PokerStars - Hold'em Tournament - $17500/35000 Blinds - 9 Players
Hand Converter by

BB: $1,214,686
UTG: $432,779
UTG+1: $808,416
MP1: $384,752
MP2: $1,553,530
MP3: $543,879
CO: $231,922
BTN: $204,548
SB: $471,172

Pre-flop: Dealt to SB 3 Q
(7 folds), SB raises to $98,000, BB calls $63,000

Flop: ($235,375) 6 2 5 (2 Players)
SB bets $105,000, BB raises to $1,112,311 and is all-in, SB calls $263,797 and is all-in, BB returns $743,514

Turn: ($972,969) Q (2 Players)

River: ($972,969) A (2 Players)

SB Showed 3 Q
BB Showed 6 T
SB wins $972,969 with a pair of Queens