View Full Version : $32K G 3.30 R+ A AQs Top pairi kallal ülbatakse.

jrgn hell
22.09.10, 00:52
Full Tilt Poker $32,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t75 - 9 players - View hand 939941 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/939941)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

kocha666 (BTN): t31911 M = 20.26
deWolfe9 (SB): t30679 M = 19.48
calo22 (BB): t17022 M = 10.81
albertitotito (UTG): t58725 M = 37.29
Ichabodcrain (UTG+1): t16549 M = 10.51
Jesusn70 (UTG+2): t47709 M = 30.29
drixxxe06 (MP1): t35290 M = 22.41
FOLDemBRO (MP2): t78376 M = 49.76
Hero (CO): t47909 M = 30.42

Pre Flop: (t1575) Hero is CO with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
albertitotito raises to t2775, 3 folds, FOLDemBRO calls t2775, Hero calls t2775, 3 folds

Flop: (t9900) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
albertitotito checks, FOLDemBRO bets t9900, Hero folds, albertitotito folds

Final Pot: t9900
FOLDemBRO wins t9900

Kuidas te mänginud oleks. Infot pole, sest rushis ei viitsi notse teha.

jrgn hell
22.09.10, 00:53
nats enne bubblet

jrgn hell
22.09.10, 01:11
Full Tilt Poker $32,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t125 - 9 players - View hand 939973 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/939973)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Van Goltz (BTN): t79270 M = 30.20
Hero (SB): t21709 M = 8.27
2000ssls1 (BB): t119967 M = 45.70
calin8333 (UTG): t93147 M = 35.48
vazdog33 (UTG+1): t93911 M = 35.78
bimbo76 (UTG+2): t120118 M = 45.76
DEX1337 (MP1): t109094 M = 41.56
jamalkha (MP2): t83379 M = 31.76
Salas_42 (CO): t78043 M = 29.73

Pre Flop: (t2625) Hero is SB with 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, bimbo76 raises to t3000, 4 folds, Hero calls t2500, 2000ssls1 calls t2000

Flop: (t10125) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, 2000ssls1 bets t9000, bimbo76 folds, Hero raises to t18584 all in, 2000ssls1 calls t9584

Turn: (t47293) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t47293) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t47293
Hero shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Nines and Sixes)
2000ssls1 shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
2000ssls1 wins t47293

f off

pf shove vb oleks olnud in order, aga no nahhui, kui ilus anaalnoomitus tra

23.09.10, 15:45
Full Tilt Poker $32,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t75 - 9 players - View hand 939941 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/939941)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

kocha666 (BTN): t31911 M = 20.26
deWolfe9 (SB): t30679 M = 19.48
calo22 (BB): t17022 M = 10.81
albertitotito (UTG): t58725 M = 37.29
Ichabodcrain (UTG+1): t16549 M = 10.51
Jesusn70 (UTG+2): t47709 M = 30.29
drixxxe06 (MP1): t35290 M = 22.41
FOLDemBRO (MP2): t78376 M = 49.76
Hero (CO): t47909 M = 30.42

Pre Flop: (t1575) Hero is CO with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
albertitotito raises to t2775, 3 folds, FOLDemBRO calls t2775, Hero calls t2775, 3 folds

Flop: (t9900) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
albertitotito checks, FOLDemBRO bets t9900, Hero folds, albertitotito folds

Final Pot: t9900
FOLDemBRO wins t9900

Kuidas te mänginud oleks. Infot pole, sest rushis ei viitsi notse teha.

Miks sa pre callid kui sellise kuiva flopi peale mucki loobid kohe? Pane juba pre mucki kui ei taha mängida sellist kätt

23.09.10, 20:53
hazardiga peab nõustuma, foldi siis pre ära juba.
aga flopil ma vajutaks CALL, ei näe muudel variantidel mõtet.

23.09.10, 21:14
Full Tilt Poker $32,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t75 - 9 players - View hand 939941 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/939941)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

kocha666 (BTN): t31911 M = 20.26
deWolfe9 (SB): t30679 M = 19.48
calo22 (BB): t17022 M = 10.81
albertitotito (UTG): t58725 M = 37.29
Ichabodcrain (UTG+1): t16549 M = 10.51
Jesusn70 (UTG+2): t47709 M = 30.29
drixxxe06 (MP1): t35290 M = 22.41
FOLDemBRO (MP2): t78376 M = 49.76
Hero (CO): t47909 M = 30.42

Pre Flop: (t1575) Hero is CO with Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif Qhttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
albertitotito raises to t2775, 3 folds, FOLDemBRO calls t2775, Hero calls t2775, 3 folds

Flop: (t9900) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/spade.gif 4http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 3http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (3 players)
albertitotito checks, FOLDemBRO bets t9900, Hero folds, albertitotito folds

Final Pot: t9900
FOLDemBRO wins t9900

Kuidas te mänginud oleks. Infot pole, sest rushis ei viitsi notse teha.

Kui tahad seda kätt kindlamalt mängida siis raise-fold liin pre oleks müistlik sest su stack lubabs seda. samas kui saad calli reraisedes siis lähed sellel flopil lihtsamalt bustosse niikuinii oled sa siis taga või ees. AQ-ga lihtsalt callida pre on väga halb mäng imo. mida sa loodad hittida siis QQx flop?? kui oleks Qxx flop siis sa oleks ka insta muckinud sest arvad et tal KK? sa ei saa mängida passiivset pokkerit rushis.

23.09.10, 21:17
Full Tilt Poker $32,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t125 - 9 players - View hand 939973 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/939973)
The Official DeucesCracked.com (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_phpbb) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

Van Goltz (BTN): t79270 M = 30.20
Hero (SB): t21709 M = 8.27
2000ssls1 (BB): t119967 M = 45.70
calin8333 (UTG): t93147 M = 35.48
vazdog33 (UTG+1): t93911 M = 35.78
bimbo76 (UTG+2): t120118 M = 45.76
DEX1337 (MP1): t109094 M = 41.56
jamalkha (MP2): t83379 M = 31.76
Salas_42 (CO): t78043 M = 29.73

Pre Flop: (t2625) Hero is SB with 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif
2 folds, bimbo76 raises to t3000, 4 folds, Hero calls t2500, 2000ssls1 calls t2000

Flop: (t10125) 7http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/diamond.gif 8http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (3 players)
Hero checks, 2000ssls1 bets t9000, bimbo76 folds, Hero raises to t18584 all in, 2000ssls1 calls t9584

Turn: (t47293) 6http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t47293) Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t47293
Hero shows 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 9http://static.deucescracked.com/images/club.gif (two pair, Nines and Sixes)
2000ssls1 shows Ahttp://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif 5http://static.deucescracked.com/images/heart.gif (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
2000ssls1 wins t47293

f off

pf shove vb oleks olnud in order, aga no nahhui, kui ilus anaalnoomitus tra

Standard ju, ma ka ei foldiks enam kui on 9,5k juurde panna et võita 47k. openender pluss A oudid suht kindlalt isegi kui sul set. sul nii väike stack, mis sa ootad pre? probably oleksid dongilt ikkagi calli saanud ja väljas aga üks call oli ka veel sul ees valuet küll et 99-ga 3 betida korralikult ja bustosse lennata :p kui on suurem paar siis on.. siis next tournament please.

Madis Very
23.09.10, 22:12
Miks sa pre callid kui sellise kuiva flopi peale mucki loobid kohe? Pane juba pre mucki kui ei taha mängida sellist kätt

jep hakkasin just sama kirjutama

rohkem polegi öelda kui ässaga callid ässa said aga mängida ei taha siis ...

23.09.10, 23:00
jep hakkasin just sama kirjutama

rohkem polegi öelda kui ässaga callid ässa said aga mängida ei taha siis ...

...foldi pre :biggrin:

Madis Very
23.09.10, 23:12
...foldi pre :biggrin:


27.09.10, 08:50
see 99 käsi oligi bad karma AQs-lt :biggrin:

26.10.10, 18:55
jrgn hell äkki lootis leida 3 ristit flopist?

Igaljuhul head ja targad vastused minu arust juba olemas.. pole siis mõtet lisada sama mida teisetega arvan:P