Eesti Pokkeriportaal
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  1. #1
    Räme Fish Kasutaja Liina avatar
    Oct 2012
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia

    Sviten Special sellel reedel Tallinnas!!

    22. veebruar toimub Reval Park kasiinos Franke Invitational pokkeriturniir.
    Mängitakse formaadis Sviten Special, 50€ buy-in, 2h 20€ rebuy.

    See on esimest korda kui Reval Park kasiinos toimub veidi "erilisemas" formaadis turniir, seega on justkui võimalus teha ajalugu.

    Sviten Special: Lühidalt öeldes on see segu pot-limit Ohamast ja five-card draw'st. Pool potist läheb parimale draw käele ning teine pool parimale Omaha käele.

    Kohtade arv on piiratud ainult 60 mängijani ning hetkel on pooled kohad välja müüdud.
    Pileti saate osta kas Olympicust või minu kaudu.

    Kõik kes soovivad osaleda, kiirustage :)!

  2. #2
    Räme Fish Kasutaja Liina avatar
    Oct 2012
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia

    Re: Sviten Special sellel reedel Tallinnas!!

    Franke kirjalik kiirkursus neile, kes mängu ei tunne:

    The blinds and button all function the same as Omaha (or Hold'em).

    1. Each player is dealt five cards (all face down), and the first betting round ensues. Just like Omaha, this game is typically played as a Pot-Limit game.

    2. After the completion of the first betting round a standard 3-card flop is dealt, (so far we're just playing 5-card Omaha).
    Once that betting round is complete, each player must "lock in" the total number of cards they wish to exchange. Players are allowed to keep all cards (stand pat) or exchange up to all five (assuming you're playing with five or less players.

    3. Players announce the number of cards they would like to exchange in the standard betting order. This means the button will always be the last player to lock in.

    4. Once all players have locked in, the dealer deals new cards to all players, just like in standard 5-card draw.

    The Draw Twist - Just to make things more fun, there's a little twist to the draw portion of the hand. If you choose to exchange only one card, the dealer will turn over the top card of the deck, letting all players see that one card. You have the choice to take that card, or receive the next card in the deck face down.

    5. Once all players have received their new cards,the flop betting round begins.

    6. Once the betting round is over the turn is dealt. The game functions the same as Omaha from this point on, until the showdown.

    At the showdown the player with the best Omaha hand (2 cards from their hand, 3 from the board) wins half the pot, and the player with the best draw hand (all five cards from their hand) wins the second half.

    Questions anyone?

  3. #3
    240h kuus mängib, ülejäänud aja otsib .gife Kasutaja Priidix avatar
    Jun 2009
    2 840

    Re: Sviten Special sellel reedel Tallinnas!!

    quick five-card draw tips please :)
    Viimati muudetud Priidix poolt : 22.02.13 at 02:46 Põhjus: :)

  4. #4
    Räme Fish Kasutaja Liina avatar
    Oct 2012
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia

    Re: Sviten Special sellel reedel Tallinnas!!

    1) Don't play like Franke
    2) Play your Draw hand more than your 5C Omaha hand
    3) Don't underestimate the power of changing 1 card only.
    4) Check the rules again at:
    5) Come to the casino at 16:30 and Poker Icons will arrange free crash courses in the game for beginners!

  5. #5
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 275

    Re: Sviten Special sellel reedel Tallinnas!!

    Liina saatsin sulle päeval PM-i. Palun vasta sellele niipea, kui võimalik.

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