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  1. #1

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    J977r MPst avangu käsi. wp

  2. #2
    Kahtlustatav Pettus(t)es
    Sep 2013
    2 145

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    nuts, ega need blaindid enam 10/20 pole, et nittama igas spotis pead.

  3. #3

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Poker Stars $8.00+$0.80 Pot Limit Omaha Hi Tournament - t1000/t2000 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 2453282
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG: t54399 27.20 BBs
    UTG+1: t4450 2.23 BBs
    UTG+2: t55479 27.74 BBs
    MP1: t130709 65.35 BBs
    MP2: t17040 8.52 BBs
    Hero (CO): t142945 71.47 BBs
    BTN: t79643 39.82 BBs
    SB: t31392 15.70 BBs
    BB: t59375 29.69 BBs

    Pre Flop: (t3000) Hero is CO with 8 T 7 7
    UTG raises to t4500, 3 folds, MP2 calls t4500, Hero calls t4500, 3 folds

    Flop: (t16500) 5 9 7 (3 players)
    UTG bets t12000, MP2 folds, Hero raises to t52500, UTG calls t37899 all in

    Turn: (t116298) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (t116298) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t116298
    UTG shows 6 6 9 9 (three of a kind, Nines)


  4. #4

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    pole küll MM event, aga kuna the bigid ainsad, mida MM kõrvale mängin, siis võitvat taktikat võib kaasgrinderitega ikka jagada:P

    Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t600/t1200 Blinds + t150 - 9 players - View hand 2453435
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    MP1: t31167 M = 9.89
    Hero (MP2): t137925 M = 43.79
    CO: t13193 M = 4.19
    BTN: t12698 M = 4.03
    SB: t37711 M = 11.97
    BB: t40491 M = 12.85
    UTG: t19285 M = 6.12
    UTG+1: t30145 M = 9.57
    UTG+2: t25647 M = 8.14

    Pre Flop: (t3150) Hero is MP2 with 2 A
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls t1200, 2 folds, Hero raises to t3600, 4 folds, UTG+1 calls t2400

    Flop: (t10350) K 3 4 (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t26400, UTG+1 calls t26395 all in

    Turn: (t63140) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (t63140) 5 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t63140
    Hero shows 2 A (a straight, Ace to Five)
    UTG+1 shows 9 K (two pair, Kings and Fours)
    Hero wins t63140
    Viimati muudetud KristjanLaas poolt : 14.03.14 at 22:36

  5. #5
    Oct 2008
    3 485

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    mm stiil...
    selle asemel et 3b ta läheb flopis bustoks

    Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds + t20 - 9 players - View hand 2454119
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (UTG+1): t6505 M = 16.06
    UTG+2: t4269 M = 10.54
    MP1: t3465 M = 8.56
    MP2: t14770 M = 36.47
    CO: t8363 M = 20.65
    BTN: t26097 M = 64.44
    SB: t4102 M = 10.13
    BB: t22177 M = 54.76
    UTG: t5706 M = 14.09

    Pre Flop: (t405) Hero is UTG+1 with Q K
    1 fold, Hero raises to t300, 3 folds, CO calls t300, 3 folds

    Flop: (t1005) J 6 K (2 players)
    Hero bets t750, CO raises to t1500, Hero raises to t6185 all in, CO calls t4685

    Turn: (t13375) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (t13375) A (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t13375
    Hero shows Q K (a pair of Kings)
    CO shows Q Q (a pair of Queens)
    Hero wins t13375

  6. #6
    Oct 2008
    3 485

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Lahedad lisaauhinnad on. Tekitas üle aastate mingi moti võita, sest punkte saab! Pluss 26 korda sunday milli võites saan ma 5mil usd ka, mille eest saab live cashi mängida paar kuud.

    Ühesõnaga ma teen vist edetabelile runi, kui pruta kodust välja ei viska vms.
    klaaspro juba alla andnud?

  7. #7

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    ei veel

  8. #8
    Auk on auk. FAKT! Kasutaja qbj0hn avatar
    Nov 2008
    7 095

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit


    Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 Pot Limit Omaha Hi Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 2454736
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t7615 95.19 BBs
    SB: t3898 48.73 BBs
    BB: t8590 107.38 BBs
    UTG: t1790 22.38 BBs
    MP: t11984 149.80 BBs
    Hero (CO): t7383 92.29 BBs

    Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is CO with 9 3 A A
    UTG raises to t280, MP calls t280, Hero raises to t1240, 2 folds, BB raises to t4320, UTG calls t1510 all in, 1 fold, Hero raises to t7383 all in, BB calls t3063

    Flop: (t16876) T T 5 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t16876) 6 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t16876) 6 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t16876
    BB shows 9 J K A (a flush, Ace high)
    UTG shows 2 7 6 A (a flush, Ten high)
    Hero shows 9 3 A A (two pair, Aces and Tens)
    BB wins t11186
    BB wins t5690

  9. #9
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja reggie avatar
    Jun 2009
    1 705

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Vizt84 on badugi ft-s ja disconnected ning lihtsalt blindib surnuks.

  10. #10
    Õpihimuline Mängur Kasutaja Ambur99 avatar
    Jan 2014

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Kahelt satikalt edasi 3-st. Hea tunne on! Ehk saab ka oma esimestest micro millionitest osa võetud, kui aeg seda lubab.

  11. #11
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t250 - 9 players - View hand 2454988
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG+2: t61289 M = 10.21
    MP1: t40710 M = 6.79
    MP2: t24250 M = 4.04
    Hero (CO): t39275 M = 6.55
    BTN: t3000 M = 0.50
    SB: t61350 M = 10.22
    BB: t4850 M = 0.81
    UTG: t124282 M = 20.71
    UTG+1: t11500 M = 1.92

    Pre Flop: (t6000) Hero is CO with A A
    3 folds, MP1 raises to t7500, 1 fold, Hero raises to t39025 all in, 1 fold, SB calls t37775, BB calls t2100 all in, 1 fold

    Flop: (t92400) 8 J T (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t92400) Q (3 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t92400) 3 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t92400
    Hero shows A A (a pair of Aces)
    SB shows A K (a straight, Ten to Ace)
    BB shows T 6 (a pair of Tens)
    SB wins t71750
    SB wins t20650

    2 minutit enne rebuy perioodi lõppu.

    Nonii break läbi, äkki nüüd holdib?

    Poker Stars $0.91+$0.09 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1250/t2500 Blinds + t250 - 9 players - View hand 2454992
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t80039 M = 13.34
    SB: t54460 M = 9.08
    BB: t47250 M = 7.88
    Hero (UTG): t47000 M = 7.83
    UTG+1: t3000 M = 0.50
    UTG+2: t155475 M = 25.91
    MP1: t33750 M = 5.62
    MP2: t133282 M = 22.21
    CO: t59250 M = 9.88

    Pre Flop: (t6000) Hero is UTG with K K
    Hero raises to t5000, UTG+1 calls t2750 all in, UTG+2 calls t5000, 5 folds, BB calls t2500

    Flop: (t21250) 8 9 Q (4 players - 1 is all in)
    BB checks, Hero bets t12555, UTG+2 calls t12555, BB raises to t42000 all in, Hero calls t29195 all in, UTG+2 calls t29445

    Turn: (t147000) 3 (4 players - 3 are all in)

    River: (t147000) A (4 players - 3 are all in)

    Final Pot: t147000
    BB shows 9 Q (two pair, Queens and Nines)
    Hero shows K K (a pair of Kings)
    UTG+1 shows 5 A (a pair of Aces)
    UTG+2 shows J K (high card Ace)
    BB wins t500
    BB wins t132000
    BB wins t14500


  12. #12
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Solid, esimene mincash.
    Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2000/t4000 Blinds + t500 - 6 players - View hand 2455148
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: t109275 M = 12.14
    SB: t18216 M = 2.02
    BB: t22020 M = 2.45
    UTG: t80812 M = 8.98
    MP: t40470 M = 4.50
    Hero (CO): t65829 M = 7.31

    Pre Flop: (t9000) Hero is CO with A Q
    UTG raises to t80312 all in, MP calls t39970 all in, Hero calls t65329 all in, 3 folds

    Flop: (t179628) 3 2 8 (3 players - 3 are all in)

    Turn: (t179628) 3 (3 players - 3 are all in)

    River: (t179628) 5 (3 players - 3 are all in)

    Final Pot: t179628
    UTG shows 2 2 (a full house, Deuces full of Threes)
    MP shows A 5 (two pair, Fives and Threes)
    Hero shows A Q (a pair of Threes)
    UTG wins t50718
    UTG wins t128910

  13. #13
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit


    Poker Stars $4.10+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t4000/t8000 Blinds + t1000 - 6 players - View hand 2455906
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    CO: t269104 M = 14.95
    BTN: t827361 M = 45.96
    SB: t106190 M = 5.90
    BB: t74829 M = 4.16
    Hero (UTG): t188915 M = 10.50
    MP: t127190 M = 7.07

    Pre Flop: (t18000) Hero is UTG with A A
    Hero raises to t16000, 1 fold, CO raises to t66000, 3 folds, Hero raises to t187915 all in, CO calls t121915

    Flop: (t393830) 3 8 J (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: (t393830) 7 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (t393830) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t393830
    CO shows 8 8 (three of a kind, Eights)
    Hero shows A A (a pair of Aces)
    CO wins t393830
    Viimati muudetud Rigged poolt : 17.03.14 at 20:25

  14. #14
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    Eesti donk CL, ilmselt võidab ära

    Utg avab 7bb 3x, eestlane flat sb AJo donkab 932 boardi 300k kui vastasel 450k stack.
    q8s vs kqs tõmbab str flushi.
    19bb stack avab, eesti hero 3b 2,5x a8o bb shoveb oma 740k nii et raising capped, 19bb vend flat, open raiser flopil cbet pool potti (1,26m) jätab 785k taha shoveb q turni, eesti poiss snapp...river a
    Btn 19bb stack avab, eesti hero min 3b aqo btn flat, k7jhh boardil c/c 2,5M shove 1,5 potti ja holdib nutfd vastu (Y)
    /Utg open shove 25bb effective (Y)
    /B v b 19bb AK vs a9 hold
    /Btn vs bb ak vs aq 8,3M pot (Y)
    /8bb stacki vastu btn avab t3o 4x timebank callib shove ja river T(k9 vastu)
    /Vahetas teise stackiga kohad, soliidne overbet river jam missed strdrawga
    /13 alles, kutil oli 25%+ chippidest ja teise CL vastu flattis j8oga 3b ja 8 high boardil stackis ära.....tubli poiss

    11 koht....eepiline kuidas saab niimoodi asja perse keerata...
    Viimati muudetud Rigged poolt : 17.03.14 at 22:13

  15. #15

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    MM event 40

  16. #16

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    rünts siis eestlane'

    Poker Stars $4.10+$1.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250000/t500000 Blinds + t62500 - 5 players - View hand 2455995
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    rynts25 (CO): t23208611 M = 21.84
    PIMP5783 (BTN): t2144652 M = 2.02
    Natalia-tar (SB): t21709123 M = 20.43
    hamsterutz (BB): t8520350 M = 8.02
    Jonas206 (UTG): t5937347 M = 5.59

    Pre Flop: (t1062500)
    1 fold, rynts25 raises to t2062500, 1 fold, Natalia-tar raises to t5789682, 1 fold, rynts25 calls t3727182

    Flop: (t12391864) 5 2 8 (2 players)
    Natalia-tar bets t8500000, rynts25 raises to t17000000, Natalia-tar calls t7356941 all in

    Turn: (t44105746) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: (t44105746) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t44105746
    rynts25 shows J 8 (a pair of Eights)
    Natalia-tar shows A A (a straight, Ace to Five)
    Natalia-tar wins t44105746

  17. #17

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    see oli tõesti üks haigemaid godmode/blowup runne, mida üldse näinud olen...

  18. #18

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    mis turniir? ID?

  19. #19

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    ok, 040, 6max

  20. #20
    Sep 2010
    1 617

    Re: MicroMillions VII niit

    lol, eestlane 30 KOd pannud

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