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Näidatakse tulemusi 1 kuni 20, kokku 74

Teema: 6-max cash


  1. #40

    Re: 6-max cash

    Kuu suurim võidetud pot:
    Hand Information
    , 2 BB (5 handed).
    Hand History converter courtesy of

    Table Information
    Seat: 1 Hero ($397.85) Small Blind
    Seat: 3 Player 3 ($144.93) Big Blind
    Seat: 6 Player 6 ($85.31)
    Seat: 8 Player 8 ($211.8)
    Seat: 10 Player 10 ($381.7) Dealer
    Dealt to Hero

    Preflop (Pot:3)
    Player 6 CALL $2
    Player 8 CALL $2
    Player 10 CALL $2
    Hero RAISE $15
    Player 3 FOLD
    Player 6 FOLD
    Player 8 FOLD
    Player 10 CALL $12

    Flop(Pot: $36)

    Hero BET $16
    Player 10 RAISE $68
    Hero CALL $52

    Turn(Pot: $172)

    Hero CHECK
    Player 10 ALL-IN
    Hero CALL $299.7
    Hero RETURN $1

    River(Pot: $771.4)

    Hero SHOWS

    Player 10 SHOWS

    Hero wins the pot: $771.4

    Kuu suurim kaotatud pot: AK vs AA PF AI for 150BBs.

    Üldine jooks oli suht mannetu, aga homme esimene 500 shot.

    E: kõrvale madalama sisseostuga turnasid ka tegema hakanud. Neis jooks päris korralik olnud (ja hea no brainer field ka)
    Viimati muudetud SimbaM poolt : 31.01.19 at 22:37

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