View Full Version : Kuidas mängida turbosid õigesti enne blindide suurenemist.

19.03.10, 17:06
Mängin 10man turbosid (3min lvl) ja ei tea kuidas oleks kõige õigem enne blindide suureks saamist mängida ( alustamise käed ja raise suurus )?
Siiamaani olen enne kui BB on 300 väga tightilt mänginud. AQ ja sellised viskan ära, ainult QQ+ ja AKs ja positsioonilt AQ AJ reisin.

starting stack : 2000
1.leveli BB on 40

HU grinder
19.03.10, 18:24
Liiga nit imo.

20.03.10, 12:08
Alguses tulebki üsna nit olla, seega esimese leveli jaoks pole see strateegia sugugi paha (siiski kui lastakse esimestel levelitel limpida madalate pocketite, suited kaartidega ning odavalt floppi näha, siis tasub seda teha)

Kuid kui algstäkile pole lisa tulnud, siis tuleb juba hakata lammutama kui BB on 200. Alati tuleb silmas pidada ka seda, kas blindid jõuavad sinuni sellel levelil või järgmisel ning hinnata oma stäki suurust, kas on lootust blindid üle elada või mitte. Kõige halvem, mis teha saad on jätta ennast olukorda, kus sul on näiteks UTG peal 4BB suurune stäkk, kindlasti tuleks juba varem suruda.

20.03.10, 16:56
Kuid, praegu tekkis uus küsimus, BB on 100, saan QQ, UTG raiseb 3BB, mina panen juurde ja tema all in?????? callisin tol hetkel maha tema imidšit teades, kui tal osutus olema AQ ,sain suhu, kuid kuidas mängida ütleme BB100 juures JJ , QQ stackiga 1500-2500.

20.03.10, 18:52
Kuid, praegu tekkis uus küsimus, BB on 100, saan QQ, UTG raiseb 3BB, mina panen juurde ja tema all in?????? callisin tol hetkel maha tema imidšit teades, kui tal osutus olema AQ ,sain suhu, kuid kuidas mängida ütleme BB100 juures JJ , QQ stackiga 1500-2500.

kui keegi on enne sind tõstnud, siis all-inn, kui pole, siis standardraise ja looda et keegi teine läheb all-inn 8=)

21.03.10, 13:35
Kõik algab ikkagi sellest mis buy in SNG-sid sa mängid.

21.03.10, 18:33
3$ BI hetkel

23.03.10, 20:31
3$ BI hetkel

Selle kohta siin kusagil ABC teema olemas.Otsi turkade alafoorumist.

22.05.10, 19:19
http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/ne/pg/generic/pacman30th.jpgit's probably impossible to count the times someone has written that video games are a business as big as or bigger than Hollywood. But long before the Halos and the Sims and the Call of Dutys and the Maddens began bringing in billions of dollars, the world was dominated by a simple yellow character munching his way through a maze of dots, trying to avoid getting eaten by ghosts. On May 22, 1980, a Japanese company called Namco Bandai released a game in Japan called Puck-Man. The title was rejected in the United States because some worried that the "P" would chip off the cabinet and look like an "F." Regardless, a global phenomenon was born that day. And on Saturday, Pac-Man celebrates its 30th anniversary. And unlike so many of the hit games that have come and gone since then, the little yellow disc with the missing pie-slice for a mouth has become a legend in the video games industry, as well as an inspiration for many of the best-known designers in the field. "I think there's no question that Pac-Man was sort of a watershed event in the popularity and possibilities of video games," said a veteran designer known for his pioneering work on Ultima and Ultima Online, as well as his leading roles on Lineage, City of Heroes, and Tabula Rasa. "It was by no means the first [hit game], but earlier offerings [like Asteroids and Pong], no matter how compelling [they were] to nerds like me...Pac-Man was really the first [that reached] what I would call the broad cross-section of society, men and women. It was really the first time, where people looked at video games not merely as this odd thing that teenage boys would [pump] their quarters into, but which had much broader social significance." aion kinah (http://www.powerlevelaion.com/AION-Kinah.html)aion gold (http://www.powerlevelaion.com/AION-Kinah.html)buy aion kinah (http://www.powerlevelaion.com/AION-Kinah.html)buy aion gold (http://www.powerlevelaion.com/AION-Kinah.html)power leveling (http://www.powerlevelaion.com/)

23.05.10, 17:13
groamsi päevikut soovitan lugeda, seal ta antud teemat ka natuke käsitleb