View Full Version : NL50 T3 flush turnis?

03.07.11, 04:49
Turni overcallijad on degenfishid Btn 71/13/1.4 62 kätt ja sb 90/2/0.4 81 kätt. Shoveja 17/11/8.0 220 kätt, noted puuduvad.

$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1361499 (http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1361499)
DeucesCracked Poker Videos (http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc) Hand History Converter (http://www.handconverter.com)

CO: $89.68
BTN: $54.71
SB: $50.00
Hero (BB): $50.00
UTG: $158.93
MP: $134.48

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with T :heart: 3 :heart:
UTG calls $0.50, MP calls $0.50, CO calls $0.50, BTN calls $0.50, SB calls $0.25, Hero checks

Flop: ($3.00) 7 :heart: K :heart: T :spade: (6 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $2, UTG calls $2, MP calls $2, CO folds, BTN folds, SB calls $2

Turn: ($11.00) 2 :heart: (4 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $10, UTG calls $10, MP calls $10, SB raises to $47.50

03.07.11, 10:05
mhhh, T high mastiga callin ma sellises spotis alati. shoveb seal kõike maste. utg ja mp genereerivad veel dead money ka.
IMO ez

03.07.11, 10:57
mhhh, T high mastiga callin ma sellises spotis alati. shoveb seal kõike maste. utg ja mp genereerivad veel dead money ka.
IMO ez

Pretty much this, v.a ma usun, et ta ei shove seal vaid made flushe, vaid laiemat rangei.
Mina fistpumpin.

03.07.11, 12:13
Regular seal vaevalt midagi peale made flushide shoveb kahe gigavaala vastu.

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 40.000% 40.00% 00.00% 440 0.00 { Th3h }
Hand 1: 60.000% 60.00% 00.00% 660 0.00 { Ah9h, Ah8h, Ah6h, Ah5h, Ah4h, Qh9h, Qh8h, Qh6h, Qh5h, Qh4h, Jh9h, Jh8h, Jh6h, Jh5h, Jh4h, 9h8h, 9h6h, 9h5h, 9h4h, 8h6h, 8h5h, 8h4h, 6h5h, 6h4h, 5h4h }

+EV call peaks tulema siiski.

03.07.11, 12:20
Pretty much this, v.a ma usun, et ta ei shove seal vaid made flushe, vaid laiemat rangei.
Mina fistpumpin.
mis sa ta rangesse juurde paneksid peale made flushide?

03.07.11, 16:46
sitemat kui flush ta kindlalt ei shove lol