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Poker Stars $200+$15 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t300/t600 Limit + t60 - 8 players - View hand 1882991
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Seat 1: t7496 M = 8.06
Seat 2: t11167 M = 12.01
Seat 3: t6878 M = 7.40
Seat 4: t5866 M = 6.31
Hero (): t1942 M = 2.09
Seat 6: t10506 M = 11.30
Seat 7: t9174 M = 9.86
Seat 8: t7478 M = 8.04

3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 3 ____Seat 1 folds
Seat 2: xx xx 9 ____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx A ____Seat 3 raises____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 3 ____Seat 4 folds
Hero: 4 3 2 ___Hero brings in for $90___Hero 3-bets
Seat 6: xx xx 8 ____Seat 6 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 7 ____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx 8 ____Seat 8 completes____Seat 8 calls

4th Street: (10.6 SB) (3 players)
Seat 3: xx xx A J ____Seat 3 checks____Seat 3 calls
Hero: 4 3 2 4 ___Hero bets
Seat 8: xx xx 8 9 ____Seat 8 calls

5th Street: (6.8 BB) (3 players)
Seat 3: xx xx A J 3 ____Seat 3 bets____Seat 3 calls
Hero: 4 3 2 4 T ___Hero raises all in
Seat 8: xx xx 8 9 K ____Seat 8 calls

6th Street: (10.21 BB) (3 players - 1 is all in)
Seat 3: xx xx A J 3 2 ____Seat 3 checks
Hero: 4 3 2 4 T 5
Seat 8: xx xx 8 9 K 6 ____Seat 8 checks

7th Street: (10.21 BB) (3 players - 1 is all in)
Seat 3: xx xx A J 3 2 xx____Seat 3 bets
Hero: 4 3 2 4 T 5 A
Seat 8: xx xx 8 9 K 6 xx____Seat 8 calls

Final Pot: 12.21 BB
Seat 3 shows 4 2 A J 3 2 7 (HI: a pair of Deuces; LO: 7,4,3,2,A)
Hero shows 4 3 2 4 T 5 A (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)
Seat 8 shows K Q 8 9 K 6 2 (HI: a pair of Kings)
Seat 8 wins 1 BB
Seat 3 wins 1 BB
Hero wins 5.105 BB
Hero wins 5.105 BB