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  1. #1

    nl200 HU 3b pot turni otsus

    Tundus, et päris fish pole esimeste käte põhjal, pfr 76 oop vpip 69 3b 0 cbet 100 fold to cbet 25 aga sample olematu 34 kätt

    Poker Stars $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 2320291
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (BB): $154.70
    BTN/SB: $119.14

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 4 5
    BTN/SB raises to $4, Hero raises to $14, BTN/SB calls $10

    Flop: ($28.00) 6 4 Q (2 players)
    Hero bets $17, BTN/SB calls $17

    Turn: ($62.00) 7 (2 players)
    [color=red]Hero check or bet??

  2. #2

    Re: nl200 HU 3b pot turni otsus

    I don't think you're getting any better hands to fold here, and you're not getting many worse hands to call, so I'd check to let him bet his floats, and just shove then, so that he doesn't freeroll.

    But why are you 3betting 5 high vs a fish ?

  3. #3

    Re: nl200 HU 3b pot turni otsus

    He didn't seem like a total fish but yeah that's still a good point. And ty for your answer, makes a sense.

  4. #4

    Re: nl200 HU 3b pot turni otsus

    Well, the fact that he has 60bb would indicate more fishy tendencies than if he would be full stacked and reloading, and in general fish don't fold to 3bets so I'd rather not 3bet light at the beginning. I would merge my range as a default and 3bet hand that make good top pairs, given that the SPR will be really small after he calls.

  5. #5

    Re: nl200 HU 3b pot turni otsus

    Yeah, thanks, good stuff

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