View Full Version : ***Offer for friendly game from Inter Drink***

16.11.12, 14:44
Hey guys!

How are you? :biggrin:

Dan from Inter Drink is asking whether Pokkeriprod would like a re-match of pre-season friendly as end-of-season game.

The game is offerend for Sunday 25th of November at 2pm.
Pitch to be confirmed.
Referee will be me :cool:
I´m not in the physical shape to play at the moment :(

Let me know so I will confirm him!


16.11.12, 15:00
Oh, I got confirmed which pitch is: Kalev ;)

Confirmation of participation should be given by this Sunday. Thanks.

16.11.12, 18:43
Nonii mängijad andke teada ja muidugi Muru ütleb kuda rahaline seis on või siis mängijad maksavad ise osaluse eest sellel mängul (kui toimub). See on järgmine nädal pühapäeval ja väljas, siis peame trenni ära jätma või pakume hoopis Männikut?

16.11.12, 18:47
Nonii mängijad andke teada ja muidugi Muru ütleb kuda rahaline seis on või siis mängijad maksavad ise osaluse eest sellel mängul (kui toimub). See on järgmine nädal pühapäeval ja väljas, siis peame trenni ära jätma või pakume hoopis Männikut?

ise oleks männiku poolt ja kui annab sedasi sättida, siis lihtsalt nad võtavad teise väljakupoole - teisip. näiteks oli teine pool vaba meie trenni ajal.

16.11.12, 19:15
ise oleks männiku poolt ja kui annab sedasi sättida, siis lihtsalt nad võtavad teise väljakupoole - teisip. näiteks oli teine pool vaba meie trenni ajal.

aga nõustun jeps. Õues külma ja märjaga ei viitsiks eriti ja prolly poleks osalejaid ka väga palju.

16.11.12, 20:31
Angelo, maybe you can reschedule the friendly match to 8.30 pm on 25th at Männiku stadion, it's too cold and wet outside.

Let us know here, we must book the stadion.

Kui Männikul teeme siis peaks terve platsi ka igaks juhuks bronnima!

16.11.12, 20:42
Angelo, maybe you can reschedule the friendly match to 8.30 pm on 25th at Männiku stadion, it's too cold and wet outside.

Let us know here, we must book the stadion.

Kui Männikul teeme siis peaks terve platsi ka igaks juhuks bronnima!

Yes, agreed. We can't really cancel trainings at Männiku as well. By default we have booked all Wednesdays and Sundays until New Year. Other option would be, Saturday at Kalev or smt (though outside, weather conditions etc.)

18.11.12, 23:57
Next Sunday, at the moment the other half of the field is available. Angelo are your team in or not ?

19.11.12, 12:48
Hey guys ;)

Forwarded your counter-offer for Männiku to Dan, please hold, will let you know.

As regarding me: for this game I´ll be referee

In general, I asked Lauri whether I could freeze my membership till next year.
Due to work and family, I don´t have much time for trainings, I´m just playing some futsal on Saturday afternoon and in Wismari occasionally.
I will try to join back in 2013, sorry :(
I generally miss training (my form has gone very deep down) but timewise it´s quite hard to keep up for now :(

19.11.12, 12:54
Just got a confirmation from Dan at Inter Drink that your counter-offer (Sunday 25th at 8.30pm in Männiku) would be suitable.
The intention is to play a full 11-a-side game, do you have all the pitch or just half?
Dan´s asking how much would cost.

19.11.12, 14:26
It's not very cheap, €70 with washing possiblilities, €60 without it.

19.11.12, 15:23
Just got a confirmation from Dan at Inter Drink that your counter-offer (Sunday 25th at 8.30pm in Männiku) would be suitable.
The intention is to play a full 11-a-side game, do you have all the pitch or just half?
Dan´s asking how much would cost.

Full pitch. In total 140€, for Inter 70€ then.

19.11.12, 17:24
Alright, I´ll ask Dan if offer suitable.
I´ll try to be ref actually, most likely I might not be able, I have a swollen foot from Saturday futsal´s action :(

19.11.12, 18:17
Hey guys,
Offer from PP not suitable to Inter Drink this time, Dan is gonna look for another opponent. Thanks anyway ;)
See you around!