View Full Version : NL4: peale turni mul 2 paari, aga vastane re-raiseb

23.10.09, 23:53
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

Pre-Flop: ($0.06, 9 players) Hero is BTN 7 :club: A :heart:
3 folds, MP2 calls $0.04, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.20, 2 folds, MP2 calls $0.16

Flop: 4 :spade: 7 :diamond: J :spade: ($0.46, 2 players)
MP2 checks, Hero bets $0.36, MP2 calls $0.36

Turn: A :club: ($1.18, 2 players)
MP2 checks, Hero bets $0.88, MP2 raises to $1.76, Hero calls $0.88

River: 8 :club: ($4.70, 2 players)
MP2 goes all-in $1.42, Hero calls $1.42 ???

Kas preflop raise ja cbet olid antud käe/positsiooniga asjakohane?
Kas mängisin lõpus korrektselt või on parem turnis/riveris pärast vastase raise'i foldida?

24.10.09, 01:01
fold pre selline kõnts pls.
as played - turnis shovenud reraise peale. foldimisele ei mõtle.

Ranka table ütleb A9+ kui ees yks limpar. A7o on ikka tõsine kelts

24.10.09, 01:15
fold pre selline kõnts pls.
as played - turnis shovenud reraise peale. foldimisele ei mõtle.

Ranka table ütleb A9+ kui ees yks limpar. A7o on ikka tõsine kelts


24.10.09, 03:11
Pole küsimustki, edaspidi kindel fold prefolp.

25.10.09, 18:06
turnil broke minna pole hullu aint 44 biidib pmst ju