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NL Texas Hold'em €0.05/€0.10
Poker Stars - 6 players

UTG - Player4 (€19.38) - VPIP: 22, PFR: 18, 3B: 5, AF: 3.0, Hands: 111
MP - Player5 (€10.25) - VPIP: 16, PFR: 10, 3B: 5, AF: 3.7, Hands: 154
CO - Player6 (€7.64) - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 6, AF: 4.0, Hands: 135
BTN - Hero (€13.71) - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 9, AF: 3.1, Hands: 2693
SB - Player2 (€12.72) - VPIP: 32, PFR: 27, 3B: 13, AF: 0.0, Hands: 22
BB - Player3 (€13.38) - VPIP: 7, PFR: 5, 3B: 0, AF: 0.0, Hands: 58

Preflop: (€0.15, 6 players) Hero is BTN with A J
1 fold, Player5 raises €0.30, 1 fold, Hero calls €0.30, Player2 calls €0.25, 1 fold

Flop: 2 J 3 (€1, 3 players)
Player2 checks, Player5 checks, Hero bets €0.94, Player2 folds, Player5 raises €3.20, Hero raises €12.47, Player5 folds

Total Pot : €17.61

Hero wins €10.21 from pot
Hero wins €6.92 from main pot

pre call pole vist kuidagi õigustatud.
Alates flopist kuni riverini ma ei tea mis liini võtta.
Riveril tegin tegelt calli, kogemata aga foldisin/ enam ei kasuta hotkeysid :)

NL Texas Hold'em €0.05/€0.10
Poker Stars - 6 players

UTG - Player4 (€6.45) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 15, 3B: 3, AF: 1.4, Hands: 98
MP - Player5 (€6.42) - VPIP: 14, PFR: 8, 3B: 2, AF: 1.5, Hands: 173
CO - Player6 (€3.60) - VPIP: 6, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: 0.0, Hands: 18
BTN - Hero (€10.56) - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 9, AF: 3.1, Hands: 2693
SB - Player2 (€24.91) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 15, 3B: 4, AF: 13.0, Hands: 144
BB - Player3 (€15.17) - VPIP: 22, PFR: 18, 3B: 5, AF: 3.0, Hands: 111

Preflop: (€0.15, 6 players) Hero is BTN with 6 6
Player4 raises €0.20, Player5 calls €0.20, 1 fold, Hero calls €0.20, Player2 raises €1.15, 3 folds, Hero calls €1.00

Flop: 6 4 3 (€2.9, 2 players)
Player2 bets €1.70, Hero calls €1.70

Turn: 7 (€6.3, 2 players)
Player2 bets €2.35, Hero calls €2.35

River: 2 (€11, 2 players)
Player2 bets €6.80, 1 fold

Total Pot : €17.8

Player2 wins €6.80 from pot
Player2 wins €10.28 from main pot