Party Poker $50.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 2357602
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MP2: $69.93
CO: $49.05
BTN: $36.26
SB: $23.75
BB: $48.59
UTG: $40.21
UTG+1: $53.25
Hero (UTG+2): $60.31
MP1: $52.92

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG+2 with 7 7
2 folds, Hero raises to $1, MP1 raises to $3, 2 folds, BTN calls $3, 1 fold, BB calls $2.50, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($12.25) K 7 A (4 players)
BB bets $28.00

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