View Full Version : PokerStarsi tänane ametlik avaldus Jens Kyllöneni juhtumi asjus

14.12.13, 14:13

PokerStarsi Pokkeri Kommunikatsioonijuht Lee Jones avaldas hetk tagasi 2+2-s ettevõtte poolsed detailid, mis peaks leevendama pahameelt ja andma vastused teemas esile kerkinud küsimustele.

Read more http://www.pokkeriprod.com/2013/12/14/pokerstarsi-tanane-ametlik-avaldus-jens-kylloneni-juhtumi-asjus/

20.12.13, 22:46

PokerStarsi Pokkeri Kommunikatsioonijuht Lee Jones oli 2+2 pokercastis külas. Rääkis nii high stakes ZOOMist kui ka Kyllöneni Barcelona juhtumist ja muudki.


Lee Jonesi osa algab podcasti üsna lõpus 02:14:00, Barcelona lõik 02:31:00.

2+2 kasutaja tehtud Kyllöneni juhtumi transcripti:

Question: Lee, we wanna know where we’re at with Jens’ complaint and we wanna know what happened since then.

Answer Lee Jones: Yeah, you know, look: first, first and foremost, we made a mistake and … you know the moment I tell you guys I don’t make mistakes just – you know - hang up the phone and we’ll stop talking. Ehm… we made a mistake, we told Jens that the police had been contacted and in fact the police had not been contacted and that was because we – you know – we thought the police had in fact been contacted and so we told him that. And we… The mistake we made was.. is that we did not follow through on their finding that the police had been contacted. And their was basically a misunderstanding with the hotel, because we talked to the hotel and thought that the hotel was going to contact the police, and they ended up not doing it. Ehm… the other question that people were asking is… why have you not gone to the Spanish authorities? Well, we can’t go to the Spanish authorities. We aren’t the victim here, we’re not a – you know – we really aren’t a party to any crime that may or may not have been committed, so we have not standing with the Spanish police. We have in fact talked to the Isle of Man police, because that’s who we are required to talk to under our license as regards the believe that somebody has been installing – I mean apparently - it has been confirmed that a… that malware was installed on Jens’ computer and we have researched – you know – what we know about those kinds of things happening and we have passed that information onto the Isle of Man police. And ehm… You know the cynism stuff in the forums, about the Isle of Man police and – you know - the stuff they have to deal with. Because… it’s not like the Isle of Man is Las Vegas or London or a big city so – you know – kinda sum up the stuff that goes on there it looks like small town crime, but when it comes to financial stuff, as you guys are well aware, the Isle of Man is a financial centre, I mean they, these guys – you know – there's billions of dollars moving on and offshore the Isle of Man throughout the year, and the financial crimes unit of the Isle of Man is a heavyduty crowd of people and that’s who we report to, on stuff like this and they take it seriously and we have written confirmation from them that they have our report and that they have passed it on to the appropriate authorities in the appropriate jurisdictions. So - you know – we are doing what we are required to do under our license and they are following through.
