View Full Version : NL25: AK vs ss nit

03.09.12, 09:42
Vastane 8/8 üle 334 käe. Kas me foldime AK preflop IP sellise vastu?

Poker Stars $25.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1879806 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1879806)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG+2: $25.89
MP1: $25.35
MP2: $9.28
CO: $53.81
Hero (BTN): $60.02
SB: $24.96
BB: $26.02
UTG: $9.55
UTG+1: $14.70

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BTN with A :club: K :heart:
UTG raises to $1, 5 folds, Hero calls $1, SB calls $0.90, 1 fold

Flop: ($3.25) 5 :diamond: Q :heart: 3 :spade: (3 players)
SB checks, UTG bets $2.00, Hero folds, SB folds

Final Pot: $3.25
UTG wins $3.10
(Rake: $0.15)

03.09.12, 09:45
Kui fish taga (SB pole fullstack), siis ei foldi kindlasti.

03.09.12, 09:48
jep, fytega nõus. põhieesmärk lauas ikka võimalikult palju käsi idiootidega mängida - sellise niti utg 4bb tõste vastu AK fold pole probleem, kui fishe pole. flip parimal juhul, aga range vastu nadid lood.