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Näidatakse tulemusi 181 kuni 200, kokku 264
  1. #181
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Hea laud on mudu, et paremal agromonid ja nitid vasakul :)

  2. #182
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Venna statsid on 51/38, hea et ta valuet ei osanud võtta.

    Poker Stars $200+$15 Limit Hold'em Tournament - t160/t320 Limit - 9 players - View hand 1889427
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t4035 25.22 BBs
    SB: t4550 28.44 BBs
    Hero (BB): t3060 19.12 BBs
    UTG: t3325 20.78 BBs
    UTG+1: t18513 115.71 BBs
    UTG+2: t390 2.44 BBs
    MP1: t5000 31.25 BBs
    MP2: t6890 43.06 BBs
    CO: t3140 19.62 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is BB with 9 8
    7 folds, SB raises, Hero calls

    Flop: (4 SB) 9 5 6 (2 players)
    SB bets, Hero raises, SB calls

    Turn: (4 BB) K (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero checks

    River: (4 BB) A (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero checks

    Final Pot: 4 BB
    SB shows K 4 (a pair of Kings)
    Hero mucks 9 8
    SB wins 4 BB

  3. #183
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Sai läbi. Aghhhh

    Poker Stars $200+$15 Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Limit - 9 players - View hand 1889437
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t6535 32.67 BBs
    SB: t1150 5.75 BBs
    Hero (BB): t1220 6.10 BBs
    UTG: t2605 13.03 BBs
    UTG+1: t20153 100.77 BBs
    UTG+2: t2780 13.90 BBs
    MP1: t4120 20.60 BBs
    MP2: t7260 36.30 BBs
    CO: t3080 15.40 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is BB with K K
    1 fold, UTG+1 raises, 6 folds, Hero 3-bets, UTG+1 calls

    Flop: (6.5 SB) 2 T 6 (2 players)
    Hero bets, UTG+1 calls

    Turn: (4.25 BB) J (2 players)
    Hero bets, UTG+1 calls

    River: (6.25 BB) 4 (2 players)
    Hero bets all in, UTG+1 calls

    Final Pot: 6.35 BB
    Hero shows K K (a pair of Kings)
    UTG+1 shows 4 4 (three of a kind, Fours)
    UTG+1 wins 6.35 BB

  4. #184
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja yolpa avatar
    Jun 2009
    Tropical far north Queensland
    2 672

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    converter paneb vigast? stackl 1.2k, blind 400, pre 3bet juba AI ju

  5. #185
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas yolpa Vaata postitust
    converter paneb vigast? stackl 1.2k, blind 400, pre 3bet juba AI ju
    limiidid on 200/400, see tähendab limitis 100/200 pimedaid. Turni ja riveri bet on siis vastavalt 400 enne seda 200!

  6. #186
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja yolpa avatar
    Jun 2009
    Tropical far north Queensland
    2 672

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas sorm Vaata postitust
    limiidid on 200/400, see tähendab limitis 100/200 pimedaid. Turni ja riveri bet on siis vastavalt 400 enne seda 200!
    sry my bad, ei pand tähele, et limit. muidu gl järgmistel

  7. #187
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Kohe hakkab siis $320 stud!

  8. #188
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t50/t100 Limit + t10 - 8 players - View hand 1894075
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t4025 M = 25.97
    Seat 2: t4325 M = 27.90
    Seat 3: t5365 M = 34.61
    Seat 4: t6370 M = 41.10
    Seat 5: t4860 M = 31.35
    Seat 6: t4140 M = 26.71
    Hero (): t5680 M = 36.65
    Seat 8: t5235 M = 33.77

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx K ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx 9 ____Seat 2 calls
    Seat 3: xx xx A ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx A ____Seat 4 calls
    Seat 5: xx xx 9 ____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx 3 ____Seat 6 brings in for $15____Seat 6 folds
    Hero: J T 5 ___Hero completes
    Seat 8: xx xx 5 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (4.9 SB) (3 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 9 7 ____Seat 2 calls
    Seat 4: xx xx A 8 ____Seat 4 checks____Seat 4 calls
    Hero: J T 5 2 ___Hero bets

    5th Street: (3.95 BB) (3 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 9 7 3 ____Seat 2 calls
    Seat 4: xx xx A 8 5 ____Seat 4 checks____Seat 4 folds
    Hero: J T 5 2 8 ___Hero bets

    6th Street: (5.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 9 7 3 4 ____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: J T 5 2 8 9 ___Hero bets

    7th Street: (7.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 9 7 3 4 xx____Seat 2 raises
    Hero: J T 5 2 8 9 Q ___Hero bets___Hero calls

    Final Pot: 11.95 BB
    Seat 2 shows Q Q 9 7 3 4 Q (three of a kind, Queens)
    Hero shows J T 5 2 8 9 Q (a straight, Eight to Queen)
    Hero wins 11.95 BB

  9. #189
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t60/t120 Limit + t12 - 8 players - View hand 1894083
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t3764 M = 20.24
    Seat 2: t5108 M = 27.46
    Seat 3: t5535 M = 29.76
    Seat 4: t5638 M = 30.31
    Seat 5: t5722 M = 30.76
    Seat 6: t4705 M = 25.30
    Hero (): t5435 M = 29.22
    Seat 8: t6297 M = 33.85

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 ____Seat 1 calls
    Seat 2: xx xx J ____Seat 2 folds
    Seat 3: xx xx K ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 ____Seat 4 brings in for $18____Seat 4 calls
    Seat 5: xx xx A ____Seat 5 completes
    Seat 6: xx xx Q ____Seat 6 folds
    Hero: 7 9 8 ___Hero calls
    Seat 8: xx xx Q ____Seat 8 calls

    4th Street: (6.6 SB) (5 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 A ____Seat 1 bets
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 A ____Seat 4 calls
    Seat 5: xx xx A 8 ____Seat 5 checks____Seat 5 folds
    Hero: 7 9 8 2 ___Hero checks___Hero calls
    Seat 8: xx xx Q 4 ____Seat 8 checks____Seat 8 folds

    5th Street: (4.8 BB) (3 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 A 5 ____Seat 1 bets
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 A 6 ____Seat 4 checks____Seat 4 calls
    Hero: 7 9 8 2 6 ___Hero checks___Hero calls

    6th Street: (7.8 BB) (3 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 A 5 9 ____Seat 1 bets____Seat 1 calls
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 A 6 5 ____Seat 4 calls____Seat 4 calls
    Hero: 7 9 8 2 6 K ___Hero raises

    7th Street: (13.8 BB) (3 players)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 A 5 9 xx____Seat 1 checks
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 A 6 5 xx____Seat 4 checks
    Hero: 7 9 8 2 6 K 4 ___Hero checks

    Final Pot: 13.8 BB
    Seat 1 shows 5 T 3 A 5 9 3 (two pair, Fives and Threes)
    Seat 4 shows 2 2 2 A 6 5 7 (three of a kind, Deuces)
    Hero mucks 7 9 8 2 6 K 4
    Seat 4 wins 13.8 BB

  10. #190
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t120/t240 Limit + t24 - 8 players - View hand 1894142
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t7112 M = 19.12
    Seat 2: t8122 M = 21.83
    Seat 3: t2690 M = 7.23
    Seat 4: t4560 M = 12.26
    Seat 5: t7780 M = 20.91
    Seat 6: t4308 M = 11.58
    Hero (): t4435 M = 11.92
    Seat 8: t1091 M = 2.93

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 3 ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx 4 ____Seat 2 calls
    Seat 3: xx xx 7 ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx J ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx 3 ____Seat 5 brings in for $36____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx 6 ____Seat 6 folds
    Hero: A T J ___Hero completes
    Seat 8: xx xx 4 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (3.9 SB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 4 Q ____Seat 2 checks____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: A T J 5 ___Hero bets

    5th Street: (2.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 4 Q 7 ____Seat 2 checks____Seat 2 raises
    Hero: A T J 5 8 ___Hero bets___Hero calls

    6th Street: (6.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 4 Q 7 A ____Seat 2 bets
    Hero: A T J 5 8 9 ___Hero calls

    7th Street: (8.95 BB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx 4 Q 7 A xx____Seat 2 bets
    Hero: A T J 5 8 9 A ___Hero calls

    Final Pot: 10.95 BB
    Seat 2 shows Q 4 4 Q 7 A 8 (two pair, Queens and Fours)
    Hero mucks A T J 5 8 9 A
    Seat 2 wins 10.95 BB

  11. #191
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    WTF ma olin ees :)

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t160/t320 Limit + t32 - 8 players - View hand 1894493
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t4744 M = 9.56
    Seat 2: t4328 M = 8.73
    Hero (): t2011 M = 4.05
    Seat 4: t3400 M = 6.85
    Seat 5: t3548 M = 7.15
    Seat 6: t2580 M = 5.20
    Seat 7: t5944 M = 11.98
    Seat 8: t4324 M = 8.72

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx 5 ____Seat 2 folds
    Hero: Q K J ___Hero calls
    Seat 4: xx xx 2 ____Seat 4 brings in for $48____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx K ____Seat 5 completes____Seat 5 calls
    Seat 6: xx xx J ____Seat 6 raises
    Seat 7: xx xx 9 ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 7 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (7.9 SB) (3 players)
    Hero: Q K J K ___Hero checks___Hero raises
    Seat 5: xx xx K 4 ____Seat 5 checks____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx J 4 ____Seat 6 bets____Seat 6 calls

    5th Street: (5.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: Q K J K 8 ___Hero bets___Hero 3-bets___Hero calls
    Seat 6: xx xx J 4 9 ____Seat 6 raises____Seat 6 caps!

    6th Street: (13.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: Q K J K 8 2 ___Hero bets all in
    Seat 6: xx xx J 4 9 T ____Seat 6 calls

    7th Street: (14.319 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
    Hero: Q K J K 8 2 8
    Seat 6: xx xx J 4 9 T xx

    Final Pot: 14.319 BB
    Hero shows Q K J K 8 2 8 (two pair, Kings and Eights)
    Seat 6 shows K J J 4 9 T 2 (a pair of Jacks)
    Hero wins 14.319 BB

  12. #192
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Nii see stack kuivab. Kas keegi arvab, et oleks pidanud siin ära stackima?

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t250/t500 Limit + t50 - 8 players - View hand 1894518
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t3476 M = 4.49
    Seat 2: t1889 M = 2.44
    Hero (): t2626 M = 3.39
    Seat 4: t12627 M = 16.29
    Seat 5: t5675 M = 7.32
    Seat 6: t3510 M = 4.53
    Seat 7: t6972 M = 9.00
    Seat 8: t4184 M = 5.40

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx A ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx J ____Seat 2 completes____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: K T K ___Hero raises
    Seat 4: xx xx Q ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx 2 ____Seat 5 brings in for $75____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx J ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx 9 ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 5 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (5.9 SB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx J J ____Seat 2 bets
    Hero: K T K Q ___Hero folds

    Final Pot: 2.95 BB
    Seat 2 mucks J J
    Seat 2 wins 2.95 BB

  13. #193
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Sia läbi stud. 6J6 läksid nupud sisse bring inni tegija vastu (AA)3. Mudu oleks isegi maha pannud, aga see vana oli ikka väga loosilt oma nuppe laiali jaganud. Arvasin, et flipp on, sest J oli elus!

  14. #194
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas sorm Vaata postitust
    Nii see stack kuivab. Kas keegi arvab, et oleks pidanud siin ära stackima?

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t250/t500 Limit + t50 - 8 players - View hand 1894518
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t3476 M = 4.49
    Seat 2: t1889 M = 2.44
    Hero (): t2626 M = 3.39
    Seat 4: t12627 M = 16.29
    Seat 5: t5675 M = 7.32
    Seat 6: t3510 M = 4.53
    Seat 7: t6972 M = 9.00
    Seat 8: t4184 M = 5.40

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx A ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx J ____Seat 2 completes____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: K T K ___Hero raises
    Seat 4: xx xx Q ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx 2 ____Seat 5 brings in for $75____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx J ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx 9 ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 5 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (5.9 SB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx J J ____Seat 2 bets
    Hero: K T K Q ___Hero folds

    Final Pot: 2.95 BB
    Seat 2 mucks J J
    Seat 2 wins 2.95 BB
    ( Click to show/hide )

  15. #195
    Sep 2009

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas sorm Vaata postitust
    Nii see stack kuivab. Kas keegi arvab, et oleks pidanud siin ära stackima?

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t250/t500 Limit + t50 - 8 players - View hand 1894518
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t3476 M = 4.49
    Seat 2: t1889 M = 2.44
    Hero (): t2626 M = 3.39
    Seat 4: t12627 M = 16.29
    Seat 5: t5675 M = 7.32
    Seat 6: t3510 M = 4.53
    Seat 7: t6972 M = 9.00
    Seat 8: t4184 M = 5.40

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx A ____Seat 1 folds
    Seat 2: xx xx J ____Seat 2 completes____Seat 2 calls
    Hero: K T K ___Hero raises
    Seat 4: xx xx Q ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx 2 ____Seat 5 brings in for $75____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx J ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx 9 ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 5 ____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (5.9 SB) (2 players)
    Seat 2: xx xx J J ____Seat 2 bets
    Hero: K T K Q ___Hero folds

    Final Pot: 2.95 BB
    Seat 2 mucks J J
    Seat 2 wins 2.95 BB
    Ma mõtlesin ka mängu vaadates et siin oleks võinud stackida. Sul palju drawsi veel. Ja kas kusagil ei olnu kellelgi veel üks J näha ? Mul mälu nagu ütleb et oli kusagil Üks J ja üks K näha teistel.

  16. #196

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    ei, fold ok.

    J-d blokivad meie readraw ära ja oleme peaaegu alati 2p/set vastas. Seti korral dead. Lisaks vastane maxleadib sisse (optional kui improved kõigile nähtavalt 1st streetil), mis võtab oute, et vastasel 9TJJ stiilis käsi veel väiksemaks.

  17. #197
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    HORSE hakkas

  18. #198
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Tournament - t120/t240 Limit + t24 - 8 players - View hand 1902090
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t8542 M = 22.96
    Hero (): t4739 M = 12.74
    Seat 3: t4500 M = 12.10
    Seat 4: t2839 M = 7.63
    Seat 5: t4931 M = 13.26
    Seat 6: t3902 M = 10.49
    Seat 7: t6918 M = 18.60
    Seat 8: t2842 M = 7.64

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 ____Seat 1 folds
    Hero: K K 4 ___Hero completes
    Seat 3: xx xx 5 ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx A ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx A ____Seat 5 folds
    Seat 6: xx xx 8 ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx 8 ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 3 ____Seat 8 brings in for $36____Seat 8 calls

    4th Street: (3.6 SB) (2 players)
    Hero: K K 4 7 ___Hero bets
    Seat 8: xx xx 3 6 ____Seat 8 calls

    5th Street: (2.8 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K K 4 7 5 ___Hero bets___Hero calls
    Seat 8: xx xx 3 6 9 ____Seat 8 checks____Seat 8 raises

    6th Street: (6.8 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K K 4 7 5 Q ___Hero checks___Hero calls
    Seat 8: xx xx 3 6 9 T ____Seat 8 bets

    7th Street: (8.8 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K K 4 7 5 Q K ___Hero checks___Hero raises
    Seat 8: xx xx 3 6 9 T xx____Seat 8 bets____Seat 8 calls

    Final Pot: 12.8 BB
    Hero shows K K 4 7 5 Q K (three of a kind, Kings)
    Seat 8 mucks 9 3 3 6 9 T J
    Hero wins 12.8 BB

  19. #199
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t120/t240 Limit + t24 - 8 players - View hand 1902108
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Seat 1: t7678 M = 20.64
    Hero (): t5699 M = 15.32
    Seat 3: t3204 M = 8.61
    Seat 4: t2227 M = 5.99
    Seat 5: t3641 M = 9.79
    Seat 6: t2750 M = 7.39
    Seat 7: t10206 M = 27.44
    Seat 8: t3808 M = 10.24

    3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
    Seat 1: xx xx 5 ____Seat 1 folds
    Hero: K A 3 ___Hero completes___Hero calls
    Seat 3: xx xx T ____Seat 3 folds
    Seat 4: xx xx 3 ____Seat 4 folds
    Seat 5: xx xx A ____Seat 5 raises
    Seat 6: xx xx 7 ____Seat 6 folds
    Seat 7: xx xx J ____Seat 7 folds
    Seat 8: xx xx 2 ____Seat 8 brings in for $36____Seat 8 folds

    4th Street: (5.9 SB) (2 players)
    Hero: K A 3 4 ___Hero calls
    Seat 5: xx xx A 4 ____Seat 5 bets

    5th Street: (3.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K A 3 4 2 ___Hero bets
    Seat 5: xx xx A 4 9 ____Seat 5 checks____Seat 5 calls

    6th Street: (5.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K A 3 4 2 7 ___Hero bets
    Seat 5: xx xx A 4 9 T ____Seat 5 checks____Seat 5 calls

    7th Street: (7.95 BB) (2 players)
    Hero: K A 3 4 2 7 8 ___Hero bets
    Seat 5: xx xx A 4 9 T xx____Seat 5 checks____Seat 5 calls

    Final Pot: 9.95 BB
    Hero shows K A 3 4 2 7 8 (HI: high card Ace; LO: 7,4,3,2,A)
    Seat 5 mucks 6 2 A 4 9 T 8
    Hero wins 4.975 BB
    Hero wins 4.975 BB

  20. #200
    May 2009
    1 511

    Re: Sorm WCOOP 2012 projekt

    Poker Stars $300+$20 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t160/t320 Limit - 8 players - View hand 1902126
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    CO: t6642 41.51 BBs
    Hero (BTN): t7879 49.24 BBs
    SB: t3316 20.73 BBs
    BB: t1507 9.42 BBs
    UTG: t4469 27.93 BBs
    UTG+1: t1938 12.11 BBs
    MP1: t8646 54.04 BBs
    MP2: t4816 30.10 BBs

    Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is BTN with 4 2 K A
    3 folds, MP2 raises, CO 3-bets, Hero calls, 2 folds, MP2 calls

    Flop: (10.5 SB) 3 5 5 (3 players)
    MP2 checks, CO bets, Hero raises, MP2 folds, CO calls

    Turn: (7.25 BB) 7 (2 players)
    CO checks, Hero bets, CO calls

    River: (9.25 BB) 2 (2 players)
    CO checks, Hero bets, CO calls

    Final Pot: 11.25 BB
    CO mucks K T 9 K
    Hero shows 4 2 K A (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)
    Hero wins 5.625 BB
    Hero wins 5.625 BB

Lehekülg 10, kokku 14 EsimeneEsimene ... 89101112 ... ViimaneViimane

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