Hommikune event 72 1R

Kodanik slowrollis pre mind.

Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3000/t6000 Blinds + t600 - 9 players - View hand 2150162
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MP1: t59122 M = 4.11
MP2: t141950 M = 9.86
CO: t63496 M = 4.41
BTN: t46470 M = 3.23
SB: t66600 M = 4.62
BB: t196018 M = 13.61
Hero (UTG): t145606 M = 10.11
UTG+1: t132080 M = 9.17
UTG+2: t18450 M = 1.28

Pre Flop: (t14400) Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to t18000, 3 folds, MP2 raises to t66000, 4 folds, Hero raises to t145006 all in, MP2 calls t75350 all in

Flop: (t297100) A K 7 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t297100) 5 (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t297100) 9 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t297100
MP2 shows A A (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero shows K K (three of a kind, Kings)
MP2 wins t297100