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  1. #3781

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas NFT Vaata postitust
    ja millal tuleb?
    Ei tohiks ju VÄGA keeruline olla...
    Ei oska lubada kas või millal...

  2. #3782
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Jennifer avatar
    Dec 2009
    On the block!
    1 503

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Kahjuks see .comi oma ei töötagi :/
    Vaja on ikkagi maci Eesti klienditoega.

  3. #3783

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Jennifer Vaata postitust
    Kahjuks see .comi oma ei töötagi :/
    Vaja on ikkagi maci Eesti klienditoega.

    told ya

  4. #3784

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Starsis saab nüüd 26-l laual mängida? Igaljuhul niipaljudes cashi laudades hetkel istun..

  5. #3785
    Administraator Kasutaja lenC avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 440

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Naised saunas rääkisid, et Stars teeb tarkvaralisi uuendusi ja teatud lauad ei loe 24-laua limiidi jaoks. Mõne päeva pärast kõik jälle vanaviisi.

  6. #3786
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia *** klient ei salvesta HH-d ära lihtsalt, kuigi on ilusti kaust määratud ja tehtud..any ideas, mis valesti võiks olla ?

  7. #3787
    Jan 2009
    3 068

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    linnuke on ees ikka et salvestaks?

  8. #3788
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Provoker Vaata postitust
    linnuke on ees ikka et salvestaks?

    C:\Program Files\PokerStars.EE\starsHH\
    kaust, mille määrasin on lihtsalt tühi.

  9. #3789
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 425

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas andu_andu Vaata postitust

    kaust, mille määrasin on lihtsalt tühi.
    Tee double check: -> Options-> Instant Hand History Options

    Avanevas aknas kontrolli, kas linnuke on ikka "Save My Hand History" valiku ees?

    Kui on siis kopeeri lahtrist "Where To Save" aadress (näiteks mul o nsee: C:\Users\ranka\AppData\Local\HandHistory\") ning siis oma arvutil Start->Run ja avanevasse aknasse kopeeri too aadress (klahvikombinatsioonid ctrl+c ja ctrl+p aitavad) ning vajuta nuppu OK. Avanevas kaustas peavad olema sinu kasutajanimeline kataloog.

    Kui ei ole siis ma uuesti installiks starsi (enne laseks vana maha). kui ikka ei funksi siis kiri klienditoele.

  10. #3790

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Hakkasin täna üle kolme kuu umbes Starsi näppima ja sama mure.

    Opsüss: Win7.

    Eks hakkab katsetama.

  11. #3791

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Easy! Google on hea tööriist.

    Answer By default, Vista does not allow programs to save data under the "Program Files" folder.

    So you have 2 options:

    Open the hand history files in the VirtualStore folder.
    Turn off the Vista security for the poker client. You can do this by right-clicking on the poker client shortcut and selecting Properties. In the second tab, check the box called "Run as Administrator" (I'm writing this from memory so I could be wrong about the exact names). Running the application as an Administrator allows it to write the hand histories into the "Program Files" folder.

  12. #3792
    Administraator Kasutaja lenC avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 440

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas PokerStars Stefan Vaata postitust
    Hello 2+2,

    First off, thank you very much for the continued feedback in this thread and in emails. Over the next few days we will be releasing a new client update that will introduce features we hope will enhance your PokerStars experience.

    Remember that until you receive the client update pop up and do an actual update you will not see the features below. We expect that by Thursday this week all clients will be updated – I will keep you posted if there is delay. On to the good stuff:

    Find Seat

    Building on top of “Seat Me”, we are introducing “Find Seat”. When you select a full ring game table or a table at which you are already seated, with the click of a button (called “Find Seat”) you will be able to take a seat at another table of the exact same type as the currently selected one. The “Find Seat” functionality has also been added to the “Session Options” menu, hence with two mouse clicks, or by pressing Ctrl+S, you can be seated at another identical table without even having to open the main lobby.

    This feature will be slowly rolled out – only a few players will see it initially but over the course of a week it should be visible to everyone, provided everything goes smoothly. We cannot open this feature to individuals on request, so please don’t ask!

    Sit & Go’s have a related change – the Session Options menu will have a new entry – “Register to Similar Tournament (Ctrl+S)” – this has the same effect as “Register to Any” from the lobby.

    Bet Slider Options and Bet Sizing Buttons

    Several changes and new options to the bet slider:
    • The mouse wheel can now be used to move the bet slider without having to select the table first. Simply hover the mouse pointer over the bet slider and any scrolls will affect the bet slider beneath the pointer, regardless of which PokerStars table currently has focus.
    • There are several options, located in “Options” > “Bet Slider Options...” that adjust the bet slider behaviour – option to increment in small blinds, to invert the mouse wheel behaviour, and to jump the slider to the clicked position instead of incrementing by a Small or a Big Blind.
    • Last, and probably best, we have given you the ability to customize your own bet sizing shortcut buttons. Those are small buttons above the bet slider which have pre-set bet amounts, e.g. Bet Pot button. Those buttons are off by default since we do not believe that every player would like to have this feature, but you can enable them by going to “Options” > “Bet Slider Options”. You can configure different buttons for pre- and for post-flop action. Pre-flop you can specify number of Big Blinds, and post-flop you can specify a % of the pot, among other options. You can have anything that will fit your playing style – it’s up to you.

    Visual Representation of Time to Act

    We have added a visual representation of the remaining time to act. At the moment of the first “time warning”, a running-down bar will be displayed next to the Time Bank button. Additionally, the Time Bank button will be visually different depending on whether the time bank will activate or not. If the time bank will activate, the button will be depressed. When you have no time bank left, “Time 0” will be displayed. This new feature can be turned off from "Options" > "Table Display Options" > "Show 'Time Left to Act' Indicator"

    Detached Chat (previously Detached Controls)

    Moving this out of Beta, we have improved the design and also added several additional features. There is an option now to automatically detach the window for newly opened tables. We have also implemented Merged mode (default) when you are playing at more than one table. In Merged mode there is only one detached chat window shared among all the tables currently open. We strongly recommend to try this out while multi-tabling.

    Tournament Summaries Saved to Hard Drive

    You can now enable saving of tournament summaries to your hard drive. To do so, go to “Options” > “Tournament Summary Options...”

    Sit & Go Auto-Close Option

    Based on popular demand we have added an option that will close a Sit & Go tourney without any notification when it ends. Once the tourney ends the table will silently close in the background. The option is “Options” > “Advanced Multi-Table Options...” > “Auto-close SNG without notification” and is off by default.

    Filter Improvements

    • The Sit & Go filter now allows you to filter by players currently registered and by number of total entrants in a Sit & Go.
    • The keywords “AND” and “OR” act as Boolean operators to allow you to construct more complex keyword searches in the text box.
    • A button which will reset to default settings has been added.

    “Apply Layout to Active Monitor”

    This new option allows players who use multiple monitors to tile/cascade/stack the tables only on the currently active monitor. Once enabled from the “View” lobby menu, the layouts will only be applied to the tables on the active monitor. This can be very useful to logically split your tables across multiple monitors.

    Options Menu Re-grouping

    The Options menu in the lobby has been slightly rearranged. We feel the new way is more structured and easier to navigate – all the changes should be intuitive and all previous options should be easy to find.

    Miscellaneous Changes:

    • Tournament registration dialog will have the tournament name, to minimize the chance of mis-registering for tourneys.

    We hope you will enjoy the changes. Keep your comments and ideas coming – rest assured we read and consider every single post in this thread or email with suggestions for improvements. Thank you for playing on PokerStars!

  13. #3793
    Grinder Kasutaja ziimukaz avatar
    Jan 2010

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Super update tulemas, kuid varsti pole enam Table ninjast üldse kasu.
    Küsimus, kas T$ eest saab ka SNGsid mängida?

  14. #3794
    Administraator Kasutaja lenC avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 440

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***


  15. #3795
    FPP Pro Kasutaja lennuk avatar
    Dec 2009

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    nii ,starsis siis mingi uuendus jälle ja millegipärast on kõik settingud koos notedega jälle kadunud.
    kaua võib ahh....???

  16. #3796

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas lennuk Vaata postitust
    nii ,starsis siis mingi uuendus jälle ja millegipärast on kõik settingud koos notedega jälle kadunud.
    kaua võib ahh....???
    Uuendust pole veel välja lastud. Kui sellised probleemid on, peaks klienditoega ühendus võtma - see pole normaalne.

  17. #3797
    kuum poiss Kasutaja pastilaa avatar
    Apr 2009
    Pahvaku peas
    7 518

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Tarvi Vaata postitust
    Uuendust pole veel välja lastud. Kui sellised probleemid on, peaks klienditoega ühendus võtma - see pole normaalne.
    Sama keiss. Tegi softi update just ja noted läind.

  18. #3798
    Dec 2009

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Kas Starsis praegu First Deposit Bonus on?

  19. #3799
    Administraator Kasutaja Tigrano avatar
    Oct 2008
    7 614

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas tafka31 Vaata postitust
    Kas Starsis praegu First Deposit Bonus on?
    Liitudes on alati, up to 600$

  20. #3800
    FPP Pro Kasutaja lennuk avatar
    Dec 2009

    Re: *** PokerStars - Küsimused, Probleemid siia ***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Tarvi Vaata postitust
    Uuendust pole veel välja lastud. Kui sellised probleemid on, peaks klienditoega ühendus võtma - see pole normaalne.
    ma ei oska öelda kas see on see update mida lenc 2p2`st quotis aga update oli ja kõik kadunud.
    mingi 30min tagasi sisse logides see jama tekkis.

    veits tüütu on settinguid nii tihti taastada ,.ee tulekust hoian note`de faili küll copytuna aga settinguid ei osanud küll eraldi salvestada kuskile.
    hud ja käte salvestamine ka pekkis.

    tundub et on ikkagi see uuendus millest lenc quotis
    see siis peaks olema "Visual Representation of Time to Act"
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    Viimati muudetud lennuk poolt : 09.11.10 at 18:34

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