ty. Kas stack size, betsize ja potsize fonte saab saab kuidagi suuremaks teha?

u need to find the <playerInfos> tag and change the stacksize font size for each seat (0 to 9) seperate.

there are only predefined values for font size, which also can be changed, but i would not recommend it since it might mess up the lobby, tour/sng lobbies etc.

so here are values u can test:

for the other ones u will have to look for the <userChipPiles> tag and use the same values stated above.
<pots> tag is right below that one.

all those tags are in the xml twice, once for the avatar table and once for the no avatar table.

Sellise juhendi leidsin, aga kus kohas ja mis fail see on, mida muutma peab?

Hemiga on ikka see probleem, et ainult default hud on ja muuta ei saa seda kuidagi, kas sellele oskab keegi mingit põhjust leida?