00 258.25 BBs

Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is UTG with 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to t120, 2 folds, MP1 calls t120, MP2 calls t120, 3 folds, BB calls t80

Flop: (t500) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (4 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t280.00, MP1 folds, MP2 folds, BB calls t280

Turn: (t1060) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: (t1060) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets t880.00, Hero raises to t9970, BB calls t1755 all in

Final Pot: t6330
BB shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero wins t6330.00

Kohe järgmine käsi lootsin, et saan veel ühe ja ongi bi tagasi tehtud, aga ei otse teh anaali

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20.00/t40.00 Blinds - 8 players - View hand 1823401 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823401)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: t6745.00 168.62 BBs
UTG+1: t6604.00 165.10 BBs
MP1: t3488.00 87.20 BBs
MP2: t785.00 19.62 BBs
CO: t4993.00 124.83 BBs
BTN: t3500.00 87.50 BBs
Hero (SB): t13665.00 341.62 BBs
BB: t10330.00 258.25 BBs

Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t40, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t785, 2 folds, Hero raises to t1800, 2 folds

Flop: (t1650) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)

Turn: (t1650) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)

River: (t1650) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t1650
MP2 shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
MP2 wins t1650.00

14.07.12, 20:58
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 11 Tournament, 50/100 Blinds 10 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

Button (t6684)
SB (t7545)
BB (t6653)
Hero (UTG) (t4844)
UTG+1 (t3690)
MP1 (t8165)
MP2 (t8178)
MP3 (t2551)
CO (t8043)

Hero's M: 20.18

Preflop: Hero is UTG with Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif
Hero bets t200, 3 folds, MP3 calls t200, 4 folds

Flop: (t640) 7http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 8http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 8http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets t233, MP3 raises to t466, Hero raises to t4634 (All-In), 1 fold

Total pot: t1572

Hero didn't show Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif.
Outcome: Hero won t1572

microvennad üritavad mind abuseda...

14.07.12, 22:03
Igalt poolt väljas.

Viimane turbo donkament veel täna.

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50.00/t100.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1823513 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823513)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: t5440.00 54.40 BBs
SB: t23050.00 230.50 BBs
Hero (BB): t14612.00 146.12 BBs
UTG: t1551.00 15.51 BBs
UTG+1: t2397.00 23.97 BBs
UTG+2: t3000.00 30 BBs
MP1: t5950.00 59.50 BBs
MP2: t2850.00 28.50 BBs
CO: t2650.00 26.50 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is BB with 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t100, 5 folds, SB calls t50, Hero checks

Flop: (t300) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t300.00, UTG+1 raises to t2297, SB folds, Hero calls t1997

Turn: (t4894) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)

River: (t4894) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t4894
Hero shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG+1 shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG+1 wins t4894.00

15.07.12, 01:00
Passisin veel poole kaheni, et üks event veel mängida.

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15.00/t30.00 Blinds - 8 players - View hand 1823630 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1823630)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: t4910.00 163.67 BBs
UTG: t4490.00 149.67 BBs
UTG+1: t4880.00 162.67 BBs
Hero (MP1): t6121.00 204.03 BBs
MP2: t8977.00 299.23 BBs
CO: t4093.00 136.43 BBs
BTN: t5984.00 199.47 BBs
SB: t5545.00 184.83 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is MP1 with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to t75, 1 fold, Hero raises to t389, 1 fold, CO calls t389, 3 folds, UTG calls t314

Flop: (t1212) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (3 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets t999.00, CO folds, UTG raises to t4101, Hero calls t3102

Turn: (t9414) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)

River: (t9414) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)

Final Pot: t9414
UTG shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG wins t9414.00

Koll ees, magama ära, sisse istuda need donkamendid.

15.07.12, 17:39
HUs esimene aggro venku alistatud:P

15.07.12, 17:44
mul ka esimene match läbi
lausa kohutav vastane oli.

15.07.12, 17:45

GG HU turna.

15.07.12, 17:59
Ma ise 25o ei ava pre, aga ilmselt maitse asi, gg.

15.07.12, 18:08
pole turna mängija. puhtalt donkamine . vastane oli gigamehawhaal. lucky on see, kes ta järgmises ringis endale saab

15.07.12, 18:22
Nojah. 50 minutit sentide veeretamist ja siis 33 v KTo välja kukkuda...

15.07.12, 18:23
Jube kaua läheb ikka 2. roundi ootamisega :D

15.07.12, 18:41
Well, teine vastane esimese käega kotti :( Peab jälle uut vooru ootama hakkama.

15.07.12, 18:52
2. ring AK vs JJ preAI ja kojuminek. Mõlemas ringis olid solid vastased ka :/

15.07.12, 19:07
out, ridic heater dongil vastasel, iga hand miinimum floppas tripsi;)

15.07.12, 19:13
2. voorust edasi
järgmine voor on bubble

/3.voor jäi mulle viimaseks

15.07.12, 20:28
jõudsin läbi häda hu-s rahasse olles vahepeal 2k-8k peal

15.07.12, 20:37
Ka rahades, kõige raskem vastane ka siiani.

15.07.12, 21:16
Atm käib 250 FPP satikas main evendile, iga 1400FPP eest üks pilet. Tuli solid 400k FPP overlay.

15.07.12, 21:34
kukkusin välja-elu kummalisem(nõrgapoolne) hu vastane. pre ei raisinud kordagi vaid limpis-üksikud 3betid ka käega
pm limit hu

15.07.12, 21:40
Sunday stormis lauas absoluutselt kõik tardid

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t50 - 8 players - View hand 1824471 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1824471)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP1: t19426 M = 16.89
MP2: t12846 M = 11.17
CO: t32160 M = 27.97
BTN: t12620 M = 10.97
SB: t4220 M = 3.67
BB: t29016 M = 25.23
UTG: t9846 M = 8.56
Hero (UTG+1): t12904 M = 11.22

Pre Flop: (t1150) Hero is UTG+1 with A :club: K :diamond:
UTG raises to t1000, Hero raises to t12854 all in, 6 folds, UTG calls t8796 all in

Flop: (t20742) 2 :heart: 4 :heart: 5 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t20742) 8 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t20742) 2 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t20742
UTG shows J :spade: Q :spade: (a flush, Queen high)
Hero shows A :club: K :diamond: (a pair of Deuces)
UTG wins t20742

15.07.12, 21:46

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t60 - 9 players - View hand 1824483 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1824483)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: t33296 M = 23.12
BTN: t9746 M = 6.77
SB: t44474 M = 30.88
BB: t6850 M = 4.76
UTG: t35071 M = 24.35
UTG+1: t27866 M = 19.35
UTG+2: t50877 M = 35.33
MP1: t14722 M = 10.22
Hero (MP2): t5348 M = 3.71

Pre Flop: (t1440) Hero is MP2 with A :diamond: A :club:
4 folds, Hero calls t600, 2 folds, SB calls t300, BB checks

Flop: (t2340) 5 :heart: J :heart: 9 :diamond: (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets t1193, SB calls t1193, BB folds

Turn: (t4726) A :spade: (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t1200, SB calls t1200

River: (t7126) 5 :club: (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t2295 all in, SB calls t2295

Final Pot: t11716
SB shows 6 :club: 6 :spade: (two pair, Sixes and Fives)
Hero shows A :diamond: A :club: (a full house, Aces full of Fives)
Hero wins t11716

15.07.12, 21:57
4 eestlast hetkel event 031 tipus, krt keegi meist peab ikka koju tooma võidu

15.07.12, 22:05
Atm käib 250 FPP satikas main evendile, iga 1400FPP eest üks pilet. Tuli solid 400k FPP overlay.

Varem ei raatsinud öelda? Respekt.

15.07.12, 22:14
Nägin seda 10 minutit enne algust. Respekt.

15.07.12, 22:31
see shootout, mis varsti algab tundub üks parima valuega donkamente mikromängijale imo, paari k hittimiseks peab lihtsalt paar fishise tasemega 6-max sng-d järjest võitma + regular speed.

15.07.12, 22:37
see shootout, mis varsti algab tundub üks parima valuega donkamente mikromängijale imo, paari k hittimiseks peab lihtsalt paar fishise tasemega 6-max sng-d järjest võitma + regular speed.
oled kindel?arvad, et laua võitmine on nii kerge?olen juba nii paarkümmend neid nl texas holdeme mänginud. Valuet on, aga kuskil tuleb flippe võtta, mis teevad su tee konarlikuks

15.07.12, 22:40
oled kindel?arvad, et laua võitmine on nii kerge?olen juba nii paarkümmend neid nl texas holdeme mänginud. Valuet on, aga kuskil tuleb flippe võtta, mis teevad su tee konarlikuks

selle võitmine on tõenäolisem solid tasemega mängijal, kui tavalise turniiri võitmine, kus on samapalju ehk mingi 5k osalejaid, sest flippe tuleb võita vähem.

15.07.12, 23:33
1-2 lauda ära võidad oled rahades juba? (eeldades, et mingi 4k osaleb, hetkel 2.7k reganud ja late regi pole sellel turnal)

edit: idiootne küsimus, esimese klassi matemaatika

16.07.12, 00:00
6maxi laua ära võites peaks rahades olema jah 1:6 suht ok

16.07.12, 00:01
mul on küsimus, et kui on bubble ja näed käe ajal lobbys, et shortstack 0, kas siis võid pm sisse minna ja rahakoht kindlustatud?

16.07.12, 00:04

16.07.12, 00:30
Mul 5 inimest ainult lauas.

16.07.12, 00:31
huvitav kaua see shoothanded kesta võib-ainuüksi ühe laua mäng peaks tunde kestma

16.07.12, 00:38
Mul 5 inimest ainult lauas.


Selline tunne, et kui siit mingit raha tahta, siis l2heb sellega homse õhtuni. Hakkan millalgi nuppe jagama prolly :D

16.07.12, 00:39
LOL, out

set vs runner runner rida
2 pair vs 2 pair

2.5k stack jäi alles, floppasin J high flushi , teisel tyybil 2 paari nupud sisse ja talle maja, gg gl

16.07.12, 00:44
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10.00/t20.00 Blinds - 4 players - View hand 1824632 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1824632)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: t6432.00 321.60 BBs
BB: t5590.00 279.50 BBs
Hero (CO): t2440.00 122 BBs
BTN: t10538.00 526.90 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is CO with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to t60, 2 folds, BB calls t40

Flop: (t130) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t120.00, BB raises to t5530, Hero calls t2260 all in

Turn: (t4890) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t4890) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t4890
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BB wins t4890.00

16.07.12, 00:45
Stud Hi Los 80s.Ei tahtnud tulla.:frown:

16.07.12, 00:56
Stud Hi Los 80s.Ei tahtnud tulla.:frown:

Viimane käsi tundus sul alla andmisena. Tahtsid masti kokku joosta ? :D

16.07.12, 00:59
4 eestlast MM- event 30s sees ja ootamas uut vastast... uus ring algab 128 inimesega. Hetkel vaja veel ühel inimesel saada 129 koht :D

Edu teile Eesti sõdurid!!! Peab tulema. 7 ringi seljataga. võitmiseks vaja 6 ringi veel võita! Kaksik võid oleks päris asjalik ju :P

16.07.12, 01:06
Viimane käsi tundus sul alla andmisena. Tahtsid masti kokku joosta ? :DEi mäletagi kätt täpselt.Vist oli kolm madalat kaarti algul.Stack tublisti alla keskmise ja otsustasin sisse ajada.Sain vist Lo kätte,aga vastasel oli parem.Hi võttis kuute paariga.

16.07.12, 01:10
üks eestlastest kukkus välja.

16.07.12, 01:12
Kaks eestlast väljas. Viimane neist kukkus flipates. AQs vs TJo ja vastasele runner runner rida J-high

E: Üks allesjäänud eestlastest alistas vastase! Teine madistab veel suhteliselt võrdsete stackidega aga on tunda eestlase paremust!

E2: Ja nii ka läks. Kaks eestlast edasi järgmises voorus! GL!!!

16.07.12, 01:35
**** kyll, miks ma seda shootouti hakkasin mängima, kui ei suuda-taha 100bb+ hu-d mängida

16.07.12, 01:44
**** kyll, miks ma seda shootouti hakkasin mängima, kui ei suuda-taha mängida


E: AQ vs KK preAI mingi dongi vastu ja out ka, ongi tore, magama ära.

16.07.12, 02:01
Neverfuckingever ei mängi enam ühtegi donkamenti.

Senine jooks Micromillionsil:

$3.3 6-max: 15 minutit mängitud, AsKs vs QQ, Flop TsJs8h, nupud sisse ja ei tule midagi kokku.
$5.5 4-max: 3 minutit mängitud, K-high flush vs A-high flush
$3.3 HU: 50 minutit veeretan mingi eriti tight kutiga nuppe, lõpuks shoven varastamise eesmärgil 33 ja KTo callib. Loomulikult tuleb K lauda.
$5.5 6-max SO: Saan esimeses raundis HU'sse. Vastane disconnectib, blindin teda järgmised 35 minutit surnuks. Tuleb tagasi kui tal umbes 3k alles on. Võidab paar flippi, stackid on enam-vähem võrdsed ja siis tuleb AA vs 97o. Floppi kohe kenasti 99x ja mõnituseks turni veel 7.

Fuck donkaments.

16.07.12, 04:50
probably beadid ainult suurte sisseostudega turniire.

16.07.12, 12:23
5.50 6-max so FT alles algas :D
hea oli et ei viitsinud peale esimest raundi edasi mängida ja läksin magama 2ra

16.07.12, 12:58
Neverfuckingever ei mängi enam ühtegi donkamenti.

Senine jooks Micromillionsil:

$3.3 6-max: 15 minutit mängitud, AsKs vs QQ, Flop TsJs8h, nupud sisse ja ei tule midagi kokku.
$5.5 4-max: 3 minutit mängitud, K-high flush vs A-high flush
$3.3 HU: 50 minutit veeretan mingi eriti tight kutiga nuppe, lõpuks shoven varastamise eesmärgil 33 ja KTo callib. Loomulikult tuleb K lauda.
$5.5 6-max SO: Saan esimeses raundis HU'sse. Vastane disconnectib, blindin teda järgmised 35 minutit surnuks. Tuleb tagasi kui tal umbes 3k alles on. Võidab paar flippi, stackid on enam-vähem võrdsed ja siis tuleb AA vs 97o. Floppi kohe kenasti 99x ja mõnituseks turni veel 7.

Fuck donkaments.

ma olen kuulnud, et ära heitu, kui suhu saad, sest long runis võidad :D (kunagi, meibi, hõhõ)

16.07.12, 13:34
Jamh...4 turnat ja fuck donkaments, cool story bro
tuntud prosid ka seal threadis omajagu, stnrd mttd.
Ma siiamaani MM-il ainult mõned cashid ja deep runnid teinud, aga ei lase sellest ennast heidutada, ei tohiks nii väikse sample peale isegi närvi minna. Ma saan aru kui pool aastat jookseks nii.

16.07.12, 19:37
kloun7 aka Toomas Palover deep @038

16.07.12, 19:51
byebye event 40.

Poker Stars $4.10+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2000/t4000 Blinds + t500 - 6 players - View hand 1825186 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1825186)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: t60103 M = 6.68
UTG: t85625 M = 9.51
Hero (MP): t43472 M = 4.83
CO: t45790 M = 5.09
BTN: t141480 M = 15.72
SB: t67310 M = 7.48

Pre Flop: (t9000) Hero is MP with K :club: K :spade:
1 fold, Hero raises to t8000, 3 folds, BB calls t4000

Flop: (t21000) T :spade: 8 :diamond: 3 :diamond: (2 players)
BB bets t8000, Hero raises to t34972 all in, BB calls t26972

Turn: (t90944) 4 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t90944) 9 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t90944
BB shows 9 :heart: 8 :club: (two pair, Nines and Eights)
Hero shows K :club: K :spade: (a pair of Kings)
BB wins t90944

16.07.12, 19:54
kloun7 aka Toomas Palover deep @038 samal evendil ka beckersen81, kes juba teinud 2 finaalaluda...ja tegemas 3-ndat ja ka kindel esikoht leaderboardis...

16.07.12, 20:44
deem ei saa handi convertitud:S

16.07.12, 20:50
deem ei saa handi convertitud:S

Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t250 - 9 players - View hand 1825225 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1825225)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: t55324 M = 9.22
MP1: t37167 M = 6.19
Hero (MP2): t28672 M = 4.78
CO: t17084 M = 2.85
BTN: t19102 M = 3.18
SB: t9105 M = 1.52
BB: t5200 M = 0.87
UTG: t42806 M = 7.13
UTG+1: t74983 M = 12.50

Pre Flop: (t6000) Hero is MP2 with A :heart: A :spade:
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t6825, 2 folds, Hero raises to t28422 all in, 3 folds, BB calls t2450 all in, UTG+1 calls t21597

Flop: (t65294) 8 :diamond: 9 :heart: T :diamond: (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t65294) 2 :diamond: (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t65294) 8 :spade: (3 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t65294
Hero shows A :heart: A :spade: (two pair, Aces and Eights)
BB shows Q :club: 7 :club: (a pair of Eights)
UTG+1 shows 9 :spade: 9 :diamond: (a full house, Nines full of Eights)
UTG+1 wins t46944
UTG+1 wins t18350

16.07.12, 21:08
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 1 Tournament, 2500/5000 Blinds 500 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

MP3 (t55650)
Hero (CO) (t76640)
Button (t86971)
SB (t81060)
BB (t192734)
UTG (t109807)
UTG+1 (t92265)
MP1 (t83754)
MP2 (t40050)

Hero's M: 6.39

Preflop: Hero is CO with Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif
5 folds, Hero bets t10000, 2 folds, BB calls t5000

Flop: (t27000) Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif, Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t5000, BB raises to t15000, Hero folds

Total pot: t37000

BB didn't show
Outcome: BB won t37000
oh ma lähen jube tilti sellsie asja peale

16.07.12, 21:35
oh ma lähen jube tilti sellsie asja peale

Tean, et pole strati teema, aga ei ole hästi mängitud käsi imo.
Kui teed sellise beti flopil, siis calliks flopi raisei kindlalt.

16.07.12, 21:58
Preflop all in, mul AQ ja mingi vene donk callib A9-ga maha. Flopil hitib oma 9... pfffff

16.07.12, 21:59
Preflop all in, mul AQ ja mingi vene donk callib A9-ga maha. Flopil hitib oma 9... pfffff

ju siis teadis et tahtis tulla

16.07.12, 22:03
Preflop all in, mul AQ ja mingi vene donk callib A9-ga maha. Flopil hitib oma 9... pfffff

Sama lugu aint mul oli AK :D

17.07.12, 08:04
Mitu eestlast juba finaltablesse jõudnud on ja mis suurim prizemoney siiani?

17.07.12, 12:14
Mitu eestlast juba finaltablesse jõudnud on ja mis suurim prizemoney siiani?

peaks siis olema VISt nii:

MM-033: Eeseliia Final table 6.koht ning $3813.80
MM-026: vaarao11 Final table 6.koht ja tasuks $1514.94
MM-001: fanjeera69 Final table 7.koht ning $1294.81

17.07.12, 16:00
Event 47, 100 inimest alles ja 4 eestlast veel sees :) Nüüd ei midagi muud kui bing blang blaow käima ja finaal lauda !

17.07.12, 16:42
Event 47, 100 inimest alles ja 4 eestlast veel sees :) Nüüd ei midagi muud kui bing blang blaow käima ja finaal lauda !

järgi üks nüüdseks, VVS777 22/33

17.07.12, 16:46
jah mulle tõmmati kott pähe :D

Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400000/t800000 Blinds + t80000 - 8 players - View hand 1826937 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1826937)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP2: t19187180 M = 10.43
CO: t12573469 M = 6.83
BTN: t11562310 M = 6.28
SB: t20703762 M = 11.25
BB: t7641504 M = 4.15
UTG: t8958949 M = 4.87
Hero (UTG+1): t7026864 M = 3.82
MP1: t8033130 M = 4.37

Pre Flop: (t1840000) Hero is UTG+1 with K :heart: Q :diamond:
1 fold, Hero raises to t1600000, 5 folds, BB calls t800000

Flop: (t4240000) J :heart: T :club: J :diamond: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (t4240000) A :spade: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t1600000, BB calls t1600000

River: (t7440000) 2 :diamond: (2 players)
BB bets t4361504 all in, Hero calls t3746864 all in

Final Pot: t14933728
BB shows J :spade: T :spade: (a full house, Jacks full of Tens)
Hero shows K :heart: Q :diamond: (a straight, Ten to Ace)
BB wins t14933728

Pole turniirimängija ei imesta kui oli badplay. Anyways 32 koht, 136$.

Maarios jah ma to Juuretis.

17.07.12, 16:48
jah mulle tõmmati kott pähe :D

Sa olid see Juuretis (Finland) ?? Siis teinekord teab sind ka eestlaste alla liigitada tegelikult ;)

E: sai siis viimase eestlase jaoks ka läbi see turna!! VVS777 19.koht ja $147.67

17.07.12, 19:46
Yeah, ITM 100% :P
1 turna ainult :(

17.07.12, 20:00
Mis puudutab ITM siis rankingu liidritel ikka ca 40%
Seega ei saa öelda, et skilli poleks taga.
Endal praegu 13/48

steikisin ka vilkarit tal vist mingi vaid 2 cashi ca 30-st turkast:(

17.07.12, 20:24
Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 4 players - View hand 1827149 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1827149)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t20492 M = 51.23
BTN: t15152 M = 37.88
SB: t8172 M = 20.43
BB: t11184 M = 27.96

Pre Flop: (t400) Hero is CO with J :heart: T :diamond:
Hero raises to t444, 1 fold, SB calls t344, BB calls t244

Flop: (t1432) 3 :heart: A :diamond: Q :spade: (3 players)
SB bets t400, BB calls t400, Hero calls t400

Turn: (t2632) K :club: (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets t1342, SB calls t1342, BB folds

River: (t5316) 9 :club: (2 players)
SB bets t1000, Hero raises to t6560, SB calls t4961 all in

Final Pot: t17238
Hero shows J :heart: T :diamond: (a straight, Ten to Ace)
SB shows A :club: 4 :spade: (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins t17238

17.07.12, 21:06

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 4 players - View hand 1827184 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1827184)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t30475 M = 38.09
BTN: t5450 M = 6.81
SB: t15853 M = 19.82
BB: t23222 M = 29.03

Pre Flop: (t800) Hero is CO with A :club: A :spade:
Hero raises to t888, BTN raises to t5400 all in, 1 fold, BB calls t5000, Hero raises to t30425 all in, BB calls t17772 all in

Flop: (t52144) 3 :spade: 7 :heart: A :diamond: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: (t52144) 3 :diamond: (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: (t52144) 4 :diamond: (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: t52144
Hero shows A :club: A :spade: (a full house, Aces full of Threes)
BTN shows 5 :heart: 5 :diamond: (two pair, Fives and Threes)
BB shows Q :heart: J :diamond: (a pair of Threes)
Hero wins t35544
Hero wins t16600

17.07.12, 21:30
I has pair..

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t70 - 4 players - View hand 1827975 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1827975)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t72808 M = 61.70
BTN: t7682 M = 6.51
SB: t19982 M = 16.93
BB: t28702 M = 24.32

Pre Flop: (t1180) Hero is CO with J :club: T :club:
Hero raises to t1332, 1 fold, SB calls t1032, BB calls t732

Flop: (t4276) J :diamond: Q :spade: 5 :club: (3 players)
SB bets t1800, BB folds, Hero calls t1800

Turn: (t7876) 4 :spade: (2 players)
SB bets t2400, Hero calls t2400

River: (t12676) 3 :spade: (2 players)
SB bets t4800, Hero calls t4800

Final Pot: t22276
Hero shows J :club: T :club: (a pair of Jacks)
SB shows 9 :diamond: K :club: (high card King)
Hero wins t22276

17.07.12, 22:00
Aii ja vene donki 46/30/6 vastu ei tule ära ai kurja:D

No Limit Holdem Tournament
4 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

CO (17,050) 21bb
BTN (17,696) 22bb
crimepkr (SB) (52,058) 65bb
BB (42,546) 53bb

Blinds: 400/800 Ante 100

Pre-Flop: (1,600, 4 players) crimepkr is SB A:heart: Q:diamond:
1 fold, BTN raises to 2,400, crimepkr raises to 8,000, 1 fold, BTN goes all-in 17,596, crimepkr calls 9,596

Flop: 7:diamond: 4:spade: 6:diamond: (36,392, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 6:heart: (36,392, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 2:heart: (36,392, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 36,392
BTN shows three of a kind, Sixes
6:spade: A:diamond:
crimepkr shows a pair of Sixes
A:heart: Q:diamond:

BTN wins 36,392 (net +18,696)

crimepkr lost 17,696

17.07.12, 22:38

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds + t200 - 4 players - View hand 1828024 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1828024)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: t237709 M = 74.28
BTN: t62563 M = 19.55
SB: t113998 M = 35.62
Hero (BB): t80762 M = 25.24

Pre Flop: (t3200) Hero is BB with Q :heart: 3 :heart:
CO raises to t3200, 2 folds, Hero raises to t8000, CO calls t4800

Flop: (t17600) Q :spade: 7 :heart: 4 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t8976, CO calls t8976

Turn: (t35552) 9 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t6400, CO raises to t220533 all in, Hero calls t57186 all in

River: (t162724) 7 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t162724
CO shows 8 :diamond: 6 :spade: (a pair of Sevens)
Hero shows Q :heart: 3 :heart: (a flush, Queen high)
Hero wins t162724

17.07.12, 22:44
Olin muckimas juba

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t800.00/t1600.00 Blinds - 4 players - View hand 1828027 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1828027)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: t157747.00 98.59 BBs
CO: t59163.00 36.98 BBs
BTN: t108798.00 68.00 BBs
Hero (SB): t169324.00 105.83 BBs

Pre Flop: (t2400) Hero is SB with A :diamond: T :spade:
CO raises to t3200, 1 fold, Hero raises to t8000, 1 fold, CO raises to t58963, Hero calls t50963

Flop: (t119526) 3 :spade: 3 :diamond: 9 :heart: (2 players)

Turn: (t119526) 7 :diamond: (2 players)

River: (t119526) 2 :club: (2 players)

Final Pot: t119526
CO shows 8 :heart: K :heart:
Hero shows A :diamond: T :spade:
Hero wins t120326.00
(Rake: t-800)

17.07.12, 22:54
Ja minu turniir lõppes grande finalega

No Limit Holdem Tournament
4 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

Hero (CO) (37k) 18bb
BTN (44k) 22bb
SB (83k) 42bb
BB (58k) 29bb

Blinds: 1k/2k Ante 250

Pre-Flop: (4k, 4 players) Hero is CO K:diamond: A:heart:
Hero raises to 4.4k, BTN goes all-in 43k, 2 folds, Hero goes all-in 32k

Flop: J:diamond: 9:club: 5:club: (77k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 6:heart: (77k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 10:club: (77k, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 77k
Hero shows high card Ace
K:diamond: A:heart:
BTN shows a flush, Ace high
K:club: A:club:

BTN wins 84k (net +40k)

Hero lost 37k

17.07.12, 23:09
Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t325 - 4 players - View hand 1828047 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1828047)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN): t367334 M = 72.74
SB: t252339 M = 49.97
BB: t101609 M = 20.12
CO: t70825 M = 14.02

Pre Flop: (t5050) Hero is BTN with 9 :spade: 9 :club:
CO raises to t5475, Hero raises to t12500, 2 folds, CO calls t7025

Flop: (t30050) 3 :heart: 5 :heart: 2 :diamond: (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets t15325, CO raises to t58000 all in, Hero calls t42675

Turn: (t146050) 4 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t146050) T :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t146050
Hero shows 9 :spade: 9 :club: (a pair of Nines)
CO shows 5 :spade: 4 :spade: (two pair, Fives and Fours)
CO wins t146050

17.07.12, 23:28
4-max üks lõbusamaid formaate imo:)

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2000/t4000 Blinds + t500 - 4 players - View hand 1828064 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1828064)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): t206924 M = 25.87
BTN: t390163 M = 48.77
SB: t286634 M = 35.83
BB: t98980 M = 12.37

Pre Flop: (t8000) Hero is CO with K :club: J :spade:
Hero raises to t8000, 1 fold, SB calls t6000, BB calls t4000

Flop: (t26000) T :heart: K :heart: T :club: (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets t14000, Hero calls t14000, SB folds

Turn: (t54000) A :diamond: (2 players)
BB bets t26000, Hero calls t26000

River: (t106000) 8 :club: (2 players)
BB bets t50480 all in, Hero calls t50480

Final Pot: t206960
Hero shows K :club: J :spade: (two pair, Kings and Tens)
BB shows 5 :heart: Q :diamond: (a pair of Tens)
Hero wins t206960

17.07.12, 23:41

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2500/t5000 Blinds + t625 - 4 players - View hand 1828076 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1828076)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): t449654 M = 44.97
CO: t415413 M = 41.54
BTN: t114384 M = 11.44
SB: t228994 M = 22.90

Pre Flop: (t10000) Hero is BB with Q :diamond: A :diamond:
1 fold, BTN raises to t15000, 1 fold, Hero raises to t330000, BTN calls t98759 all in

Flop: (t232518) 5 :diamond: 3 :spade: T :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t232518) 8 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t232518) 4 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t232518
Hero shows Q :diamond: A :diamond: (high card Ace)
BTN shows A :club: T :diamond: (a pair of Tens)
BTN wins t232518

18.07.12, 22:08
Turna058 2 eestlast top 18-nes.....gl

18.07.12, 22:13
Kahjuks langesid 16 ja 14.koht

19.07.12, 12:03
Eriline point on minna deep turnale, kus itm on 4-5 tundi ja ft 11 tundi kui oled 24h üleval olnud, wp reggie.

19.07.12, 12:25
ez printer ikka olen. ITM mul hetkel 1/1. mõnus on tööl olla 3h maganud, aga 57 daala rikkam. seda siis 7.5h eest.

19.07.12, 12:29
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150.00/t300.00 Blinds - 9 players -

SB: t24236.00 80.79 BBs
BB: t15919.00 53.06 BBs
UTG: t14566.00 48.55 BBs
UTG+1: t8461.00 28.20 BBs
Hero (UTG+2): t19950.00 66.50 BBs
MP1: t3595.00 11.98 BBs
MP2: t8573.00 28.58 BBs
CO: t33901.00 113.00 BBs
BTN: t3720.00 12.40 BBs

Pre Flop: (t450) Hero is UTG+2 with J :club: J :diamond:
UTG calls t300, 1 fold, Hero calls t300, 3 folds, BTN calls t300, SB raises to t2147, 2 folds, Hero calls t1847, 1 fold

Flop: (t5194) J :heart: Q :diamond: 7 :club: (2 players)
SB bets t4165.00, Hero raises to t8700, SB calls t4535

Turn: (t22594) K :diamond: (2 players)
SB bets t13349.00, Hero calls t9103 all in

River: (t40800) 9 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t40800
SB shows 8 :spade: T :spade:
Hero shows J :club: J :diamond:
SB wins t41080.00
(Rake: t-320)

nii lõppes siis event 64 minu jaoks, krdi agromaniakk tõmbas ära raisk
oleks river blank olnud, oleks top 50 stack 4k fieldi hulgas olnud.
mängisin ise ka halvasti muidugi, call flop ja shove any turn oleks parem, kui induceda üritamine imo

19.07.12, 19:46
Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3000/t6000 Blinds + t600 - 9 players - View hand 1829700 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1829700)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP1: t149795 M = 10.40
Hero (MP2): t234783 M = 16.30
CO: t67210 M = 4.67
BTN: t65927 M = 4.58
SB: t143374 M = 9.96
BB: t109871 M = 7.63
UTG: t60800 M = 4.22
UTG+1: t35790 M = 2.49
UTG+2: t78280 M = 5.44

Pre Flop: (t14400) Hero is MP2 with A :diamond: 6 :diamond:
4 folds, Hero raises to t12222, 3 folds, BB calls t6222

Flop: (t32844) 8 :diamond: T :heart: A :spade: (2 players)
BB bets t16422, Hero calls t16422

Turn: (t65688) 2 :club: (2 players)
BB bets t32844, Hero calls t32844

River: (t131376) 9 :club: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: t131376
Hero mucks A :diamond: 6 :diamond:
BB shows J :diamond: Q :spade: (a straight, Eight to Queen)
BB wins t131376

nice check, sir

19.07.12, 19:58
Ja saadeti koju ära:D

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

Hero (UTG) (94k) 9bb
UTG+1 (128k) 13bb
MP1 (131k) 13bb
MP2 (178k) 18bb
MP3 (300k) 30bb
CO (146k) 15bb
BTN (326k) 33bb
SB (433k) 43bb
BB (399k) 40bb

Blinds: 5k/10k Ante 1k

Pre-Flop: (24k, 9 players) Hero is UTG A:spade: Q:heart:
Hero goes all-in 93k, 5 folds, BTN calls 93k, 2 folds

Flop: 3:diamond: 6:spade: 6:club: (211k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: K:heart: (211k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 8:heart: (211k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 211k
BTN shows two pair, Tens and Sixes
10:spade: 10:heart:
Hero shows a pair of Sixes
A:spade: Q:heart:

BTN wins 211k (net +116k)

Hero lost 94k

19.07.12, 20:16
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150.00/t300.00 Blinds - 9 players -

SB: t24236.00 80.79 BBs
BB: t15919.00 53.06 BBs
UTG: t14566.00 48.55 BBs
UTG+1: t8461.00 28.20 BBs
Hero (UTG+2): t19950.00 66.50 BBs
MP1: t3595.00 11.98 BBs
MP2: t8573.00 28.58 BBs
CO: t33901.00 113.00 BBs
BTN: t3720.00 12.40 BBs

Pre Flop: (t450) Hero is UTG+2 with J :club: J :diamond:
UTG calls t300, 1 fold, Hero calls t300, 3 folds, BTN calls t300, SB raises to t2147, 2 folds, Hero calls t1847, 1 fold

Flop: (t5194) J :heart: Q :diamond: 7 :club: (2 players)
SB bets t4165.00, Hero raises to t8700, SB calls t4535

Turn: (t22594) K :diamond: (2 players)
SB bets t13349.00, Hero calls t9103 all in

River: (t40800) 9 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t40800
SB shows 8 :spade: T :spade:
Hero shows J :club: J :diamond:
SB wins t41080.00
(Rake: t-320)

nii lõppes siis event 64 minu jaoks, krdi agromaniakk tõmbas ära raisk
oleks river blank olnud, oleks top 50 stack 4k fieldi hulgas olnud.
mängisin ise ka halvasti muidugi, call flop ja shove any turn oleks parem, kui induceda üritamine imo

räägid äkki preflop callist ka ?

19.07.12, 21:05
räägid äkki preflop callist ka ?

tema oli agromaniakk ja ma callingstation fish. kõik on standard.

20.07.12, 00:13
Limp behind JJ:eek:

Ise kukkusin standard jaotusega.

Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t5000.00/t9900.00 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1830094 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1830094)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP1: t82820.00 8.37 BBs
MP2: t263742.00 26.64 BBs
CO: t207448.00 20.95 BBs
BTN: t452319.00 45.69 BBs
SB: t54920.00 5.55 BBs
BB: t10900.00 1.10 BBs
UTG: t85000.00 8.59 BBs
Hero (UTG+1): t192595.00 19.45 BBs
UTG+2: t144638.00 14.61 BBs

Pre Flop: (t14900) Hero is UTG+1 with K :club: K :spade:
1 fold, Hero raises to t22222, UTG+2 raises to t50000, 5 folds, Hero raises to t191595, UTG+2 calls t94638 all in

Flop: (t304176) 5 :diamond: 7 :club: 5 :spade: (3 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t304176) 7 :heart: (3 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t304176) 6 :heart: (3 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t304176
BB shows 5 :club: 6 :diamond:
Hero shows K :club: K :spade:
UTG+2 shows A :spade: A :diamond:
BB wins t43700.00
(Rake: t-8000)

20.07.12, 01:36
Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1830144 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1830144)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP2: t5450 68.12 BBs
CO: t5031 62.89 BBs
BTN: t7290 91.12 BBs
SB: t5452 68.15 BBs
BB: t7282 91.03 BBs
UTG: t4245 53.06 BBs
Hero (UTG+1): t7215 90.19 BBs
UTG+2: t8448 105.60 BBs
MP1: t4527 56.59 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is UTG+1 with Q :diamond: Q :spade:
1 fold, Hero raises to t240, 6 folds, BB calls t160

Flop: (t520) 6 :heart: 2 :club: 5 :diamond: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t364, BB calls t364

Turn: (t1248) 9 :spade: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t780, BB calls t780

River: (t2808) 3 :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t1380, BB calls t1380

Final Pot: t5568
BB shows 3 :club: 2 :heart: (two pair, Threes and Deuces)
Hero shows Q :diamond: Q :spade: (a pair of Queens)
BB wins t5568

20.07.12, 04:08
Running so good.
Tasus panna küll 4.45 äratus, et kella 05st turnat lasta.

Poker Stars $5.25+$5.25+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1830185 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1830185)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP1: t4774 159.13 BBs
MP2: t4980 166 BBs
CO: t4910 163.67 BBs
BTN: t5210 173.67 BBs
SB: t5070 169 BBs
Hero (BB): t5316 177.20 BBs
UTG: t4960 165.33 BBs
UTG+1: t5000 166.67 BBs
UTG+2: t4780 159.33 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is BB with Q :diamond: Q :club:
2 folds, UTG+2 raises to t60, 2 folds, CO raises to t150, 2 folds, Hero raises to t512, UTG+2 calls t452, CO calls t362

Flop: (t1551) 4 :spade: 9 :heart: 3 :diamond: (3 players)
Hero bets t830, UTG+2 raises to t1660, CO folds, Hero raises to t4804 all in, UTG+2 calls t2608 all in

Turn: (t10087) J :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t10087) A :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t10087
Hero shows Q :diamond: Q :club: (a pair of Queens)
UTG+2 shows A :diamond: 9 :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Nines)
UTG+2 wins t10087

20.07.12, 20:27
77-S Event

Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t30 - 6 players - View hand 1831074 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1831074)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (MP): t12284 M = 22.13
CO: t7832 M = 14.11
BTN: t9238 M = 16.65
SB: t10995 M = 19.81
BB: t4866 M = 8.77
UTG: t4785 M = 8.62

Pre Flop: (t555) Hero is MP with J :spade: A :club:
1 fold, Hero raises to t622, 3 folds, BB raises to t4836 all in, Hero calls t4214

Flop: (t9977) 6 :diamond: 6 :heart: 4 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t9977) Q :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t9977) 4 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t9977
Hero shows J :spade: A :club: (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
BB shows J :club: 6 :club: (a full house, Sixes full of Fours)
BB wins t9977

20.07.12, 20:54
Sama idioodi vastu

Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t60 - 4 players - View hand 1831093 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1831093)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): t9539 M = 9.64
CO: t13489 M = 13.63
BTN: t8411 M = 8.50
SB: t18561 M = 18.75

Pre Flop: (t990) Hero is BB with 7 :heart: A :club:
2 folds, SB raises to t1500, Hero raises to t9479 all in, SB calls t7979

Flop: (t19198) J :spade: 9 :spade: A :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t19198) 2 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t19198) 4 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t19198
Hero shows 7 :heart: A :club: (a pair of Aces)
SB shows K :spade: 8 :spade: (a flush, King high)
SB wins t19198

Ja out.

21.07.12, 17:30
FML, officially täna teen oma esimese MM päeva ja ainult 1 event on täna selline, mida tahan mängida, aga noh, kui ära tuleks, siis ei kurdaks :D

21.07.12, 17:51
FML, officially täna teen oma esimese MM päeva ja ainult 1 event on täna selline, mida tahan mängida, aga noh, kui ära tuleks, siis ei kurdaks :D

ja see event oleks ?

21.07.12, 17:59
Event 86, loodan et homme saan ka mängida, siis tulevad järjest holdemi evendid kõik.

21.07.12, 18:06
no jah, kiiret põrumist sulle, ma kavatsen selle ära võita

21.07.12, 18:17
plaan ka täna kodus olla ja grindida microt esimest korda

21.07.12, 18:30
no jah, kiiret põrumist sulle, ma kavatsen selle ära võita

thx ma busto, ässad vs KJo

21.07.12, 18:40
thx ma busto, ässad vs KJo

Paned äkki käe ka üles ?

21.07.12, 18:45
event 85 juhib mingi eestlane coolboarder23 praegu, foorumlane?

21.07.12, 19:07
Paned äkki käe ka üles ?

panin masenduna laua kinni, 3 limpi, ma btnilt avasin mingi 5k stäkiga 550 vist, 1 fish callib flop Kxx, ta check, ma bet 2/3, ta call, turn J ,ta shove ma snap ja river blank..
tal KJo, as said

21.07.12, 19:26
Poker Stars $2.02+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t5000/t10000 Blinds + t1000 - 9 players - View hand 1831784 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1831784)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: t65260 M = 2.72
SB: t220550 M = 9.19
BB: t107030 M = 4.46
Hero (UTG): t304129 M = 12.67
UTG+1: t45631 M = 1.90
UTG+2: t856174 M = 35.67
MP1: t151790 M = 6.32
MP2: t349804 M = 14.58
CO: t253681 M = 10.57

Pre Flop: (t24000) Hero is UTG with K :heart: K :diamond:
Hero raises to t20000, 2 folds, MP1 raises to t150790 all in, 5 folds, Hero calls t130790

Flop: (t325580) 5 :heart: 7 :heart: 9 :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t325580) Q :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t325580) 9 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t325580
Hero shows K :heart: K :diamond: (two pair, Kings and Nines)
MP1 shows A :club: A :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Nines)
MP1 wins t325580

sigh:( , 500k oleks päris hea juba olnud

22.07.12, 03:26
Ugh regasin "action hour" turniirile, oi kurja kus see venib alles. 6h istutud ja nüüd iga hetk rahad ning seega 1140 players left.
EDIT//8 tundi saan mängida, lõpuks jään jänni paar korda postflop stack 30bb peal. Leian vaala kelle avamise peale AT lükata peale mõningast tiksumist, vastas AA, jääb 10bb veel järele, next käsi KJ lükkan uuesti ja oppa jälle AA. Terve turniiri jooksul TT+ kätest ainult 1x QQ, 1x AK seda rohkem kui 600 käe peale. Minu viimaste kuude projekt "stars" hävib endiselt ja laostab mu täielikult iga päev turnade alla kogu päev ja lõpuks mincashiga mis jätab parimal juhul nulli.

22.07.12, 09:25
Starsis turnade biitimiseks on vaja epic luckboxi.

22.07.12, 11:29
Ugh regasin "action hour" turniirile, oi kurja kus see venib alles.
Sama siin, võtsin cashi kõrvale sama turka ja ~5h möödudes oli vaid pisut üle poole fieldist välja kukkunud ja lõpuks 5b-shippisin 46s pre avg stackiga ::)

22.07.12, 12:01
Mul kavas kokku 73-74 turnat ja hetkel ca 6-7 cashi tulnud, kasumis pole kuigi :(
Parim cashi omaha turnalt eile 64 koht 28.93 cash.

Püüan täna head runni teha ja stake kasumisse vedada ikka.
Eile olin ka deep runni tegemas 4.40 1rebuy a 1 addon kus 11k hulgast tulin 730 ndaks ja langesin AJ vs 99 kus kaotasin suure flippi , mille võidu korral oleks olnud 2xavg + aga jah ausalt öeldes olen kaotanud 12-13 flippi järjest eri turnadel ja paljud hilistel turna faasidel kahjuks...

Praegu algas event 93: 15k gtd 2,20 buyin fullring

22.07.12, 12:06
Mängin ka event 93 ja tõenäoliselt 94 & 95 ka, ME-le mängin satikaid, kui tuleb, siis tuleb.

GL !

22.07.12, 12:09
mul täna kõik peale event 96 plaanis teha

22.07.12, 12:38
yuck kui kole jooks..
QQ, enne mind 4limpi, panin 255 peale, 3 calli, flop K27, üks donk shoveb ja enamvähem vend callib K5 vs KJ.
Kohe järgmine käsi JJ, 1 limp, panin 155 peale, 3 calli jälle, flop Q2Qdd, cbetin, 2 calli, turn Kd, check, üks shoveb, teine snap, ühel Q7o ja teisel A2o, wp vanad..:/

22.07.12, 12:42
yuck kui kole jooks..
QQ, enne mind 4limpi, panin 255 peale, 3 calli, flop K27, üks donk shoveb ja enamvähem vend callib K5 vs KJ.
Kohe järgmine käsi JJ, 1 limp, panin 155 peale, 3 calli jälle, flop Q2Qdd, cbetin, 2 calli, turn Kd, check, üks shoveb, teine snap, ühel Q7o ja teisel A2o, wp vanad..:/

mul atm 6100 stack , aga kui nii palju limpe on siis vajuta julgelt overbet imo tahad 1 max 2 calli mitte 3-4 ... paneks mingi 300-500 seal atleast

22.07.12, 12:46
jep vilkar, jõudsin ise ka selle lahenduseni, täiesti pointless on standard turkatõsteid teha, vanad tuimalt callivad nii deepilt igast pasaga maha...

22.07.12, 12:56
First break 8,7k

22.07.12, 13:00
Event 93 first break 22,5k

22.07.12, 13:03
8,1k suht mõtetu kaardijooks seni ...

22.07.12, 13:20
võitsin 5.5 turkale satikalt pileti, HU oli russhianiga, kes shoves iga käsi ja no **** kuidas imes, täitsa kole oli

õnneks viimast kätt ei imend ära, pärast floppi olin kindel, et splitime.

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

SB bi0hazard (5,251) 18bb
BB MaxMaximov (3,749) 12bb

Blinds: 150/300 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: (500, 2 players) bi0hazard is SB 6:club: 6:heart:
bi0hazard raises to 600, MaxMaximov goes all-in 3,724, bi0hazard calls 3,124

Flop: 4:diamond: 7:spade: 5:spade: (7,498, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 7:diamond: (7,498, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 2:heart: (7,498, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 7,498
MaxMaximov shows a pair of Sevens
6:spade: A:club:
bi0hazard shows two pair, Sevens and Sixes
6:club: 6:heart:

bi0hazard wins 7,498 (net +3,749)

MaxMaximov lost 3,749

7k event 93s, 32o calliti mu CO raise btnilt ära 932 flop, mul 97s, panin 3 barrelit ja noh, mis seal ikka.

22.07.12, 13:47
Pole sõnu, sellised vanad on koos, ise täiesti carddead ja mängida ei lasta, vajutatakse iga käsi täiega, see 32o iiiigor shoves ennem 53o ja sai JJlt calli...
käsi siis

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG paleface208 (16,414) 82bb
UTG+1 TERNOPOL170 (22,552) 113bb
MP1 SunRic3 (4,010) 20bb
MP2 bi0hazard (7,336) 37bb
MP3 OsmanAk (14,190) 71bb
CO Gati4ka (311) 2bb
BTN CaptainAK47 (20,080) 100bb
SB 53Camel53 (8,947) 45bb
BB DenisC1976 (2,138) 11bb

Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25

Pre-Flop: (525, 9 players) bi0hazard is MP2 9:club: 7:diamond:
paleface208 raises to 400, 2 folds, bi0hazard folds, OsmanAk raises to 1,200, 4 folds, paleface208 calls 800

Flop: 8:diamond: A:spade: A:club: (2,925, 2 players)
paleface208 checks, OsmanAk bets 1,600, paleface208 calls 1,600

Turn: 4:heart: (6,125, 2 players)
paleface208 checks, OsmanAk bets 2,000, paleface208 goes all-in 13,589, OsmanAk goes all-in 9,365

River: 6:spade: (28,855, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 28,855
paleface208 shows three of a kind, Aces
J:diamond: A:heart:
OsmanAk shows two pair, Aces and Eights
7:heart: 8:heart:

paleface208 wins 31,079 (net +14,665)

OsmanAk lost 14,190

22.07.12, 13:58
2nd break 8,4k. Käsi pole olnud, korra 4bet shovend A3s-ga ja ainult varastand veidi, niipalju kui võimalik olnud.

22.07.12, 14:01
sama siin 8,2k

22.07.12, 14:17
specige eestlast maztahh-t, nii võidetakse turkasid vist, raiub rämedalt, räme agressioon ja stäkib ilgelt lightilt, aga kui tahab tulla, siis tahab :D

Üks näide, pange tähele, et avg on 12k

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG frozenatra (19,986) 67bb
UTG+1 takis88 (10,793) 36bb
MP1 nomoreAAces (23,990) 80bb
MP2 Paokgeorge (11,089) 37bb
MP3 maztahh (75,630) 252bb
CO gambler2410 (24,013) 80bb
BTN glavbuh1205 (8,750) 29bb
SB igoryn300 (4,010) 13bb
BB snakepox (11,140) 37bb

Blinds: 150/300 Ante 40

Pre-Flop: (810, 9 players)
frozenatra calls 300, 1 fold, nomoreAAces calls 300, 1 fold, maztahh raises to 1,200, 4 folds, frozenatra goes all-in 19,946, nomoreAAces folds, maztahh calls 18,746

Flop: 6:heart: 8:diamond: 10:diamond: (41,002, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: 2:diamond: (41,002, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 7:diamond: (41,002, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 41,002
frozenatra shows high card Ace
K:heart: A:club:
maztahh shows a flush, Ace high
A:diamond: 7:spade:

maztahh wins 41,002 (net +21,016)

frozenatra lost 19,986
nomoreAAces lost 340

22.07.12, 14:25
Lol, see mu IRL sõber, härras on napsi all :D

22.07.12, 14:32

tra sigh spot oli just, Mixano 7/2/0 AF 0.5 52 käe peale, Betty ka päris nit pre, palju limpib ja agressiooni ei ole näidanud üldse. Mixano donkamine võttis küll kukalt kratsima.

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG BLR.Nitro (38,620) 77bb
UTG+1 TBeam (13,020) 26bb
MP1 lepa luba (10,650) 21bb
MP2 Nagijew777 (6,662) 13bb
MP3 chefri20 (27,072) 54bb
CO bi0hazard (13,462) 27bb
BTN BettyQQ (9,857) 20bb
SB Mixano18 (12,820) 26bb
BB grossi58 (20,410) 41bb

Blinds: 250/500 Ante 60

Pre-Flop: (1,290, 9 players) bi0hazard is CO 10:diamond: 9:club:
5 folds, bi0hazard raises to 1,044, BettyQQ calls 1,044, Mixano18 calls 794, grossi58 calls 544

Flop: 4:spade: 10:heart: 3:heart: (4,716, 4 players)
Mixano18 bets 2,780, 1 fold, bi0hazard folds, BettyQQ goes all-in 8,753, Mixano18 calls 5,973

Turn: 2:club: (22,222, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 5:heart: (22,222, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 22,222
BettyQQ shows a flush, Ten high
8:heart: 7:heart:
Mixano18 shows a straight, Ace to Five
4:club: A:heart:

BettyQQ wins 22,222 (net +12,365)

bi0hazard lost 1,104
Mixano18 lost 9,857
grossi58 lost 1,104

22.07.12, 14:46

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG lepa luba (41,583) 69bb
UTG+1 Nagijew777 (9,384) 16bb
MP1 chefri20 (25,448) 42bb
MP2 bi0hazard (12,628) 21bb
MP3 BettyQQ (17,504) 29bb
CO GamerKuzkin (2,224) 4bb
BTN grossi58 (15,106) 25bb
SB BLR.Nitro (34,190) 57bb
BB adrenalien78 (32,223) 54bb

Blinds: 300/600 Ante 70

Pre-Flop: (1,530, 9 players) bi0hazard is MP2 7:spade: 7:diamond:
3 folds, bi0hazard goes all-in 12,558, BettyQQ goes all-in 17,434, 4 folds

Flop: 4:heart: 5:diamond: 8:diamond: (26,646, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: 2:heart: (26,646, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 5:spade: (26,646, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 26,646
bi0hazard shows two pair, Sevens and Fives
7:spade: 7:diamond:
BettyQQ shows a pair of Fives
Q:spade: K:diamond:

bi0hazard wins 26,646 (net +14,018)

BettyQQ collects 4,876 (net -12,628)

22.07.12, 14:48
out ei suutnud K55 flopis KQ foldida shvoe peale ja obv härral 56.... oma viga...

22.07.12, 14:49
veidi lisa

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG bi0hazard (26,491) 38bb
UTG+1 BettyQQ (6,251) 9bb
MP1 GamerKuzkin (1,999) 3bb
MP2 grossi58 (17,046) 24bb
MP3 BLR.Nitro (33,665) 48bb
CO adrenalien78 (31,098) 44bb
BTN lepa luba (40,058) 57bb
SB Nagijew777 (8,459) 12bb
BB chefri20 (25,223) 36bb

Blinds: 350/700 Ante 85

Pre-Flop: (1,815, 9 players) bi0hazard is UTG K:spade: A:spade:
bi0hazard raises to 1,666, 6 folds, Nagijew777 calls 1,316, chefri20 calls 966

Flop: 9:club: A:club: 10:spade: (5,763, 3 players)
Nagijew777 checks, chefri20 checks, bi0hazard bets 3,998, Nagijew777 goes all-in 6,708, chefri20 folds, bi0hazard calls 2,710

Turn: J:heart: (19,179, 2 players, 1 all-in)

River: 6:diamond: (19,179, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 19,179
bi0hazard shows a pair of Aces - King kicker
K:spade: A:spade:
Nagijew777 shows a pair of Aces
8:diamond: A:diamond:

bi0hazard wins 19,179 (net +10,720)

Nagijew777 lost 8,459
chefri20 lost 1,751

vilkar, oskad seletada, kuidas pärast kümmet kätt 5.5 1R1A turkal oli avg 7,2k ? starting ju 5k ?
EDIT: Leidsin, rebuy võib teha kui stäkk alla 1milli lol :D
EDIT2:3rd break 40k

22.07.12, 15:21
vana järjest openshoves, mõtlesin, et võiks proovida

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Yosimetie (5,491) 69bb
UTG+1 gigihot (4,605) 58bb
MP1 tudor69 (2,600) 33bb
MP2 kurtmathias (6,329) 79bb
MP3 Milla86 (4,900) 61bb
CO $on1c (5,690) 71bb
BTN SERZH57 (12,306) 154bb
SB bi0hazard (4,954) 62bb
BB resid55 (7,770) 97bb

Blinds: 40/80

Pre-Flop: (120, 9 players) bi0hazard is SB 10:spade: 10:diamond:
Yosimetie goes all-in 5,491, 6 folds, bi0hazard goes all-in 4,914, 1 fold

Flop: 9:club: 2:diamond: 6:heart: (9,988, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: K:diamond: (9,988, 2 players, 2 all-in)

River: 4:diamond: (9,988, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 9,988
bi0hazard shows a pair of Tens
10:spade: 10:diamond:
Yosimetie shows a pair of Sixes
6:diamond: 7:heart:

bi0hazard wins 9,988 (net +5,034)

Yosimetie collects 537 (net -4,954)

22.07.12, 15:38
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG Milla86 (7,780) 65bb
UTG+1 $on1c (5,435) 45bb
MP1 SERZH57 (10,828) 90bb
MP2 bi0hazard (12,743) 106bb
MP3 resid55 (7,899) 66bb
CO Dodjidedi (4,355) 36bb
BTN gigihot (3,990) 33bb
SB tudor69 (6,660) 56bb
BB kurtmathias (4,955) 41bb

Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15

Pre-Flop: (315, 9 players) bi0hazard is MP2 3:club: 3:spade:
2 folds, SERZH57 calls 120, bi0hazard calls 120, 3 folds, tudor69 calls 60, kurtmathias checks

Flop: 3:heart: 5:diamond: 7:spade: (615, 4 players)
tudor69 bets 360, kurtmathias calls 360, SERZH57 raises to 720, bi0hazard raises to 2,099, tudor69 folds, kurtmathias folds, SERZH57 calls 1,379

Turn: 8:heart: (5,533, 2 players)
SERZH57 bets 2,280, bi0hazard goes all-in 10,509, SERZH57 goes all-in 6,314

River: 9:diamond: (22,721, 2 players, 2 all-in)

Final Pot: 22,721
SERZH57 shows a pair of Sevens
7:heart: Q:heart:
bi0hazard shows three of a kind, Threes
3:club: 3:spade:

bi0hazard wins 24,636 (net +11,893)

SERZH57 lost 10,828
tudor69 lost 495
kurtmathias lost 495

22.07.12, 16:05
Lihtne , seal saad rebuy teha kohe ära ehk 5k > 10k kohe aga siis hiljem sul rebuyd pole ainult addon , anytime see rebuy kui stack 5k või alla selle

22.07.12, 16:06
event 93 stack 40k, aga blindid suured juba, läheb actioniks

22.07.12, 16:10
FFS event 94 ka läbi , sain pre TT vs AK vs AQ nupud sisse ja flopis ikka KXX turn K river X.... 13 flipp järjest kaotanud eri turnadel .... needus ???

22.07.12, 17:07
FFS event 94 ka läbi , sain pre TT vs AK vs AQ nupud sisse ja flopis ikka KXX turn K river X.... 13 flipp järjest kaotanud eri turnadel .... needus ???

ainuke võimalus IMO.

22.07.12, 17:40
HU round 1

Poker Stars $2.18+$0.04 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t80/t160 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1832359 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832359)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: t4201 26.26 BBs
Hero (BB): t5799 36.24 BBs

Pre Flop: (t240) Hero is BB with 5 :club: 2 :club:
BTN/SB raises to t320, Hero calls t160

Flop: (t640) 5 :diamond: T :club: 8 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t422, Hero calls t422

Turn: (t1484) 3 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t979, Hero raises to t5057 all in, BTN/SB calls t2480 all in

River: (t8402) 2 :diamond: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t8402
BTN/SB shows Q :spade: Q :club: (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows 5 :club: 2 :club: (a flush, Ten high)
Hero wins t8402

22.07.12, 18:00
Event 95: HU 2,20 turbo ja siis kui ma callin allinni ära ja otsustav käsi siis stars paneb pange asfdjkgshakfdjsahfkjsadgfsjgfajfhgk TILT

2 korda sain dc kõik muu tõõtas netis mul.... nahui kui närvi ajas selline teema... saatsin suporti kirja ka .... olin 70/30 ees otsustav käsi 844 7 boardil venelane donkas sisse 1800 ma call K8-ga ja riverit ei näinud.... tagasi sain 3 -4 min pärast siis oli turna läbi.... järelikult jäin dc ja venelane võitis panga niisama ja blindis mind tyhjaks..... yeah.... FFS

22.07.12, 18:05
ma magasin event 95 maha :/ ME-d ka prolly ei mängi, lihtsalt ei jaksa enam

22.07.12, 18:23
Kaua ME võiks ajaliselt umbes kesta?

22.07.12, 18:31
Teine ring läks kergelt KK v AK ja 3s ring AK v AQ pf out.. *****

22.07.12, 18:34
095 Rahades, pole ammu turniire mänginud, kaardi peavad, tuleb vist ME ka ikka lasta :D

22.07.12, 18:40
ME kui tahad FT minna siis prolly 10h ikka

22.07.12, 18:47
094 rahades, stack 132K-d, average 80K.

22.07.12, 18:50
ME kui tahad FT minna siis prolly 10h ikka

Ma arvan, et way kauem, aga pole uurinud ka kuidas struktuur lõpus läheb.

22.07.12, 18:54
mnjah, 69s event 93, vs CL venku,

No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG SYNPOKER1 (429k) 12bb
UTG+1 Inge777 (732k) 21bb
MP1 lapochka136 (3,328k) 95bb
MP2 Mihaylov20 (1,246k) 36bb
MP3 ElectroValer (334k) 10bb
CO Herefordut7 (752k) 21bb
BTN CSKA2010 (840k) 24bb
SB Lisa544 (2,473k) 71bb
BB bi0hazard (969k) 28bb

Blinds: 18k/35k Ante 4.4k

Pre-Flop: (92k, 9 players) bi0hazard is BB J:diamond: A:diamond:
1 fold, Inge777 calls 35k, lapochka136 calls 35k, 5 folds, bi0hazard checks

Flop: 5:heart: A:heart: Q:heart: (162k, 3 players)
bi0hazard checks, Inge777 checks, lapochka136 bets 70k, bi0hazard calls 70k, Inge777 folds

Turn: 4:diamond: (302k, 2 players)
bi0hazard checks, lapochka136 bets 280k, bi0hazard goes all-in 860k, lapochka136 calls 580k

River: 8:club: (2,022k, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 2,022k
lapochka136 shows a flush, Ace high
10:heart: 7:heart:
bi0hazard shows a pair of Aces
J:diamond: A:diamond:

lapochka136 wins 2,022k (net +1,053k)

bi0hazard lost 969k
Inge777 lost 39k

22.07.12, 19:06
preflop check, miks ?

22.07.12, 19:19
094 rahades, stack 132K-d, average 80K.

Leian UTG+1 AA, avan 2bb-d, SB callib. Ta on stackiga veidi üle. flop Q46, 2 ristit lauas. Vastane automaatselt shoveb 25K panka 120K-d, callin, vastane näitab QTs ja ristid, turn 4, riverisse risti J. Ja oligi kõik. Nagu ikka, juba hakkab lubama ja siis riverdatakse ära nagu starsis ikka.

22.07.12, 19:37
Stormi Specialis pani vastane esimese pirni ära.

Flopis kirjutas veel chati "easy"

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1832439 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832439)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+1: t4980 249 BBs
UTG+2: t5545 277.25 BBs
MP1: t4625 231.25 BBs
MP2: t5020 251 BBs
CO: t5490 274.50 BBs
Hero (BTN): t4940 247 BBs
SB: t4500 225 BBs
BB: t5000 250 BBs
UTG: t4920 246 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BTN with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t200, 4 folds, Hero raises to t550, 2 folds, UTG+1 calls t350

Flop: (t1130) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t600, UTG+1 calls t600

Turn: (t2330) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 bets t1340, Hero calls t1340

River: (t5010) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
UTG+1 bets t2490 all in, Hero calls t2450 all in

Final Pot: t9910
UTG+1 shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a flush, Ace high)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a flush, Ace high - King higher)
Hero wins t9910

22.07.12, 20:43
Poh, tuttav Micro regs esimeste käte jooksul Maineventil callib 500bb end sisse AQ-ga 5bet shovele, vastas AT ja splitivad. NIi nad neid mänge biidivadki kurat.
EDIT// Tema 4bet oli to 50bb

22.07.12, 20:46
500bb starting stacks ja hetkel 44k osalejat, JESSSSS

22.07.12, 20:54
no vaata struktuuri, kuidas blindid tõusevad... deepestofthedeep

22.07.12, 21:13
Poker Stars $20+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20/t40 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 1832558 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832558)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: t8832 220.80 BBs
SB: t9695 242.38 BBs
BB: t9865 246.62 BBs
Hero (UTG): t9923 248.07 BBs
UTG+1: t9680 242 BBs
UTG+2: t10300 257.50 BBs
MP1: t10855 271.38 BBs
MP2: t9307 232.68 BBs
CO: t10713 267.82 BBs

Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is UTG with K :diamond: K :spade:
Hero raises to t120, 4 folds, CO calls t120, 3 folds

Flop: (t300) T :diamond: 7 :spade: 7 :club: (2 players)
Hero bets t210, CO calls t210

Turn: (t720) 6 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets t499, CO calls t499

River: (t1718) Q :spade: (2 players)
[color=red]Hero bets t1340

Eeldame et vastane teeb siin suure 3 beti või shoveb. Mida teeksite.
20 / 0 stattidega, paarkümmend kätt.

22.07.12, 21:37
mainil 15,8k aga teisel sellel event 97 out... QQ vs TT vs AJ ja turn A siis jäi mingi kopikas alles mille sblt shovesin 78s ja kohe KK vastas....

22.07.12, 21:40
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 11 Tournament, 250/500 Blinds 50 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

UTG (t3570)
UTG+1 (t16120)
MP1 (t4538)
MP2 (t11553)
MP3 (t10184)
CO (t31368)
Hero (Button) (t8738)
SB (t9530)
BB (t14680)

Hero's M: 7.28

Preflop: Hero is Button with Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, 9http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif
5 folds, CO calls t500, Hero bets t8688 (All-In), 2 folds, CO calls t8188

Flop: (t18576) 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: (t18576) Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: (t18576) 7http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: t18576

Hero had Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, 9http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (one pair, sixes).
CO had Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif (full house, Kings over sixes).
Outcome: CO won t18576
ei oska mina nende micro vendade vastu mängida. Suur stakk oli ennem ka 2 korda limpindud suvaliselt
Kas keegi ak foldib buttonilt`?

22.07.12, 21:49
esimene AA läks aiataha :(

E: või peaks floppi ka bettima ?

22.07.12, 22:02
esimene AA läks aiataha :(

E: või peaks floppi ka bettima ?

imo cbet flop kah.
tubli et lolliks oma ässadega ei läinud
endal 2x kunne andnud ja ainult blindid

22.07.12, 22:03
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 22 Tournament, 50/100 Blinds 10 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

BB (t9610)
UTG (t27888)
UTG+1 (t7320)
MP1 (t13048)
MP2 (t9860)
MP3 (t10400)
CO (t7169)
Hero (Button) (t8380)
SB (t10948)

Hero's M: 34.92

Preflop: Hero is Button with Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif, Qhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif
4 folds, MP3 bets t200, CO calls t200, Hero raises to t700, SB raises to t1700, 3 folds, Hero calls t1000

Flop: (t3990) 4http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, 2http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif, Jhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (t3990) 9http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets t1995, Hero folds

Total pot: t3990

SB didn't show
Outcome: SB won t3990

Kas keegi oleks minu asemel samamoodi mänginud? Miks vastane flopis chekib???

22.07.12, 22:06
Kas keegi oleks minu asemel samamoodi mänginud? Miks vastane flopis chekib???

Ilmselt poleks 3b pre, aga 4b peale oleks fold või shove kindlalt. Ei tunne vastast.

22.07.12, 22:53
läbi ta saigi QQ vs 55 vs AKo

22.07.12, 22:58
Napilt, aga elus.

Poker Stars $20+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 9 players - View hand 1832714 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832714)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP2: t8294 M = 7.90
CO: t2315 M = 2.20
BTN: t13821 M = 13.16
Hero (SB): t2712 M = 2.58
BB: t26931 M = 25.65
UTG: t15223 M = 14.50
UTG+1: t22388 M = 21.32
UTG+2: t7425 M = 7.07
MP1: t13312 M = 12.68

Pre Flop: (t1050) Hero is SB with 9 :diamond: 9 :club:
3 folds, MP1 raises to t800, 3 folds, Hero raises to t2662 all in, 1 fold, MP1 calls t1862

Flop: (t6174) 5 :diamond: 5 :spade: 8 :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t6174) J :heart: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t6174) 6 :spade: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t6174
Hero shows 9 :diamond: 9 :club: (two pair, Nines and Fives)
MP1 shows A :club: 7 :heart: (a pair of Fives)
Hero wins t6174

22.07.12, 23:03
OOtused olid suured, kuni kõrval mängitavatest 5st turniirist sickolt kotti hakkasin järjest vajuma. Main event ikkagi sees oma pea 20bb-ga ja tiksun tühikäigul.

22.07.12, 23:09
Poker Stars $20+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 9 players - View hand 1832721 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832721)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+1: t8144 M = 7.76
UTG+2: t2165 M = 2.06
MP1: t12871 M = 12.26
Hero (MP2): t6074 M = 5.78
CO: t28431 M = 27.08
BTN: t14073 M = 13.40
SB: t21438 M = 20.42
BB: t7275 M = 6.93
UTG: t11950 M = 11.38

Pre Flop: (t1050) Hero is MP2 with Q :club: A :spade:
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t8094 all in, 7 folds

Final Pot: t1450
UTG+1 wins t1450

18/14 statid, esimene push talt.

Ise foldisin max 5. sec mõtlemisajale.
Samas duublit on hädasti ja ruttu vaja.
Mis oleks õigem olnud?

22.07.12, 23:12
call kindlalt.

22.07.12, 23:19
ma ka out mainilt AK vs TT flipp ja ei tulnud ära A või K-d 14 flipp järjest üle .... unreal

22.07.12, 23:19
Minu jaoks kõik.

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 22 Tournament, 200/400 Blinds 50 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

MP1 (t15631)
MP2 (t18143)
MP3 (t19913)
CO (t9432)
Hero (Button) (t7030)
SB (t4635)
BB (t4452)
UTG (t26171)
UTG+1 (t34231)

Hero's M: 6.70

Preflop: Hero is Button with Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 10http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif
5 folds, CO bets t1200, Hero raises to t6980 (All-In), 2 folds, CO calls t5780

Flop: (t15010) 10http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, 6http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif, Qhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: (t15010) Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: (t15010) 8http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/club.gif (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: t15010

Hero had Ahttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/spade.gif, 10http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/diamond.gif (one pair, tens).
CO had Khttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif, Qhttp://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum/images/smilies/heart.gif (two pair, Kings and Queens).
Outcome: CO won t15010

Nean seda ilast paika nimega stars ja krdi täikatuppesi kes seal pultis on. Biiditamatu pisssine kaka!

EDIT// Seniks kuni suuremalt end turniiridele ei pühendanud igas euro toas biitisin turniire biidin cashi ja nüüd stars aind häving kogu suve ja peale ka. Sea oma ootused suureks iga uue seeria alguses ja siis toida neid värdjaid end kulutades nagu kajakas.

22.07.12, 23:28
Poker Stars $20+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t60 - 9 players - View hand 1832768 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1832768)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: t39862 M = 30.90
Hero (SB): t11219 M = 8.70
BB: t19076 M = 14.79
UTG: t34641 M = 26.85
UTG+1: t17878 M = 13.86
UTG+2: t13864 M = 10.75
MP1: t11113 M = 8.61
MP2: t11335 M = 8.79
CO: t24565 M = 19.04

Pre Flop: (t1290) Hero is SB with A :diamond: A :spade:
6 folds, BTN calls t500, Hero raises to t1500, 1 fold, BTN calls t1000

Flop: (t4040) 3 :spade: 2 :club: 5 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets t2500, Hero calls t2500

Turn: (t9040) J :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets t4500, Hero raises to t7159 all in, BTN calls t2659

River: (t23358) 4 :club: (2 players - 1 is all in)

e: 68 potid vastas siis, kaarti jagati täitsa soliidselt, aga deepi ikka ei saanud, kuigi erilist motti mängida kah polnud.

22.07.12, 23:29
Endal 24k, 1.5kilo pealt tulin välja
99 käega 5.5k peale, edasi tuli üks flipp ära ning 10k
3betid blufid seni mind tuitnud ja 24k hetkel

22.07.12, 23:29
