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  1. #141
    dibs esimesele naisele, kes siia satub Kasutaja q_q avatar
    Jan 2011
    6 303

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Viimane on standard.

  2. #142
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Cascada - Neverending nightmare
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 2342775
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BB: $19.20
    UTG: $25.00
    UTG+1: $25.00
    MP: $10.82
    Hero (CO): $25.80
    BTN: $25.35
    SB: $25.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with J J
    2 folds, MP raises to $0.75, Hero raises to $2.50, 3 folds, MP calls $1.75

    Flop: ($5.35) 6 6 7 (2 players)
    MP bets $5, Hero raises to $10, MP calls $3.32 all in

    Turn: ($21.99) 9 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($21.99) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $21.99
    MP shows 6 Q (three of a kind, Sixes)
    Hero shows J J (two pair, Jacks and Sixes)
    MP wins $21.00
    (Rake: $0.99)

    Jep, fishi toprange as usual... EV going down.
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 2342778
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    CO: $8.04
    BTN: $25.00
    SB: $25.00
    BB: $20.67
    UTG: $12.49
    UTG+1: $12.73
    Hero (UTG+2): $25.95
    MP1: $10.35
    MP2: $25.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG+2 with K A
    2 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, 1 fold, MP2 calls $0.75, 3 folds, BB raises to $2.50, Hero raises to $25.95 all in, 1 fold, BB calls $18.17 all in

    Flop: ($42.19) 7 8 4 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: ($42.19) 3 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: ($42.19) A (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: $42.19
    BB shows K K (a pair of Kings)
    Hero shows K A (a pair of Aces)
    Hero wins $40.29
    (Rake: $1.90)
    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 01.11.13 at 17:49

  3. #143
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Oh god, täieliku ultraniti vastu :D
    MP2: $45.73
    CO: $9.65
    BTN: $9.98
    SB: $14.11
    BB: $25.75
    Hero (UTG): $25.35
    UTG+1: $8.15
    UTG+2: $24.40
    MP1: $27.19

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG with 6 6
    Hero raises to $0.75, 1 fold, UTG+2 calls $0.75, 3 folds, BTN calls $0.75, 1 fold, BB calls $0.50

    Flop: ($3.10) J J 6 (4 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $2.20, UTG+2 folds, BTN folds, BB calls $2.20

    Turn: ($7.50) K (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $6, BB calls $6

    River: ($19.50) Q (2 players)
    BB bets $16.80 all in, Hero calls $16.40 all in

    Final Pot: $52.30
    BB shows J Q (a full house, Jacks full of Queens)
    Hero mucks 6 6
    BB wins $50.30
    (Rake: $2.00)

    Tuli ära vs fish, for fucks sake :D
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2342871
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG: $18.17
    MP: $27.01
    Hero (CO): $25.00
    BTN: $20.18
    SB: $13.36
    BB: $10.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with K T
    UTG calls $0.25, MP raises to $1, Hero calls $1, 1 fold, SB calls $0.90, 1 fold, UTG calls $0.75

    Flop: ($4.25) 4 T 8 (4 players)
    SB bets $12.36 all in, UTG folds, MP folds, Hero calls $12.36

    Turn: ($28.97) 5 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($28.97) 9 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $28.97
    Hero shows K T (a pair of Tens)
    SB shows A 8 (a pair of Eights)
    Hero wins $27.67
    (Rake: $1.30)
    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 01.11.13 at 20:00

  4. #144
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Kas siin on fold pre liiga nit? UTG ja UTG+1 parajad vaalad, CO veits LAG regular kuid käsi vaid 75. 4betime ise pre? Tahame ju vaalasid potti vist.

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 2342879
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    MP1: $26.93
    MP2: $10.00
    CO: $25.00
    BTN: $25.00
    SB: $44.96
    Hero (BB): $25.35
    UTG: $5.50
    UTG+1: $18.86
    UTG+2: $11.10

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with J J
    UTG calls $0.25, UTG+1 raises to $0.50, 3 folds, CO raises to $2.10, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.85, UTG raises to $5.50 all in, UTG+1 calls $5, CO raises to $9, Hero folds???,
    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 01.11.13 at 20:13

  5. #145
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Tervitused vikile!

    Boobi Miles (MP2): $9.65
    viki36 (CO): $25.00
    Yan_P-51 (BTN): $19.60
    mayhemZC (SB): $25.00
    SestprsTy (BB): $25.00
    devilman1419 (UTG): $26.71
    fajerluk (UTG+1): $13.29
    Hero (MP1): $25.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is MP1 with 9 9
    2 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, 1 fold, viki36 calls $0.75, 3 folds

    Flop: ($1.85) 7 5 9 (2 players)
    Hero bets $1.25, viki36 raises to $4, Hero raises to $24.25 all in, viki36 calls $20.25 all in

    Turn: ($50.35) Q (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: ($50.35) 3 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: $50.35
    viki36 shows 8 Q (a flush, Queen high)
    Hero shows 9 9 (three of a kind, Nines)
    viki36 wins $48.35
    (Rake: $2.00)

  6. #146
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Vastane nit taaskord, 13/10. On turnis varasemalt raisenud 17%(3/18), turni aggro veits kõrge 3,6, kuid nii niti kohta vast standard. Algne limper oli 41/5 40 käe peale. Plaanisin callida iga riveri mis ei complete võimalikku rida. Infoks veel niipalju, et samal ajal chatis kaks swedi suhtlesid oma vahel, mida ma küll käe ajal tähele ei pannud, ja üks nagu mainis J5, et see vist oli tal käes. Kas on WP?

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 2342998
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BB: $10.00
    UTG: $8.21
    UTG+1: $18.47
    UTG+2: $11.35
    MP1: $45.22
    MP2: $25.00
    Hero (CO): $26.41
    BTN: $25.00
    SB: $18.13

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with A A
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.25, 3 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, BTN calls $1.25, 3 folds

    Flop: ($3.10) 7 8 3 (2 players)
    Hero bets $1.50, BTN calls $1.50

    Turn: ($6.10) J (2 players)
    Hero bets $3, BTN raises to $8.90, Hero calls $5.90

    River: ($23.90) 9 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $13.35 all in, Hero folds

    Final Pot: $23.90
    BTN wins $22.82
    (Rake: $1.08)

    Vs 80/10, suht noisia jooks.
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2343024
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    SB: $25.78
    BB: $26.88
    UTG: $11.63
    UTG+1: $32.49
    MP1: $25.49
    Hero (MP2): $25.25
    CO: $21.86
    BTN: $10.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is MP2 with T T
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.25, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1.20, 4 folds, UTG+1 calls $0.95

    Flop: ($2.75) 3 Q 4 (2 players)
    UTG+1 bets $1.25, Hero calls $1.25

    Turn: ($5.25) 6 (2 players)
    UTG+1 bets $1.50, Hero calls $1.50

    River: ($8.25) 3 (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

    Final Pot: $8.25
    UTG+1 shows T 3 (three of a kind, Threes)
    Hero mucks T T
    UTG+1 wins $7.88
    (Rake: $0.37)
    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 01.11.13 at 23:35

  7. #147
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    RB gennerrrrattorrr
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 2343064
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG+1: $17.84
    UTG+2: $25.35
    MP1: $42.13
    MP2: $8.23
    Hero (CO): $28.62
    BTN: $29.08
    SB: $20.58
    BB: $12.06
    UTG: $25.94

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with A A
    3 folds, MP1 raises to $0.80, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.40, 3 folds, MP1 raises to $5.90, Hero raises to $28.62 all in, MP1 calls $22.72

    Flop: ($57.59) K 2 Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: ($57.59) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($57.59) Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $57.59
    MP1 shows A A (two pair, Aces and Queens)
    Hero shows A A (two pair, Aces and Queens)
    MP1 wins $28.05
    Hero wins $28.04
    (Rake: $1.50)

  8. #148
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    vs solid reg eurilauas.
    BTN: $10.66
    SB: $25.00
    Hero (BB): $25.11
    CO: $25.81

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with 6 6
    2 folds, SB raises to $0.50, Hero raises to $1.50, SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2.50

    Flop: ($8.00) 6 7 T (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $3.25, SB raises to $21 all in, Hero calls $17.75

    Turn: ($50.00) T (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($50.00) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $50.00
    SB shows K A (a pair of Tens)
    Hero shows 6 6 (a full house, Sixes full of Tens)
    Hero wins $49.25
    (Rake: $0.75)

  9. #149
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    8,7h päevast pelada, pole paha. Prolly kõige volüümirikkaim päev, kätearvult ainult nagla sest 6 lauda max, vahel mõni rohkem. Aju suriseb ja moor peksab magama, adjoos.

    ( Click to show/hide )

  10. #150
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja bluelite avatar
    Nov 2010
    1 190

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Saan ma õigesti aru, et kolad mängu ajal foorumis? See su mängu ei sega?

  11. #151
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja bi0hazard avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 339

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Dnbftw Vaata postitust
    vs solid reg eurilauas.
    BTN: $10.66
    SB: $25.00
    Hero (BB): $25.11
    CO: $25.81

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with 6 6
    2 folds, SB raises to $0.50, Hero raises to $1.50, SB raises to $4, Hero calls $2.50

    Flop: ($8.00) 6 7 T (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $3.25, SB raises to $21 all in, Hero calls $17.75

    Turn: ($50.00) T (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($50.00) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $50.00
    SB shows K A (a pair of Tens)
    Hero shows 6 6 (a full house, Sixes full of Tens)
    Hero wins $49.25
    (Rake: $0.75)
    Ma ei suuda küll mõista, kuidas 4beti flattimine 66ga kunagi solid regi vastu hea käik saab olla, 100bb deep ka.

  12. #152
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja pikk28 avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 695

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    täpselt. suht 3 bet get it in siis way parem

  13. #153
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas bluelite Vaata postitust
    Saan ma õigesti aru, et kolad mängu ajal foorumis? See su mängu ei sega?
    Mitte väga imo. Mujal foorumis ei kola, ainult oma topic on lahti. Üldjuhul jääb selleks aega üle kui 2-3 head lauda tiksuvad ja parasjagu pole ühtegi paremat juurde võtta. Laua handhistory on nagunii väga tihti lahti ja handconverter samamoodi, käe kopeerimisest kuni postitamiseni kulub circa 20sekundit ehk :) Aga varasemalt palju suuremaks segajaks on olnud pidevalt graafiku vahtimine, sellest olen õnneks lahti saanud :P

    66ga 4beti flattimine pole tõesti parim käik. Õnnelik flop lihtsalt. Tho vastane stealib 65% kätega SB pealt, 4b aga ainult ~1,5%(see vist vaid AA KK QQ). Tundub, et opponent stealib BvB 2bb-ga premiumitega ja muidu paneb 2,5bb, peaks seda jälgima veel :)

    Laupäev jäi sisuliselt mängimata kuna tegutsesin maal, päris tore oli peale viietunnist uinakut circa tunnike maale sõita ja seal tegutseda. Õhtul linna tagasi jõudes oli mõnus zombie olla, booyyaa need some sleep...

  14. #154
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Viimati vist võitsin mõne flipi....cant really rememeber.
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 2344179
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    SB: $24.75
    BB: $10.00
    UTG: $25.00
    Hero (UTG+1): $29.78
    MP: $26.82
    CO: $13.00
    BTN: $11.10

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG+1 with Q Q
    UTG raises to $0.75, Hero calls $0.75, 1 fold, CO calls $0.75, 2 folds, BB raises to $9.90, 1 fold, Hero raises to $19.05, CO calls $12.25 all in, BB calls $0.10 all in

    Flop: ($36.85) T K 8 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: ($36.85) 9 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    River: ($36.85) A (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: $36.85
    BB shows A K (two pair, Aces and Kings)
    Hero shows Q Q (a pair of Queens)
    CO shows J J (a pair of Jacks)
    Hero wins $5.73
    BB wins $29.46
    (Rake: $1.66)

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2344180
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG+1: $15.52
    Hero (MP1): $26.08
    MP2: $19.65
    CO: $25.00
    BTN: $28.39
    SB: $25.91
    BB: $10.80
    UTG: $10.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is MP1 with A K
    1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $0.75, Hero raises to $2.50, 5 folds, UTG+1 raises to $4.25, Hero raises to $26.08 all in, UTG+1 calls $11.27 all in

    Flop: ($31.39) 4 Q 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: ($31.39) 2 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: ($31.39) T (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: $31.39
    UTG+1 shows J J (a pair of Jacks)
    Hero shows A K (high card Ace)
    UTG+1 wins $29.98
    (Rake: $1.41)

  15. #155
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Ei suju midagi :(
    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2344182
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (SB): $25.10
    BB: $25.00
    UTG: $15.50
    UTG+1: $33.53
    MP1: $17.47
    MP2: $25.81
    CO: $18.40
    BTN: $26.76

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is SB with A Q
    1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $0.75, 1 fold, MP2 calls $0.75, CO raises to $1.25, 1 fold, Hero raises to $3.25, 3 folds, CO calls $2

    Flop: ($8.25) 4 Q 7 (2 players)
    Hero bets $5.50, CO calls $5.50

    Turn: ($19.25) 7 (2 players)
    Hero bets $9.75, CO calls $9.65 all in

    River: ($38.55) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $38.55
    Hero shows A Q (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
    CO shows K K (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
    CO wins $36.82
    (Rake: $1.73)

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 2344184
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG: $15.64
    Hero (UTG+1): $25.00
    MP: $25.00
    CO: $10.86
    BTN: $25.00
    SB: $34.24
    BB: $9.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG+1 with A T
    UTG calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.20, 4 folds, BB calls $0.95, UTG calls $0.95

    Flop: ($3.70) A K J (3 players)
    BB bets $0.25, UTG calls $0.25, Hero raises to $2, BB calls $1.75, UTG folds

    Turn: ($7.95) 8 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero checks

    River: ($7.95) 5 (2 players)
    BB bets $5.80 all in, Hero calls $5.80

    Final Pot: $19.55
    Hero shows A T (a pair of Aces)
    BB shows A T (a pair of Aces)
    BB wins $9.34
    Hero wins $9.33
    (Rake: $0.88)
    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 03.11.13 at 13:22

  16. #156
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Ühes lauas 150 kätt koos 76/8 fishiga tiksunud ja sittagi, hows this possible...?

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2344188
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (BB): $25.11
    UTG: $29.28
    UTG+1: $25.00
    MP1: $26.54
    MP2: $48.25
    CO: $25.00
    BTN: $10.00
    SB: $9.05

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with T 7
    UTG calls $0.25, 1 fold, MP1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.25, 1 fold, Hero checks

    Flop: ($1.10) 6 9 8 (4 players)
    Hero bets $1, UTG folds, MP1 folds, BTN folds

    Final Pot: $1.10
    Hero mucks T 7
    Hero wins $1.05
    (Rake: $0.05)

  17. #157
    Grinder Kasutaja p0l1 avatar
    Jan 2011

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Dnbftw Vaata postitust
    Ühes lauas 150 kätt koos 76/8 fishiga tiksunud ja sittagi, hows this possible...?

    Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2344188
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (BB): $25.11
    UTG: $29.28
    UTG+1: $25.00
    MP1: $26.54
    MP2: $48.25
    CO: $25.00
    BTN: $10.00
    SB: $9.05

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with T 7
    UTG calls $0.25, 1 fold, MP1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.25, 1 fold, Hero checks

    Flop: ($1.10) 6 9 8 (4 players)
    Hero bets $1, UTG folds, MP1 folds, BTN folds

    Final Pot: $1.10
    Hero mucks T 7
    Hero wins $1.05
    (Rake: $0.05)
    Overbetiks floppi, kui ta insta fit fold tüüp pole. Suht raske stacke sisse saada muidu

  18. #158
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Veits vanad aga ehk on kellelgi veel kasu neist:

  19. #159
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dnbftw avatar
    Jul 2010
    1 808

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Täna samuti suhteliselt totter kaardijooks, pre on kõik fine, domineerin kõik ära aga flop abi ei too. Cbeti palju tahad aga fish tõmbab ikka ära... 30BI alles, NL10-16 pole kaugel :)

    Viimati muudetud Dnbftw poolt : 04.11.13 at 13:11

  20. #160

    Re: Dnbftw päevik [NL-PL25 FR]

    Usu mind, see on veel leebe. Postitan enda tänase graphi kohe :D Täiesti jõhker kuu algus lihtsalt. Üle pika aja tuli tilt külla ja päris korralikult sai kodus karjutud ja välja elatud.

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