Vb ei sobikski siia teemasse, aga selle calli tegi hea, võitev regular.
KingKongDonk >> nh
KingKongDonk >> im stupid lol
estbiker >> why did u do that
KingKongDonk >> you did it so fast
estbiker >> lol
estbiker >> board was so scary
KingKongDonk >> oh well, I learned that I shouldnt do that anymore lol
Cassava Poker $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

UTG: $20.00
MP: $20.30
CO: $32.83
BTN: $27.68
Hero (SB): $38.25
BB: $20.30

Pre Flop: ($0.30) Hero is SB with 4 4
UTG calls $0.20, MP raises to $1.20, CO calls $1.20, 1 fold, Hero calls $1.10, 1 fold, UTG calls $1

Flop: ($5.00) 4 5 6 (4 players)
Hero bets $37.05, UTG folds, MP folds, CO calls $31.63 all in

Turn: ($68.26) 5 (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($68.26) K (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $68.26
CO shows 6 8
Hero shows 4 4
Hero wins $59.43
(Rake: $8.83)