vahel veab ka :)
PokerStars - Hold'em Tournament - $4000/8000 Blinds - 9 Players
Hand Converter by

BB: $95,673
UTG: $155,662
UTG+1: $133,658
MP1: $149,886
MP2: $162,084
MP3: $277,041
CO: $173,334
BTN: $224,418
SB: $202,603

Pre-flop: Dealt to BB K A
(2 folds), MP1 raises to $17,666, MP2 raises to $161,084 and is all-in, (4 folds), BB calls $86,673 and is all-in, MP1 calls $131,220 and is all-in, MP2 returns $12,198

Flop: ($405,445) 2 8 T (3 Players)

Turn: ($405,445) K (3 Players)

River: ($405,445) K (3 Players)

MP1 Showed Q Q
MP2 Showed J J
BB Showed K A
MP1 wins $108,426 with three of a kind, Kings
BB wins $297,019 with three of a kind, Kings