
Pacific $30.00 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 2737376
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Hero (BTN): $34.14 - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 8, AF: 2,4, Hands: 697077
SB: $30.06 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 21, 3B: 14, AF: 3,6, Hands: 1010
BB: $71.13 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 27, 3B: 6, AF: 2,3, Hands: 775
UTG: $30.00 - VPIP: 23, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2,7, Hands: 27672
CO: $62.53 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 12, 3B: 3, AF: 2,5, Hands: 765

Pre Flop: ($0.45) Hero is BTN with K Q
1 fold, CO raises to $0.60, Hero raises to $2.85, 1 fold, BB raises to $7.05, 2 folds

Suht agro vend
Cold 4bet 5.9(17)
As played ok ?