View Full Version : NL20 TPTK passiivse fishi vastu

25.03.11, 16:46
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

SB: $6.16
BB: $13.00
UTG: $22.51
Hero (MP): $20.00
CO: $21.36
BTN: $13.44 57/18/0,7 531 kätt

Pre Flop: ($0.30) Hero is MP with K:diamond: A:spade:
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.70, 1 fold, BTN calls $0.70, SB calls $0.60, 1 fold

Flop: ($2.30) A:club: 7:spade: 9:diamond: (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $1.20, BTN calls $1.20, SB calls $1.20

Turn: ($5.90) 4:club: (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $3, BTN raises to $11.54, SB folds, Hero calls $8.54

River: ($28.98) Q:heart: (2 players)

Kas oleks veel foldimisruumi? Kui oleks cbettinud 3/4 mõlemad korrad, siis vist enam ei oleks jah?

25.03.11, 17:05
Sellise venna vastu ilmselt ei foldiks küll. Flopil oleks pannud mingi 1.6-1.7$.

// mis see 0.7 sul stattides on?

25.03.11, 17:29
agf, väga passiivne oli postflop olnud. Flopil bettisin vähem sest kuiv tundus.

25.03.11, 19:22
Dunno, ma ei usu et ta sind sitema A-ga raiseb. Eriti veel selline passiivik donk.

25.03.11, 19:59
Vast foldiks samuti siin.
Aga passiivse fishi vastu paned flopil 2 - 2,3 ja turnil samuti poti lähedale (või shove). Fishil pole vahet , palju sa betid (st kas 1/2 potti või poti) , kui tal on käsi, siis ta callib, kui midagi ei ole , siis foldib.

26.03.11, 13:46
Raamatust "Let there be range"

"Another type of fish calls a lot but is very passive. They are bad at extracting value out of their
strong hands and generally play passively. Whenever this type of fish bets, fold. Don't try to level
yourself by thinking he's balancing or adjusting. He's not. Just save yourself money and fold. And
since they call a lot, you should make thin value-bets against them. At the same time, they are the type
of players you shouldn't expect to fold. Please don't bluff them."

26.03.11, 16:15
Raamatust "Let there be range"

"Another type of fish calls a lot but is very passive. They are bad at extracting value out of their
strong hands and generally play passively. Whenever this type of fish bets, fold. Don't try to level
yourself by thinking he's balancing or adjusting. He's not. Just save yourself money and fold. And
since they call a lot, you should make thin value-bets against them. At the same time, they are the type
of players you shouldn't expect to fold. Please don't bluff them."

+1 Ja antud juhul täpselt sellise vastasega tegu meil ongi. ~500 käe peale 0.7 aggf mängivad oma nutsu just nii. Ei raisi ta meid halvemaga siin.

26.03.11, 16:25
Jutt õige poisid, pidanuks foldima jah... samas mingi agf 2+ vastu peaks vist callima kui veel selline poolik stäkk on...

29.03.11, 10:38
no siin kohal foldidki ainult siis, kui tead et on passiivne fish - tundmatu fishi vastu callid, kui oled näinud fishi raisemas tihti, siis samuti callid jne.