Eesti Pokkeriportaal
Näidatakse tulemusi 1 kuni 20, kokku 459

Teema: Nl50 FR to HS


  1. #1
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Jul 2013

    Re: Poker Millionaire end of the 2016 :)

    Learning day 2:

    Whining challenge :

    Damn I want to quit my Job! ( with that problem i’m working already )
    Funny that i didn’t hear anybody whining today, I'll try harder tomorrow!
    Tilt Free Today: worked through (Y) (I got many exercises, 5 )

    Started Grind again today. I played 15 minutes, then I “rolled the dice” on paper and I had 9. Atm I’m thinking dice have only 6 numbers :) Next time I will be smarter. Result was -3 BI. Had to do hard folds thanks to variance! I also used at the same time Stop loss exercise, its 4 BI-s today. So I had to make brake if dice told me or quit when Stop loss received! I hope it's fine to do so?
    Viimati muudetud Tonislau poolt : 17.01.16 at 10:01

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