Tsitaat Algselt postitas TIGRANO
Nii esimene script olemas, seekord ostsin selle ;D


Muud kasu pole, kui vahetab laua ise aga seda kõike aeglaselt, sest mõeldud ka kehvemate arvutite jaoks. Kaardid on ilusad, diiler button ka suurem ning hea must taust, lisaks on paremini välja toodud need action nupud.

Edit: küsisin ühtteist lisa ja sain vastuseks:

Hi Siim,
I'm glad that everything worked out!
As for other scripts, we're right now very actively working on this and plan to provide at lease the following scripts very soon:
- automatic 'mini tables' function;
- automatic closure of the chat panel;
- fix for the tables so that all buttons would be fully available even when the table is in mini-mode.
After those three patches are provided, we can work further on making customized upgrades but right now all our efforts unfortunately go into working on the abovementioned hacks.

I will make sure that we will inform you as soon as we have anything new launch!

Many thanks,
Ostsin ja proovisin selle ka ise ära.

Tigranoga igati nõus - laud on mõnus, kaardid ka mini-suuruses laual 1600x1200 resoga loetavad, diilerinupp hea suur, käima panna lihtne (ei pea iga kord faili üle copyma). Närvidele käib ka mulle ca. minutine ooteaeg iga kord, kui RedKings käima panna, kuid ehk teevad tulevikus paremaks - lubati mulle käsi südamel pidevaid uuendusi :)

Ja "auto-mini-table't" ootan huviga ...