View Full Version : NL25 A2o buttonilt,turn play?

28.07.10, 15:29
Ei tea kas see preflop call õigustab ennast,aga venna stealing % oli 48...149 käe peale.

Muidu tyybi statsid 17/14 8% 3 bet.

Tuleb vist vingus näoga foldida?

Full Tilt Poker $25.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players -
View hand 826529 (http://www.thehandconverter.com/hands/826529)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.thehandconverter.com)

UTG+1: $10.57
MP: $7.71
CO: $15.62
BTN: $8.98
SB: $27.88
Hero (BB): $54.93
UTG: $34.02

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif
5 folds, SB raises to $1, Hero calls $0.75

Flop: ($2.00) 2http://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players)
SB bets $1.50, Hero raises to $4, SB calls $2.50

Turn: ($10.00) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $6.00, SB raises to $15, Hero ???

28.07.10, 15:51
minu arust kui sa midagi tahad selle A2-ga seal teha, siis juba PF 3bet. Callil ei näe küll pointi, sest pead seal nutsi floppama.

as played: shove for sure.

28.07.10, 15:51
shovaments. PF call eriti ei meeldi.

28.07.10, 15:51
minu arust kui sa midagi tahad selle A2-ga seal teha, siis juba PF 3bet. Callil ei näe küll pointi, sest pead seal nutsi floppama.

BvB saad väga palju üle mängida või minna SD-le võitva käega ilma, et sa flopi hitiksid. PM HU mäng ju.

28.07.10, 15:56
no mai tea...sellise stealing venna puhul on second barrel suht garanteeritud või c-r turn. Seega 2barrelit ilma hittimata Ahigh-ga maha callida...leiab ka paremaid kohti minu arust.