Neil jagamise reeglid olemas katkestamise puhul:

Ja teine starsi kiri:
Dear PokerStars Player,

You are receiving this mail because you participated in Tournament
#169968151, the "Sunday 1/4 Million", which began on June 14th at 15:30

Due to an error with the tournament, 81 players who registered for the
tournament were not able to play, though the system considered them -
internally - as still part of the tournament. Once the problem was
discovered, we paused the tournament while we investigated the error and
decided what to do about it.

Initially, we decided that we would continue the tournament on June
However, some players objected to this resolution as June 21 is Father's
Day in many countries. As a result, we have reconsidered and decided
to roll this tournament forward, cancelling further play and awarding
prizes based on chip counts, using the formula 'Roll Forward (players in
the money)' found on our Tournament Cancellation Policy webpage:

The following actions are being undertaken to resolve the issue(s) with

1. Refund the $11 buy-in to the 81 players who entered but were unable
to play
2. Adjust the prizes for all players whose finishing position was
incorrect, and should have received more money as a result
3. Roll the tournament forward for the 175 players remaining when the
tournament was paused

You will be part of the Roll Forward resolution for the remaining
The payments for the Roll Forward will be made as soon as possible.

We would like to thank our players for their patience while we worked to
resolve this matter, and again apologize for any inconvenience caused.

All the best,

Bryan S.
Tournaments Team Leader
PokerStars Poker Room Management

Selle lahenduse üle ei oskagi mingit kindlat seisukohta võtta. Ühest küljest kulus see summa praegu täpselt downswingi katteks ära. Oleks praegu bankroll natuke suurem siis oleks pettunud, sest turnat tahaks ikka võidu peale mängida