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  1. #1
    PokkeriProde Uudiste Postitaja Kasutaja Toimetaja avatar
    Nov 2012

    Esmaspäeval jagati Unibetis 100 miljones käsi, mille võitja teenis 16 000 eurot

    24. novembril alanud ning 8. detsembril haripunkti saavutanud Unibeti 100 miljoni käe kampaania õnnelik võitja teenis 16 000 eurot, teised käes olnud mängijad vahemikus 200 kuni 375 eurot.

    Juubelikäsi sattus €0,02/€0,04 panustega NL Hold'em lauda. Võitjaks osutus Saksamaalt pärit mängija, kellele see oli ühtlasi suurim pokkerist saadud võit.

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  2. #2
    PokkeriProde Uudiste Postitaja Kasutaja Toimetaja avatar
    Nov 2012

    Re: Esmaspäeval jagati Unibetis 100 miljones käsi, mille võitja teenis 16 000 eurot

    Intervjuu võitjaga

    The 100 millionth hand represents a major milestone in the young history of the new Unibet Poker software - how does it feel to now become a part of this great event?

    Of course I am very pleased to be the winner of the 100 millionth hand and I believe and hope that it’s the beginning of many more great milestones in the development of the new Unibet Poker.

    I think the launch of the new site has been done very well!

    How long have you been playing poker for at Unibet?

    The previous Microgaming software had never really appealed to me, and so I had refrained from playing poker at Unibet until earlier this year. I knew of Unibet for many years but it was the new poker software which brought me to the site.

    I become aware of the new poker client a few weeks after it was launched and wanted to try it out straight away. I was really surprised about the new path Unibet had embarked on, and think that it is exactly what the online poker market needs: an innovative approach towards online poker and I think Unibet does it really well with the monthly missions and promotions. For casual players like me Unibet Poker is offering a refreshing alternative to other sites and I hope they continue to grow!

    I was also able to qualify in May this year on the new Unibet Poker client for the Unibet Open in Tallinn. Despite many years of experience in online poker this was my first ever live poker event.

    Is this your biggest poker score so far?

    Yes, the profit of €16,000 from the Milestone Hands promotion is actually the largest I have achieved in online poker so far. Over the last 10 years there were some high 4-digit tournament winnings but never a result this big.

    What games do you normally play?

    I prefer playing Sit and Go and MTTs, simply because they are my best games. If I get lost in online cash game tables it’s usually because there is a promotion such as the 100 millionth hand or because it’s part of a Unibet monthly mission.

    Can you describe the feeling as the 100 millionth hand was dealt and played out? What went through your mind when you realized that you had won this hand?

    I had about 16 tables open at the time to try to increase my chances, but this of course also meant that I did not immediately see that I had been dealt into the 100 millionth hand. I first realised when the table appeared and it was my turn to act. I was very surprised and thought "is it possible" but didn’t have a lot more time to think because I was then all-in.

    When the flop of 3c Qc Qd was dealt I was aware that with Qs6s I was in front, but I also saw the player to my right had AcJc and was drawing to the nut flush. In this situation I would often expect my opponent to hit their flush. After the 9s was dealt on the turn, there was a small delay (about 2 seconds) in which I again had time to think about the possibility of my opponent hitting the flush on the river. That was fortunately not the case and I could be happy about having won the hand!

    After the hand I had to check the payout table to see how much I had won with my three Queens – I thought I had won €10,000 but as I saw the prize was actually €15,000 for three of a kind, the joy of winning the hand got a bit bigger!

    Do you have any plans for what you want to do with the prize money? Your table alias is VegasBaby85 - maybe you’re planning a trip to Vegas?

    A trip to Vegas will probably not happen for now - I think that would be €16,000 not very well invested! Of course, like many recreational poker players, I dream someday to play the Main Event or a Side Event at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, but I don’t think it would be very good bankroll management to do that now.

    I will try to invest the majority of the money wisely but I will use a small part to try again to qualify for a Unibet Open package next year. I'm also going to get a new TV and Pay TV connection to watch the Premier League and Europa League matches, so that I can follow my favourite club Borussia Mönchengladbach live. Since Christmas is just around the corner, Christmas gifts for my family will also be a bit larger than usual!

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