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Full Tilt Pot-Limit Omaha hi/lo Tournament, 20/40 Blinds (9 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com

saw flop | saw showdown

UTG+1 (t1170)
Hero (MP1) (t1440)
MP2 (t1455)
MP3 (t2250)
CO (t2250)
Button (t1410)
SB (t1590)
BB (t1763)
UTG (t1590)

Hero's M: 24.00

Preflop: Hero is MP1 with A, 4, J, J
UTG calls t40, UTG+1 calls t40, Hero bets t220, 5 folds, BB calls t180, UTG calls t180, 1 fold

Flop: (t720) 10, J, 5 (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets t720, BB calls t720, 1 fold

Turn: (t2160) Q (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t500 (All-In), BB calls t500

River: (t3160) A (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: t3160

BB had 7, K, K, K (one pair, Kings).
Hero had A, 4, J, J (three of a kind, Jacks).
Outcome: Hero won t3160

rohvel, miniftopsi sateliit
aga tal oli ju rida :D hahaha..