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17.11.09, 17:58
og1bogpokera: shut up
og1bogpokera: r u ******ed
og1bogpokera: r u r e t a r d e d u idiot
laczi: lol
laczi: cry cry vcry
og1bogpokera: f u c k ur mom in her bloody a ss
laczi: dont be rude
og1bogpokera: r e t a r d
og1bogpokera: ur mom is rude cose she want to take it in a sss
laczi: finish it
og1bogpokera: yesssss i fineshed in her a sss
og1bogpokera: so hard
og1bogpokera: she farted in ur dadys mouth
og1bogpokera: and than i ** ck ed him
og1bogpokera: ur daddy
og1bogpokera: in his asss
og1bogpokera: and than i kill them bouth
laczi: i hope come a moderator and switch off you
og1bogpokera: i killed them with my big fat * * * *i
og1bogpokera: c o c k
og1bogpokera: she soo BIG and FAT i had to hire BIG a SS see am saying BIG and FAT to much cose i dont have words how much she is BBBBBIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGG

17.11.09, 18:03

17.11.09, 18:14

Minuarust hakkas ta sõimama suhtelislet ilma põhjusetta. Sai RAZZ esimese 4 kaard pealt nutsi ja siis rohkem abi ei tulnud ja keegi tõmmas riveriise natuke parema mitte midagi ehk mingi Q high low, aga see sai oma nutsi pealt K high.