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Näidatakse tulemusi 21 kuni 40, kokku 52
  1. #21
    Grinder Kasutaja Ecuador13 avatar
    Aug 2009
    Abusing fish

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    gg, fixed limitis tahab tulla raudselt :D

  2. #22
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Nüüd siis läks käima $55 ante up diili alt!

    Natuke chipsilisa:

    Poker Stars $50+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t5/t5 Blinds + t20 - 9 players - View hand 1612502
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t5895 M = 31.03
    SB: t4860 M = 25.58
    Hero (BB): t4972 M = 26.17
    UTG: t4925 M = 25.92
    UTG+1: t4648 M = 24.46
    UTG+2: t5499 M = 28.94
    MP1: t2075 M = 10.92
    MP2: t4586 M = 24.14
    CO: t7750 M = 40.79

    Pre Flop: (t190) Hero is BB with K K
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls t5, 1 fold, MP1 calls t5, 3 folds, SB checks, Hero raises to t200, 1 fold, MP1 calls t195, 1 fold

    Flop: (t590) J 2 7 (2 players)
    Hero bets t442, MP1 calls t442

    Turn: (t1474) A (2 players)
    Hero bets t1474, MP1 calls t1413 all in

    River: (t4300) 6 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t4300
    Hero shows K K (a pair of Kings)
    MP1 shows 7 K (a pair of Sevens)
    Hero wins t4300

  3. #23
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Poker Stars $50+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t5/t5 Blinds + t30 - 9 players - View hand 1612510
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG: t5497 M = 19.63
    UTG+1: t4720 M = 16.86
    Hero (UTG+2): t6892 M = 24.61
    MP1: t4785 M = 17.09
    MP2: t4498 M = 16.06
    CO: t5000 M = 17.86
    BTN: t5510 M = 19.68
    SB: t4549 M = 16.25
    BB: t8330 M = 29.75

    Pre Flop: (t280) Hero is UTG+2 with K A
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls t5, Hero raises to t234, MP1 calls t234, 6 folds

    Flop: (t753) K 9 4 (2 players)
    Hero bets t564, MP1 calls t564

    Turn: (t1881) T (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP1 bets t500, Hero calls t500

    River: (t2881) 3 (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP1 bets t1275, Hero calls t1275

    Final Pot: t5431
    Hero mucks K A
    MP1 shows K K (three of a kind, Kings)
    MP1 wins t5431

  4. #24
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.


    Poker Stars $50+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t5/t5 Blinds + t80 - 9 players - View hand 1612540
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t5030 M = 6.89
    SB: t3830 M = 5.25
    Hero (BB): t3749 M = 5.14
    UTG: t7633 M = 10.46
    UTG+1: t4128 M = 5.65
    UTG+2: t8510 M = 11.66
    MP1: t7475 M = 10.24
    MP2: t6159 M = 8.44
    CO: t7490 M = 10.26

    Pre Flop: (t730) Hero is BB with Q Q
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls t5, 2 folds, MP2 calls t5, 1 fold, BTN calls t5, SB checks, Hero raises to t1000, UTG+1 raises to t4048 all in, 3 folds, Hero calls t2669 all in

    Flop: (t8073) 7 8 T (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t8073) 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t8073) 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t8073
    Hero shows Q Q (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
    UTG+1 shows T T (a full house, Tens full of Sixes)
    UTG+1 wins t8073

  5. #25
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Nüüd on hide maas. FL turna natukejuba käinud.

  6. #26
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Läbi, koht 798. Siis kui pimedad suureks läksid ei olnud üldse kaarti millega siegi varastada saaks.

  7. #27
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Hobune hakkab, hide on maas!

  8. #28
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t100/t200 Limit - 8 players - View hand 1613451
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BB: t4290 42.90 BBs
    UTG: t7004 70.04 BBs
    UTG+1: t7156 71.56 BBs
    MP1: t3919 39.19 BBs
    MP2: t5505 55.05 BBs
    CO: t4739 47.39 BBs
    Hero (BTN): t3549 35.49 BBs
    SB: t3343 33.43 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is BTN with T T 6 2
    5 folds, Hero raises, 1 fold, BB calls

    Flop: (4.5 SB) 5 K 8 (2 players)
    BB bets, Hero calls

    Turn: (3.25 BB) A (2 players)
    BB bets, Hero calls

    River: (5.25 BB) 8 (2 players)
    BB bets, Hero calls

    Final Pot: 7.25 BB
    BB shows K 3 6 7 (HI: two pair, Kings and Eights; LO: 8,6,5,3,A)
    Hero shows T T 6 2 (HI: a flush, Ace high; LO: 8,6,5,2,A)
    Hero wins 3.625 BB
    Hero wins 3.625 BB

  9. #29
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t100/t200 Limit - 8 players - View hand 1613453
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    SB: t3590 35.90 BBs
    BB: t7004 70.04 BBs
    UTG: t7156 71.56 BBs
    UTG+1: t3919 39.19 BBs
    MP1: t5505 55.05 BBs
    MP2: t4739 47.39 BBs
    Hero (CO): t4299 42.99 BBs
    BTN: t3293 32.93 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is CO with 4 T 3 A
    UTG raises, 3 folds, Hero calls, 1 fold, SB calls, 1 fold

    Flop: (7 SB) T 9 2 (3 players)
    SB checks, UTG bets, Hero calls, SB calls

    Turn: (5 BB) A (3 players)
    SB checks, UTG bets, Hero raises, SB folds, UTG calls

    River: (9 BB) 4 (2 players)
    UTG checks, Hero checks

    Final Pot: 9 BB
    UTG shows 6 3 5 7 (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)
    Hero mucks 4 T 3 A
    UTG wins 4.5 BB
    UTG wins 4.5 BB

  10. #30
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Rahakott siia!

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Hold'em Tournament - t160/t320 Limit - 8 players - View hand 1613459
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t3968 24.80 BBs
    SB: t5958 37.24 BBs
    BB: t8186 51.16 BBs
    UTG: t1943 12.14 BBs
    UTG+1: t6409 40.06 BBs
    MP1: t5991 37.44 BBs
    Hero (MP2): t4533 28.33 BBs
    CO: t2517 15.73 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is MP2 with 9 8
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls, 1 fold, Hero calls, CO raises, 2 folds, BB calls, UTG+1 calls, Hero calls

    Flop: (8.5 SB) 7 6 J (4 players)
    BB checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero checks, CO bets, BB calls, UTG+1 raises, Hero calls, CO 3-bets, BB folds, UTG+1 calls, Hero calls

    Turn: (9.25 BB) T (3 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero checks, CO bets, UTG+1 calls, Hero raises, CO calls, UTG+1 calls

    River: (15.25 BB) 8 (3 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets, CO calls, UTG+1 calls

    Final Pot: 18.25 BB
    UTG+1 mucks J K
    Hero shows 9 8 (a straight, Seven to Jack)
    CO mucks Q Q
    Hero wins 18.25 BB

  11. #31
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Natuke õnne ka vahepeal.

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Stud Tournament - t400/t800 Limit + t80 - 8 players - View hand 1613491
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t3008 M = 2.43
    Seat 2: t4653 M = 3.75
    Seat 3: t12711 M = 10.25
    Seat 4: t2064 M = 1.66
    Seat 5: t6010 M = 4.85
    Seat 6: t8029 M = 6.47
    Hero (): t5858 M = 4.72
    Seat 8: t7866 M = 6.34

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 9 ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx Q ____Seat 2 folds
    Seat 3: xx xx J ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx 6 ____Seat 4 brings in for $120____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx Q ____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx 7 ____Seat 6 folds
    Hero: K 3 A ___Hero completes
    Seat 8: xx xx 6 ____Seat 8 calls

    4th Street: (3.9 SB) (2 players)
    Hero: K 3 A K ___Hero bets
    Seat 8: xx xx 6 5 ____Seat 8 calls

    5th Street: (2.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K 3 A K A ___Hero bets
    Seat 8: xx xx 6 5 8 ____Seat 8 calls

    6th Street: (4.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K 3 A K A 7 ___Hero bets
    Seat 8: xx xx 6 5 8 2 ____Seat 8 calls

    7th Street: (6.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K 3 A K A 7 3 ___Hero bets
    Seat 8: xx xx 6 5 8 2 xx____Seat 8 calls

    Final Pot: 8.95 BB
    Hero shows K 3 A K A 7 3 (two pair, Aces and Kings)
    Seat 8 mucks 8 6 6 5 8 2 9
    Hero wins 8.95 BB

  12. #32
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Ei oska mina sellise stacki vastu seda kätt maha panna. Parem oleks flopi panus olnud callida ja siis any <8 turnil sisse ajada.

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t500/t1000 Limit - 8 players - View hand 1613502
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    MP1: t116 0.23 BBs
    MP2: t2943 5.89 BBs
    CO: t18893 37.79 BBs
    BTN: t6128 12.26 BBs
    SB: t2190 4.38 BBs
    BB: t7069 14.14 BBs
    Hero (UTG): t11798 23.60 BBs
    UTG+1: t4206 8.41 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is UTG with 5 A 4 2
    Hero raises, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls all in, 4 folds, BB calls

    Flop: (6.732 SB) A J Q (4 players - 1 is all in)
    BB checks, Hero bets, UTG+1 raises, BB folds, Hero 3-bets, UTG+1 caps!, Hero calls

    Turn: (7.366 BB) 8 (3 players - 1 is all in)
    Hero bets, UTG+1 raises all in, Hero calls

    River: (9.778 BB) Q (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: 9.778 BB
    MP1 shows 2 Q T 4 (HI: three of a kind, Queens)
    Hero shows 5 A 4 2 (HI: two pair, Aces and Queens)
    UTG+1 shows 5 J J 9 (HI: a full house, Jacks full of Queens)
    UTG+1 wins 9.198 BB
    UTG+1 wins 0.58 BB

  13. #33
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Sellise sodiga pannakse stud H/L otsa ja siis obv hititakse ka, nüüd stack väike tuleb flippama hakata.

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t800/t1600 Limit + t160 - 8 players - View hand 1613509
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t18342 M = 7.40
    Seat 2: t6110 M = 2.46
    Seat 3: t14155 M = 5.71
    Seat 4: t6696 M = 2.70
    Seat 5: t6573 M = 2.65
    Hero (): t9772 M = 3.94
    Seat 7: t6989 M = 2.82
    Seat 8: t4841 M = 1.95

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 ____Seat 1 raises
    Seat 2: xx xx 2 ____Seat 2 brings in for $240____Seat 2 folds
    Seat 3: xx xx 9 ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx K ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx K ____Seat 5 folds
    Hero: 2 A 6 ___Hero completes___Hero calls
    Seat 7: xx xx Q ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx T ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (5.9 SB) (2 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 7 ____Seat 1 bets
    Hero: 2 A 6 5 ___Hero calls

    5th Street: (3.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 7 J ____Seat 1 bets
    Hero: 2 A 6 5 J ___Hero calls

    6th Street: (5.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 7 J 4 ____Seat 1 checks
    Hero: 2 A 6 5 J T ___Hero checks

    7th Street: (5.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 7 J 4 xx____Seat 1 checks
    Hero: 2 A 6 5 J T 2 ___Hero checks

    Final Pot: 5.95 BB
    Seat 1 shows 7 Q 5 7 J 4 8 (HI: a pair of Sevens)
    Hero shows 2 A 6 5 J T 2 (HI: a pair of Deuces)
    Seat 1 wins 5.95 BB

  14. #34
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Razziz 235 v 236 tuli ära a holdemis 99 v Q5. Tagasi äris.

  15. #35
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Peab meldima.

    PokerStars Hand #74625791734: Tournament #2012001040, $100+$9 USD HORSE (Omaha Hi/Lo Limit) - Level XXXII (1600/3200) - 2012/01/28 11:41:32 ET
    Table '2012001040 5' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 1: wizfromoz (9430 in chips)
    Seat 2: CardsAreLive (41519 in chips)
    Seat 3: Craggoo (2445 in chips)
    Seat 4: KtheKing (15499 in chips)
    Seat 5: DTFobos (4042 in chips)
    Seat 6: kleopl (4861 in chips)
    Seat 7: svenne (6665 in chips)
    Seat 8: mell123 (9568 in chips)
    KtheKing: posts small blind 800
    DTFobos: posts big blind 1600
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to mell123 [Qs 7d As 2s]
    kleopl: folds
    svenne: folds
    mell123: raises 1600 to 3200
    wizfromoz: folds
    CardsAreLive: folds
    Craggoo: folds
    KtheKing: folds
    DTFobos: raises 842 to 4042 and is all-in
    mell123: calls 842
    *** FLOP *** [4h 3s Qh]
    *** TURN *** [4h 3s Qh] [5h]
    *** RIVER *** [4h 3s Qh 5h] [Qd]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    DTFobos: shows [5s 2c 2h 4c] (HI: two pair, Queens and Fives)
    mell123: shows [Qs 7d As 2s] (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)
    mell123 collected 4442 from pot
    mell123 collected 4442 from pot
    DTFobos finished the tournament in 204th place
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 8884 | Rake 0
    Board [4h 3s Qh 5h Qd]
    Seat 1: wizfromoz folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: CardsAreLive folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: Craggoo (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: KtheKing (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 5: DTFobos (big blind) showed [5s 2c 2h 4c] and lost with HI: two pair, Queens and Fives
    Seat 6: kleopl folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: svenne folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 8: mell123 showed [Qs 7d As 2s] and won (8884) with HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A

  16. #36
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Razziz oli nii haige sodi (paarid koguaeg) ja ei saud flippama minna,

    Studis siis tahtis maja tulla

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Stud Tournament - t4000/t8000 Limit + t800 - 7 players - View hand 1613563
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t42109 M = 3.63
    Seat 3: t31804 M = 2.74
    Seat 4: t90717 M = 7.82
    Seat 5: t5481 M = 0.47
    Seat 6: t8593 M = 0.74
    Seat 7: t35371 M = 3.05
    Hero (): t2660 M = 0.23

    3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 9 ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 3: xx xx K ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx Q ____Seat 4 completes
    Seat 5: xx xx 6 ____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx 5 ____Seat 6 brings in for $1200____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx 8 ____Seat 7 folds
    Hero: J 2 T ___Hero raises all in

    4th Street: (2.63 SB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 4: xx xx Q 4
    Hero: J 2 T 2

    5th Street: (1.315 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 4: xx xx Q 4 A
    Hero: J 2 T 2 J

    6th Street: (1.315 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 4: xx xx Q 4 A Q
    Hero: J 2 T 2 J 5

    7th Street: (1.315 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 4: xx xx Q 4 A Q xx
    Hero: J 2 T 2 J 5 2

    Final Pot: 1.315 BB
    Seat 4 shows 8 A Q 4 A Q 7 (two pair, Aces and Queens)
    Hero shows J 2 T 2 J 5 2 (a full house, Deuces full of Jacks)
    Hero wins 1.315 BB

  17. #37
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Tundub, et foldin rahadesse ära ja sisi hakkan flippama, sest natuke oli õnne jälle!

    PokerStars Hand #74627321466: Tournament #2012001040, $100+$9 USD HORSE (7 Card Stud Hi/Lo Limit) - Level XL (4000/8000) - 2012/01/28 12:10:36 ET
    Table '2012001040 56' 8-max
    Seat 1: kleopl (14667 in chips)
    Seat 2: Schnapp84 (45717 in chips)
    Seat 3: mell123 (8120 in chips)
    Seat 4: dejanaceking (20248 in chips)
    Seat 5: n0-MoD (37379 in chips)
    Seat 6: MrP0P (52088 in chips)
    Seat 7: Arzt527 (32056 in chips)
    Seat 8: monkANDdonk (63951 in chips)
    n0-MoD: posts the ante 800
    MrP0P: posts the ante 800
    Arzt527: posts the ante 800
    monkANDdonk: posts the ante 800
    kleopl: posts the ante 800
    Schnapp84: posts the ante 800
    mell123: posts the ante 800
    dejanaceking: posts the ante 800
    *** 3rd STREET ***
    Dealt to kleopl [4c]
    Dealt to Schnapp84 [2h]
    Dealt to mell123 [Ac 2s 6h]
    Dealt to dejanaceking [Kd]
    Dealt to n0-MoD [As]
    Dealt to MrP0P [4s]
    Dealt to Arzt527 [Ad]
    Dealt to monkANDdonk [7h]
    Schnapp84: brings in for 1200
    mell123: raises 2800 to 4000
    dejanaceking: folds
    n0-MoD: folds
    MrP0P: raises 4000 to 8000
    Arzt527: folds
    monkANDdonk: calls 8000
    kleopl: raises 4000 to 12000
    Schnapp84: folds
    mell123: calls 3320 and is all-in
    MrP0P: calls 4000
    monkANDdonk: calls 4000
    *** 4th STREET ***
    Dealt to kleopl [4c] [8d]
    Dealt to mell123 [Ac 2s 6h] [8c]
    Dealt to MrP0P [4s] [3h]
    Dealt to monkANDdonk [7h] [Kc]
    monkANDdonk: checks
    kleopl: bets 1867 and is all-in
    MrP0P: calls 1867
    monkANDdonk: calls 1867
    *** 5th STREET ***
    Dealt to kleopl [4c 8d] [2d]
    Dealt to mell123 [Ac 2s 6h 8c] [Jc]
    Dealt to MrP0P [4s 3h] [7c]
    Dealt to monkANDdonk [7h Kc] [Qc]
    monkANDdonk: checks
    MrP0P: checks
    *** 6th STREET ***
    Dealt to kleopl [4c 8d 2d] [Qd]
    Dealt to mell123 [Ac 2s 6h 8c Jc] [3d]
    Dealt to MrP0P [4s 3h 7c] [8s]
    Dealt to monkANDdonk [7h Kc Qc] [7d]
    monkANDdonk: checks
    MrP0P: bets 8000
    monkANDdonk: folds
    Uncalled bet (8000) returned to MrP0P
    *** RIVER ***
    Dealt to mell123 [Ac 2s 6h 8c Jc 3d] [Qh]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    MrP0P: shows [3c 5h 4s 3h 7c 8s Ks] (HI: a pair of Threes; LO: 8,7,5,4,3)
    kleopl: shows [Js Jh 4c 8d 2d Qd Jd] (HI: three of a kind, Jacks)
    kleopl collected 9821 from side pot
    MrP0P collected 9820 from side pot
    mell123: shows [Ac 2s 6h 8c Jc 3d Qh] (HI: high card Ace; LO: 8,6,3,2,A)
    kleopl collected 18440 from main pot
    mell123 collected 18440 from main pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 56521 Main pot 36880. Side pot 19641. | Rake 0
    Seat 1: kleopl showed [Js Jh 4c 8d 2d Qd Jd] and won (28261) with HI: three of a kind, Jacks
    Seat 2: Schnapp84 folded on the 3rd Street
    Seat 3: mell123 showed [Ac 2s 6h 8c Jc 3d Qh] and won (18440) with HI: high card Ace; LO: 8,6,3,2,A
    Seat 4: dejanaceking folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: n0-MoD folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: MrP0P showed [3c 5h 4s 3h 7c 8s Ks] and won (9820) with HI: a pair of Threes; LO: 8,7,5,4,3
    Seat 7: Arzt527 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
    Seat 8: monkANDdonk folded on the 6th Street

  18. #38
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Prindime rohelist.

    Esimene flipp pärast bubblet tuli ka ära AAx pidas xxx vastu!

  19. #39
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Flippame nii, et halb hakkab!

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t8000/t16000 Limit + t1600 - 7 players - View hand 1613577
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t39822 M = 1.72
    Seat 2: t40965 M = 1.77
    Hero (): t12280 M = 0.53
    Seat 4: t67668 M = 2.92
    Seat 5: t28279 M = 1.22
    Seat 6: t51741 M = 2.23
    Seat 7: t30940 M = 1.33

    3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx J ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx 7 ____Seat 2 completes____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: 9 4 6 ___Hero brings in for $2400___Hero raises all in
    Seat 4: xx xx 9 ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx A ____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx J ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx K ____Seat 7 folds

    4th Street: (4.07 SB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 2: xx xx 7 5
    Hero: 9 4 6 3

    5th Street: (2.035 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 2: xx xx 7 5 K
    Hero: 9 4 6 3 A

    6th Street: (2.035 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 2: xx xx 7 5 K T
    Hero: 9 4 6 3 A 2

    7th Street: (2.035 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Seat 2: xx xx 7 5 K T xx
    Hero: 9 4 6 3 A 2 4

    Final Pot: 2.035 BB
    Seat 2 shows 3 2 7 5 K T 6 (HI: high card King; LO: 7,6,5,3,2)
    Hero shows 9 4 6 3 A 2 4 (HI: a pair of Fours; LO: 6,4,3,2,A)
    Hero wins 1.018 BB
    Hero wins 1.018 BB

  20. #40
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: TCOOP turniirid 37, 39, 40 ja 45.

    Sai siis flipiõnn otsa. Kohe järgmine käsi oleks mulle tulnud 10k BB omaha H/L näkku ja arvasin, et Axs peab meeldima.

    66. koht ja $214

    Poker Stars $100+$9 Limit Hold'em Tournament - t8000/t16000 Limit - 7 players - View hand 1613581
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BB: t7166 1 BBs
    UTG: t58170 8.12 BBs
    Hero (UTG+1): t30960 4.32 BBs
    MP: t60468 8.44 BBs
    CO: t25079 3.50 BBs
    BTN: t50912 7.10 BBs
    SB: t38940 5.43 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.396 SB) Hero is UTG+1 with 5 A
    1 fold, Hero raises, 2 folds, BTN 3-bets, 1 fold, Hero raises all in, BTN calls

    Flop: (9.136 SB) 7 9 Q (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: (4.568 BB) 8 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (4.568 BB) K (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: 4.568 BB
    BB shows 3 3 (a pair of Threes)
    Hero shows 5 A (high card Ace)
    BTN shows A 9 (a pair of Nines)
    BTN wins 2.974 BB
    BTN wins 1.594 BB

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