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Näidatakse tulemusi 21 kuni 40, kokku 62
  1. #21
    Varasemalt kasutaja "romeo"
    Aug 2012
    1 229

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    see on siis umm.. 200 buyini below ev ?

    Edit: 2000 flipi peale 200-ga võssa panna on päris jõhkralt väljaspool standard deviationit.
    Viimati muudetud Strawberry poolt : 07.01.13 at 20:39

  2. #22

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Ma arvan, et ta aprilliks või hiljemalt suveks surnud (stress & magamatus) :D.

  3. #23
    Dec 2010
    1 965

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola Vaata postitust
    Ma arvan, et ta aprilliks või hiljemalt suveks surnud (stress & magamatus) :D.
    Ta peaks siis sinuga ühe Doyle Brunsoni stiilis beti tegema :)

  4. #24
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja virukunn avatar
    Jul 2010
    2 035

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas muttaja Vaata postitust
    Ta peaks siis sinuga ühe Doyle Brunsoni stiilis beti tegema :)
    Wtf mis Doyle betib millal ta sureb v ?

  5. #25

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Alex Wice sureb v ?

  6. #26

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d


  7. #27
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Cypher0 avatar
    Jan 2010
    1 512

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Mu meelest selle 100k fpp eest ta ei tohi rahalisi boonuseid osta, poest monitoripeegleid ja õhuvärskendajaid jms ainult.

    E: 1) VIP Store shopping spree: You've just clocked 100,000 VPP points? And you're the first to do so in 2013? Well, you should go shopping to celebrate. Here you go, let the PokerStars VIP Club give you a bonus 100,000 FPP to spend in a frenzy on VIP Store merchandise. (Tournament tickets, live event packages, gift certificates and bonuses are excluded).

  8. #28

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Ei ütle samas ju et rahalisi boonuseid ei või osta.

  9. #29

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Ta sai selle 100k FPP lisaks boonusena neile 450k FPP'le, mis selle 100k VPP'ga vabastas ju.

  10. #30
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Cypher0 avatar
    Jan 2010
    1 512

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Pumper Vaata postitust
    Ei ütle samas ju et rahalisi boonuseid ei või osta.
    'bonuses are excluded' just seda ju ütlebki, kui mu engrish just väga roostes ei ole. Muidugi see aint $1600 väärt ka nii et long runis üsna ebaoluline.

  11. #31
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Romka avatar
    Mar 2009
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    1 544

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola Vaata postitust
    Ma arvan, et ta aprilliks või hiljemalt suveks surnud (stress & magamatus) :D.
    Võibolla aga päris unreal vend tundub ikkagi.

    Post 2+2'st
    Maybe most people would collapse under this stress, but they clearly underestimate Alex.

    One of my favorite Awice stories goes back to 2006 before either of us were that serious about poker. We were both in first year math at the University of Waterloo. Our school had advanced classes for calculus and algebra which we were both enrolled in- during these classes far less people surf the internet/**** around than in most university classes since they move pretty quickly and it was the first time in my life I ever found myself falling behind in a math class.

    Back in these days, no one played more than like 8 tables- rainkhan had to send in a video of himself like 30 tabling since even poker stars didn't believe someone could play that many tables.

    Anyways, in this lecture hall of ~80 students writing as quick as they can to keep up with the professor, theres Awice in the middle of the room- 24 tabling SNGs on his laptop, with his right hand, while practicing for the highest level of para para paradise(an arcade game like DDR where you wave your hands under sensors) with his left hand, all while absorbing more information in the lecture than me and most of the other students. I think his abilities for multi-tasking and making extremely quick decisions are almost second to none.

    You got this Alex!

  12. #32

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Back in these days, no one played more than like 8 tables- rainkhan had to send in a video of himself like 30 tabling since even poker stars didn't believe someone could play that many tables.
    olid ajad...

  13. #33
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Romka avatar
    Mar 2009
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    1 544

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Ja veel üks hea post Aleci enda poolt, nendele kes 2+2's ei roami.

    0. I respect what you guys are saying and you are mostly right. But I feel that the path that you laid out is just mostly right, its not right for everyone. For me, I feel comfortable with the path I am on. Soon, that path will be right for me, but not just yet.

    1. If I wasn't playing poker, I wouldn't go outside or talk to anyone, I would very likely just do some derp **** instead. Kirbynator can tell you, when I found some derp Diablo III exploit I literally woke up, played it 16 straight hours, slept, played 16 straight hours, slept, etc. hammering that exploit (something very repetitive that takes 1 minute) every day all day because I felt like I was winning. That's my personality. Realistically I would be playing games or watching people play games all day.

    2. If you look at the VIP club leaderboard, there are plenty of people doing what I am doing. Why? It turns out that you can get something like 3k VPP an hour at 200s or whatever. If I did it correctly I could play something like 7h a day, or less, or whatever. The time factor isn't actually the problem, even if I was playing say 12h a day. Plenty of people work two jobs or three or whatever. The problem is stress from swings and self doubt, and being a good enough player to legit beat those stakes. Only a handful of people in the world right at this moment can beat these games.

    3. I have a lot of enthusiasm for poker even when it's tough. I feel like you guys have an egocentric bias here, because eg. if 40 hours of poker a week is something very painful for you, you assume it must be for me too. I just came off the biggest downswing of my life and I played phenomenally yesterday for 12h small tabling even while losing big. I'm happy to play. I just wanna play, mang.

    4. My performance does suffer a bit but I think for me specifically, these things are either something I understand or I don't. If I understand it then it will become memory and I will play the hand that way forever. If I don't then it is a leak and I will lose money in that spot. I don't think eg. my 8 tabling ability is better than my 12 tabling ability basically. For most people this isn't true though. There are some tilt control issues but I feel comfortable with my tilt control overall.

    5. I have plenty of freedom even while getting 8x. I just don't have that much freedom if I intend to do 12x this Jan (which I am on pace for.) Depending on results (maybe I can handle running about 50 bad from today before I throw the towel) I may have to abandon 12x. But all of these things are sort of flex goals anyways, even 8x. The main thing for me is that I want to do all the things in point #6 + play poker min 40h a week so I can feel good about myself that I took the game seriously and made money before bots take over or whatever instead of jerking off.

    6. I do respect myself, haha. That's why I eat well, exercise, wake up on time, sleep on time, take timeouts to relax, talk with people, play piano, etc.

  14. #34
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Ükski bad run ei ole kunagi 100% bad play ja ükski good run ei ole kunagi 100% good play. Ilmselgelt on run bad kui $40K loetud päevadega kaotab.

  15. #35

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Mängigu palju tahab, aga mis ta eputab. Nolifemisega tähelepanu püüda on mulle arusaamatu....

  16. #36
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 465

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas C-3PO Vaata postitust
    Mängigu palju tahab, aga mis ta eputab. Nolifemisega tähelepanu püüda on mulle arusaamatu....
    Iga inimene on erinev. Tänapäeva pseudoprobleem, kuna leiutati Internet, mis muudeti kõigile kättesaadavaks. Selliseid inimesed on alati olnud meie keskel ja jäänud, kunagi ei paistnud välja. Kirjanikud või leiutajad, kes ka "nolifesid" ning elasid eraklikku eluviisi, ei olnud toona mõnitussõna.

  17. #37
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja jasssass avatar
    Sep 2010
    1 200

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas C-3PO Vaata postitust
    Mängigu palju tahab, aga mis ta eputab. Nolifemisega tähelepanu püüda on mulle arusaamatu....
    Nolife one year to live normal life forever

  18. #38

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    See kõlab sarnaselt, nagu "käin paar kuud soomes tööl ja elan ülejäänud aasta normaalselt Eestis".

  19. #39

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    Normaalne eestlane teenib heal juhul 500€ netopalka kuus. Seega, kui Soomes kahe kuuga 6000€ kokku ajada, on selllel jutul tõepõhi all.

    Päris AW ma pole, aga kui ma irl ei saaks paar nädalat kellegiga suhelda, siis poleks erilist probleemi. Probleem tekib siis, kui nett ka valemist eemaldada.

  20. #40

    Re: Alex Wice: 40 tunniga Supernovaks, aastaga 8 miljonit VPP-d

    I lost. Then I lost some more. Then I lost some more. And just when I thought it was over, I had the worst day yet -- I lost another $22.6k in EV in a day, running 100k below in chip EV. Since you start off with 500 in chips when you play a hyper, 100k below in chip EV in a day is retarded.
    Päevaga 113bi alla ev WTF??? Kuidas see võimalik on :D

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