Tsitaat Algselt postitas -andres-
Proovisin, alguses isegi töötas, aga mingil hetkel hakkas mu betsizerit allini lükkama lambist.

Peale selle on seal see "väike" puudus, et XPga ei saa mängida, sest timebank ei tööta:
(kui keegi on katsetanud Vistaga (aero) NinjaFTd, siis võiks teada anda, tundub, et peaks Vistale üle minema siis)

Stacking Cascading and Overlapping Instructions

If you stack, cascade or overlap, we STRONGLY recommend that you use Windows Vista® or Windows 7® with an Aero theme (usually the default theme). The "Glassy" Aero effects allow TableNinjaFT to read background tables. This allows TableNinjaFT to identify time banks on non-foreground tables, detect when its your turn, etc.

If you decide to stack, cascade or overlap in Windows XP or in Windows Vista/7 with the "Windows Classic" or "Basic" theme unfortunately it is technological infeasible for us to automatically click time banks on your background tables with the new Full Title software. Tiling your tables or playing with "NoOverlap" should work fine on any operating system.