View Full Version : NL25 QQ, monotoon flop 3way

17.03.11, 00:29
PokerStars - €0.25 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3 (http://www.pokertracker.com)

CO: €10.00
BTN: €11.88 Fish
SB: €18.73
Hero (BB): €25.25
UTG: €36.78 14/11/2

SB posts SB €0.10, Hero posts BB €0.25, CO posts DB €0.25

Pre Flop: (€0.60) Hero has Q:heart: Q:diamond:

UTG raises to €1.00, fold, BTN calls €1.00, fold, Hero raises to €3.75, UTG calls €2.75, BTN calls €2.75

Flop: (€11.60, 3 players) T:spade: K:spade: J:spade:
Hero checks, UTG bets €7.70, BTN raises to €8.13 and is all-in, fold, UTG calls €0.43

On siin fold õigustatud, või oleks pidanud ühe tänava callima veel ?

17.03.11, 00:36
mitte ei ole see ainult monotoon flop vaid see on ka K high. väga väga kerge c/f (eriti arvestades, et olete 3way.. ilmselt isegi HU ei cbetiks seda).

17.03.11, 01:54
mitte ei ole see ainult monotoon flop vaid see on ka K high. väga väga kerge c/f (eriti arvestades, et olete 3way.. ilmselt isegi HU ei cbetiks seda).



17.03.11, 04:22
Ma 3betiks rohkem ~4.5. Aga väga lihtne c-f tõesti.