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Teema: 6-max cash


  1. #11

    Re: 6-max cash

    Hand Information
    PokerStars No Limit, 2 BB (6 handed).
    Hand History converter courtesy of

    Table Information
    Seat: 1 Player 1 ($92.2) Dealer
    Seat: 2 Player 2 ($233.1) Small Blind
    Seat: 3 Player 3 ($307) Big Blind
    Seat: 4 Hero ($200)
    Seat: 5 Player 5 ($233)
    Seat: 6 Player 6 ($423.2)
    Dealt to Hero

    Preflop (Pot:3)
    Hero****RAISE $6
    Player 5****FOLD
    Player 6****CALL $6
    Player 1****FOLD
    Player 2****FOLD
    Player 3****FOLD

    Flop(Pot: $15)

    Hero****BET $10
    Player 6****CALL $10

    Turn(Pot: $35)

    Hero****BET $44
    Player 6****CALL $44

    River(Pot: $123)

    Player 6****CALL $140
    Hero SHOWS
    Player 6 SHOWS
    Player 6**wins the pot: $123

    Wtf lol!?
    Viimati muudetud SimbaM poolt : 07.04.18 at 21:50

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