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Leheküljed : 1 [2] 3 4

11.06.11, 16:22
Vs fish kes oli pea iga käega minraise'nud postflop, solid.

Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1338657 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1338657)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $39.70
Hero (BTN): $29.25
SB: $22.65
BB: $32.91
UTG: $33.89

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
UTG calls $0.30, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1.35, 2 folds, UTG calls $1.05

Flop: ($3.15) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
UTG bets $2.40, Hero calls $2.40

Turn: ($7.95) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $3.75, UTG raises to $7.50, Hero calls $3.75

River: ($22.95) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
UTG bets $22.64 all in, Hero calls $18 all in

Final Pot: $58.95
Hero mucks Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
UTG shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (STRAIGHT SIX)
UTG wins $56.01
(Rake: $2.94)

11.06.11, 21:40
ma oleks turni shovenud

11.06.11, 22:02
Jeah, see oleks olnud üks võimalustest. Paraku tol hetkel ei teadnud, et ta päris selline hüdrovaal oli + polnud palju halbu kaarte riverisse tulemas, nii et plaan oligi bluffcatchida (pealegi olin IP).

24.06.11, 17:45
Vahepeal oli siis päris pikk paus, sai vahepeal lõpureisil käidud Leedus jms. Pmtl 4-päevasele tsüklile järgnevatel päevadel ei olnud seda grindimise 'tunnet' sees :D, ilmselt oleks üpris kergesti tilti läinud ja seega otsustasin lihtsalt muude asjadega tegeleda. Igatahes eile sai siis lauad uuesti lahti tehtud ning puhanud mindseti + solid run'iga on lausa lust pelada.


Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1353484 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1353484)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $43.24
BB: $84.45
UTG: $30.00
MP: $27.31 64/28 fish, 25 kätt. 3bettinud oli varem 1x 8st võimalikust olukorrast.
CO: $30.19
Hero (BTN): $49.45

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $0.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.70, 2 folds, MP raises to $27.31 all in, Hero ?

Mis rangega calliksite siin?

26.06.11, 12:20

Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1353484 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1353484)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $43.24
BB: $84.45
UTG: $30.00
MP: $27.31 64/28 fish, 25 kätt. 3bettinud oli varem 1x 8st võimalikust olukorrast.
CO: $30.19
Hero (BTN): $49.45

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $0.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.70, 2 folds, MP raises to $27.31 all in, Hero ?

Mis rangega calliksite siin?

26.06.11, 12:32
Sample suht olematu ikkagi, aga JJ+ ja AK kindlalt.
Praegu ma nit foldiks isegi selle AQ kuigi ma ei tea kas see on hea liigutus.

26.06.11, 20:39
Sample suht olematu ikkag

No tegu oli fishiga, sest olin varem teda näinud mingit kahtlast liigutust tegemas + stack 91bb.

28.06.11, 14:02
No tegu oli fishiga, sest olin varem teda näinud mingit kahtlast liigutust tegemas + stack 91bb.

selle 91bb järgi ei saa ongames eriti otsustada, isegi ei jõua rohkemate laudadega alati seda manuaalset reloadi teha.
Kui päris pooliku stäkiga pidevalt mängitakse, siis on teine asi.

28.06.11, 15:20
Vahepeal oli siis päris pikk paus, sai vahepeal lõpureisil käidud Leedus jms.

Heh, just eile rääkisin elukaaslasega, et keegi ei käi Leedus reisil. Võta näpust:)
Kus täpsemalt käisite?

28.06.11, 15:42
Nomerlot, kuigi oli aint 25 kätt, siis suht väike tõenäosus on, et ta reaalselt mingi tagi stattidega laseb. Stack lihtsalt kinnitas seda, et tegu fishiga 99%.

Heh, just eile rääkisin elukaaslasega, et keegi ei käi Leedus reisil. Võta näpust:)
Kus täpsemalt käisite?
Palangas. Suht okei koht iseenesest - arvestades seda, et tegu turismipiirkonnaga, siis väljas söömine oli odav, keskmiselt ca 8€ kord ning muud hinnad poes olid umbes nagu Eestiski. Imelik oli muidugi see, et inglise keelt eriti ei kõneldud ja pidi kuidagi vene keelega hakkama saama enamasti.

// mingi random pilt ka:


18.07.11, 00:06
Fking tilti ajab lõpuks see krdi variatsioon.. kuu alguses sai nende coolerite ja muuga eriti kiiresti auku mindud ja nüüd kui olin juba tagasi jõudnud, siis pmtl mõnesaja käega praeguse sessiga jälle -5bi.

Kuidas kaotada ~400 käelises sessis 5bi:
Hand #1
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1375553 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375553)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $10.05
BTN: $59.67
SB: $30.15
Hero (BB): $30.81
UTG: $30.00
MP: $39.52

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
3 folds, BTN raises to $0.90, SB calls $0.75, Hero raises to $3.60, 1 fold, SB calls $2.70

Flop: ($8.10) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $5, SB calls $5

Turn: ($18.10) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $8, SB calls $8

River: ($34.10) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB bets $13.55 all in, Hero calls $13.55

Final Pot: $61.20
SB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (STRAIGHT TEN)
Hero mucks Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
SB wins $58.20
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #2 Sama villain kes esimeses käeski..
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1375554 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375554)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $9.34
BTN: $34.07
SB: $35.49
Hero (BB): $74.72
UTG: $47.87

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, BTN raises to $0.60, SB calls $0.45, Hero raises to $3, BTN calls $2.40, SB calls $2.40

Flop: ($9.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $9, BTN folds, SB raises to $32.49 all in, Hero calls $23.49

Turn: ($73.98) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($73.98) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $73.98
SB shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FULL_HOUSE SIX, THREE)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, THREE)
SB wins $70.98
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #3
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1375557 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375557)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $34.36
BTN: $20.90
Hero (SB): $29.70
BB: $33.82
UTG: $35.98
MP: $27.75

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is SB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
3 folds, BTN raises to $0.90, Hero calls $0.75, BB calls $0.60

Flop: ($2.70) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BTN checks

Turn: ($2.70) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
Hero bets $1.80, BB raises to $3.60, BTN folds, Hero raises to $11.20, BB calls $7.60

River: ($25.10) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $17.60 all in, BB calls $17.60

Final Pot: $60.30
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FLUSH KING)
BB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FLUSH ACE)
BB wins $57.30
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #4
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1375558 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375558)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $11.15
CO: $30.00
Hero (BTN): $28.95
SB: $19.32
BB: $39.62
UTG: $31.37

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG raises to $0.90, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.90, 2 folds

Flop: ($2.25) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
UTG bets $1.65, Hero raises to $6, UTG raises to $11, Hero raises to $28.05 all in, UTG calls $17.05

Turn: ($58.35) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($58.35) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $58.35
Hero shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND FIVE)
UTG shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN)
UTG wins $55.44
(Rake: $2.91)

Hand #5
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1375559 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375559)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $17.61
MP: $31.61
CO: $26.00
Hero (BTN): $30.06
SB: $44.28
BB: $31.80

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $0.60, Hero raises to $2.70, 2 folds, CO calls $2.10

Flop: ($5.85) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets $5.40, CO calls $5.40

Turn: ($16.65) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets $18, CO calls $17.90 all in

River: ($52.45) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $52.45
CO shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND NINE)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, NINE)
CO wins $49.83
(Rake: $2.62)

Hand #6 - arvata võis, et reg oli full of shit, aga 3-oudine tahtis tulla ju. Sessi lõpus ilmselt tildil ka oma roll..
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1375560 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1375560)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $44.58
BTN: $42.25
SB: $30.11
BB: $22.29
UTG: $4.90
Hero (MP): $28.95

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $1.20, 2 folds, SB calls $1.05, 1 fold

Flop: ($2.70) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $1.35, SB raises to $4.05, Hero calls $2.70

Turn: ($10.80) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB bets $8.10, Hero raises to $23.70 all in, SB calls $15.60

River: ($58.20) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $58.20
SB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, TWO)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (PAIR TWO)
SB wins $55.29
(Rake: $2.91)

Ei jõua üles lugedagi palju selle 13k käe jooksul set vs set saadud on - peab vist nitringi taktikat hakkama kohati kasutama, foldides pre juba...

18.07.11, 00:08
Päris koledad käed. Küll pead vastu.

18.07.11, 00:11
Mul samasugune graafik see kuu, aind et vahepeal sain plussi hetkeks (H). Isegi käte arv ja kahju sama

18.07.11, 08:49
#1 river on lihtne fold. Me oleme seal 0% ajast ees.
#6 kui tal midagi pole miks me flopil ei raise? Call on kõige halvim variant seal olukorras.

18.07.11, 13:14
Mnjah, 6ndas käes mõtlesin ma niipidi, et IP saab talt ta turni barrelilt $$ veel, sest overcardidega on tal kõigest 7 või 14% equityt (olenevalt sellest kas hero AK domineerib mõnda ta kätt), kuid ta barreldab siiski ka paljusid teisi kaarte. Pealegi nt A puhul turnis oleks saanud tal lihtsalt lasta terve stacki ära bluffida.

18.07.11, 13:18
Mnjah, 6ndas käes mõtlesin ma niipidi, et IP saab talt ta turni barrelilt $$ veel, sest overcardidega on tal kõigest 7 või 14% equityt (olenevalt sellest kas hero AK domineerib mõnda ta kätt), kuid ta barreldab siiski ka paljusid teisi kaarte. Pealegi nt A puhul turnis oleks saanud tal lihtsalt lasta terve stacki ära bluffida.

Näita mulle sellist kätt kus sa A kõrgega flopil bet/callid, turni barrelile ei foldi ja käe võidad

18.07.11, 15:39
Mnjaa, you gotta point. Teistes kätes betsizing on ok?

20.07.11, 00:43
Pelasin nl50 üle pika aja, standard sitt kodaratesse :/

Suurimad kaotatud potid:

Hand #1 - postflopi kohta olid readid olemas, tavaliselt ei flati seda pre
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 1377702 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377702)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $53.84
SB: $68.12
Hero (BB): $50.75
CO: $92.69

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, SB raises to $1.25, Hero calls $0.75

Flop: ($2.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB bets $1.75, Hero raises to $7, SB raises to $15.25, Hero raises to $49.50 all in, SB calls $34.25

Turn: ($101.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($101.50) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $101.50
SB shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, EIGHT)
Hero shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR SIX, FOUR)
SB wins $99.50
(Rake: $2.00)

Hand #2 vs 3b-monkey reg
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1377703 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377703)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $64.13
BB: $69.62
UTG: $32.23
Hero (MP): $92.55
CO: $48.25
BTN: $51.96

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $1.50, CO raises to $4.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $92.55 all in, CO calls $43.75 all in

Flop: ($97.25) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: ($97.25) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($97.25) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $97.25
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (HIGH_CARD ACE)
CO shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (PAIR ACE)
CO wins $94.25
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #3 - vs station
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1377704 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377704)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $48.50
CO: $49.75
BTN: $94.91
SB: $50.00
Hero (BB): $53.50

Pre Flop: ($0.50) Hero is BB with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, 2 folds, BTN calls $1.50, SB calls $1

Flop: ($4.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $3.50, BTN folds, SB calls $3.50

Turn: ($11.50) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $9, SB calls $9

River: ($29.50) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB bets $5, Hero calls $5

Final Pot: $39.50
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FLUSH ACE)
Hero mucks 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
SB wins $37.53
(Rake: $1.97)

Hand #4
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1377705 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377705)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $21.25
BTN: $45.50
SB: $16.25
Hero (BB): $112.15
UTG: $42.11
MP: $35.75

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
4 folds, SB raises to $1.25, Hero calls $0.75

Flop: ($2.50) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets $1.75, Hero raises to $5, SB raises to $15 all in, Hero calls $10

Turn: ($32.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($32.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $32.50
SB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, FIVE)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, JACK)
SB wins $30.88
(Rake: $1.62)

Muud käed olid vast suht standard, aga see viimane käsi ajas ikka meeletult tilti - kuidas board nii sitalt maha saab joosta? pmtl kõik riverid peale A oleks maha callinud.
Variant oleks ka olnud shoveda turnil, kuid siis ei saa bluffi-aldis fishilt jällegi airilt valuet.
Hand #5
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1377706 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377706)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $50.00
BTN: $58.72
Hero (SB): $65.31
BB: $67.47
UTG: $83.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG raises to $1.50, 1 fold, BTN calls $1.50, Hero raises to $7.50, 1 fold, UTG calls $6, 1 fold

Flop: ($17.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $14, UTG calls $14

Turn: ($45.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $7, Hero calls $7

River: ($59.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $54.50 all in, Hero folds

Final Pot: $59.00
Hero mucks Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG wins $56.05
(Rake: $2.95)

View all 5 hands (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1377702-1377706)

Loodan tõsiselt, et run paraneb - hetkeseisuga on kuu BE.

28.07.11, 00:00
Mnjah, ei talu enam kuidagi seda variatsiooni, poleks uskunud et NII sitasti üldse joosta saab, aga jah, nagu poker mindsetiski kirjas oli siis "someday you will run worse than you ever thought was possible."
Teoorias on muidugi kõik ilus ja lilleline, et pole mõtet vähimatki biitidest häirida lasta jnejne, aga no mis sa teed...
Obv kõige rõvedamad biidid tulid nl50sse ka veel.

Panen viimase u 1k käte seast siis mõned näited:

Hand #1
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1386552 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386552)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $35.87
Hero (BB): $27.83

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB raises to $0.90, Hero calls $0.60

Flop: ($1.80) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $1.35, Hero calls $1.35

Turn: ($4.50) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $3.30, Hero calls $3.30

River: ($11.10) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $8.40, Hero raises to $22.28 all in, BTN/SB calls $13.88

Final Pot: $55.66
BTN/SB shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (STRAIGHT JACK)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND SEVEN)
BTN/SB wins $54.66
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #2
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1386553 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386553)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $19.85
BB: $30.00
UTG: $40.63
CO: $16.37
Hero (BTN): $30.06

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, 1 fold, BB calls $0.45

Flop: ($1.65) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $1.20, Hero calls $1.20

Turn: ($4.05) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $3, Hero raises to $9, BB calls $6

River: ($22.05) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $19.05 all in, Hero calls $19.05

Final Pot: $60.15
BB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (FLUSH ACE)
Hero mucks 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BB wins $57.15
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #3 Selles käes eriti vaimustuses tõesti pole enda flopi betsizingust, aga jep - obv regi poolt super flattida pre suur 4b.. fcking tard
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1386554 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386554)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $7.26
CO: $100.30
BTN: $52.54
SB: $51.29
Hero (BB): $50.00
UTG: $55.55

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $1.50, BTN raises to $5.25, 1 fold, Hero raises to $14.50, 1 fold, BTN calls $9.25

Flop: ($30.75) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $15.40, BTN raises to $38.04 all in, Hero calls $20.10 all in

Turn: ($101.75) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($101.75) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $101.75
BTN shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (PAIR QUEEN)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (HIGH_CARD ACE)
BTN wins $98.75
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #4 no comment
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1386560 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386560)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $21.84
Hero (MP): $55.12
CO: $12.76
BTN: $49.58
SB: $48.50
BB: $60.01

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $1.50, CO calls $1.50, 1 fold, SB raises to $7, 1 fold, Hero calls $5.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($16.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets $9, Hero calls $9

Turn: ($34.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($34.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB bets $18, Hero raises to $39.12 all in, SB calls $14.50 all in

Final Pot: $99.00
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (PAIR ACE)
SB shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN)
SB wins $96.00
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #5
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1386561 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386561)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $19.78
Hero (MP): $35.25
CO: $10.05
BTN: $14.07
SB: $29.70
BB: $10.50

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG calls $0.30, Hero raises to $1.20, 3 folds, BB calls $0.90, 1 fold

Flop: ($2.85) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.40, BB calls $1.40

Turn: ($5.65) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4.20, BB raises to $7.90 all in, Hero calls $3.70

River: ($21.45) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $21.45
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, QUEEN)
BB shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (STRAIGHT FIVE)
BB wins $20.38
(Rake: $1.07)

Hand #6
Ongame Network $0.15/$0.30 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1386562 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386562)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (CO): $29.55
BTN: $18.87
SB: $32.30
BB: $31.77
UTG: $28.70

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is CO with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.90, BTN calls $0.90, 2 folds

Flop: ($2.25) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $1.20, BTN calls $1.20

Turn: ($4.65) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $3.60, BTN calls $3.60

River: ($11.85) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8, BTN raises to $13.17 all in, Hero calls $5.17

Final Pot: $38.19
Hero mucks 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
BTN shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (FLUSH JACK)
BTN wins $36.29
(Rake: $1.90)

View all 6 hands (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1386552-1386562)

Flippe jms ei viitsinud hakata päris kopima


28.07.11, 08:20
Mis sa seal 4. käes turnis checkid, üritad bluffima meelitada? Panid JJ-QQ, AQ+ peale?

28.07.11, 08:57
#6 kui tal midagi pole miks me flopil ei raise? Call on kõige halvim variant seal olukorras.
Ei ole nõus, fyte ise ütles ära, mispärast. Ei saa ka aru, mis see diskussioonile juurde annaks, kui ma neid käsi välja kaevaks.

28.07.11, 09:11
Mis sa seal 4. käes turnis checkid, üritad bluffima meelitada? Panid JJ-QQ, AQ+ peale?
Tal oli väikse sample peale üsnagi nitised statid preflop kohta, seega ta eeldatav range on TT+, AQ(AJ)+ ja vb veel mõni broadway. Pmtl ühelgi käel, mida juhin, ei ole riverisse üle 7% equityt, seega IP on variant saada ka riveril teda bluffima/herocalle tegema.

07.08.11, 01:10
Väike update siis. Eelmise kuu seis jäigi selliseks nagu paar posti üleval pool graph näitas - koos rb'ga mingi sott plussi vm. Eks 20k kätt ole väike sample ja paratamatult võib teha variatsioon oma töö.


Igatahes olen vaikselt hakanud HU cashi laskma ning tundub päris põnev.


Ca ~1h'ne sess siis ühe fishise bumhunteri vastu, ptr järgi oli ta nl50hu winrate 13bb/100 üle 26k käe, kuid tal oli ikka päris mitmeid obv leake, mida mina kui üsnagi HU-võõras grinder, märkasin kohe. Fwiw, olin eile ja üleeile ka ta vastu sesse teinud ning mõlemad jäid plussi paar BI ja hakkas kohe chatis põrkama ka obv. :D
Täna siis nägin teda taas lauas istumas ja otsustasin joinida, panen mõned highlightid mängust.

Hand #1 - see cooler ning 2 fullstack flippi kaotasin jutti - sellest ka graphi alguses suur langus.
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399220 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399220)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): $76.51
BB: $46.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $4, Hero calls $3

Flop: ($8.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $5, Hero calls $5

Turn: ($18.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $12, Hero calls $12

River: ($42.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $25 all in, Hero calls $25

Final Pot: $92.00
Hero mucks Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, JACK)
BB wins $91.00
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #2 - kuna niii palju halbu võimalikke turne, siis otsustasin lihtsalt 2 tänavaga rahad sisse saada.
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399221 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399221)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): $52.30
BTN/SB: $172.41

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, BTN/SB calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BTN/SB calls $10

Turn: ($30.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $37.30 all in, BTN/SB calls $37.30

River: ($104.60) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $104.60
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, QUEEN)
BTN/SB shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, NINE)
Hero wins $103.60
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #3 - lol. Oleks ta chk-raisenud oma setti sellisel boardil nagu standard on, siis oleks ta märksa suurema poti maha võtnud probably..
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399222 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399222)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): $107.14
BB: $101.06

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.50, BB calls $2.50

Turn: ($8.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $7, BB calls $7

River: ($22.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $22.00
Hero mucks Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND SEVEN)
BB wins $21.00
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #4 - irw
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399223 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399223)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): $130.56
BB: $83.25

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $4, Hero calls $3

Flop: ($8.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($8.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $6, Hero calls $6

River: ($20.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $15, Hero calls $15

Final Pot: $50.00
Hero mucks Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BB shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (STRAIGHT TEN)
BB wins $49.00
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #5 - Oeh jah. Turn oli selline imelik kuidagi - completes mitmed paremad 2pr combod + read samuti. Oleks keegi suuremalt bettinud?
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399232 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399232)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): $94.12
BTN/SB: $102.66

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $2.25, Hero raises to $7, BTN/SB calls $4.75

Turn: ($17.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8.50, BTN/SB calls $8.50

River: ($34.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Final Pot: $34.00
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, QUEEN)
BTN/SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, QUEEN)
Hero wins $16.50
BTN/SB wins $16.50
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #6 - ja see käsi pmtl sessi lõpetas, kuna ta sitoutis. Flopi raisel ei näinud antud vastase vastu eriti mõtet.
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1399224 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1399224)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): $87.12
BB: $108.01

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $4, Hero calls $3

Flop: ($8.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $5, Hero calls $5

Turn: ($18.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $13, Hero calls $13

River: ($44.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $22, Hero raises to $65.12 all in, BB calls $43.12

Final Pot: $174.24
Hero shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (STRAIGHT SIX)
Hero wins $173.24
(Rake: $1.00) (muckis QQ)

07.08.11, 01:49
Näita mulle sellist kätt kus sa A kõrgega flopil bet/callid, turni barrelile ei foldi ja käe võidad

Ei nõustu antud analüüsiga (ka. eelmine post) kuuenda käe puhul.
1)Kui me usume et vastane on full of shit, siis on tal üldiselt suht vähe eq meie vastu ja mina igaljuhul tahan küll et ta paneks rohkem raha panka ennem kui ma panga maha võtan (seda siis eeldavastu turnis AI raisedes)
2)Tegemist on NL30, kus keskmist vastast ei huvita mida ta repib, ta vaatab ohooo A tuli turni, hea koht enda bluffimist nüüd jätkata kuna A on sceary kaart, teda absoluutselt ei huvita et A eriti tema range ei mahu.

07.08.11, 02:52
2)Tegemist on NL30, kus keskmist vastast ei huvita mida ta repib, ta vaatab ohooo A tuli turni, hea koht enda bluffimist nüüd jätkata kuna A on sceary kaart, teda absoluutselt ei huvita et A eriti tema range ei mahu.

NL30 tõesti kehv villain vaatab, et A on hea scarecard?

07.08.11, 03:14
NL30 tõesti kehv villain vaatab, et A on hea scarecard?

No ei oska nüüd kõigi eest rääkida, aga selline mulje on jäänud mulle, et keskmist regurali ei huvita mis ranget ta üldiselt esindab, ta võib iga tänav muuta mida ta repib. Oh mast tuli maha, hea koht masti reppimiseks jne. Muidugi mõtlen selliseid agresiivsemaid regurale (kes on üldiselt imo selles limiidis halvad, st. enamus agresiivseid regurale on breakeven või miinuses, võidavad just natuke passiivsemad - loogiline kah, ootavad võimalust kus valuebettida ja teevad seda siis) ja antud käes tundub olevat villain natukene aggro.

13.08.11, 01:04
Paar nutsist kätt viimasest sessist, mis välja maksti. :)
Esimeses käes pole flopi raise obv standard, aga antud villain cbettis ainult tugeva rangega, nii et polnud mõtet eriti lasta halba turni näha.

Hand #1
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1406395 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1406395)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $48.43
Hero (BB): $50.50

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $2.25, Hero raises to $7, BTN/SB raises to $24, Hero calls $17

Turn: ($51.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $22.93 all in, Hero calls $22.93

River: ($96.86) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $96.86
BTN/SB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR JACK, SEVEN)
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (FOUR_OF_A_KIND SEVEN)
Hero wins $95.86
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #2
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1406396 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1406396)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $68.91
Hero (BTN/SB): $53.23

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3

Flop: ($9.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $6.75, Hero calls $6.75

Turn: ($22.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $22.50, Hero raises to $41.98 all in, BB calls $19.48

River: ($106.46) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $106.46
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (STRAIGHT KING)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (STRAIGHT_FLUSH KING)
Hero wins $105.46
(Rake: $1.00)

13.08.11, 02:04
nh fyte

01.09.11, 13:32

Volüüm oli taaskord väike, aga tulemus enamvähem okei. Nl50 ja nl30 pooleks ning vahepeal mõnituhat kätt HU ka. Sai ka vaadatud mitmeid videoid jms, et mängu arendada.


Samas kuu alguses sai ühel teisel saidil nl50€ mängitud ja halvasti joostud, nii et sealt ca -300$.
Rb 230$ ja seega kuu kokku ligikaudu +600$.

* rohkem volüümi
* A-game
* vähemalt 20h vaadata 6maxi kohta vide

Fwiw, HU tegi graphi swingiseks. Ainult 6m oli siuke:


03.09.11, 05:53
#2 käsi raise flop. flop nii wet ja turn võib actioni tappa. seal läheb ta bustosse any Ad ja 2p combod jne.

03.09.11, 12:24
Mnja, vb tõesti, kuid too vastane oli ka suht bluff-happy, nii et ei oleks imestanud kui ta multistreet bluffi 78o'ga läbi viib. Pärast turni pottimist oli ta range obv tugevam - sp ka shove.

03.09.11, 17:07
Hehe, tegin kerge sessi ja ühe shortstack fishi vastu oli kena run. Jaotused olid ca poole tunni sees kõik.

1. vaatus:
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1431127 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1431127)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $49.05
UTG: $59.07
MP: $16.75
Hero (CO): $90.86
BTN: $55.00
SB: $13.50

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, 1 fold, SB calls $1, BB calls $0.75

Flop: ($3.75) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
SB bets $3.75, BB folds, Hero raises to $15, SB calls $8.50 all in

Turn: ($28.25) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($28.25) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $28.25
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, JACK)
SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (FULL_HOUSE SIX, QUEEN)
SB wins $26.84
(Rake: $1.41)

2. vaatus:

Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1431128 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1431128)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $55.03
CO: $55.40
Hero (BTN): $80.27
SB: $51.19
BB: $19.89

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3.25) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.50, BB calls $2.50

Turn: ($8.25) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $3, Hero raises to $9, BB calls $6

River: ($26.25) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $6.89 all in, Hero calls $6.89

Final Pot: $40.03
Hero mucks Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (TWO_PAIR KING, SEVEN)
BB wins $38.03
(Rake: $2.00)

3. vaatus:
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1431129 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1431129)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $51.53
BB: $68.12
Hero (UTG): $60.86
MP: $48.69
CO: $9.93
BTN: $34.70

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, CO calls $1.50, 3 folds

Flop: ($3.75) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $2.50, CO calls $2.50

Turn: ($8.75) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8.75, CO calls $5.93 all in

River: ($20.61) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $20.61
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR TEN, NINE)
CO shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (STRAIGHT TEN)
CO wins $19.58
(Rake: $1.03)

Kõikides kätes flopil ca 85% favoriit. Ehk siis ca 0.3% tõenäosus, et igas käes SDl võidab. :D

04.09.11, 03:14
tra, hakka imema

04.09.11, 06:02
tra, hakka imema

Panen midagi vahele, et see poiss saabus äsja peolt ja kapist. qq

04.09.11, 08:55
haha, solid muru! :P

04.09.11, 23:00
Muru, kuidas siis enesetunne oli täna palliplatsil? ;D

Anyway, sain täna rekordsessiga hakkama - nii ajaliselt kui profiti poolest. Hiljem vbl uploadin ka mõned huvitavamad käed. Kokku läks 6h, paari 5mindise pausiga.



04.09.11, 23:08
omfgg... 50bb/100 ?

04.09.11, 23:23
massive, raiu aga samamoodi edasi


11.09.11, 01:13
Pole vist kunagi nii tiltis olnud.. dasfsdfgsdffffffffffffffffffdghffffffffffffffffgs
sessi jooksul imeti pmtl kõik võimalik välja.

Hand #1
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439790 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439790)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $31.02
BTN: $56.77
SB: $48.00
BB: $50.75
UTG: $59.88
Hero (MP): $105.95

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $2, CO calls $2, 1 fold, SB raises to $8.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $17.50, 1 fold, SB raises to $48 all in, Hero calls $30.50

Flop: ($98.50) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($98.50) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($98.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $98.50
SB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (FLUSH ACE)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, TWO)
SB wins $95.50
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #2
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439791 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439791)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $94.31
CO: $50.05
BTN: $236.00
SB: $155.27
BB: $49.25
Hero (UTG): $53.92

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, MP calls $1.50, CO calls $1.50, BTN calls $1.50, 2 folds

Flop: ($6.75) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (4 players)
Hero bets $6, MP folds, CO raises to $48.55 all in, BTN folds, Hero calls $42.55

Turn: ($103.85) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($103.85) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $103.85
CO shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (FULL_HOUSE KING, SEVEN)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (STRAIGHT ACE)
CO wins $100.85
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #3
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439792 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439792)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $63.32
BTN: $49.25
SB: $30.58
BB: $176.66
UTG: $135.01
Hero (MP): $103.74

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $2, 1 fold, BTN raises to $7, 2 folds, Hero raises to $15, BTN calls $8

Flop: ($30.75) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $88.74 all in, BTN calls $34.25 all in

Turn: ($99.25) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($99.25) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $99.25
BTN shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (FLUSH QUEEN)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (PAIR ACE)
BTN wins $96.25
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #4
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439793 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439793)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (SB): $87.45
BB: $49.12
UTG: $31.59
MP: $38.95
CO: $51.38
BTN: $50.84

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
3 folds, BTN raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, BB calls $4.50, BTN calls $3.50

Flop: ($15.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
Hero bets $12, BB raises to $44.12 all in, BTN folds, Hero calls $32.12

Turn: ($103.24) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($103.24) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $103.24
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (PAIR ACE)
BB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (TWO_PAIR SEVEN, FOUR)
BB wins $100.24
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #5
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439794 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439794)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): $69.84
MP: $33.26
CO: $49.72
BTN: $37.00
SB: $62.18
BB: $45.72

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, 2 folds, BTN calls $1.50, 1 fold, BB calls $1

Flop: ($4.75) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3.50, BTN raises to $7, BB folds, Hero calls $3.50

Turn: ($18.75) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $28.50 all in, Hero calls $28.50

River: ($75.75) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $75.75
Hero shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (PAIR NINE)
BTN shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (PAIR ACE)
BTN wins $72.75
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #6
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1439795 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439795)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): $103.95
UTG: $49.12
MP: $16.50
CO: $38.95
BTN: $51.38
SB: $51.09

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $1.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $4, MP calls $2.50

Flop: ($8.25) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, MP checks

Turn: ($8.25) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $6, MP calls $6

River: ($20.25) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $15.25, MP calls $6.50 all in

Final Pot: $33.25
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, KING)
MP shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (FULL_HOUSE KING, NINE)
MP wins $31.59
(Rake: $1.66)

Hand #7
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1439796 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1439796)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): $56.70
CO: $22.52
BTN: $36.70
SB: $59.22
BB: $53.02

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, 2 folds, SB raises to $5, 1 fold, Hero calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $6.25, SB calls $6.25

Turn: ($23.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $13.50, SB raises to $47.97 all in, Hero calls $31.95 all in

River: ($113.90) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $113.90
Hero shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (PAIR ACE)
SB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, NINE)
SB wins $110.90
(Rake: $3.00)

viimane käsi obv tildine, aga villaini play oli muidugi ka fantast... krdi retard.

Neid käsi ei viitsind välja otsidagi kuidas spewtardide top range sisse sai joostud korduvalt ...

11.09.11, 08:41
3ndas käes sa ise annad vastasele 200bb deep IP olles oddsid callida pre 106s-iga kuna sul nii väike 4 bet. Ise calliks ka seal vastase asemel ja flopi call on juba no brainer.

11.09.11, 11:45
3ndas käes sa ise annad vastasele 200bb deep IP olles oddsid callida pre 106s-iga kuna sul nii väike 4 bet. Ise calliks ka seal vastase asemel ja flopi call on juba no brainer.

100bb on efektiivsed stackid.

11.09.11, 11:55
Yeah minu lamp, vaatasin HH-s BB stacki :D

28.09.11, 21:54
Ja kaunis run jätkub, viimase ca 1k käega 3b-pottides sõna otseses mõttes oksele ajavad setupid..

Hand #1
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1463957 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463957)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $48.00
CO: $49.50
BTN: $52.08
SB: $57.75
Hero (BB): $50.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, CO calls $0.50, BTN raises to $1.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $5, CO calls $4.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($11.75) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $9, CO raises to $18, Hero raises to $45 all in, CO calls $26.50 all in

Turn: ($100.75) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($100.75) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $100.75
CO shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (FLUSH QUEEN)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (PAIR ACE)
CO wins $97.75
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #2
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1463958 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463958)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (SB): $133.91
BB: $42.00
UTG: $56.25
CO: $55.64
BTN: $53.94

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, BTN raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, BTN calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.50) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $5.25, BTN calls $5.25

Turn: ($21.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

River: ($21.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $123.66 all in, BTN calls $43.69 all in

Final Pot: $108.38
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FULL_HOUSE JACK, QUEEN)
BTN shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (FULL_HOUSE QUEEN, JACK)
BTN wins $105.38
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #3
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1463949 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463949)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $21.39
Hero (SB): $53.40
BB: $50.00
UTG: $53.27
CO: $49.33

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, CO raises to $1, 1 fold, Hero raises to $4.50, 1 fold, CO calls $3.50

Flop: ($9.50) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $6, CO calls $6

Turn: ($21.50) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $12, CO calls $12

River: ($45.50) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $30.90 all in, CO calls $26.83 all in

Final Pot: $99.16
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (FLUSH JACK)
CO shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (FLUSH ACE)
CO wins $96.16
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #4
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1463950 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463950)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (SB): $78.69
BB: $48.66
UTG: $49.00
CO: $51.25
BTN: $104.16

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, UTG calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $6, UTG calls $6

Turn: ($22.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $11.25, UTG calls $11.25

River: ($45.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $56.44 all in, UTG calls $26.75 all in

Final Pot: $98.50
Hero shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (HIGH_CARD ACE)
UTG shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND FOUR)
UTG wins $95.50
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #5
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1463951 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463951)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $76.63
SB: $49.50
BB: $50.00
UTG: $58.78
MP: $73.15
Hero (CO): $50.01

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG raises to $1, MP calls $1, Hero raises to $5, 3 folds, UTG calls $4, 1 fold

Flop: ($11.75) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG bets $2.50, Hero raises to $16, UTG calls $13.50

Turn: ($43.75) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $29.01 all in, UTG calls $29.01

River: ($101.77) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $101.77
UTG shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (THREE_OF_A_KIND JACK)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (TWO_PAIR ACE, JACK)
UTG wins $98.77
(Rake: $3.00)

Hand #6 - pre pole std obv, olid mõned readid ta betsizingu kohta.
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1463952 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463952)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $95.68
BB: $71.16
UTG: $46.42
MP: $50.00
CO: $12.97
Hero (BTN): $49.83

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, BB raises to $6, Hero calls $4.50

Flop: ($12.25) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $7, Hero calls $7

Turn: ($26.25) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $14, Hero calls $14

River: ($54.25) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $44.16 all in, Hero calls $22.83 all in

Final Pot: $99.91
BB shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (STRAIGHT FIVE)
Hero mucks 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BB wins $96.91
(Rake: $3.00)

View all 6 hands (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1463957-1463952)

28.09.11, 21:58
Kole, palju kukkumist on buyinides olnud?

28.09.11, 22:02

29.09.11, 14:57
pm käedõigesti mängitud ja vastased tahavad ka raha annetada niiet kõik korras:P

14.11.11, 20:49
Kiire update. Kuna 6max viskas korralikult koppa, siis tegin eelmisel kuul väikse katsetuse hyperitega, kuid üsnapea sain teada, et need ei olnud minu jaoks. Saan aru, et sample pole teab-mis suur, kuid selliste vaalade vastu BE nühkida mingi 50h 7-15$'stes sngdes on omaette keiss.

Respekt andule, kardpleierile ja teistele, kes lasevad neid külma närviga edasi, vaatamata sellele, et hüdrovaalad snap-declinevad pärast oma std suckoute.

Anyways, nüüd olen vaikselt hu cashi juurde tagasi liikunud, ja tundub, et see formaat istub eelmistest paremini.

BB: $61.25
Hero (BTN/SB): $50.25

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2, BB calls $2

Turn: ($7.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4.50, BB calls $4.50

River: ($16.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $12.25, BB calls $12.25

Final Pot: $40.50
BB mucks Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero wins $40.00
(Rake: $0.50)

ipreTTT: man u r a duplicate account

26.11.11, 13:53
Suht pikk sess sai öösel tehtud, kuid suutsin ühele ja samale tolgusele -5bi jääda mingi 1k käe jooksul. Tegu oli küll -30bb fishiga, kuid nähtavasti oli ta tightimaks tõmmanud ja leidis foldi teistest omasugustest tihemini üles, nii et pmtl kui ego poleks mängus olnud, siis oleks võinud ta juba varem ära quitida. Eriti retarded oli see, kui ta tõmbas oma vpip vähemalt 50% võrra allapoole pärast paari stacki võitmist.. Paar kätt ka tema vastu:

Hand #1 -
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $90.22
Hero (BTN/SB): $48.45

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $3.25, Hero calls $1.75

Flop: ($6.50) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $6.50, Hero calls $6.50

Turn: ($19.50) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $9.75, Hero calls $9.75

River: ($39.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $39, Hero calls $28.95 all in

Final Pot: $96.90
BB shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (FLUSH KING)
Hero mucks 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
BB wins $95.90
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #2
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $184.65
Hero (BTN/SB): $64.03

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.25, BB raises to $3.75, Hero raises to $9, BB calls $5.25

Flop: ($18.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $12, BB calls $12

Turn: ($42.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $43.03 all in, BB calls $43.03

River: ($128.06) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $128.06
BB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (FLUSH QUEEN)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (PAIR ACE)
BB wins $127.06
(Rake: $1.00)

Hand #3
Ongame Network $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $83.67
Hero (BTN/SB): $107.37

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB calls $0.50

Flop: ($2.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.25, BB raises to $2.50, Hero calls $1.25

Turn: ($7.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: ($7.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $80.17 all in, Hero calls $80.17

Final Pot: $167.34
BB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (FULL_HOUSE ACE, FIVE)
Hero mucks 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BB wins $166.34
(Rake: $1.00)

Kolmandas käes muidugi obvvv fold, aga kuna ta oli suht monkey ning varem oli korduvalt TP minraisenud flopil, siis viimasel sekil ikkagi tegin tilt-calli..

Teine villain:
Hand #1 - oli read, et floatib palju ~1/2psb cbettidele, ja kuna ei näe eriti palju käsi, millelt valuet saada sellisel boardil, siis otsustasin veits ebastandardsema liini võtta.
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BTN/SB: $62.20
Hero (BB): $51.25

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $4, BTN/SB calls $3

Flop: ($8.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $3, BTN/SB calls $3

Turn: ($14.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

River: ($14.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $6, BTN/SB calls $6

Final Pot: $26.00
BTN/SB shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Deuce to Six)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Aces and Threes)
BTN/SB wins $25.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #2 - polnud väga palju infi veel ta kohta, aga ilmselt oleks riveril muckima pidanud
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $106.45
Hero (BTN/SB): $50.55

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.50, BB calls $1.50

Turn: ($6.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3, BB raises to $7, Hero calls $4

River: ($20.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $16.50, Hero calls $16.50

Final Pot: $53.00
BB shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Sixes)
Hero mucks Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
BB wins $52.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $122.65
Hero (BTN/SB): $61.85

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $2, Hero raises to $5.50, BB calls $3.50

Turn: ($14.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8.50, BB calls $8.50

River: ($31.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $31.00
BB shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Eights)
Hero mucks Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BB wins $30.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #4 - made hande blufiks ei pööranud, seega suht 100% kindel, et riverdas ära taaskord.
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BTN/SB: $88.85
Hero (BB): $100.40

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, BTN/SB calls $2.50

Flop: ($7.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $5, BTN/SB calls $5

Turn: ($17.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $12.50, BTN/SB calls $12.50

River: ($42.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $13.50, BTN/SB raises to $35, Hero folds

Final Pot: $69.00
BTN/SB wins $68.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #5 - ei suutnud selle semi-passive fishi vastu foldi üles leida :x
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BTN/SB: $137.45
Hero (BB): $52.10

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $4.50, BTN/SB calls $3.50

Flop: ($9.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $4, BTN/SB raises to $12, Hero calls $8

Turn: ($33.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $19.50, Hero raises to $35.60 all in, BTN/SB calls $16.10

River: ($104.20) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $104.20
BTN/SB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a full house, Jacks full of Threes)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
BTN/SB wins $103.70
(Rake: $0.50)

Päev jäi -200 ja irooniliselt maksin ära suht täpselt sama palju reiki.

30.11.11, 21:50
nl50 hu
Reaalset mänguaega tuli kuskil 55h kanti vast, enamus ajast 2tabledes keskmiselt, sp selline suht keskmine tulemus.. Ühe lauaga lastes oleks võinud winrate obv kõrgem olla pisut. Lisaks sai vahepeal ilma konkreetse põhjuseta mingite bumhunterite vastu mängitud ja see suurendas variatsiooni.

kuu alguses hüperid: -165$
rb ja boonused: ca +250$
kokku: +775$

17.12.11, 14:43
Semester läbi, finally. Viimane nädal oli obv täielik hullumaja, enamikes ainetes vaja mingid arvestused/tööd korda saada, et EAPd kätte saada. Nüüd dets teises pooles saab üle pika aja grindile ka rõhku panna.



17.12.11, 17:37
Exceli said korda ? :D

Eksamissess ka veel tulemas, muidu on jah kuni jaanuari lõpuni üsna rahulik.

17.12.11, 20:45
ITga paar järelvastamist veel sessi ajal, aga valdav enamus arvestuslikest töödest on korras jep, sessi ajal pmtl ainult keemias eksam, mis pole kuigi mahukas imo ( + veel inkas ka, aga seda ei arvesta eksamina eriti :D).
VBA oli ikka paras porno seal excelis.. ega keegi ei tea häid õppematerjale vms selle kohta?

26.12.11, 02:20
Üpriski pingeline sess sai äsja läbi, põhiliselt oli vastaseks üks ja sama fish, kel oli kohati justkui godmode peal... Käed pole kronoloogilises järjekorras kahjuks, sest paraku HEMi filtrid ei toiminud nii nagu peaks, ja 750st käest oleks olnud paras piin hakata neid õiges järjekorras välja koukima.

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572688 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572688)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $50.50
Hero (BTN/SB): $139.65

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB calls $0.50

Flop: ($2.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.30, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3.20

Turn: ($11.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $7.50, Hero calls $7.50

River: ($26.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $26.65, BB calls $26.65

Final Pot: $79.30
BB mucks 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a straight, Four to Eight)
Hero wins $78.80
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572689 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572689)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $98.05
Hero (BB): $210.70

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero calls $0.50

Flop: ($2.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Turn: ($2.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $1.30, BTN/SB raises to $6, Hero calls $4.70

River: ($14.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $18, Hero calls $18

Final Pot: $50.00
BTN/SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Jacks)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
Hero wins $49.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572690 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572690)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $43.85
Hero (BB): $223.55

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BTN/SB raises to $43.85 all in, Hero calls $43.35

Flop: ($87.70) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($87.70) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($87.70) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $87.70
BTN/SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a straight, Ten to Ace)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Kings)
BTN/SB wins $87.20
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572691 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572691)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $35.90
Hero (BTN/SB): $298.05

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $3, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($6.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4, BB raises to $32.90 all in, Hero calls $28.90

Turn: ($71.80) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($71.80) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $71.80
BB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Five to Nine)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Kings)
BB wins $71.30
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #5
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572692 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572692)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $152.10
Hero (BB): $166.70

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $5, BTN/SB calls $4

Flop: ($10.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8, BTN/SB raises to $16, Hero calls $8

Turn: ($42.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $13, Hero calls $13

River: ($68.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Final Pot: $68.00
BTN/SB shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Eights)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Queens and Eights)
BTN/SB wins $67.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #6
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572693 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572693)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $47.75
Hero (BTN/SB): $178.40

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $2.50, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($5.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $6.50, Hero calls $6.50

Turn: ($18.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $19, Hero raises to $169.40 all in, BB calls $19.75 all in

River: ($95.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $95.50
BB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Queens)
BB wins $95.00
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #7
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572694 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572694)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $130.30
Hero (BTN/SB): $82.15

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $5, Hero calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $8.50, Hero calls $8.50

Turn: ($27.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $26, Hero calls $26

River: ($79.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $90.80 all in, Hero calls $42.65 all in

Final Pot: $164.30
BB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Ace to Five)
Hero shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
BB wins $163.80
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #8
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572697 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572697)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $111.00
Hero (BB): $215.05

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, BTN/SB calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $5, BTN/SB calls $5

Turn: ($20.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $12, BTN/SB raises to $25.50, Hero calls $13.50

River: ($71.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Final Pot: $71.00
BTN/SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a full house, Sixes full of Queens)
Hero shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Queens and Nines)
BTN/SB wins $70.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Pärast #7 kätt tuli küll selline tunne, et lööks käega, aga ei suutnud seda retardit quitida ikkagi ja lõpuks pärast mitmeid suckoute tuli selline maasikas:

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BTN/SB: $167.95
Hero (BB): $149.20

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($3.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $3.50, Hero raises to $18, BTN/SB raises to $34.50, Hero raises to $147.50, BTN/SB calls $113

Turn: ($298.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $0.20 all in, BTN/SB calls $0.20

River: ($298.40) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $298.40
BTN/SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Aces)
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Jacks and Sevens)
Hero wins $297.90
(Rake: $0.50)

Tore misclick flopil - pinget jagus. Ühtlasi ka suurim pot seni.

Sellele käele vahetult järgnev jaotus:

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BB: $18.75
Hero (BTN/SB): $297.90

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $18.75 all in, Hero calls $17.25

Flop: ($37.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($37.50) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($37.50) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $37.50
BB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a straight, Six to Ten)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Queens and Eights)
BB wins $37.00
(Rake: $0.50)

siis oli openshovenud 3 kätt järjest ja 4ndal korral KTga foldi ei leidnud enam.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players -

BTN/SB: $37.00
Hero (BB): $279.15

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $37 all in, Hero calls $36.50

Flop: ($74.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($74.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($74.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $74.00
BTN/SB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (three of a kind, Jacks)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
BTN/SB wins $73.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Bottomline oli see, et villu sai taaskord comebacki tehtud 17$ -> 150+$

Lõpuks kõigele vaatamata leidis ta ikkagi oma otsa:

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572718 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572718)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $107.50
Hero (BB): $160.65

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $4, BTN/SB calls $3

Flop: ($8.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $4.50, BTN/SB calls $4.50

Turn: ($17.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BTN/SB raises to $22.50, Hero calls $12.50

River: ($62.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $35, Hero calls $35

Final Pot: $132.00
BTN/SB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Threes)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Hero wins $131.50
(Rake: $0.50)


Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1572719 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1572719)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $81.80
Hero (BB): $222.85

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5.50, BTN/SB calls $4

Flop: ($11.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8, BTN/SB calls $8

Turn: ($27.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $14.50, Hero raises to $209.35 all in, BTN/SB calls $53.80 all in

River: ($163.60) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $163.60
BTN/SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a full house, Queens full of Sevens)
Hero wins $163.10
(Rake: $0.50)


On ka paremaid kuid olnud, dets. pokerstars seni:


26.12.11, 13:27
Jõudu! Tean täpselt mida sa tunned ja hetkel olen õnnelik, et short laudades summad vähemalt väiksemad. Küll see roheline joon ka varsti oma suuna leiab.

26.12.11, 13:32
tuleb õnnelik olla isgei 0'i üle ..

26.12.11, 14:18
Jep, nii ta on. Ideeliselt olen oma mänguga enamvähem rahul, sest kaotatud buyinid ~95% ajast on olnud kas suckoudid või siis vastase toprangesse jooksmised, millele parata pole suurt miskit.

Üks käsi veel sama villainiga matši algusest, kui veel eriti palju reade ei olnud. Teada oli nii palju, et ta aeg-ajalt oli nii nutsi, TP kui ka õhku minraisenud ning armastas ka floatida (fwiw avas 80% buttoneid ja 3bettidele foldis ca 10% ajast).

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1573010 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1573010)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $56.80
Hero (BB): $112.35

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $2, Hero raises to $6, BTN/SB calls $4

Flop: ($12.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero plaan?

26.12.11, 14:28
B/f .. see flop ei taba villaini range väga hästi

27.12.11, 12:56
B/f .. see flop ei taba villaini range väga hästi
Mnja, aga ilmselt suht close otsus, sest ta ei foldi flopil oma overeid jm käsi ning aeg-ajalt bluffraiseb saasta (ja kui raiseb made handiga, siis herol enamasti 10 outi, ehk ports equityt). Floatimise all pidasin silmas seda, et ta stabis turni pea igal võimalusel, kui teist barrelit ei tulnud. Sec paar tüüpi käed checkis järgi tho.

27.12.11, 13:43
See AJ mulle ka ei meeldiks bet/F , tundub sellise trikitaja vastu liiga nõrk. Bet/c flop ck/jam mugavad turn kaartid. Ehk siis on võimeline foldima mõned paremad käed mis sisaldavad flopatud paari ilma drawta.

27.12.11, 16:43
adsfadsfgadfgafsg. vähe sellest et kogu senine kuu on eriliselt fucked up runiga olnud, siis isegi need harvad korrad kui pmtl nutsiga lähevad rahad sisse, imetakse ära. ja 3b-pottides täielikud mankid hittisid oma sette kogu aeg. cooleritest ei ole mõtet rääkidagi.

sama vastase vastu:

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

BB ($56.55)
Hero (SB) ($127.70)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 9:diamond:, 9:spade:
Hero bets $1.50, BB calls $1

Flop: ($3) K:club:, 6:spade:, 9:club: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2, BB raises to $6, Hero raises to $14, BB raises to $38, Hero raises to $126.20 (All-In), BB calls $17.05 (All-In)

Turn: ($113.10) 7:club: (2 players, 2 all-in)

River: ($113.10) K:spade: (2 players, 2 all-in)

Total pot: $113.10 | Rake: $0.50

Hero had 9:diamond:, 9:spade: (full house, nines over Kings).
BB had K:diamond:, 6:heart: (full house, Kings over sixes).
Outcome: BB won $112.60


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

SB ($113.05)
Hero (BB) ($50)

Preflop: Hero is BB with A:spade:, 6:spade:
SB bets $1.50, Hero raises to $5, SB calls $3.50

Flop: ($10) 2:spade:, 6:diamond:, 2:club: (2 players)
Hero bets $6.50, SB calls $6.50

Turn: ($23) 4:heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $12, SB calls $12

River: ($47) K:club: (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets $27.50, Hero calls $26.50 (All-In)

Total pot: $100 | Rake: $0.50

SB had 4:spade:, 4:club: (full house, fours over twos).
Hero had A:spade:, 6:spade: (two pair, sixes and twos).
Outcome: SB won $99.50

ja kõrvallauas shortyde vastu:

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

SB ($23.15)
Hero (BB) ($52.10)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q:club:, J:club:
SB calls $0.25, Hero bets $2, SB calls $1.50

Flop: ($4) J:spade:, 4:spade:, 6:heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $3.50, SB raises to $21.15 (All-In), Hero calls $17.65

Turn: ($46.30) 8:spade: (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ($46.30) 7:spade: (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: $46.30 | Rake: $0.50

SB had 8:club:, A:spade: (flush, Ace high).
Hero had Q:club:, J:club: (one pair, Jacks).
Outcome: SB won $45.80


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

SB ($33.35)
Hero (BB) ($88.55)

Preflop: Hero is BB with A:diamond:, 7:heart:
SB bets $1.50, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($3) 7:spade:, A:heart:, 3:spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets $1.50, Hero raises to $5, SB calls $3.50

Turn: ($13) 2:diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $9, SB raises to $18, Hero raises to $27.50, SB calls $8.85 (All-In)

River: ($66.70) K:diamond: (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: $66.70 | Rake: $0.50

SB had A:spade:, A:club: (three of a kind, Aces).
Hero had A:diamond:, 7:heart: (two pair, Aces and sevens).
Outcome: SB won $66.20


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

BB ($35)
Hero (SB) ($117.70)

Preflop: Hero is SB with A:club:, Q:club:
Hero bets $1.50, BB raises to $4, Hero raises to $117.70 (All-In), BB calls $31 (All-In)

Flop: ($70) K:spade:, 8:heart:, Q:diamond: (2 players, 2 all-in)

Turn: ($70) 8:spade: (2 players, 2 all-in)

River: ($70) 9:heart: (2 players, 2 all-in)

Total pot: $70 | Rake: $0.50

Hero had A:club:, Q:club: (two pair, Queens and eights).
BB had K:club:, J:club: (two pair, Kings and eights).
Outcome: BB won $69.50

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - PokerStars (http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerstars.php) Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com)

SB ($28.20)
Hero (BB) ($121.05)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q:spade:, Q:heart:
SB bets $1, Hero raises to $4, SB calls $3

Flop: ($8) 8:diamond:, 6:diamond:, Q:club: (2 players)
Hero bets $5.50, SB calls $5.50

Turn: ($19) J:diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $19, SB calls $18.70 (All-In)

River: ($56.40) 2:club: (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: $56.40 | Rake: $0.50

SB had 10:spade:, 9:diamond: (straight, Queen high).
Hero had Q:spade:, Q:heart: (three of a kind, Queens).
Outcome: SB won $55.90

kuradi frustreeriv pask ikka - millal see läbi saab?

24.03.12, 20:29
Mis tuuled puhuvad, kui saladus pole ja nii võib küsida in my book?

24.03.12, 21:03
Mis tuuled puhuvad, kui saladus pole ja nii võib küsida in my book?
Pärast mõttetut formaatide vahel hüplemist jaanuaris-veebruaris (vähene volüüm ning tulemused breakeven PLOs), olen naasnud 6maxi juurde. nl50 ja toaks on stars.
Oligi plaanis selle kuu lõpuks kokkuvõte teha, nii et palju pole jäänud.

Ja endal kuidas? Endiselt lased ongames?

24.03.12, 21:24
alates 5. oktoobrist kaotasin jutti seal ligi 3 kuud, veebruaris panin ajama
preagu mängin microgamingus, kõik sujus niikaua ilusasti kuni 100s tuli tiltmonkey peale ja oli vaja hakata spewwima, nüüd ehitan vähe adekvaatsema rolli uue shoti jaoks

25.03.12, 13:14
Paar kätt eilsest ~3k käelisest sessist.

Hand #1 -- ei juhtu just väga tihti nii, kui saad villaini täpselt 2 kaarti peale panna. Flopil range obv laiem regil koos drawdega, aga riveriks oli ta käsi täiesti faced up.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1701261 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1701261)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $95.81
BB: $52.93
Hero (UTG): $123.79
CO: $53.88
BTN: $23.63

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, BTN calls $1.50, SB calls $1.25, 1 fold

Flop: ($5.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $3.50, BTN folds, SB raises to $10.50, Hero calls $7

Turn: ($26.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB bets $14.50, Hero calls $14.50

River: ($55.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB bets $27, Hero raises to $97.29 all in, SB calls $42.31 all in

Final Pot: $193.62
SB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a full house, Fives full of Kings)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a full house, Kings full of Aces)
Hero wins $191.12
(Rake: $2.50)


Hand #2 -- mõni läheb ikka nii tuhinasse kui bulletitega seti flopab, et keskendub vaid "milkimisele" ja drawd unustab täitsa ära.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1701262 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1701262)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $53.18
MP: $50.00
Hero (CO): $245.49
BTN: $75.71
SB: $54.22
BB: $42.85

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, SB calls $1.25, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3, 1 fold

Flop: ($10.50) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $5.50, Hero calls $5.50

Turn: ($21.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $4, Hero calls $4

River: ($29.50) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB bets $20, Hero raises to $231.49 all in, BB calls $8.85 all in

Final Pot: $87.20
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a straight, Eight to Queen)
BB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero wins $84.70
(Rake: $2.50)


Hand #3 -- lemmikkäsi eilsest sessist, sest too vaal turnil tankis mingi ~20sek - mõtlesingi juba, et tal sel juhul mingi AT vm retarded käsi, aga ilmselt tegi võidutantsu seal omaette.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1701263 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1701263)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $3.44
UTG: $24.31
MP: $35.19
CO: $67.45
Hero (BTN): $53.75
SB: $49.50

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $1.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $5, 2 folds, MP calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.75) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $5, MP raises to $10, Hero calls $5

Turn: ($30.75) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
MP bets $12, Hero raises to $38.75 all in, MP calls $8.19 all in

River: ($71.13) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $71.13
MP shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (three of a kind, Jacks)
Hero wins $68.63
(Rake: $2.50)

EVga jooksin suht tasa tho, sest 2x fullstack läks AA < QQ ja QQ < JJ.

25.03.12, 23:14
viimases köes flopi c/minraiset ei kartnud? Tundub kahtlane koht pärast pre actionit.

25.03.12, 23:31
Eriti õnnelik ei olnud seda raise nähes, kuid ta oli olnud piisavalt agro, et mitte käel minna lasta.

25.03.12, 23:47
alates 5. oktoobrist kaotasin jutti seal ligi 3 kuud,

26.03.12, 00:07
Palju Sul vppsid koguneb kuupeale keskeltläbi? Lähed supernovat püüdma?

europokeris ehk 1 kuu ja ülejäänud goalwinis jah, europokeris oli selline sik-sak pisike kukkumine, aga no see mis goalwinis toimus oli täitsa müstika

26.03.12, 02:31
Sry, for offtopic

aga no see mis goalwinis toimus oli täitsa müstika

Ma sügisest saadik Goalwinis mängind ja same shit. Räigelt ongame tubasid läbi kolistanud, aga üheski pole sellist keppi näinud.

26.03.12, 03:04
kui võtta sada 4bb/100 winratega mängijat ning 500k kätt run siis selles hulgas leidub üks inimene, kes jookseb -1bb/100 ja üks, kes jookseb 500k 9bb/100. Variatsioon on ikka väga julm.

Samas, kui fishidele antakse rohkem reikbacki, kui regididele ja selle kohta valetatakse, siis huj snajnem.

26.03.12, 14:50
Palju Sul vppsid koguneb kuupeale keskeltläbi? Lähed supernovat püüdma?

Ses suhtes et alles märtsi algusest alustasin distsiplineeritud grindiga, enne seda jaanuaris-veebruaris tuli kokku ca 4k, ehk siis mõttetult vähe. Märtsis praeguse seisuga 6.6k kogutud ja ~900 Platinumist veel puudu, mille kavatsengi lähipäevil kätte saada. Supernova kohta ei oska öelda - kui kõik läheb plaanipäraselt ja saan peagi small stakesi liikuda, siis oleks ju iseenesest reaalne küll. Reik on killer ikka täiesti, maksan ca 22$ tunnis, millest vaid 20% saan tagasi.. miski ~-9bb/100.. winrate oleks duublis ilma reigita.

01.04.12, 02:10


Üldiselt võib peaaegu et rahule jääda, 8-9 tabledes 5.5bb/100. Though, kuu lõpus hakkas obv soliidset pasarahet tulema, kui 3b ja 4b pottides 90/10 olukorrad ei holdinud jne, aga see selleks. Kuigi eriti ei tildanud, siis pakun, et konstantselt A-game tehes oleks profit vähemalt 25% suurem sellele vaatamata - kui miinuses olen olnud, siis suht alateadlikult kuidagi muutun loosemaks ja seeläbi panen end rohkem marginaalsetesse olukordadesse, mis on ikka kuradi halb komme. Uuest kuust plaanin pingsamalt just sellele keskenduda, et mitte liiga laia rangega mängida, kui saab raha ka kergemini.

// ahjaa, pmtl kõik käed nl50 6max starsis. platinumi sain samuti kätte, mis on nicer.

01.04.12, 03:45
Hea töö. Kuna coachingu pakkumisele puhtalt üle plaanis minna?

01.04.12, 23:36
Ty =D

[x] Qhi call

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

BTN: $59.31
SB: $35.10
BB: $92.27
Hero (UTG): $91.27
CO: $50.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $1.50, CO calls $1.50, 2 folds, BB calls $1

Flop: ($4.75) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
BB checks, Hero checks, CO checks

Turn: ($4.75) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.27, CO calls $2.27, BB folds

River: ($9.29) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $6.65, Hero calls $6.65

Final Pot: $22.59
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Threes - King+Queen kicker)
CO shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Threes)
Hero wins $21.57
(Rake: $1.02)

08.04.12, 04:12
Väike update. Kuu on alanud edukalt.


Vb viskan mõned pullimad käed ka homme üles.

08.04.12, 07:49
tore vaadata! gl !

08.04.12, 17:03

Üks maasikas eilsest, eurolaud ka veel. Terve laud oli suht passiivne ja UTG oli massive fish. BB aga 16/13 nit, flopil olin üsna veendunud, et istub seti otsas, aga poleks uskunud, et KK. Aga noh, väga kohutav see ka olla ei saa, sest tahtis pre ikkagi vaala ka potis sees hoida.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

Hero (MP): $82.51
CO: $157.06
BTN: $21.53
SB: $53.92
BB: $170.10
UTG: $104.29

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
UTG calls $0.50, Hero raises to $1.25, 1 fold, BTN calls $1.25, 1 fold, BB calls $0.75, UTG calls $0.75

Flop: ($5.25) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (4 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $2.50, BTN folds, BB raises to $10, UTG folds, Hero calls $7.50

Turn: ($25.25) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $15, BB raises to $158.85 all in, Hero calls $56.26 all in

River: ($167.77) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $167.77
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Six to Ten)
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (three of a kind, Kings)
Hero wins $165.77
(Rake: $2.00)

14.04.12, 02:43
Esimesed nl100 shotid võetud. Täna sai tunda päris mehist swingimist, kuna summad siiski 2x suuremad. Päeva lõpuga superrahul.


:heart: Päevakäsi:

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

SB: $152.69
BB: $200.47
UTG: $297.53
MP: $442.21
Hero (CO): $291.63
BTN: $65.30

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with K :club: 4 :club:
2 folds, Hero raises to $3, BTN calls $3, 2 folds

Flop: ($7.50) T :club: Q :club: 9 :club: (2 players)
Hero bets $6, BTN calls $6

Turn: ($19.50) 7 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $14, BTN calls $14

River: ($47.50) J :club: (2 players)
Hero bets $84, BTN calls $42.30 all in

Final Pot: $132.10
Hero shows K :club: 4 :club: (a straight flush, Nine to King)
BTN shows 3 :club: A :club: (a flush, Ace high)
Hero wins $129.30
(Rake: $2.80)

15.04.12, 11:49
Woawawiiiwaa, spoileris.
nh tho

15.04.12, 14:13
wow sick hand

15.04.12, 14:58
Kui kogu see viimane käsi vastupidi keerata ja sina oleksid A3s ja riverbet 84$ kas oleksid callinud?

15.04.12, 15:32
Antud villaini vastu kindlasti - tegu oli korralikult kaotava fishiga.
Regi vastu oleks tricky, sest mõni pädevam teab, et mul palju Kcx/8cx combosid ei saa olla ranges riveriks, seega väga villain-dependant. Kuigi tegelikkus on selline, et 90% villainite vastu oleks ma hiljemalt turnis raise'nud, et stackide peale mängida ja seega ei saa riveril sellises spotis olla.

// jasssass, riveril oli eff stack 42$. overbetti, ehk 84$ ei calliks obv, kui 2 straightflushi lauas.

15.04.12, 16:36
Jh selge pilt, villane tegi kindlasti turnis vea, pädevam mängija oleks loomulikult seal juba kindlasti rise nupu üles leidnud. Võimalik isegi, et oleks juba floppi rerisenud......aga turni kindlasti.

21.04.12, 01:30


Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players -*

SB: $62.63
Hero (BB): $128.42
CO: $113.00
BTN: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, BTN raises to $2.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $1.50

Flop: ($5.50) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $4, Hero raises to $12, BTN calls $8

Turn: ($29.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $18, BTN calls $18

River: ($65.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $58, BTN folds

Final Pot: $65.50
Hero mucks Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero wins $64.00
(Rake: $1.50)

Tavaliselt pole suuteline siin isegi passiivse niti vastu foldima.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

CO: $88.16
BTN: $149.53
SB: $102.92
BB: $100.00
Hero (UTG): $451.14

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $3, CO calls $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, BB calls $2

Flop: ($12.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (4 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $6, CO folds, SB calls $6, BB folds

Turn: ($24.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $14, SB raises to $28, Hero folds

Final Pot: $52.00
SB wins $49.66
(Rake: $2.34)


Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

SB: $661.89
BB: $100.00
UTG: $215.69
MP: $104.47
CO: $100.00
Hero (BTN): $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, SB calls $2, 1 fold

Flop: ($6.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4, SB raises to $24, Hero calls $20

Turn: ($54.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB bets $41, Hero raises to $73.50 all in, SB calls $32.50

River: ($201.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $201.00
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Eights)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Queens and Tens)
Hero wins $198.20
(Rake: $2.80)


Tegu oli üsnagi weaktight regiga. Üllatus showdownil oli suur - siiani mõtlen, kas ta valuejammis või bluffis?

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

CO: $103.00
BTN: $50.00
SB: $213.21
BB: $100.00
Hero (UTG): $101.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $3, CO calls $3, BTN calls $3, SB raises to $15, 1 fold, Hero calls $12, 2 folds

Flop: ($37.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB bets $198.21 all in, Hero calls $86.50 all in

Turn: ($210.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($210.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $210.00
SB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (two pair, Aces and Threes - King kicker)
Hero wins $207.20
(Rake: $2.80)

21.04.12, 01:48
4 way potis suht kindlalt taga seal kus foldisid. Aga tundub et 100 läeb kenasti.

21.04.12, 15:03
4 way potis suht kindlalt taga seal kus foldisid. Aga tundub et 100 läeb kenasti.
Fulleritest ja 78s'ist olin taga, samas 67s ja 68s edestasin. Kui igatepidi on tema poolt kehvasti mängitud oma nutsiga - jäi mu riveri barrelist ilma lihtsalt.

21.04.12, 18:29
lol kui sitt fold a6-ga

21.04.12, 22:27
lol kui sitt fold a6-ga
Päris huvitav selline üleolev kommentaar panna, kui vastase kohta infi ei tea. Tegu oli ülimalt straightforward nitiga, kelle raise cbet oli 7% üle 5k+ käelise sample ning lisaks oli ka muidu passiivne.
Eeldan, et imestad miks ma ei boatminenud riverisse, kui 78s ka ranges? Paraku rea vastu on ainsad implied oddsidega riverid ässad ja neid on 3tk. Lisaks veel ei pruugi 9 või 5 oudid elus olla, kui tal turnil fuller juba..

21.04.12, 23:23
+1 fytele, hea fold imo. Ega see minraise seal ka just midagi nõrka ei tähenda.

22.04.12, 12:35

22.04.12, 15:27

Haha, viis pluss! Küllap Shannon Browni järjekordne ülevalt alla

24.04.12, 00:00
Ugh, kui palju sai mõttetult spewitud täna :( sess oleks võinud julgelt paarisaja taala võrra rohkem plusspoolel olla.

Paar musternäidist ka, et tulevikus targem oleks..

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1739986 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1739986)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $101.97
BB: $64.56
UTG: $84.71
MP: $42.00
CO: $40.36
Hero (BTN): $53.06

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $1.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $1.50, 2 folds

Flop: ($3.75) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $2.50, MP calls $2.50

Turn: ($8.75) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $5.50, MP raises to $16.50, Hero calls $11

River: ($41.75) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
MP bets $21.50 all in, Hero calls $21.50

Final Pot: $84.75
MP shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a straight, Four to Eight)
Hero shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a straight, Three to Seven)
MP wins $82.75
(Rake: $2.00)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1739987 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1739987)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $126.15
UTG: $64.22
MP: $44.11
CO: $38.91
BTN: $104.60
Hero (SB): $104.14

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
4 folds, Hero raises to $2, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $6

Flop: ($16.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $10, Hero raises to $26, BB calls $16

Turn: ($68.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $22, Hero folds

Final Pot: $68.00
BB wins $65.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Samas selle käega jäin vägagi rahule - villain agro reg, kes ei andnud check-raisedele üldse respekti.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

BB: $96.00
UTG: $33.90
MP: $62.64
CO: $101.32
BTN: $100.00
Hero (SB): $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
4 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, BB calls $1.50

Flop: ($5.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $3.34, BB calls $3.34

Turn: ($11.68) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $10, Hero raises to $27, BB raises to $90.16 all in, Hero calls $63.16

River: ($192.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $192.00
BB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Nines)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Six to Ten)
Hero wins $189.20
(Rake: $2.80)

24.04.12, 17:42
lol_regaments. Suur osa rege ei oska vähegi ebastandardsema liini vastu muud teha, kui stack sisse callida marginaalse jamaga. :P

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

SB: $100.00
Hero (BB): $100.00
UTG: $97.00
CO: $160.93
BTN: $166.31

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to $3, 3 folds, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($6.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $4.22, Hero raises to $12, UTG calls $7.78

Turn: ($30.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $20, Hero raises to $85 all in, UTG calls $62 all in

River: ($194.50) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $194.50
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (four of a kind, Sevens)
UTG shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
Hero wins $191.70
(Rake: $2.80)

25.04.12, 03:26
Wp. Ma calliks ka :P


25.04.12, 07:46
Wp. Ma calliks ka :P

väga wp jep. Ma vastasena vs värske agg readiga calliks. Nitti ikka kardaks kuna neid saabki panna enamvähem 9le kombole. Ei ta BB ranget täpselt aga midagi peale settide ta ranges tugevate made handidena üldiselt pole.
Sellises agg dünaamikas väga wp imo. ma vahel paardunud floppe nutsiga väikselt raisenud, kui keegi overadjustinud. Tundub nii full of shit lihtsalt. Pole analüüsinud, et kas toidab.

25.04.12, 11:00
Sellises agg dünaamikas väga wp imo. ma vahel paardunud floppe nutsiga väikselt raisenud, kui keegi overadjustinud. Tundub nii full of shit lihtsalt. Pole analüüsinud, et kas toidab.

See toitmine sõltub suuresti sellest, kui agressiivne sa muidu oled. Ise lähen enamasti ka tugevate seisusega seda teed, et tõstan nt kohe flopil, isegi kui laud on väga kuiv.

25.04.12, 22:50
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

MP: $106.86
Hero (CO): $183.97
BTN: $100.00
SB: $131.14
BB: $105.51
UTG: $92.87

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $3, Hero calls $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($10.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (3 players)
SB checks, MP checks, Hero bets $6, SB folds, MP raises to $18, Hero calls $12

Turn: ($46.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
MP bets $29, Hero calls $29

River: ($104.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
MP bets $56.86 all in, Hero calls $56.86

Final Pot: $217.72
MP shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (five of a kind, Fours)
Hero shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a full house, Fours full of Eights)
MP wins $214.92
(Rake: $2.80)

Proovisin ka seda HH muutmise värki nagu popp on, tuli välja küll :)

Kes pakub õigesti, mis villainil oli enne 01.00 (alla 1.5h aega, peale seda lähen magama umbes), saab minu poolt 20$ võrra rikkamaks. Kõigil võimalus vaid üht kätt pakkuda (mastid ei oma tähtsust).

Villain oli nit: 18/14, w$sd 52%.

25.04.12, 22:52

25.04.12, 22:53

25.04.12, 22:53

25.04.12, 22:59

25.04.12, 23:00

25.04.12, 23:01

25.04.12, 23:02

25.04.12, 23:03

25.04.12, 23:05

25.04.12, 23:05
Nice one. PMi panga/netelleri rekvisiidid.

// enam pole vaja pakkuda obv ;D

25.04.12, 23:06

26.04.12, 21:31
mida ***** :D

26.04.12, 22:01
2 jokkerit

27.04.12, 00:59

28.04.12, 19:09
Tegu võitva agro regulariga, kes polnud ülemäära suur station.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

SB: $75.00
BB: $102.02
Hero (UTG): $209.98
CO: $228.72
BTN: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with K :heart: Q :diamond:
Hero raises to $3, CO calls $3, 3 folds

Flop: ($7.50) 2 :diamond: K :club: T :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $5, Hero calls $5

Turn: ($17.50) 7 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

River: ($17.50) T :club: (2 players)
Hero bets $6, CO raises to $16, Hero raises to $58, CO folds

Final Pot: $49.50
Hero mucks K :heart: Q :diamond:
Hero wins $47.27
(Rake: $2.23)


Jällegi vastas üks reg, kellega palju historyt ja agro dünaamika - kumbki ei anna kummagile respecti jne. Turnil võttis veits mõtlema küll, nii et halb bluff ka just ei olnud.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

SB: $109.58
BB: $103.69
UTG: $131.70
Hero (CO): $100.00
BTN: $152.99

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with 6 :heart: 9 :heart:
1 fold, Hero raises to $2.50, 1 fold, SB raises to $8, 1 fold, Hero calls $5.50

Flop: ($17.00) T :spade: 9 :diamond: 5 :spade: (2 players)
SB bets $10.71, Hero calls $10.71

Turn: ($38.42) 5 :heart: (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $16, SB raises to $90.87 all in, Hero calls $65.29 all in

River: ($201.00) 8 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $201.00
SB shows Q :diamond: A :club: (a pair of Fives)
Hero shows 6 :heart: 9 :heart: (two pair, Nines and Fives)
Hero wins $198.20
(Rake: $2.80)

28.04.12, 19:38
Ilusad käed :)
1 käes mille peale vastase panid?

28.04.12, 21:02
Päris huvitav selline üleolev kommentaar panna, kui vastase kohta infi ei tea. Tegu oli ülimalt straightforward nitiga, kelle raise cbet oli 7% üle 5k+ käelise sample ning lisaks oli ka muidu passiivne.
Eeldan, et imestad miks ma ei boatminenud riverisse, kui 78s ka ranges? Paraku rea vastu on ainsad implied oddsidega riverid ässad ja neid on 3tk. Lisaks veel ei pruugi 9 või 5 oudid elus olla, kui tal turnil fuller juba..

ei foldiks maailmas yhegi m2gija vastu miks siis infi peab olema?

28.04.12, 21:46
ei foldiks maailmas yhegi m2gija vastu miks siis infi peab olema?

Kui Sa 4 way nähtud flopil kunagi 6th nutsi ei foldi ühegi mängija turni minraise vastu, siis ma ei taha Sind kuskil näha nutmas, mix Sa kuskil micros sente veeretad ja NL200 ei jõua :)

28.04.12, 22:03
Kui Sa 4 way nähtud flopil kunagi 6th nutsi ei foldi ühegi mängija turni minraise vastu, siis ma ei taha Sind kuskil näha nutmas, mix Sa kuskil micros sente veeretad ja NL200 ei jõua :)

ei oska midagi 6elda


29.04.12, 18:44
Ilusad käed :)
1 käes mille peale vastase panid?
1. käes igatpidi capped range - eeldasin, et Tx seal enamasti. Arvestades seda, et mõtles enne foldimist pisut, siis oli vast ka.

Kui Sa 4 way nähtud flopil kunagi 6th nutsi ei foldi ühegi mängija turni minraise vastu, siis ma ei taha Sind kuskil näha nutmas, mix Sa kuskil micros sente veeretad ja NL200 ei jõua :)
Well put :D

30.04.12, 01:08
Okei, minu jaoks ka kuu läbi - homme (st täna õigemini) plaan pokkerivaba päev teha, et mindset puhata saaks ja siis mais uue hooga pihta hakata.

Aprilli eesmärgid:

[x] vähemalt 50k kätt
[x] profittt

Esimesed ca 20k kätt nl50, edasi enamjaolt nl100 lauad. Kuuga jäin kahtlemata rahule - senini parim kuu. Kuigi jah, lõpp vajus ära nats - järjest toprangedesse jooksmine ning paralleelselt frustreerivad suckoudid raskendasid A-game' tegemist.

Mai eesmärgid:

[ ] 50k kätt
[ ] mindseti-alaseid õppematerjale läbi töötada
[ ] profit

30.04.12, 01:16
Kena kuu, wp!
Boonust rb-d tuli ka mingi arvestatav summa?
Endal rekord kuu samapalju täpselt, aint ma mängisin 100k kätt :(. RB-d tuli 1k$ kanti.

30.04.12, 01:31
Hea töö!
Jääme pokkerisheriffi kommentaari ootama.

30.04.12, 02:55
Nice graph. Endiselt ongames?

30.04.12, 03:27
Nice graph. Endiselt ongames?

kõik viimased postitatud käed PokerStarsis mängitud.

30.04.12, 08:07

30.04.12, 10:12
dominating! nice

30.04.12, 12:11
Tyty. Starsis grindin, jah. RB kohta ei tea täpselt ja väga ei ole viitsinud süveneda, kuna kiiret pole nende punktide vahetamistega. Kuskil 19k vpp tuli ning platinumstar olen.

30.04.12, 13:17
Väga hea!

30.04.12, 15:42
Hea töö ja nagu näha hakkad juba oma suure töö vilju maitsma.
NL25-50 läks vist ju üsna vaevaliselt, rõõm näha et oled need selja taha jätnud.

30.04.12, 16:06
no superb!

30.04.12, 16:18
Super, väga ilus kuu. Palli platsil võiksid ka samamoodi arengut näidata. Kui ma kunagi toksima viitsin hakata, siis nõuan coachi.

30.04.12, 16:23
Super, väga ilus kuu. Palli platsil võiksid ka samamoodi arengut näidata. Kui ma kunagi toksima viitsin hakata, siis nõuan coachi.
Hästi öeldud! Ootan ka seda.

30.04.12, 16:44
Palli platsil võiksid ka samamoodi arengut näidata.

Antud juhul kahtlane - mõni on eluks ajaks kohmakaks puujalaks loodud kohe.

30.04.12, 16:45
Antud juhul kahtlane - mõni on eluks ajaks kohmakaks puujalaks loodud kohe.
Et sa erilist elulootust ei anna?

30.04.12, 16:58
: D

Hea töö ja nagu näha hakkad juba oma suure töö vilju maitsma.
NL25-50 läks vist ju üsna vaevaliselt, rõõm näha et oled need selja taha jätnud.
Tegelikkus oli selline, et nl20s võitsin stabiilselt 10bb/100le üle 100k käe ongames, ja kui üles nl50 liikusin siis madalama winrate' tõttu olid swongid suuremad, mis omakorda viisid tõsiste mindseti probleemideni.. Jaanuar-veebruar volüümi eriti ei näidanud jne.

Aga jah, kogu au siiski omale ei võta - väike diil on ka coachiga, aga ma ei tea kas ta tahab, et ta nimi avalikuks tehakse.

30.04.12, 17:31
Antud juhul kahtlane - mõni on eluks ajaks kohmakaks puujalaks loodud kohe.

Õnneks Sa näiteid ei pea kaugelt otsima.

30.04.12, 18:20
palju blindide winrate oli sel kuul?

30.04.12, 18:56
palju blindide winrate oli sel kuul?
SB ja BB vastavalt -26bb/100 ja -16bb/100.

30.04.12, 22:34
Nice ! Kuidas 6Maxis fishide leidmisega lood on? Kas 2 fishiga laudu ka leiab või on insta laud täis, kui kuhugi üx fish maha istub?
Mitme lauaga mängid ja palju tunde 57k käe kokku saamiseks läks?

30.04.12, 22:57
Lauad täituvad suht kiiresti tõesti ning kohati on ka waiting listid naeruväärselt pikad - 6-7 mängijat ootamas nt.
Mõnikord leidub ikka 2 korraliku fishiga laudu, kuid fish on suhteline mõiste ka - palju leidub selliseid kahtlaseid tüüpe, ala 25/5 stattidega või nii. Eks nende vastu on kindlasti ka edge olemas, eriti kui note'sid kirjutada postflopi kohta, kuid üle marginaalse winrate' longtermis vast ei tule, arvestades reiki..

8-9 lauda keskmiselt ja tunde oli 85 kanti.

01.05.12, 12:10
Päris hea hourly siis. Peab ka varsti katsetama hakkama , kas ma NL25st kõrgemal olen 6Maxis võitev mängija, siis saab FR'i ja 6Maxi mixides ehk NL100 maha jätta ja ainult kõrgemal mängida.

01.05.12, 15:19
Mnjaa. nl200+ kohta ei tea veel rääkida, kuid nl50 ja 100 regide vahe on ikka üsna suur - 50s ei hakatud eriti vastu ja polnud probleem mingi 12% 3betiga ahistada teisi, aga nl100s on sellist metat ikka kõvasti rohkem ja regid mängivad palju tagasi.

06.05.12, 02:29
Esimene +$1k sess.



Hand #1 - "i dont always flat 5bets, but when i do.. " :D
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1755055 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755055)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $100.00
Hero (BTN/SB): $124.80

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN/SB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $2, BB raises to $8, Hero raises to $17, BB raises to $28, Hero calls $11

Flop: ($56.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $13.87, Hero calls $13.87

Turn: ($83.74) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $20, BB folds

Final Pot: $83.74
Hero mucks Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins $83.24
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1755056 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755056)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $46.44
BTN: $178.59
SB: $100.00
BB: $298.37
Hero (UTG): $117.39

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $3, 3 folds, BB calls $2

Flop: ($6.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3.10, BB raises to $11, Hero calls $7.90

Turn: ($28.50) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $20, Hero calls $20

River: ($68.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $32.85, BB folds

Final Pot: $68.50
Hero mucks Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins $65.70
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1755057 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755057)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $100.00
UTG: $102.73
CO: $100.00
BTN: $103.00
Hero (SB): $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, BTN raises to $2.50, Hero raises to $9, 1 fold, BTN calls $6.50

Flop: ($19.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BTN raises to $23, Hero raises to $40, BTN folds

Final Pot: $65.00
Hero mucks Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins $62.85
(Rake: $2.15)

ja siis sessi suuremad kaotuskäed, krt ei osanud sellele fishile respekti anda quadsi eest, kuigi oli passiivne.

Hand #4
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1755058 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755058)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $100.00
SB: $104.46
BB: $143.27
Hero (UTG): $106.27
MP: $104.72
CO: $88.11

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $3, 1 fold, CO calls $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($10.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $6, CO calls $6, SB folds

Turn: ($22.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $8, CO calls $8

River: ($38.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $18, CO raises to $71.11 all in, Hero calls $53.11

Final Pot: $180.22
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a full house, Kings full of Nines)
CO shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (four of a kind, Kings)
CO wins $177.42
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #5
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1755059 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755059)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $100.00
BTN: $108.48
Hero (SB): $100.00
BB: $64.38
UTG: $265.81
MP: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($7.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

Turn: ($7.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $4.67, CO calls $4.67

River: ($16.34) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $10, Hero raises to $30, CO raises to $92.33 all in, Hero calls $62.33 all in

Final Pot: $201.00
CO shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, Ace high)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, King high)
CO wins $198.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #6
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1755060 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755060)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $100.00
Hero (BTN/SB): $263.95

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN/SB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $2, BB raises to $9, Hero calls $7

Flop: ($18.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3, BB raises to $16, Hero calls $13

Turn: ($50.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $75 all in, Hero calls $75

River: ($200.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $200.00
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, King high)
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, Queen high)
BB wins $199.50
(Rake: $0.50)

06.05.12, 02:58
Graph on küll motiveeriv .. Gl edaspidiseks ;)

06.05.12, 16:44
peaks mingi hea photo upload site välja mõtlema. kunagi hea vaadata graphe. upload kustutab pärast kolme kuud vist.

06.05.12, 19:46
kui registreerid kasutajaks (upload.ee), siis ei kustutata kunagi pilti öra.

06.05.12, 21:36
Just täna regasingi sinna end ära, kuid seal on kirjas: "* Anonüümsed failid säilivad 50 päeva, kasutajate failid 120 päeva peale viimast vaatamist"

Graph on küll motiveeriv .. Gl edaspidiseks ;)

06.05.12, 21:39
upload.ee oma kraanid kinni keerand kiiruse osas, soovitan dropboxi konto teha ja sinna public kausta graffe panna nt, saad otse arvutisse ja installida dropboxi kausta ja copyda public lingi
muidu väga kena graafik, ülepäeviti vaatan siin et asi liigub õiges suunas

07.05.12, 02:21
Okei, tänud infi eest, millalgi katsetan selle dropboxi ära.

Päevad pole vennad ;p

Paar punase joone kätt:

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1755901 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755901)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $87.69
SB: $100.50
Hero (BB): $104.25
UTG: $153.98
MP: $130.56
CO: $108.96

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $3, BTN calls $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($9.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $6, BTN folds, Hero raises to $19, CO calls $13

Turn: ($47.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $31, CO calls $31

River: ($109.50) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $51.25 all in, CO folds

Final Pot: $109.50
Hero mucks 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins $107.35
(Rake: $2.15)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1755902 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755902)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $100.00
MP: $40.28
CO: $91.71
Hero (BTN): $234.26
SB: $105.87
BB: $61.37

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, SB calls $2, 1 fold

Flop: ($6.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $3, SB raises to $10.62, Hero calls $7.62

Turn: ($27.24) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($27.24) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB bets $15, Hero raises to $45, SB folds

Final Pot: $57.24
Hero mucks Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero wins $55.09
(Rake: $2.15)

Ja üks maasikas ka:

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1755903 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1755903)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $134.20
UTG: $39.00
MP: $104.27
CO: $88.25
Hero (BTN): $130.02
SB: $113.44

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to $2, 1 fold, CO calls $2, Hero calls $2, 2 folds

Flop: ($7.50) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
UTG bets $2, CO calls $2, Hero raises to $11, UTG raises to $20, CO calls $18, Hero raises to $42, UTG calls $17 all in, CO calls $22

Turn: ($128.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players - 1 is all in)
CO checks, Hero bets $86.02 all in, CO calls $44.25 all in

River: ($217.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: $217.00
UTG shows 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Deuces)
CO shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Aces)
Hero shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a straight, Ace to Five)
Hero wins $98.50
Hero wins $115.70
(Rake: $2.80)

09.05.12, 22:53
Soulread gone wrong..

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

Hero (SB): $124.71
BB: $109.35
UTG: $163.31
CO: $81.77
BTN: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, CO calls $1, 1 fold, Hero raises to $4, 1 fold, CO calls $3

Flop: ($9.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $4.30, CO calls $4.30

Turn: ($17.60) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $12, CO calls $12

River: ($41.60) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $47, CO raises to $61.47 all in, Hero calls $14.47

Final Pot: $164.54
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (four of a kind, Jacks)
CO shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Jacks)
Hero wins $161.74
(Rake: $2.80)

17.05.12, 14:06
Vastas iseenesest võitev nl100-200 reg - ei kujuta ette, miks ta riverit ei stabinud.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

UTG: $100.00
CO: $74.01
BTN: $220.10
SB: $100.00
Hero (BB): $135.65

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, BTN raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($6.50) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $4.34, Hero raises to $13, BTN calls $8.66

Turn: ($32.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $23, BTN calls $23

River: ($78.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

Final Pot: $78.50
BTN mucks 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (high card Ace)
Hero wins $76.35
(Rake: $2.15)

// selline käsi ka veel eilsest - muidu suht tight fish, fold to cbet 86% jne, aga coldcallida 4bet - no problem.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

SB: $129.73
Hero (BB): $446.97
UTG: $185.18
MP: $100.00
CO: $41.69
BTN: $64.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $2.50, CO calls $2.50, 1 fold, SB raises to $11.38, Hero raises to $24, 1 fold, CO calls $21.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($61.88) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $52, CO calls $17.69 all in

Turn: ($97.26) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($97.26) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $97.26
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Deuces)
CO shows 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Sixes and Deuces)
CO wins $95.11
(Rake: $2.15)

18.05.12, 12:31
maybe oli liialt laudu ees ja pani aja puuduses kiirelt checki või tähelepanematusest..., ei taha uskuda küll, et see default play on...

18.05.12, 14:27
Standard 6-tabler oli. Rääkisime natuke chatis ja hiljem skypes ka, misclick see kindlasti polnud.

Anyways, mängust nii palju, et eile tegin u 5-6h ja -250$, 400 alla EV, mitte et see midagi eriti loeks, arvestades setupe etc. Umbes samapalju genesin reiki ka, nii et teoreetiliselt sponsoreerisin eile puhtalt Starsi. :(

18.05.12, 14:29
Kas 78o-ga MP avangut ja SB-d (kes nigela positsiooni tõttu squeezeb ilmselt top rangega) cold4bettida on standard?

18.05.12, 14:32
MP oli loose ja foldis 3betile piisavalt ning SB sqz jäi kusagile ~11% kanti, nii et aeg-ajalt kasutades on suht hea muuv minu kogemustel.

18.05.12, 21:04
Standard 6-tabler oli. Rääkisime natuke chatis ja hiljem skypes ka, misclick see kindlasti polnud.

Anyways, mängust nii palju, et eile tegin u 5-6h ja -250$, 400 alla EV, mitte et see midagi eriti loeks, arvestades setupe etc. Umbes samapalju genesin reiki ka, nii et teoreetiliselt sponsoreerisin eile puhtalt Starsi. :(

Sessioon, kus jooksed alla EV on nagu investeering tulevikku ;)

18.05.12, 21:18
Sessioon, kus jooksed alla EV on nagu investeering tulevikku ;)

Et midagi sellist, siis et peale downerit on tulemas heater ja peale heaterit on tulemas downer :D ?

18.05.12, 21:27
^njh umbs midagi sellist njh, peris t6siselt.
Millal plaanis kõrgemale liikuda?

18.05.12, 22:32
Et midagi sellist, siis et peale downerit on tulemas heater ja peale heaterit on tulemas downer :D ?

Ei ole päris sama. Natuke tõsiseltvõetavam fakt on see, sest lõpuks EV balansseerub ikka, kas siis kuu lõpuks, kolme kuu, aasta või mitme aasta peale. Seega kui Sa teed sessi, mis EV poolest on pussis, siis ilmselgelt tegid ju sessi jooksul õigeid otsuseid ja see, et Sa sel päeval reaalselt raha kaotasid, ei mängi tulevikus enam mingit rolli. V.a juhul, kui oled BR'i piiri peal ja pidid alla liikuma vms, aga kui stabiilselt ja enesekindlalt sama limiiti mängid, siis long runis on parem sessioon see kui Real $ -1000$ aga EV +1000$, kui vastupidine sess.

26.05.12, 03:21

Esimesed käed pmtl järjestikku ühe ja sama fishi vastu eurilauas. ;/ Teise käe showdownil oli küll suht meh..

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1776181 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1776181)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $276.52
Hero (UTG): $140.99
MP: $165.51
CO: $181.90
BTN: $149.17
SB: $100.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, BTN calls $3, 2 folds

Flop: ($7.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $5, BTN calls $5

Turn: ($17.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $14, BTN calls $14

River: ($45.50) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $44, BTN raises to $127.17 all in, Hero calls $74.99 all in

Final Pot: $283.48
Hero mucks Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a full house, Tens full of Fives)
BTN wins $281.33
(Rake: $2.15)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 1776182 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1776182)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $242.02
Hero (BB): $100.02
CO: $123.27
BTN: $298.09

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
1 fold, BTN raises to $2, 1 fold, Hero calls $1

Flop: ($4.50) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $3, BTN raises to $12, Hero calls $9

Turn: ($28.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $28, Hero calls $28

River: ($84.50) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $69, Hero calls $58.02 all in

Final Pot: $200.54
Hero mucks 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (three of a kind, Fives)
BTN wins $199.29
(Rake: $1.25)


Esimene 500bb pot nl100s (Y). Though, deepstack play on kohati pisut tume maa endalegi - tema asemel cf tundub ka kuidagi weak seal turnil.. samas üle 200bb sisse uhada TPGKga ka nats light.

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 6 players - View hand 1776183 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1776183)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $161.95
Hero (MP): $223.34
CO: $110.78
BTN: $291.98
SB: $250.00
BB: $587.76

Pre Flop: ($2.70) Hero is MP with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG calls $1, Hero raises to $4, 1 fold, BTN calls $4, SB calls $3.50, BB raises to $25, 1 fold, Hero calls $21, BTN calls $21, SB calls $21

Flop: ($102.20) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (4 players)
SB checks, BB bets $54.67, Hero calls $54.67, BTN folds, SB folds

Turn: ($211.54) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $143.47 all in, BB calls $143.47

River: ($498.48) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $498.48
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Fours - King kicker)
BB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Aces and Fours)
Hero wins $495.68
(Rake: $2.80)


Sealt siis vahelduseks üle EV jooks alguse sai. Võrdlemisi tundmatu fish vastas, aga foldi vast ikka ei leia.

Hand #4
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1776184 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1776184)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $350.20
SB: $196.60
BB: $100.00
UTG: $96.50
MP: $120.09
Hero (CO): $101.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $3, Hero raises to $10, 3 folds, MP calls $7

Flop: ($21.50) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
MP bets $5, Hero raises to $18, MP raises to $31, Hero raises to $91.50 all in, MP calls $60.50

Turn: ($204.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($204.50) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $204.50
MP shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a full house, Nines full of Fours)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a full house, Tens full of Fours)
Hero wins $201.70
(Rake: $2.80)

27.05.12, 23:41
Kuna olen vahepeal maininud, et alla EV pole tore joosta, siis poleks viisakas ka praegusele graphile seda joont lisamata jätta. ::)


Mõned suuremad kaotused viimasest sessist:

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1777916 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1777916)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): $129.89
MP: $116.67
CO: $108.48
BTN: $172.60
SB: $198.96
BB: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, BTN calls $3, SB raises to $12, 1 fold, Hero raises to $34, 1 fold, SB raises to $56, Hero raises to $84, SB calls $28

Flop: ($172.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $45.89 all in, SB calls $45.89

Turn: ($263.78) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($263.78) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $263.78
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Fours)
SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a full house, Queens full of Fours)
SB wins $260.98
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1777917 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1777917)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (SB): $100.00
BB: $102.45
UTG: $46.21
CO: $43.00
BTN: $93.54

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, BB raises to $6, Hero calls $3.50

Flop: ($12.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $4, Hero calls $4

Turn: ($20.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $8.50, Hero raises to $24, BB calls $15.50

River: ($68.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $36, BB raises to $68.45 all in, Hero calls $30 all in

Final Pot: $200.00
Hero shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a straight, Six to Ten)
BB shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a full house, Sixes full of Nines)
BB wins $197.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 1777918 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1777918)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $80.50
Hero (BB): $100.00
CO: $100.00
BTN: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, SB raises to $5, Hero calls $4

Flop: ($10.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB bets $6, Hero calls $6

Turn: ($22.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB bets $17, Hero calls $17

River: ($56.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets $52.50 all in, Hero calls $52.50

Final Pot: $161.00
SB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Queens)
SB wins $159.75
(Rake: $1.25)

Hand #4 - 600bb pot :(
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 6 players - View hand 1777919 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1777919)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $237.97
UTG: $299.44
MP: $244.11
CO: $100.00
BTN: $51.08
Hero (SB): $389.42

Pre Flop: ($2.70) Hero is SB with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG raises to $3, MP calls $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $15, 1 fold, UTG raises to $33.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $18.50

Flop: ($72.20) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $40, Hero raises to $115, UTG raises to $265.74 all in, Hero calls $150.74

Turn: ($603.68) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($603.68) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $603.68
UTG shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a straight, Seven to Jack)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a straight, Seven to Jack)
Hero wins $300.44
UTG wins $300.44
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #5
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1777921 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1777921)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BB): $216.59
UTG: $105.71
MP: $217.58
CO: $100.00
BTN: $160.20
SB: $105.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG raises to $3, 1 fold, CO calls $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $13, 1 fold, CO raises to $24.50, Hero raises to $38, CO raises to $100 all in, Hero calls $62

Flop: ($203.50) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($203.50) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($203.50) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $203.50
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Kings)
CO shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (three of a kind, Nines)
CO wins $200.70
(Rake: $2.80)

28.05.12, 02:05
AQs käes riveri call natukene liiga optimistlik ei ole?

28.05.12, 09:19
Tundmatu fishi vastu, nope.

28.05.12, 11:53
ei saa aru, kust kohast see yle EV jooks tuleb:D?

30.05.12, 12:34
ei saa aru, kust kohast see yle EV jooks tuleb:D?
Võtsin paar random HHd sealt sessist, nende kahe potiga miski $350 üle joone:

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 4 players -

CO: $252.10
BTN: $564.62
SB: $392.95
Hero (BB): $173.69

Pre Flop: ($2.30) Hero is BB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
1 fold, BTN raises to $2.65, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10, BTN raises to $25, Hero raises to $173.49 all in, BTN calls $148.49

Flop: ($348.28) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($348.28) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($348.28) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $348.28
BTN shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Kings)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins $346.78
(Rake: $1.50)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 6 players -

UTG: $265.59
MP: $241.83
CO: $128.27
BTN: $322.73
SB: $208.30
Hero (BB): $193.00

Pre Flop: ($2.70) Hero is BB with 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to $3, 2 folds, BTN calls $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($10.70) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $6, BTN folds, Hero raises to $20, UTG raises to $46, Hero raises to $80, UTG raises to $262.39 all in, Hero calls $109.80 all in

Turn: ($390.30) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($390.30) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $390.30
UTG shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (three of a kind, Tens)
Hero shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a straight, Seven to Jack)
Hero wins $387.50
(Rake: $2.80)


Anyways, viimasest sessist üks "YES threadi" kvalifitseeruv käsi ka :D Villain oli suht tight reg iseenesest. Floatida armastas palju.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players -

MP: $77.60
CO: $115.79
BTN: $136.70
Hero (SB): $214.12
BB: $125.05
UTG: $207.67

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
1 fold, MP raises to $2, CO calls $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10, 2 folds, CO calls $8

Flop: ($23.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $12, CO calls $12

Turn: ($47.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $20, CO calls $20

River: ($87.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $126, CO calls $73.79 all in

Final Pot: $234.58
CO shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a full house, Fours full of Fives)
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a full house, Jacks full of Fives)
Hero wins $231.78
(Rake: $2.80)

31.05.12, 23:49
Mai läbi, hea kuu oli. NON-sd võiks tiba parem olla, aga samas vb short-term nähtus. 50k kätt päris kokku ei tulnud, aga olen rahul, sest vahepeal kui muud tegemist oli ka, siis ei hakand liigselt pushima - pea peab puhas olema ikka muudest mõtetest.


2k kätt nl200 seal kuskil vahepeal, aga põhiliselt sai nl100 $ ja € laudu grinditud.

31.05.12, 23:52

31.05.12, 23:57
Hea töö!


01.06.12, 07:02
hea töö Fyte! Lubame edasi möliseda! :)

01.06.12, 07:13
vau, wp!

01.06.12, 07:20
Päris kena areng! :)

01.06.12, 14:18
heh kõik kiruvad kuidas nad alla ev jooksevad, kuid millegi pärast enamus häid mängijaid jooksevad pidevalt üle ev joone ;) aga eks see olegi tõsiasi, et õnn soosib tugevamaid ;)

01.06.12, 18:18
Ty heade sõnade eest.
Udikaz, pidevalt üle EV pole jooksnud. Hiljutine graph, mis ühest nv'st panin kajastubki kuu üldgraafikus. Kui praegu vaatasin graphi märtsi algusest (sel ajal alustasin 6maxiga üle pika aja uuesti), siis üle EV on ~7% kasumist.

06.06.12, 02:04
Elu suurim pot, so far.. ;/ Reg, kes UTG-l oli, kirjutas chatti et foldis AK, mida tõenäoliselt tegigi käekäiku arvestades. Sess jäi plussi vähemasti.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 5 players -

BTN: $225.36
Hero (SB): $294.46
BB: $591.32
UTG: $368.56
CO: $274.01

Pre Flop: ($2.50) Hero is SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
UTG raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $11, BB raises to $32.50, UTG calls $29.50, Hero raises to $93, BB raises to $591.12 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls $201.26 all in

Flop: ($622.02) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: ($622.02) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($622.02) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $622.02
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Aces and Tens)
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a full house, Kings full of Tens)
BB wins $619.22
(Rake: $2.80)

06.06.12, 14:26
m2ngiksid KK vastase asemel samamoodi arvestades st2kke?

06.06.12, 14:41
See on ikka päris idiootselt mängitud KK.

06.06.12, 14:54
See on ikka päris idiootselt mängitud KK.


06.06.12, 15:42
Kas sa pead +EV mänguks preflop 300bb KK-ga sisse kühveldada? Millega see hero callib selle 6betshove?

06.06.12, 15:49

06.06.12, 15:51
A mis sa teeks siis nii diibina KK-ga? Zoomis on mul lihtne, kui stäkk suureks läheb, panen akna kinni ja võtan uue lahti :)

06.06.12, 16:06
Kindlasti ei pea +EV mänguks 300bb sisse kühveldada kompetentse villaini vastu nii, kui megaagro dünaamikat pole.

Aga ma ei ole spetsialist ka deep-stacked mängude suhtes, nii et huvitaks ka teiste arvamused.

06.06.12, 16:09
As played ei näe ma küll teist moodust KK mängida, kui seal sisse ajada. UTG coldcall muudab asja kõvasti imo.

06.06.12, 16:09
A mis sa teeks siis nii diibina KK-ga?

Ei 4betiks.

06.06.12, 16:27
kas sul kahju ei ole neist, kellelt sa raha lauas ära võtad?

07.06.12, 00:03

Alustagem siis kuud otsast... Kaotasin ühe ja sama regiga deep HUd mängides ei rohkem ega vähem kui $1000 - miks kurat ma küll ei või quitida neid rege õigeaegselt? Käed olid muidugi täiesti absurdsed, 400bb+ pot set vs set 3bpotis + IGALE suuremale bluffile näitas ette pmst absoluutse nutsi. Kõige tipuks siis muudes 6maxi laudades crackiti ka 4bpotis ässad olles deep jne. Edaspidi proovin paremini joosta :rolleyes:

07.06.12, 09:24
Vb sa oled kuskil varem seda siin kirjutand aga küsin üle. Sa 6 tabeldad, 4 tabeldad, rohkem? Ja umbes millist br managementi kasutad? Ehk kui kiirelt oled nõus kõrgemale liikuma?

07.06.12, 09:25
Mul suht sarnane kuu algus

07.06.12, 13:11
HerrJanks, 8-tablen enamus ajast. BRM on pigem nitine - kuskile ~70bi kanti jääb see piir, kust shottinud üles.

07.06.12, 14:01
Tundub üsna mõistlik ja tänud vastuse eest =)

14.06.12, 23:22
Kuidas viimane nädal on kulgenud? Pokkerist veidi eemal? Viimasest postitusest nädal möödas, seepärast küsin...

17.06.12, 01:31
Vahel õnnestub ka..

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players -

CO: $178.74
BTN: $48.74
SB: $260.21
Hero (BB): $132.93
UTG: $160.76

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, CO raises to $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($9.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $5.16, SB folds, Hero raises to $15, CO raises to $34.30, Hero raises to $54, CO folds

Final Pot: $77.60
Hero mucks Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero wins $75.45
(Rake: $2.15)

17.06.12, 02:04
ka sellised "longrun spewid" on sul plussis ka ?

17.06.12, 02:18
mõtlesin sama

17.06.12, 09:42
Proovisin mingeid sobivaid filtreid leida HEMis, aga ei olnud.
Aga üldiselt - selles käes oli ikkagi betsizing tell olemas, tundmatute vastu ei harrasta selliseid lükkeid. Kuigi jah, praegu stacke vaadates oleks olnud call flop 3bet & crai turn parem liin.

19.06.12, 18:37
Sai pisut nl200hu madistatud ühe regiga - kuna tundus liiga kergelt respekti andvat, siis sp eeldasin, et edge olemas.

Readidest nii palju, et barreldas polariseeritult, 3bettis ~25%, kuid üldiselt postflop väga agro ei olnud. Mõistis floppide tekstuuri tho, ja ründaski rohkem raskesti hititavaid boarde. Eks dünaamikat on veits raske edasi anda, aga üritan kronoloogilises järjekorras neid käsi panna.

Hand #1
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800597 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800597)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $233.00
Hero (BB): $216.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 6 :diamond: 4 :diamond:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) 7 :diamond: 6 :club: 3 :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $5.50, Hero calls $5.50

Turn: ($19.00) K :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $14, Hero raises to $38, BTN/SB calls $24

River: ($95.00) 5 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $70, BTN/SB calls $70

Final Pot: $235.00
BTN/SB mucks 7 :heart: 3 :club:
Hero shows 6 :diamond: 4 :diamond: (a straight, Three to Seven)
Hero wins $234.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #2 - pole sizinguga eriti rahul, muckides näitas 55..
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800598 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800598)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $247.48
Hero (BB): $412.45

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 5 :club: 7 :club:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) 3 :heart: 6 :heart: 9 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Turn: ($8.00) 2 :club: (2 players)
Hero bets $5.34, BTN/SB calls $5.34

River: ($18.68) 4 :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $12, Hero raises to $133

Final Pot: $42.68
Hero mucks 5 :club: 7 :club:
Hero wins $42.18
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800599 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800599)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $408.21
Hero (BB): $479.90

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 5 :heart: K :spade:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero raises to $18, BTN/SB calls $14

Flop: ($36.00) 6 :diamond: J :heart: 6 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $24, BTN/SB raises to $66, Hero calls $42

Turn: ($168.00) Q :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

River: ($168.00) 8 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $118, BTN/SB folds

Final Pot: $168.00
Hero mucks 5 :heart: K :spade:
Hero wins $167.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800605 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800605)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $280.28
Hero (BB): $251.78

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 4 :spade: K :spade:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) 2 :club: Q :spade: 3 :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $5.50, Hero raises to $14, BTN/SB raises to $34, Hero raises to $66, BTN/SB folds

Final Pot: $76.00
Hero mucks 4 :spade: K :spade:
Hero wins $75.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #5 - suht faced up Ax
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800600 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800600)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $202.62
Hero (BB): $682.27

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 5 :spade: 7 :club:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) J :diamond: J :club: 8 :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $5.50, Hero calls $5.50

Turn: ($19.00) A :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $8, BTN/SB calls $8

River: ($35.00) 6 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $48, BTN/SB folds

Final Pot: $35.00
Hero mucks 5 :spade: 7 :club:
Hero wins $34.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #6 - ebastandardne liin tema üldist mängupilti arvestades, aga noh, raisemisi oli küllalt olnud juba enne seda kätt
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800601 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800601)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $200.00
Hero (BB): $490.31

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with K :club: K :heart:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero raises to $16, BTN/SB calls $12

Flop: ($32.00) 8 :club: Q :spade: 4 :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $24, BTN/SB raises to $52, Hero raises to $474.31 all in, BTN/SB calls $132 all in

Turn: ($400.00) 3 :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($400.00) T :heart: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $400.00
BTN/SB shows 9 :spade: Q :club: (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows K :club: K :heart: (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins $399.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #7 - riveril pmst flush/air sellise sizinguga.. ja flushi combosid vähe. Kerge call polnud obv.
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800602 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800602)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $313.50
Hero (BTN/SB): $627.41

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with Q :club: T :spade:
Hero raises to $4, BB raises to $16, Hero calls $12

Flop: ($32.00) J :diamond: 8 :diamond: T :diamond: (2 players)
BB bets $20, Hero calls $20

Turn: ($72.00) 5 :heart: (2 players)
BB bets $50, Hero calls $50

River: ($172.00) 3 :spade: (2 players)
BB bets $164, Hero calls $164

Final Pot: $500.00
BB shows K :heart: 5 :spade: (a pair of Fives)
Hero shows Q :club: T :spade: (a pair of Tens)
Hero wins $499.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #8 - betsizing tell :redface:
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800529 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800529)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $381.62
Hero (BTN/SB): $504.13

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with 9 :diamond: 4 :diamond:
Hero raises to $4, BB raises to $18, Hero raises to $40, BB raises to $106, Hero raises to $192, 1 fold

Final Pot: $212.00
Hero mucks 9 :diamond: 4 :diamond:
Hero wins $212.00

Ahjaa, umbes matši keskel leidis veel selline käsi aset:

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1800612 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1800612)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $239.08
Hero (BB): $429.11

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 8 :spade: T :club:
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) Q :heart: 7 :heart: A :diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $5.50, Hero raises to $16, BTN/SB calls $10.50

Turn: ($40.00) J :spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $30, BTN/SB calls $30

River: ($100.00) 8 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $76, BTN/SB calls $76

Final Pot: $252.00
BTN/SB shows T :heart: 3 :heart: (a flush, Queen high)
Hero shows 8 :spade: T :club: (a pair of Eights)
BTN/SB wins $251.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Peale seda kirjutas chatti: "i guess all of my big folds have been terrible" :D. Kokku jäin veits alla 3bi plussi.

19.06.12, 20:01
Huvitavad käed :)
Keep it up!

27.06.12, 23:15
Huvitavad käed :)
Keep it up!

Vahepeal enamjaolt nl100 lasknud, HUs võrdlemisi vähe actionit olnud anyways. Vahepeal sai päris õudset runi kogetud ka, hiljem ehk viskan mõned käed ka.



lol variance

http://www.evplusplus.com/site_media/images/variance/wr_6.00_sd_100.00_nruns_100_nhands_100000_False_ft f2GZ.png

27.06.12, 23:23
Räägi parem sellest homegamest millest rääkima pidid.

27.06.12, 23:23
Räägi parem sellest homegamest millest rääkima pidid.
Mis sa teada tahad?

27.06.12, 23:29
Actionist ikka.
Vähemalt keegi kirjutas, et mainimist väärt game oli.

27.06.12, 23:38
Dunno, pmst mängisime 3-5kesi nl20€ deep stackidega, enamus olime nl100 regid nii et mängus oli kõike muud näha, kui scared money.

Meeldejäävaim käsi oli Veeretase vastu, mingi ~300bb deep: Avasin CO €0.60 KQo'ga, SB callis ja Veeretas BB'l. Flop A97r, SB checkib, Veeretas leadis ca €1.50, floatisin ja SB foldis. Turn oli 3, mis tõi ka FD boardile ja ta bettis u €5 potti €4, raisesin 12 peale ja sain 3beti 26-le, eff stack jäi 55 kanti ja tankisin mingi 3-4min, kaalusin tõsiselt shippimist, aga lõpuks polnud mune ja peale muckimist näitaski QJs, mis oli turnil FD saanud. :rolleyes:

28.06.12, 08:19
Dunno, pmst mängisime 3-5kesi nl20€ deep stackidega, enamus olime nl100 regid nii et mängus oli kõike muud näha, kui scared money.

Meeldejäävaim käsi oli Veeretase vastu, mingi ~300bb deep: Avasin CO €0.60 KQo'ga, SB callis ja Veeretas BB'l. Flop A97r, SB checkib, Veeretas leadis ca €1.50, floatisin ja SB foldis. Turn oli 3, mis tõi ka FD boardile ja ta bettis u €5 potti €4, raisesin 12 peale ja sain 3beti 26-le, eff stack jäi 55 kanti ja tankisin mingi 3-4min, kaalusin tõsiselt shippimist, aga lõpuks polnud mune ja peale muckimist näitaski QJs, mis oli turnil FD saanud. :rolleyes:

Aastake tagasi suutsime omadega nl20€'s tekitada lõpuks 1500€ poti, kui Laasi vastu actionit sai :D.

28.06.12, 13:47
Jeah, olen lugusid kuulnud sellest legendaarsest õhtust :D


Eile sain vahelduseks nl200hu lauas actionit, tegu oli küll short lauaga, aga vähemalt fish oli see-eest üsnagi priske.

Järgnevad käed leidsid aset ca 5min jooksul kõik (pole järjekorras):

Hand #1
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807916 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807916)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $238.55
Hero (BB): $304.33

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB raises to $6, Hero calls $4

Flop: ($12.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $6, Hero raises to $16, BTN/SB calls $10

Turn: ($44.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $24, BTN/SB calls $24

River: ($92.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $42, Hero calls $42

Final Pot: $176.00
BTN/SB shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Fives)
Hero mucks Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
BTN/SB wins $175.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807917 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807917)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $43.34
Hero (BB): $489.14

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero raises to $14, BTN/SB calls $10

Flop: ($28.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BTN/SB raises to $29.34 all in, Hero calls $19.34

Turn: ($86.68) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($86.68) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $86.68
BTN/SB shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Deuces)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (high card Ace)
BTN/SB wins $86.18
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807920 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807920)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $76.68
Hero (BTN/SB): $452.30

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero raises to $6, BB raises to $18, Hero calls $12

Flop: ($36.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $20, Hero raises to $72.85, BB calls $38.68 all in

Turn: ($153.36) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($153.36) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $153.36
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Kings)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (high card Ace)
BB wins $152.86
(Rake: $0.50)

Ja siis mõningad suuremad potid tervest lahingust:

Hand #4
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807921 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807921)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $196.41
Hero (BTN/SB): $320.36

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $6, BB raises to $20, Hero raises to $40, BB raises to $64, Hero raises to $106, BB raises to $196.41 all in, Hero calls $90.41

Flop: ($392.82) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($392.82) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($392.82) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $392.82
BB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins $392.32
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #5
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807922 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807922)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $278.34
Hero (BB): $255.64

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
BTN/SB raises to $6, Hero calls $4

Flop: ($12.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $6, Hero raises to $18, BTN/SB calls $12

Turn: ($48.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $34, BTN/SB calls $34

River: ($116.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $68, BTN/SB calls $68

Final Pot: $252.00
BTN/SB mucks Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Queens)
Hero wins $251.50
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #6
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1807923 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1807923)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $206.78
Hero (BTN/SB): $241.05

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
Hero raises to $5, BB raises to $14, Hero calls $9

Flop: ($28.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $10, BB raises to $20, Hero calls $10

Turn: ($68.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: ($68.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB bets $40, Hero raises to $134, BB calls $94

Final Pot: $336.00
BB mucks Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
Hero shows 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, Ace high)
Hero wins $335.50
(Rake: $0.50)

28.06.12, 19:52
Võib kuule joone alla tõmmata, täna enam väsinuna grindida ei kavatse ning homsest linnast välja.

Kuu tulemusega igati rahul, arvestades vahepealset jooksu (ei jõudnud kokku lugedagi palju deep olles set vs set 3b-pottides üle sain jne).


Paartuhat kätt vast HU, muu enamjaolt nl100 6max.

[ ] kvaliteetpokker
[ ] volüüm

05.07.12, 23:48
Tegin eile sessi ja nägin nl400 lauas küllaltki prisket fishi ja ei suutnud mitte järgi istuda.

Käed enamvähem kronoloogilises järjestikus, esimeses käes on härra small blindil, solid liini otsustas võtta.

Hand #1
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1814278 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1814278)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $497.32
CO: $482.00
Hero (BTN): $504.45
SB: $508.43
BB: $511.70

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BTN with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $10, SB calls $8, BB raises to $40, Hero raises to $92, SB calls $82, BB raises to $511.70 all in, 2 folds

Final Pot: $276.00
BB wins $276.00
(Rake: $0.00)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1814279 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1814279)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $534.52
UTG: $482.00
Hero (CO): $435.10
BTN: $370.43
SB: $677.70

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $12, BTN calls $12, 2 folds

Flop: ($30.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $24, BTN calls $24

Turn: ($78.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $64, BTN raises to $128, Hero raises to $399.10 all in, BTN calls $206.43 all in

River: ($746.86) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $746.86
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Kings)
BTN shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a straight, Ten to Ace)
BTN wins $744.06
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1814280 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1814280)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $519.44
CO: $462.00
Hero (BTN): $400.00
SB: $787.83
BB: $400.00
UTG: $675.70

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BTN with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $10, Hero calls $10, SB calls $8, 1 fold

Flop: ($34.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
SB checks, CO checks, Hero bets $16.23, SB calls $16.23, CO folds

Turn: ($66.46) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $36, SB calls $36

River: ($138.46) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $56, SB calls $56

Final Pot: $250.46
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a pair of Aces)
SB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a pair of Kings)
Hero wins $247.66
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1814281 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1814281)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $440.00
Hero (SB): $517.58
BB: $650.21
UTG: $456.81
CO: $678.53

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $8, BB calls $4

Flop: ($16.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $7.64, BB raises to $24, Hero calls $16.36

Turn: ($64.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $44, Hero calls $44

River: ($152.00) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $144, Hero calls $144

Final Pot: $440.00
Hero shows 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Sevens)
BB shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (high card King)
Hero wins $437.20
(Rake: $2.80)

16.07.12, 14:29

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1824943 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1824943)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $155.00
BB: $55.36
Hero (UTG): $205.00
MP: $222.00
CO: $225.53
BTN: $203.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $6, 4 folds, BB calls $4

Flop: ($13.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $6.21, BB calls $6.21

Turn: ($25.42) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB calls $16

River: ($57.42) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $38, BB calls $27.15 all in

Final Pot: $111.72
BB shows 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (high card Ace - lower kicker)
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (high card Ace)
Hero wins $109.57
(Rake: $2.15)

24.07.12, 18:51
Hand #1 - elu esimene $1k pot :)

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em $0.40 Ante - 6 players - View hand 1834229 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1834229)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $408.60
BB: $500.00
UTG: $61.44
MP: $208.20
Hero (CO): $691.39
BTN: $204.50

Pre Flop: ($5.40) Hero is CO with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $6, 2 folds, BB raises to $22, Hero raises to $80, BB raises to $205, Hero raises to $360, BB raises to $499.60 all in, Hero calls $139.60

Flop: ($1002.60) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($1002.60) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($1002.60) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $1002.60
BB shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Kings and Fours)
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a flush, Ace high)
Hero wins $999.80
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #2 - 55ga sama reg, kes enne KKga uhas, wp ;D

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em $0.40 Ante - 6 players - View hand 1834230 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1834230)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $369.20
UTG: $277.09
MP: $97.95
CO: $483.90
Hero (BTN): $1169.84
SB: $200.00

Pre Flop: ($5.40) Hero is BTN with Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG raises to $5, MP calls $5, 1 fold, Hero raises to $24, 2 folds, UTG calls $19, MP raises to $97.55 all in, Hero raises to $1169.44 all in, UTG calls $252.69 all in

Flop: ($656.33) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 3 are all in)

Turn: ($656.33) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 3 are all in)

River: ($656.33) Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: $656.33
UTG shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Fives)
MP shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (high card Ace)
Hero shows Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a flush, King high)
Hero wins $358.28
Hero wins $295.25
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3 - hüdrovaala vastu :(

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1834231 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1834231)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $917.02
SB: $661.60
BB: $397.41
UTG: $345.47
Hero (MP): $379.51
CO: $651.26

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is MP with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
1 fold, Hero raises to $6, CO raises to $10, BTN calls $10, 2 folds, Hero calls $4

Flop: ($33.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $52, BTN folds, Hero calls $52

Turn: ($137.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $589.26 all in, Hero calls $317.51 all in

River: ($772.02) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $772.02
Hero shows 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Fives and Fours)
CO shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (a full house, Fours full of Threes)
CO wins $769.22
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #4 - villain (võitev suure tõenäosusega) midstakes reg, gg soulread. kuid siiski suht kohutav liin tema poolt

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1834232 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1834232)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

UTG: $164.94
MP: $331.33
CO: $215.05
BTN: $134.00
SB: $200.00
Hero (BB): $203.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
4 folds, SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($8.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
SB bets $4.96, Hero raises to $14, SB raises to $37.16, Hero raises to $199 all in, SB calls $158.84 all in

Turn: ($400.00) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($400.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $400.00
SB shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (high card Ace)
Hero mucks 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
SB wins $397.85
(Rake: $2.15)

28.07.12, 10:37
assa pask , fyte v :D

01.08.12, 13:30

Ca 60% nl200, ülejäänud nl100. Nats HUd ka, muidu 6max.

Augusti eesmärgid:
[ ] A-game
[ ] puhata

01.08.12, 13:44
ehh jah, superb Fyte!
Palju coaching sisse tõi? :)
Augustis ilmselt võtan sult ka tunni kaks. Eks annan märku kui võik asja täpsemalt arutada.

01.08.12, 17:56
Nice, arvasin juba ammu, et Sul oleks aeg üles liikuda :)

01.08.12, 20:34

02.08.12, 15:00
Tyty. Pikk, ~300 kanti või nii.

11.08.12, 06:33
tere tegin fytega coatshingsessi ja tunnen et mu fr game on paranenud tunduvalt peale seda samas tuleb kindlasti veel väga palju ära tega. Aga väärt mees õpetama pokkerit, mulle jätsid väga positiivse mulje ja oleks kindlalt sinuga nõus lokku leppimka uue coatshingu ajaa,

11.08.12, 12:03
tere tegin fytega coatshingsessi ja tunnen et mu fr game on paranenud tunduvalt peale seda samas tuleb kindlasti veel väga palju ära tega. Aga väärt mees õpetama pokkerit, mulle jätsid väga positiivse mulje ja oleks kindlalt sinuga nõus lokku leppimka uue coatshingu ajaa,

Purjus peaga kirjutasid posti ? :D

12.08.12, 00:31
Rõõm kuulda, Tipner, ty.

Anyways, see kuu pole eriti palju volli sisse pannud, tänase päevaga sai rohkem mängitud kui ülejäänude päevadega kokku.


Magus tunne oli taaskord rohelisse jõuda, kuigi tuleb tõdeda, et päeva lõpuks oli võitja jällegi Stars - $400 sai genereeritud kahe sessiga..

Nats random HHd:

Hand #1
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $256.37
CO: $117.06
BTN: $80.00
SB: $358.51
Hero (BB): $240.23
UTG: $322.65

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with A:diamond: A:spade:
1 fold, MP raises to $6, 2 folds, SB calls $5, Hero raises to $24, MP calls $18, 1 fold

Flop: ($54.00) J:club: 8:heart: 5:spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $26, MP calls $26

Turn: ($106.00) 3:diamond: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $55, Hero calls $55

River: ($216.00) 9:club: (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $151.37 all in, Hero calls $135.23 all in

Final Pot: $486.46
MP shows T:club: Q:club: (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Hero shows A:diamond: A:spade: (a pair of Aces)
MP wins $484.31
(Rake: $2.15)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 3 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN): $200.00
SB: $100.00
BB: $200.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with T:heart: K:heart:
Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, BB raises to $18, Hero calls $13

Flop: ($37.00) 9:spade: Q:heart: Q:club: (2 players)
BB bets $20, Hero calls $20

Turn: ($77.00) 6:heart: (2 players)
BB bets $42, Hero calls $42

River: ($161.00) 6:spade: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $90, BB folds

Final Pot: $161.00
Hero mucks T:heart: K:heart:
Hero wins $159.50
(Rake: $1.50)

Hand #3 -- vs fishreg, short HU lauas
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN/SB: $207.63
Hero (BB): $64.04

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 9:club: 8:spade:
BTN/SB raises to $3, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($6.00) 7:heart: T:diamond: T:heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets $4, Hero raises to $10, BTN/SB calls $6

Turn: ($26.00) 2:heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $15, BTN/SB calls $15

River: ($56.00) 9:diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $36.04 all in, BTN/SB calls $36.04

Final Pot: $128.08
BTN/SB shows 5:club: 5:spade: (two pair, Tens and Fives)
Hero shows 9:club: 8:spade: (two pair, Tens and Nines)
Hero wins $127.58
(Rake: $0.50)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $268.17
Hero (BTN): $385.37
SB: $233.08
BB: $250.87

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with A:spade: 4:heart:
CO calls $2, Hero raises to $9, 1 fold, BB calls $7, CO calls $7

Flop: ($28.00) Q:spade: 4:club: Q:club: (3 players)
BB checks, CO checks, Hero bets $10, BB folds, CO calls $10

Turn: ($48.00) 5:spade: (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets $26, CO calls $26

River: ($100.00) K:spade: (2 players)
CO bets $60, Hero calls $60

Final Pot: $220.00
CO shows 2:club: 3:club: (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows A:spade: 4:heart: (two pair, Queens and Fours)
Hero wins $218.50
(Rake: $1.50)

Hand #5
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $236.07
Hero (SB): $204.55
BB: $106.00
UTG: $122.59
MP: $202.00
CO: $139.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is SB with A:club: J:heart:
4 folds, Hero raises to $6, BB calls $4

Flop: ($12.00) Q:spade: 3:club: 8:spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $6, BB calls $6

Turn: ($24.00) J:spade: (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BB calls $10

River: ($44.00) A:spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $28, Hero calls $28

Final Pot: $100.00
Hero shows A:club: J:heart: (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
BB shows 7:club: 8:heart: (a pair of Eights)
Hero wins $97.85
(Rake: $2.15)

21.08.12, 04:21
-1600 HUs mingile retard regile. Nüüd tuli meelde, miks kunagi HU quitisin. 4h jooksul 0 setti, 10 coolerit suurtes pottides. oh well..

01.09.12, 12:35

Aeg kuu kokkuvõtteks. Swingid olid mehised - vahepeal sai ca 5k käega $5k tipust alla tuldud. Aga eks ta oli oma viga ka - keegi ei käse regidega HU laudades madistada. Ego ei lasknud quitida obv. :/ Polnud tegelikult plaanis nii palju volüümi lastagi, aga downer + kehvad ilmad sundisid mängima ikkagi. Kahele regile kaotasin HUs ~$3k, muidu oleks solid kuu olnud, kuigi ega praegu ka väga viga pole, arvestades seda, et ka 6maxis run midagi imelist ei olnud.
Siukseid käsi ju EV-joon ei kajasta:

Hand #1
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1875248 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1875248)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $287.65
BB: $342.38
UTG: $235.68
MP: $141.52
Hero (CO): $200.00
BTN: $295.82

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
UTG raises to $6, 1 fold, Hero raises to $20, 2 folds, BB raises to $48, 1 fold, Hero calls $28

Flop: ($103.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $36, BB raises to $294.38 all in, Hero calls $116 all in

Turn: ($407.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($407.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $407.00
BB shows 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (three of a kind, Sevens)
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Kings)
BB wins $404.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em $0.40 Ante - 5 players - View hand 1875249 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1875249)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $293.78
UTG: $671.65
CO: $559.17
BTN: $500.00
Hero (SB): $364.18

Pre Flop: ($5.00) Hero is SB with 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
UTG raises to $6, 1 fold, BTN calls $6, Hero calls $5, BB calls $4

Flop: ($26.00) 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (4 players)
Hero bets $18, BB folds, UTG folds, BTN calls $18

Turn: ($62.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
Hero bets $40, BTN calls $40

River: ($142.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $130, Hero calls $130

Final Pot: $402.00
BTN shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (three of a kind, Jacks)
Hero mucks 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
BTN wins $399.20
(Rake: $2.80)

[ ] A-game
[ ] nädalas vähemalt 3h stratiga tegeleda
[ ] 40k kätt

01.09.12, 12:43
Hea töö. Korralik kuu ikkagi, vaatamata mõnele tagasilöögile. Väga kenasti oled jooksma saanud asja.

Saladuskatte all võin öelda, et päris korralikult BI annetasid HU-s meie võistkonnakaaslasele. Omasid tuleb ka ju toetada ;) ;).

01.09.12, 13:34
Red line ei näe eriti hea välja. Muidu hea töö, said august välja ja korralik kuu, edu eesmärkidega.

01.09.12, 16:32
Red line ei näe eriti hea välja. Muidu hea töö, said august välja ja korralik kuu, edu eesmärkidega.

Miks ei näe hea välja ? Kui ta nl200 mängib, siis 5 BI miinust swingisel kuul ei tohiks eriti halb olla ju.

01.09.12, 18:18
Pohhui see red line, kõige tähtsam on ikkagi green line, ilus kuu ikkagi lõpuks, gg :)

01.09.12, 19:38
Liiga ebaühtlane ja fyte mängustiiliga võiks olla see pluss poole peal.

01.09.12, 19:55
Okei, huvi pärast küsisingi. Eks sa tead paremini, palju pädevam pokkeris jne.

03.09.12, 22:58

Täna volüümi poolest vist rekordpäev, tulemus aga suht frustreeriv. Jooks oli nagu ta oli - runner-runnereid sai üksjagu maitsta, aga see ei ole vabandus spewimiseks. Tahes tahtmata tuli lõpuks tilt peale ja paar buyini sai kõige ehtsamal moel ära kingitud. Loodetavasti tulevikus suudan paremini variatsooni händlida - hea, et sai siia see kirja pandud.


Ahjaa, selle regi vastu, kellega Priidix maadles, jõudsin ka ühe käe mängida, enne kui sitouti läksin. Eurilaud pealekauba :heart:

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1881453 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1881453)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN/SB): $200.00
BB: $200.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN/SB with Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
Hero raises to $5, BB calls $3

Flop: ($10.00) 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $6, BB raises to $16, Hero calls $10

Turn: ($42.00) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $34, Hero calls $34

River: ($110.00) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
BB bets $145 all in, Hero calls $145 all in

Final Pot: $400.00
Hero shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Queens and Threes)
BB shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (a flush, Ace high)
BB wins $399.50
(Rake: $0.50)

04.09.12, 06:43
Flopi call on päris muhe :)

05.09.12, 12:30
Kuidas punane joon 3-ndal jooksis, kui avaldada võib ?

Mitmel laual mängisid ja kaua aega võttis ?

05.09.12, 14:48
Kuidas punane joon 3-ndal jooksis, kui avaldada võib ?

Mitmel laual mängisid ja kaua aega võttis ?
-$1.7k juures ehk ca -9bb/100 kanti. See aasta peaks ta kuhugi -5bb kanti jääma, olen kuulnud, et kuni -10bb/100 on ok, aga eks ka endal ole arenguruumi selle kohapealt. Minu kogemustel hüppelaud nl50-100 pealt 200le on selles suhtes üsnagi arvestatav, et madalamates sai palju kergemini jõuga potte maha võtta mugavates spottides ja seeläbi non-SDga võita.
Mängisin 6-10 lauaga enamjaolt ning 9h kanti läks.

05.09.12, 15:26
See joonte värk on nii stiilipõhine, ma usun, et mul on punase joone langus palju rohkem kui -10bb/100

10.09.12, 13:26
See joonte värk on nii stiilipõhine
Mulle on sama mulje jäänud tbh.


Tegin hommikul kiire sessi, ühe agrotaja vastu, kes oli korduvalt raisenud cbette, õnnestus ka üks suurem bluffcatch tänu betsizing tellile.

Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em $0.40 Ante - 6 players - View hand 1893332 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1893332)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $448.31
Hero (BTN): $368.98
SB: $278.49
BB: $767.39
UTG: $481.45
MP: $797.52

Pre Flop: ($5.40) Hero is BTN with Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
2 folds, CO raises to $6, Hero raises to $22, 1 fold, BB calls $20, CO calls $16

Flop: ($69.40) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (3 players)
BB checks, CO checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($69.40) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (3 players)
BB checks, CO bets $66.60, Hero calls $66.60, BB folds

River: ($202.60) Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
CO bets $150, Hero calls $150

Final Pot: $502.60
CO shows 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Fours)
Hero shows Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (a pair of Jacks)
Hero wins $499.80
(Rake: $2.80)

20.09.12, 01:16


Peab meeldima - lauad olid justkui üle kullatud, seetõttu sai proovitud ka 12-tablemist. Midstakes tundus aga suht actioni vaene olevat :/, üksnes paar nl400 lauda sain kõrvale.

Hand #1 -- kahtlane regular, kellele meeldib trikke teha kui ta vastu võetakse ebaharilik liin
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1909269 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1909269)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BTN: $212.01
Hero (SB): $200.00
BB: $234.21
UTG: $200.00
CO: $434.94

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is SB with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
UTG raises to $6, 2 folds, Hero raises to $20, 1 fold, UTG calls $14

Flop: ($42.00) 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $20.45, Hero raises to $56, UTG raises to $180 all in, Hero calls $124 all in

Turn: ($402.00) 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($402.00) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $402.00
Hero shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Aces and Eights)
UTG shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (a pair of Eights)
Hero wins $399.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #2 -- äärmiselt huvitav kodanik, mängis 18/2 stiiliga aga need korrad kui showdownile jõudsime, siis oli tal rääbis äss ja 23s
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1909270 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1909270)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $275.22
CO: $235.24
Hero (BTN): $246.41
SB: $86.22
BB: $197.26
UTG: $401.54

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif
3 folds, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, BB raises to $12, Hero raises to $30, BB calls $18

Flop: ($61.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $26, BB raises to $56, Hero calls $30

Turn: ($173.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
BB bets $111.26 all in, Hero calls $111.26

River: ($395.52) Thttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $395.52
Hero shows Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Khttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (three of a kind, Kings)
BB shows 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (high card King)
Hero wins $392.72
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3 -- vs tundmatu midstakes' reg
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1909271 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1909271)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $428.50
Hero (BTN): $410.00
SB: $400.00
BB: $406.00
UTG: $521.87

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BTN with 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif
2 folds, Hero raises to $8, 1 fold, BB raises to $28, Hero calls $20

Flop: ($58.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $32, BB calls $32

Turn: ($122.00) Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $76, BB calls $76

River: ($274.00) 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $274 all in, BB calls $270 all in

Final Pot: $814.00
Hero shows 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (three of a kind, Sixes)
BB shows Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Jhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
Hero wins $811.20
(Rake: $2.80)

20.09.12, 01:29
gj aga miks viimase postitasid?

20.09.12, 01:32
ainus fullstack pot nl400s tänasest.

20.09.12, 01:32
NL 400? Sellepärast vist

21.09.12, 18:22

Suht lamp päev, nl400s ei leidnud suures potis obv foldi üles, muidu oleks kerge pluss jäänud vähemasti.

Hand #1
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1913029 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1913029)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $214.50
Hero (BB): $213.00
UTG: $170.20
CO: $84.01
BTN: $200.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with J :heart: 8 :spade:
2 folds, BTN raises to $4, SB calls $3, Hero raises to $20, BTN calls $16, SB calls $16

Flop: ($60.00) T :heart: 9 :spade: 7 :diamond: (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $28, BTN folds, SB raises to $56, Hero raises to $88, SB raises to $138, Hero raises to $193 all in, SB calls $55

Turn: ($446.00) K :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($446.00) J :diamond: (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $446.00
SB shows 9 :diamond: 8 :diamond: (a flush, King high)
Hero shows J :heart: 8 :spade: (a straight, Seven to Jack)
SB wins $443.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #2 -- soulread gone wronggg. reg tankis mingi 15sek ja kirjutas chatti, et kaalus foldimist. slowrollerist jobu :)
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1913030 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1913030)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (BTN): $200.00
SB: $188.16
BB: $287.40
UTG: $451.84
CO: $205.03

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with A :diamond: T :spade:
2 folds, Hero raises to $4, 1 fold, BB raises to $16, Hero calls $12

Flop: ($33.00) 9 :heart: 4 :diamond: 6 :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB calls $16

Turn: ($65.00) 8 :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: ($65.00) K :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $38, BB raises to $118.15, Hero raises to $168 all in, BB calls $49.85

Final Pot: $401.00
Hero shows A :diamond: T :spade: (high card Ace)
BB shows A :heart: Q :spade: (a flush, Ace high)
BB wins $398.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3 -- raise cb 7% 2.5k käe peale, ilmselgelt QJ/77 vastas, aga flopil foldida ei suutnud :x
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1913031 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1913031)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $410.00
Hero (BB): $911.70
UTG: $320.00
CO: $400.00
BTN: $400.00

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BB with A :heart: A :diamond:
2 folds, BTN raises to $8, 1 fold, Hero raises to $32, BTN calls $24

Flop: ($66.00) J :diamond: Q :spade: 7 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $40, BTN raises to $88, Hero calls $48

Turn: ($242.00) J :spade: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $98, Hero raises to $791.70 all in, BTN calls $182 all in

River: ($802.00) 8 :spade: (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $802.00
Hero shows A :heart: A :diamond: (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
BTN shows Q :club: J :club: (a full house, Jacks full of Queens)
BTN wins $799.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1913032 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1913032)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

MP: $283.28
CO: $469.78
BTN: $948.45
SB: $499.60
BB: $508.40
Hero (UTG): $410.92

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is UTG with K :club: K :diamond:
Hero raises to $12, MP calls $12, 2 folds, SB calls $10, 1 fold

Flop: ($40.00) J :club: K :spade: 5 :heart: (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $20, MP folds, SB calls $20

Turn: ($80.00) 9 :heart: (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $52, SB raises to $142, Hero calls $90

River: ($364.00) 2 :heart: (2 players)
SB bets $325.60 all in, Hero calls $236.92 all in

Final Pot: $837.84
SB shows T :spade: J :spade: (a pair of Jacks)
Hero shows K :club: K :diamond: (three of a kind, Kings)
Hero wins $835.04
(Rake: $2.80)

21.09.12, 21:41
NH-s, Sir! Kuna see vana kirjutas, et kaalub foldimist: Hand #2 - reg tankis mingi 15sek ja kirjutas chatti, et kaalus foldimist. ? Enne riverit?

GL! :cool:

21.09.12, 21:56
NH-s, Sir! Kuna see vana kirjutas, et kaalub foldimist: Hand #2 - reg tankis mingi 15sek ja kirjutas chatti, et kaalus foldimist. ? Enne riverit?

GL! :cool:
tyty, kirjutas peale seda kui 3bet-shovesin ja ta callis riveril. Selles suhtes et kui ta seal chk-raise's siis on tal kas A:heart: või bluff ning kartsin, et mõnikord võib ta parema käega bluffida.

22.09.12, 08:33
vaatan, et su betzizing ikkagi balanseeritud:P. See AA k2si nats imelik, ma vist clickiks tagasi flopil. Mis sa arvad, kumb parem kas turni crai või ch-call?, OBV see J hea kaart ple

22.09.12, 09:47
vaatan, et su betzizing ikkagi balanseeritud:P. See AA k2si nats imelik, ma vist clickiks tagasi flopil. Mis sa arvad, kumb parem kas turni crai või ch-call?, OBV see J hea kaart ple
AA käsi postflop niti vastu on suht kerge muck, 2 combot QJs, vb paar combot QJo (f3bet% oli piisavalt kõrge, et mitte kõik offsuit combosid arvestada) ning 3 combot 77 ning VÕIBOLLA paar combodrawd, mille vastu ikkagi ainult flippaks - selle range vastu on bulletid parajalt sitas seisus - ei pea isegi stovema. ;p

24.09.12, 00:43
Selle nädala optimistid - siin nad on. Kusjuures 1. käe villain on aejones, kelle lifetime winnings on eeldatavasti miljonites, vähemalt FTP ptr näitas sealseks profitiks $1.1m.

Hand #1 -- agro 3b/4b dünaamika
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1915828 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1915828)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $144.78
UTG: $59.79
MP: $336.44
Hero (CO): $436.71
BTN: $220.89
SB: $200.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with 2 :heart: A :heart:
1 fold, MP raises to $6, Hero raises to $20, BTN raises to $39, 3 folds, Hero calls $19

Flop: ($87.00) 3 :heart: K :spade: K :heart: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $28, Hero calls $28

Turn: ($143.00) Q :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

River: ($143.00) Q :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $74, BTN calls $74

Final Pot: $291.00
Hero shows 2 :heart: A :heart: (two pair, Kings and Queens)
BTN mucks 9 :club: 9 :diamond:
Hero wins $288.85
(Rake: $2.15)

Hand #2 -- 20/17 võitev nit, snäppis riveri
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1915829 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1915829)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $328.39
BTN: $134.58
Hero (SB): $547.20
BB: $200.00
UTG: $216.57
MP: $241.97

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is SB with J :club: J :diamond:
4 folds, Hero raises to $6, BB raises to $20, Hero raises to $44, BB calls $24

Flop: ($88.00) K :heart: 8 :diamond: 2 :diamond: (2 players)
Hero bets $28, BB calls $28

Turn: ($144.00) T :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, BB checks

River: ($144.00) 3 :club: (2 players)
Hero bets $475.20 all in, BB calls $128 all in

Final Pot: $400.00
Hero shows J :club: J :diamond: (a pair of Jacks)
BB shows A :heart: Q :heart: (high card Ace)
Hero wins $397.20
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1915830 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1915830)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Hero (UTG): $327.90
CO: $278.15
BTN: $212.63
SB: $200.06
BB: $87.96

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG with K :club: A :club:
Hero raises to $6, CO raises to $24, 3 folds, Hero calls $18

Flop: ($51.00) 9 :club: 6 :club: T :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $36, Hero calls $36

Turn: ($123.00) 3 :club: (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

River: ($123.00) 5 :heart: (2 players)
Hero bets $76, CO raises to $152, Hero raises to $267.90 all in, CO calls $66.15 all in

Final Pot: $559.30
Hero shows K :club: A :club: (a flush, Ace high)
CO mucks Q :club: Q :spade:
Hero wins $556.50
(Rake: $2.80)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em $0.40 Ante - 4 players - View hand 1915831 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1915831)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

BB: $278.45
CO: $534.20
Hero (BTN): $751.95
SB: $684.59

Pre Flop: ($4.60) Hero is BTN with 6 :heart: K :heart:
1 fold, Hero raises to $5, SB calls $4, BB calls $3

Flop: ($16.60) 5 :heart: 3 :heart: 2 :heart: (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $12, SB folds, BB calls $12

Turn: ($40.60) K :diamond: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $36, BB calls $36

River: ($112.60) 4 :heart: (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $84, BB calls $84

Final Pot: $280.60
BB mucks A :spade: 3 :diamond:
Hero shows 6 :heart: K :heart: (a straight flush, Deuce to Six)
Hero wins $279.10
(Rake: $1.50)

24.09.12, 00:55
aejones on minu meelest väga legit tegelane.
kuidas tema vastu mängida on?

25.09.12, 01:41
aejones on minu meelest väga legit tegelane.
kuidas tema vastu mängida on?
Väga palju ei jõudnud tema vastu mängida. Meelde jäi see, kuidas katsetas ebastandardseid 3bet-sizinguid jms, ala 2.4x IP jne, kord 6betshovesin 57s tema AK vastu seetõttu.

25.09.12, 02:12
Lõpetasin äsja seni elu parima sessi, mixisin peamiselt nl200-400. Poleks arvanud et buyinides nii palju, aga jah - võib rahule jääda : ) Tunne sessi ajal oli super: A-game + rungood = teh nuts


Kogu päev jäi nii:


25.09.12, 02:15
Pole paha päevapalk, väga kena!

25.09.12, 02:15
the fuck. väga sick. mis tunne on mõne tunniga (käte arvust eeldan, et kuskil 5?) teenida keskmise eestlase aastapalk? :D

25.09.12, 03:43
how sick...gg.

25.09.12, 04:52
uhh, wp!


25.09.12, 07:11

25.09.12, 07:37
Tore vaadata kohe!

25.09.12, 08:17
ilus :)

25.09.12, 08:25

25.09.12, 08:50
Wow o_0,wp