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  1. #1
    PokkeriProde Uudiste Postitaja Kasutaja Toimetaja avatar
    Nov 2012

    Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Kas Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis? Mis saab Pokerstars mängijate rahades, mis konfiskeeritakse? Või mida tegi Rake the Rake esindaja?

    Loe edasi ›››

  2. #2
    mees nagu orkester Kasutaja VisaHing avatar
    Dec 2009
    @ Emma-s house
    6 723

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Üritasin aru saada, mis seost on PokerStarsil selle case-ga aga vist polegi? Lihtsalt artiklisse lisatud lõik intervjuust Steve-ga või mis?

  3. #3
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 331

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas VisaHing Vaata postitust
    Üritasin aru saada, mis seost on PokerStarsil selle case-ga aga vist polegi? Lihtsalt artiklisse lisatud lõik intervjuust Steve-ga või mis?
    Iga alapealkiri on erinev uudis. Ei hakanud tegema nelja väikest artiklit, vaid lisatud kõik ühte kokku.

  4. #4
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    85ndats postist käib päris soldi detective work Locki ja Küprose sidemetest.

    2+2 Lock´i representative´i statement:

    Lock Poker Clarifies P2P Transfer Withdrawal Policy
    Curacao May 9th, 2013

    Through a detailed investigation over the past few weeks the Lock security team uncovered a large group of persons that were abusing the P2P transfer policy and creating a large network of mule accounts to move and withdraw funds without any play at all taking place.

    To deal with this situation a policy change was put into place to clear out the backlog of withdrawals by accounts with little to no play and increase the speed of withdrawals for players taking actual winnings.

    Lock has introduced a new cash-out policy for transferred funds which requires a player to accumulate at least 15% in GGR on the funds received via P2P transfer before these funds are cashed-out. Put simply, for every $100 of transferred funds to be withdrawn, $15 of rake or fees will need to be accumulated beforehand.

    The policy change was put in place explicitly to put an end to money laundering via Lock's player transfers. Players withdrawing winnings are not affected.

    Lock will continue to process withdrawals and work to reduce all withdrawal delays over the coming weeks.

    A large amount of mis-information has been spread recently on various poker news sites and forum postings about player funds being lost in recent banking scandals; none of this is true.

    Locki bossi spin ka lõppu:

    Good news for Lock Poker players following quite a bit of anxiety in recent weeks as several customers outside the US have reported receipt of Skrill payouts, some of which were several thousand dollars, others of which were requested only within the past two weeks.

    “The Lock staff works constantly to find new, reputable payment processors as one way to improve the payment times,” said Lock Poker CEO and Founder Jennifer Larson in a world exclusive interview with “They are committed to reducing payout times and you will see improvement in this over the coming weeks”.

    While delays in payouts to US customers have become the norm industry wide, many are questioning Lock’s slow wait times outside the US.

    Ms. Larson elaborated.

    “In terms of slow payouts there are a number of reasons for this,” she explains. “There was a group of people who were buying and cashing out players bankrolls and not playing at all - this was a large volume and was causing legitimate players' cash outs to be delayed, as the scheme was using accounts incorrectly marked as belonging to affiliates.

    “The other main reason is that Lock one of the largest poker sites that continues to serve players in most States in the US. This means that all Lock payments processors must be discreet as the DOJ has shown repeatedly that it likes to seize the players funds.

    “A pipe analogy is useful to explain the situation further: Lock has a number of "pipes" it can use to flow funds to players however there are only so many pipes and all have a limited capacity. So while Lock has all the players' funds to pay out it is limited in the ability to do so by the constraints of the system and the threat of the US DOJ seizing

  5. #5
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Here is a post from 2011 (one of many) where Lock Poker Manager Eric "Rizen" Lynch verifies JDB Services is the payment processor for Lock:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rizen
    The casino deposit option as well as the casino cash out options are things we put in place to help our customers get money on and off the site easier, but if you do everything through the poker side you never interact with the casino or JDB services.

    Sellega seonduvalt mingi netikaevamine:

    As someone who has worked extensively on the corporate side of tax haven jurisdictions, I think I can add a few useful things.

    1) JDB Services NV is a Curacao company, registration number 104881. Its director is Carmanco, N.V.

    2) Carmanco NV is a trust company doing business as Curacao Trust Management (see ). A trust company essentially maintains the legal fiction that companies who, in reality, are based outside of the jurisdiction, have "operations" inside the jurisdiction. This is required to obtain the tax advantages that are the driving force in most of these so-called "tax haven" jurisdiction. The trust companies serve as registered agent, provide director services, and engage in other similar functions. Carmanco NV's address is Van Engelenweg 23, Curacao. That is also the address of JDB Services NV, according to Curacao records.

    In other words: JDB Services NV doesn't really have an office in Curacao. Its office is that of a trust company.

    3) The WHOIS entry for lists a Curacao street address, a Cyprus zip code, a Curacao city, a Cyprus country and a French telephone number. I wouldn't list this as dispositive for JDB Services having a "corporate headquarters" in Cyprus, especially because...

    4) The WHOIS address for lists a Cyprus address that is shared by several other companies, including "Nautell Capital Ltd.", "Infora Ltd.", "Xtra TV", and others. That address is thus very likely to be the address of another trust company (although I did not peel the onion back that far to confirm this).

    5) Lock's license is held by Cipaco NV, a Curacao company, registration number 124795. Its address is Dr. M.J. Hugenholtzweg Z/N UTS Building (a Curacao address). That's the same address as the WHOIS address for although oddly a different Curacao address than the address of its director. It's possible that this is an old address for the trust company or some affiliated company.

    6) Regarding BusinessWeek's suggestion that JDB Services is based in the Netherlands, the connection of the Netherlands to Curacao should be obvious, but if it's not, Curacao was formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles, a Caribbean island nation that was (still is?) a protectorate of the Netherlands. The Netherlands also uses trust companies, so it's entirely reasonable to think that JDB Services' Netherlands "operations" are yet another trust company.

    7) I will say that when companies set up in these tax haven jurisdictions through trust companies, they are usually required to set up bank accounts as well, ***although the bank accounts in the tax haven jurisdiction are usually not the primary bank accounts of the company.*** They are opened and maintained with minimal balances, again for the purposes of satisfying all the legal requirements to maintain the legal fiction that the company is doing business in the jurisdiction. This has some tax advantages -- ALL of these actions are driven by tax concerns.

    8) The evidence is at least reasonable that JDB Services is yet another arm of Lock, but I am beginning to have deep doubts that Lock has a "corporate headquarters" that is anything other than a condo in Vancouver.

    Ma ei hakka üritama seda maakeeli edasi anda, sest liiga loll selle jaoks ja pole hetkel aega kaevata ka.
    Paar lehekülge seda pokerfraudalerti teemat annab vast parema ja kiirema ülevaate, kui huvitab.

  6. #6
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Päris solid teemaarendus käib seal 2+2 statementi teema lõpu poole, et Lock, kui juba ei tee, siis peaks marketplaceist kokku ostma sendid-dollarilt kursiga Locki bankrolle, et nii võlgu oldavat ja kini hoitavat rahahulka vähendada.
    See küll rofl idee, aga oleks hea huumor.

  7. #7
    Politseidokumendiga kusjuures! Kasutaja ment52 avatar
    Oct 2008
    1 270

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas jrgn hell Vaata postitust
    Päris solid teemaarendus käib seal 2+2 statementi teema lõpu poole, et Lock, kui juba ei tee, siis peaks marketplaceist kokku ostma sendid-dollarilt kursiga Locki bankrolle, et nii võlgu oldavat ja kini hoitavat rahahulka vähendada.
    See küll rofl idee, aga oleks hea huumor.
    Ühe merge skini tegelane seda juba tegi mõne aja eest.

  8. #8
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ment52 Vaata postitust
    Ühe merge skini tegelane seda juba tegi mõne aja eest.
    Rofl, solid!

    Ehk jagub seda huumorit veel kauaks.

    ty, for linking

  9. #9
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 331

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas jrgn hell Vaata postitust
    Rofl, solid!

    Ehk jagub seda huumorit veel kauaks.

    ty, for linking
    Ta ei ostnud ju. Ühtegi tõendit s.t. ei ole leitud kedagi, kes oleks ka reaalselt tehingu sooritanud. Aga jah solid bashimine ning Locki poolt 0,3 per dollar ära osta oleks geniaalne liigutus. Nii ****** ettevõttena ma vist isegi teeksin seda. Nii või naa neil reppi ei ole.

  10. #10
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: Päeva kõrghetked: Lock Poker kaotas rahad Küprose panganduskriisis?

    Hi everyone, I'm Lock Pro Matt Stout.

    People all over 2p2 are talking about how we, the pros, are scum for being associated with Lock and must have no no moral or ethical standards. That is far from the truth, to say the least. People I don't know have been attacking me on my own personal Facebook wall. People went after Melanie Weisner in her marketplace thread. Someone actually told another Lock Pro that his baby should have been a stillborn because he's still with the company, which is probably the worst thing I've ever heard a poker player say in all my years (and that says a lot). Questioning us via Twitter, messaging us on Facebook/email, or asking for answers on the forums is completely understandable, but the personal attacks on the pros are getting out of hand.

    Melanie and I (and many of the other pros, for that matter) are highly reputable members of the high stakes tournament community and have been for years. We've each done six to seven figures of backing transactions over the years without any problems or complaints. We've built great reputations and trust with the MTTc and I can speak for all of us when I say that no one on our side is just sitting around content with things as they are while we happily collect our "checks" (payments in Lock $). Many of us have been very active behind the scenes, even if we aren't able to answer all of the questions that people want answered. Please don't think that we're all sitting idly by without a plan.

    A lot of us have been with Lock for years, long before they had any type of cash out issues, and we're still bound by contract to represent the site. I signed with Lock in 2009, which was a couple years before Black Friday when Lock Poker was nothing more than a small skin on the Cake network. I was one of the first players to sign with the site and have been heavily involved with them since. As such, few people if anyone will be more disappointed and embarassed if the allegations are true and the money isn't there than I will be. That is why I will commit to paying back at least $10,000 from the pro payments I've received this year (and more if I'm able to get all of my Lock money offline) if Lock does indeed go under (which, to be clear, I still don't think it will). In the event that it does happen, I will distribute it to the players who are signed up under me based on how much each of them has on Lock.

    I think that walking away and turning my back on the situation after having my friends and followers sign up for and deposit money on the site for the past four years would be a cowardly move. I owe it to them to do whatever I can to advocate for the players in this situation. It would make no sense to immediately walk away from the situation as soon as payouts slow down, especially since Skrill cash outs of $10k at a time were only taking 1-2 weeks to process until recently. That's why that I was never concerned about payouts in the US taking so long. It's easy to understand why payment processing into the US is a difficult and tedious process right now, but when the money was going out $10k at a time via Skrill for ROW players in a pretty standard timeframe there definitely didn't seem to be anything amiss, despite rampant allegations even then that seemed to be completely unfounded. I even had a long Twitter DM convo with Jon Aguiar several months ago asking for proof behind all of the allegations he was making against the site, because I would have been the first to blow the whistle if I truly believe anything was going on. Jon basically admitted then that he was basing his attack primarily on his gut instinct but refused to stop his attack on us because he told me that he'd rather be loud and wrong than quiet and right in this situation.

    Please do not confuse my continued presence on the Lock Pro roster for blindly following along and promoting a site that I believe is fleecing its customers, though. I would never do such a thing in a million years. I truly do have the poker community's best interest at heart in all the actions I've taken thus far and will take in the future. Although I haven't been posting in the forums, I have been doing what I can to reply to all the tweets directed at me and have been heavily involved behind the scenes. I was given a reasonable explanation of why the delays have increased and I still remain hopeful that the owner will make good on her promise to us that Skrill cash outs will be back to normal (being paid out in 1-2 weeks max) within 3-4 weeks. If this doesn't happen I'll consider it a very bad sign and act according.

    Also, some people don't seem to believe me on this, but I'll say it again: our pro payments are made into our Lock accounts, and yes, we are subject to the same cash out issues as everyone else. My Skrill cash outs used to take 1-2 weeks, just like everyone else's. My last Skrill withdrawal took around 9 weeks just like all the other ROW players I talk to. I just want all these people who think that we're hitting our instant cash out button and laughing at all of the other players to understand that we're being paid in what you claim is "monopoly money" so if it truly has no value, we aren't really being paid at all. Again, I don't believe that to be the case and will continue to do what I can to advocate for the players, ask questions that need to be asked, and come forward with any information that I'm able to give. I've already posed the questions asked SGT RJ ( to the owner and will try to answer them as best I can after I get a reply and am done with the EPT Monte Carlo main event.

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