View Full Version : NL25 - Steal CO-lt T9s-ga vs reg call - Line check

19.02.14, 20:42
Poker Stars $25.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $25.35 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 11, 3B: 0, AF: 0.0, Hands: 72
UTG: $14.11 - VPIP: 13, PFR: 12, 3B: 10, AF: 5.0, Hands: 119
UTG+1: $10.00 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 12, 3B: 7, AF: 6.0, Hands: 228
MP: $12.21 - VPIP: 36, PFR: 5, 3B: 4, AF: 6.0, Hands: 64
Hero (CO): $26.17 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 14, 3B: 5, AF: 2.2, Hands: 340
BTN: $25.00 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 12, 3B: 4, AF: 3.3, Hands: 493
SB: $10.12 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 19, 3B: 2, AF: 4.3, Hands: 118

Natukene lisaandmeid vastase kohta (sulgudes situatsioonide arv):
Fold to steal BB-lt: 80 (7);
Resteal: 0 (7);
Fold to c-bet: 0 (2);
Fold to turn c-bet: 0 (2).

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with 9 :spade: T :spade:
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, 2 folds, BB calls $0.37

Flop: ($1.34) 4 :heart: 8 :heart: T :club: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.90, BB calls $0.90

Turn: ($3.14) J :diamond: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.10, BB calls $2.10

River: ($7.34) A :diamond: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks