View Full Version : The Bigger $11 QQ

11.07.11, 08:59
PokerStars - $10+$1|4500/9000 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3 (http://www.pokertracker.com)

Hero (CO): 128,200.00
BTN: 177,167.00
SB: 379,325.00
BB: 453,266.00
UTG: 604,987.00
UTG+1: 438,176.00
MP: 260,887.00
MP+1: 333,949.00
LP: 819,365.00

Hero posts ante 1,125.00, BTN posts ante 1,125.00, SB posts ante 1,125.00, BB posts ante 1,125.00, UTG posts ante 1,125.00, UTG+1 posts ante 1,125.00, MP posts ante 1,125.00, MP+1 posts ante 1,125.00, LP posts ante 1,125.00, SB posts SB 4,500.00, BB posts BB 9,000.00

Pre Flop: (23625.00) Hero has Q:diamond: Q:spade:

UTG raises to 18,000.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, [color=red]Hero ? Hero oli just tõstetud uude lauda.Mängijaid järgi üle saja ja keskmine stack vist üle 300000.

11.07.11, 09:44
shove ainuõige liigutus. 15bb stack ja ees minraise, ideaalne situation.

11.07.11, 12:21
Shovesin.Aga keskmise stackiga oleks vist tõste parem?Kui suurelt tõsta?

11.07.11, 13:20
M15+ ma tõstaks, muidu shoveks.