Eesti Pokkeriportaal
Näidatakse tulemusi 1 kuni 20, kokku 459

Teema: Nl50 FR to HS


  1. #1
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Jul 2013

    Re: Poker Millionaire end of the 2016 :)

    Yeah, i feel this good flow all ready :) I can play 4 tables with new preflop ranges :)
    Hope to make a nice upstraight green line!

    I really like that i can be loose, it sits so well to me. Motivation 1000%, i will do this 60K really quickly !!!
    Viimati muudetud Tonislau poolt : 15.01.16 at 12:25

  2. #2
    FPP Pro Kasutaja saugakarel avatar
    Oct 2008
    Value Town

    Re: Poker Millionaire end of the 2016 :)

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Tonislau Vaata postitust
    Yeah, i feel this good flow all ready :) I can play 4 tables with new preflop ranges :)
    Hope to make a nice upstraight green line!

    I really like that i can be loose, it sits so well to me. Motivation 1000%, i will do this 60K really quickly !!!
    Väga tore, paranda poste kas siis. Lükkan su ülesande ka ümber

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