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  1. #1
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Thumbs down Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    Viimase kahe nädala jooksul on Lock Poker hädas mängijate sissemaksetega. Sissemaksed lähevad mängijate arvetelt (krediitkaart, Moneybookers jne.) maha aga paljude mängijate raha ei jõua Lock Poker'i kontole. Lock Poker on probleemi vältinud ja jätnud mängijate kirjadele vastamata.

    Probleem on nii USA kui muu maailma mängijatega ning erinevaid sissemaksete meetodeid kasutades - nii krediitkaardid kui e-walletid nagu näiteks Moneybookers. Osade mängijate kanded on jõudnud Lock Poker'i kasiino kontodele või Lock Poker on lisanud rahad manuaalselt kontodele. Samal ajal väga paljud mängijad on siiani oma sissemakse teinud aga rahasid ei ole kontol.

    Lock Poker ignoreerib probleemi siiani, ei vasta mängijate kirjadele ega ei ole andnud ametlikku teadaannet. Sellest ajendatuna tehti 2p2 foorumisse teema, kus palutakse boikoteerida Lock Pokerit.

    2p2 teemad:

  2. #2
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    Cake polnud varemgi eriti kiire cashoutidega.
    Viimati muudetud Rigged poolt : 15.07.12 at 10:23

  3. #3
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    Lock Poker'ilt ei ole ikka mingit mõistlikku vastust.

    Eile nad midagi ütlesid aga tõesti meenutab nii FTP2. Ainus ja viimane kommentaar nende poolt, mis anti täna hommikustel varajastel tundidel 2p2 teemas: kasutaja «imjustshane» poolt, kes on Lock Poker'i esindaja 2p2s:

    Hey, want to let everyone know that we are still here and that we will be responding to this soon. We have good news coming up as well but I want to get that all together before constructing an official response on this. But we haven't left nor are we going to leave and we will be coming around with an official response as well as other important announcements as soon as we are allowed to announce them. I understand people are frustrated right now but we really are on top of it and will be officially addressing this soon.

  4. #4
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    MicroBob'ilt 2p2-st väga hea kommentaar (

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas MicroBob Vaata postitust
    This is like the opposite though. As was pointed out in another thread. On Full-Tilt they credited everyone's accounts, even though Full Tilt was not receiving any of the money because of the processor issues.

    IF Lock is going under (and I don't think they are) there is no reason to not credit the poker accounts. If it's all fake-money or funny-money that they have no intentions on paying out, then just credit everyone with the bogus money....and by doing that they keep the cash-flow coming because there isn't quite as gigantic a negative PR campaign against them.

    See what I mean? Not crediting the poker accounts doesn't help them at all even if they ARE going under. Just let everyone keep playing with money that Lock isn't going to pay back. Obviously.

    It's clear this is not really a strategy being used to precede taking everyone's dough. I understand all the panic involved and I'm concerned too. But that leap of logic just doesn't make sense.

    What IS clear is that they obviously have been having some processor issues (to put it mildly) and that they have been completely incapable of communicating with their players and setting up the reimbursements.

    Do they have any idea what's going on at all? Seems very possible that they do not. And if they do then they are screwing it all up incredibly badly. That is all pretty bad.

    But I really doubt they are intentionally stealing deposits and then depositing into people's accounts as their "get out and screw everyone" strategy. Because there is no reason for them to do it that way.

    They clearly don't know what the heck is going on with the deposits and are not exactly putting forth a very good effort at figuring any of it out.

    And, oh yeah, Shane was sick. And Rizen hasn't been around for a few days because he probably has some games in Las Vegas that he really wants to play. So that makes everything even slower because, of course, the players who haven't seen their deposits for two weeks would be impossible for Lock to prioritize without them.

    I don't at all understand those excuses even a little bit. If I were in their position in which customer-service was struggling but I worked for the site I would be doing everything possible all the time to help these customers make it through and to try to save my own company from this terrible PR nightmare. I've done that from my bed while I was sick when there have been important issues at my business. I've pulled all-nighters fixing important stuff.

    So it is absolutely fair to say that there does not seem to be an appropriate sense of urgency regarding all of this. Shane's statement that he copied from me is a start....which is better than no start which is where they were for awhile on this.

    But they really need to get on the ball with an official statement and public plan for these players not getting their funds, etc.

    Because without such a statement AND action to follow-up, there will be more and more players comparing it with FT, etc etc. And they shouldn't want that even once...much less the dozens and hundreds of times people are understandably drawing that conclusion now.

    What a PR nightmare? How long until they actually move forward with this?

    Oh yeah, forgot. It's the weekend. Well, they can get to it on Monday I suppose

  5. #5
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    Viimaks Lock Poker'i ametlik vastus:

    Cliffnote: Lock Poker'i sõnade kohaselt on tegu tehnilise probleemiga - õnnestunud sissemaksed märgitakse mõnikord ebaõnnestunuks ja seda ca. 5-10 juhul päevas.

  6. #6

    Re: Lock Pokeri'sse deponeeritud summad ei jõua mängijate pokkerikontodele

    Kui Eestisse tagasi jõuan, siis kannan Lockist rahad välja, eks näis kui kaua aega läheb :)

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