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Poker Stars $3/$6 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 357708
The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

justforfunds (CO): $628.30
Hero (BTN): $606.00
D_ReKK13 (SB): $859.15
Jeza G (BB): $630.50
plyboy_binny (UTG): $804.00
jmoney10587 (UTG+1): $600.00
skykong558 (MP): $547.85

Pre Flop: ($9.00) Hero is BTN with J A
4 folds, Hero raises to $18, 1 fold, Jeza G raises to $54, Hero calls $36

Flop: ($111.00) J 7 5 (2 players)
Jeza G bets $64, Hero calls $64

Turn: ($239.00) 2 (2 players)
Jeza G bets $142, Hero calls $142

River: ($523.00) 9 (2 players)
Jeza G bets $370.50 all in, Hero calls $346 all in
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tra ma vist donk, mul oleks AJ niiiii muckis olnud :D