** Hand # 2657152044 starting - 2009-06-11 20:28:51
** Poker battle: Rus - Est[2999311]:Table 6 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 NL - MTT) Real Money

minm sitting in seat 1 with 3655.00
GMRonley sitting in seat 2 with 1270.00
opether sitting in seat 3 with 7235.00
Zigiccpnz sitting in seat 4 with 3640.00
ranka666 sitting in seat 5 with 3250.00
kristjanp sitting in seat 6 with 1685.00
clevmindUB sitting in seat 7 with 1185.00[Dealer]
kups147 sitting in seat 8 with 5255.00
jep18 sitting in seat 9 with 1060.00
kups147 posted the small blind - 25.00
jep18 posted the big blind - 50.00

** Dealing cards to ranka666: 3c, 6h
minm folded
GMRonley folded
opether raised to 150.00
Zigiccpnz folded
ranka666 called - 150.00
kristjanp folded
clevmindUB folded
kups147 folded
jep18 folded

** Dealing the flop: 7d, Jc, 7c
opether bet - 250.00
ranka666 called - 250.00

** Dealing the turn: 2h
opether checked
ranka666 bet - 500.00
opether called - 500.00

** Dealing the river: 10s
opether checked
ranka666 went all-in - 2350.00
opether called - 2350.00
opether shows: Ac, As
opether wins 6575.00 from the main pot

Rake: 0.00