View Full Version : Best internet provider in Estonia? (new grinder in Tallinn)

05.10.13, 05:26
Good morning everyone :)

I arrived in Tallinn about a month ago, couldn't get regular internet because I didn't have an Eesti ID, but now I do, and I was wondering what provider I should take? I obviously want the most reliable internet possible. Getting a house number would be nice, however, I don't really care about TV.

I'm 23 y/o, I play CGSH as a living, lived in The Netherlands, Malta, Germany and France (I'm French btw). I was on Malta before Tallinn, with my ex Dutch gf, I wanted some fresh air (literally and figuratively) after we broke up, and see what freaking cold winters are, as well as days with 20 hours of sun. A friend of mine lived in Tallinn and he liked it very much so I just felt like trying as well :)

If by any chance there's someone here that cares about learning French/getting his assignments properly done for Uni or something I can help you with that, in exchange I'd like help for Estonian ;) or if people feel like having a drink I'm in for that as well :)

05.10.13, 07:04
I would say get Elion for stationary internet and EMT 3g stick for mobility use.

05.10.13, 09:57
All main providers are pretty reliable i guess. Ive had starman for the last year and ive had one 30 sec dc during that time.

05.10.13, 10:21
If you live in an apartment then firstly you should check, which kind of internet providers in this building already exists. I had Starman for 1, 5 year and it worked great. Now I have Elion, which is also great. I have chosen Elion, because I moved and in the new building Elion was only internet provider.

The customer base in Estonia is quite small, that's why the internet providers invests to quality a lot.

So, my opinion is that you should get for stationary internet Starman or Elion. Both are great.

05.10.13, 10:51
You should check if you can get 100Mbit Internet by Elion (in Tallinn most big apartment complexes got that), Starman also got some fast one now, like 150Mbit or so. Only costs like €10 more per month than regular speed one and it's really not necessary by any means, but since you are poker player and it's so cheap then why the hell not :D

05.10.13, 11:37
Starman has 200/20 Mbit . I have had it like 2 years in my rental. Only remember about 1-2 cutouts, one time was longer when whole city was out of power. Speed can be maxed out easily with good servers.

05.10.13, 12:03
using Starman myself, never have had dc issues. also the best speed in estonia does not hurt ;)

05.10.13, 15:50
Starman allocates more users on one physical cable than Elion. That's also why their connection quality deteriorates a lot more during peak hours and why they get mixed reviews (some complexes have more leechers, some have less).

05.10.13, 16:03
Thank you all :) now I remember that the real estate agent told me to get Tele 2, his English wasn't awesome though so I didn't know if it was mandatory or if it was a suggestion. I'll go to Elion now and see what they say :)

05.10.13, 16:46
Yeah i've been using Elion for over a year now and really happy with their service.

05.10.13, 19:21
Thank you all :) now I remember that the real estate agent told me to get Tele 2, his English wasn't awesome though so I didn't know if it was mandatory or if it was a suggestion. I'll go to Elion now and see what they say :)
Weird, as far as I know Tele2 doesn't even offer Internet except the Internet USB stick (3G Internet)... Maybe that's what he thought, although even that suggestion sucks :P

05.10.13, 20:21
Yeah I went to Elion, they can't do it at my place, went to Tele 2 they only have 3G, I'll go to Starman IRL on Monday, but I checked online with my address and they don't have the regular internet, they only offer 'Zuum':


is this some kind of 3G as well or can I have cable internet?

05.10.13, 20:25
about backup internet.

Elisa has best connection inside cities, EMT has covered most places all around estonia.
so if you play mostly in town, go for Elisa, if you more around in estonia alot, consider EMT

05.10.13, 20:37
Yeah I went to Elion, they can't do it at my place, went to Tele 2 they only have 3G, I'll go to Starman IRL on Monday, but I checked online with my address and they don't have the regular internet, they only offer 'Zuum':


is this some kind of 3G as well or can I have cable internet?
What the hell? Where do you live?

I think we spoke on 2+2, you can PM me your Skype so we can chat there :P

05.10.13, 20:49
I live in the Old Town, 1 minute away from Club Hollywood. Skype PM'ed ;)

06.10.13, 21:36
Buy the standard cable internet, named already above, but keep the additional "internet" stick for backup.

07.10.13, 17:43
Sorry for OT, but what game format is CGSH?

07.10.13, 17:47
Sorry for OT, but what game format is CGSH?

cash game short handed

07.10.13, 20:29
I live in the Old Town, 1 minute away from Club Hollywood. Skype PM'ed ;)

Both Elion and Starman don't have an incoming connection to your building? That seems really unlikely consider your location I would call them, the internet lookup is pretty accurate but it was wrong for me once in the past, also check with whoever manages the building maybe.

Ehh one more thing that might provide cable internet is STV. But besides Elion, Starman, STV I don't know of any other real cable provider.

08.10.13, 05:04
I agree that it seems unlikely, I never thought such a thing was possible when I moved in. I went to Elion and Starman, in front of my they filled in my address and told me it wasn't possible. Codecci even called Elion after that, and they said I'd need to get a cable to the house, costing between 100 and 600€, but I don't think I should be paying this, it's more of an owner's responsibility. I emailed Elion to ask for details, if I don't have an answer when I get up tomorrow then I'll go to their office to talk about this.

I will go to STV tomorrow, it's a freeroll to try anyway...

e/ Just checked online for STV:

Kahjuks ei asu teie maja meie teeninduspiirkonnas.

I guess I could still try to call but I'm not optimistic :p

08.10.13, 08:32
old town isnt a good place to live imo

08.10.13, 09:19
How can this be possible - 3 ISP's doesn't have their cables in Old Town complexes lol.

08.10.13, 13:23
Yeah,wtf i can get more internets in a bombhole in kehra

08.10.13, 13:36
Easiest way is probably to ask from the real estate broker, owner or whoever rent you the apartment. They should know for sure.

08.10.13, 14:49
3G is fine IMO. My german friend used 3G also for HT HUSNG-s, and lived in old town as you. So I think get internet stick, and try it out. If works fine, then no need another connection.

08.10.13, 22:38
Yeah and you can also get a good internet package for your smartphone and use this as your backup connection.

13.10.13, 10:15
So that's what the real estate agent told me:

Dear Mr Swish,

At Harju str 9 provides internet service Tele2.
Their custom service phone is 6866 866

List of service points: http://www.tele2.ee/klienditeenindus/esindused.html



There is just nothing that I superior to 4G with Tele2, am I right? I want something with which I could dl/ul an unlimited amount of DATA, use it as wifi on my phone, but I don't see that anywhere.

My problems with 4G are the following:
-I have a limited amount of GB, so in the long run it's just too expensive, if I want to dl stuff/watch HD vids on YT I have to constantly reload
-The fact that I'll need to use 3G on my phone makes 4G even more expensive
-I get coaching from Jared Tendler at the moment, but now we have a break because with 90 mins sessions it will take way too much of my 3G/4G, sure we could do it only with sound, but have a phone-call type of feeling when we discuss my situation is really not what I want. 4G makes it hard for any form of coaching that includes webcam and/or screensharing, and there's actually a coach that refuses to work with me if I have 4G-type of internet (and that's actually my biggest issue with 4G type of connections)

So from what I've seen there's nothing suitable for me at Tele2, do you confirm that?

old town isnt a good place to live imo

Hehe, where do you think it's good to live in Tallinn, and why? (I'm asking you because I might leave my flat soon)

I went there because I wanted to be close to everything during winter time, because I just have no clue how I will handle them :) my place is quiet and nice, the day I got it I visited stuff in Kesklinn that were smaller, with a low ceiling, and it was only 20% cheaper (CC included).

13.10.13, 12:49
Hehe, where do you think it's good to live in Tallinn, and why? (I'm asking you because I might leave my flat soon)

I went there because I wanted to be close to everything during winter time, because I just have no clue how I will handle them :) my place is quiet and nice, the day I got it I visited stuff in Kesklinn that were smaller, with a low ceiling, and it was only 20% cheaper (CC included).

https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Narva+maantee&daddr=Narva+maantee+to:J.+Poska+to:Vesiv%C3%A4rava +to:Gonsiori+to:Liivalaia+to:P.+S%C3%BCda+to:P%C3% A4rnu+maantee%2FTallinn%E2%80%93P%C3%A4rnu%E2%80%9 3Ikla%2FRoute+4%2FE67+to:Sakala+to:Kentmanni+to:R% C3%A4vala+puiestee+to:A.+Lauteri+to:Gonsiori+to:Pr onksi%2FTallinn%E2%80%93Tartu%E2%80%93V%C3%B5ru%E2 %80%93Luhamaa%2FRoute+2&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=59.432965,24.769149&spn=0.021475,0.065875&sll=59.434132,24.769621&sspn=0.010737,0.032938&geocode=FcbxigMdvOB5AQ%3BFdT9igMdYjJ6AQ%3BFcjnigMd ch16AQ%3BFV_figMdTh56AQ%3BFffmigMdDeB5AQ%3BFYHMigM dEaF5AQ%3BFcrSigMdfJZ5AQ%3BFYTWigMdTpV5AQ%3BFZPdig MdW6R5AQ%3BFcDaigMd7Kh5AQ%3BFZTgigMdNrh5AQ%3BFULWi gMdWst5AQ%3BFRfnigMdIN95AQ%3BFWTxigMduOB5AQ&dirflg=w&mra=mi&mrsp=13&sz=16&t=m&z=15